The official SINGLES SEEKING SINGLES dating thread- PROFILES ONLY!!!


There's a "Jerzee Meet" next' a thread under the DIS Unplugged section.... :goodvibes
thought I'd give it a shot too!

First Name: Peggie

Location: Maryland

Age: 33

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Green

Body Type: Average-ish?

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Administrative; also PT student

Do you have any kids: Yes, 2 daughters

Do you have any pets: No

Favorite activities: Disney, of course...on my off-Disney time, I like reading, TV/movies, spending time with my kids.

Favorite movie: Disney? Aladdin & Beauty & the Beast, Oh, and Lion King....who am I kidding - I have TONS of favorites!

Favorite color(s): Pink (I'm a girl what can I say?)

Favorite Disney character(s): Stitch, Belle, Goofy

A little bit about yourself: I'm pretty quiet, at least at first. I'm 'thisclose' to getting my AA degree finally, and will be working towards my bachelors. Going to Disney with my girls in December as a graduation celebration, and a break between semesters!

A little bit about your ideal match: Someone who is honest, can treat me with respect, fun-loving, likes kids and understands my busy schedule!
First Name: Michelle (and no I didn't go to band camp)

Location: Eastern Canada

Age: 28

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Green

Body Type: Slim

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Government

Do you have any kids: No, but hopefully one day so I can bring them to Disney

Do you have any pets: A cat (Billy)

Favorite activities: Swimming, going to the beach, camping, dancing, hanging out with friends, skiing, reading.

Favorite movie: Oh god, how can I pick just one...probably the Notebook. I know, I'm a sap.

Favorite color(s): Green

Favorite Disney character(s): Ariel

A little bit about yourself: Well I'm newly single. I just got out of a 9 year relationship and I'm ready to start meeting some new people. I discovered my love for Disney when my ex and I went on a trip last year. Hopefully I'll find someone to go with me this year as I would love to go again. I'm really silly and fun. At least, I think I am.

A little bit about your ideal match: A guy....with good teeth. I'm not shallow, I just have a thing about teeth. Other than that my standards aren't that high. Preferably employed and not a crazy person. I tend to like nerdy boys, as I'm kind of a nerd too. Oh and he has to like Disney of course.
First Name: Michelle (and no I didn't go to band camp)

Location: Eastern Canada

Age: 28

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Green

Body Type: Slim

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Government

Do you have any kids: No, but hopefully one day so I can bring them to Disney

Do you have any pets: A cat (Billy)

Favorite activities: Swimming, going to the beach, camping, dancing, hanging out with friends, skiing, reading.

Favorite movie: Oh god, how can I pick just one...probably the Notebook. I know, I'm a sap.

Favorite color(s): Green

Favorite Disney character(s): Ariel

A little bit about yourself: Well I'm newly single. I just got out of a 9 year relationship and I'm ready to start meeting some new people. I discovered my love for Disney when my ex and I went on a trip last year. Hopefully I'll find someone to go with me this year as I would love to go again. I'm really silly and fun. At least, I think I am.

A little bit about your ideal match: A guy....with good teeth. I'm not shallow, I just have a thing about teeth. Other than that my standards aren't that high. Preferably employed and not a crazy person. I tend to like nerdy boys, as I'm kind of a nerd too. Oh and he has to like Disney of course.

Hello and welcome to the site :cool1:
First Name: Kristi

Location: Massachusetts

Age: 34


Hair/Eye Color:Auburn/Blue

Body Type:BBW aka "Pooh Sized" pooh:

Ethnicity: American

Occupation:Professional Mommy

Do you have any kids:2 beautiful girls

Do you have any pets:I have a Cavalier who is my little baby boy and a hamster who is my lil buddy!!!.

Favorite activities: Disney vacation planning (of course!!!), boardgames, movies, spending time with family and friends, baking, long drives with no destination in mind, zoo, amusement parks, apple picking, the Drive-in...this list could go on and on...

Favorite movie:Don't have just one Fav...but high on the list is The Princess Bride

Favorite color(s):Purple, Midnight Blue and Green

Favorite Disney character(s): Flynn

A little bit about yourself: I'm a happily single Mom who loves life. I live it one day at a time and try to enjoy every moment I'm given. I'm silly and love to laugh and love making others laugh. I can be corny and sarcastic (but not mean or hurtful). I'm caring, generous, honest, a bit of a procrastinator, easily distracted, and love unconditionally. I'm nonjudgmental and very open minded. I'm not perfect and I don't try to be. I'm a polished (makeup and styled hair) T-shirt and jeans kinda gal. High heels, designer purses and manicured nails are not me. I'd much rather save that money for a trip to Disney!!!

A little bit about your ideal match: I just want to be with someone who is open minded, happy, honest, respectful, loves kids and isn't looking for perfection. A man who knows that a relationship requires hard work and compromise to be successful. I'm just looking for a GENUINE "Nice Guy". :love:
I'm bad, I lurk around these boards but never post. I figured I should start somewhere...

First Name: Heather

Location: Northern VA

Age: 25

Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Boring Brown x 2

Body Type: Curvy

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Rocket Scientist

Do you have any kids: Nope

Do you have any pets: Yup, Italian Greyhound & Greyhound

Favorite activities: Running, playing music, cooking & photography

Favorite movie: Oh gosh...Disney movie-Little Mermaid. Non-Disney movie-Monty Python & the Holy Grail

Favorite color(s): GREEN! :)

Favorite Disney character(s): POOH!

A little bit about yourself: I LOVE Disney. I think that explains it. :rotfl: But, let's see...I enjoy trying new things and expanding my horizons. I LOVE to cook! :love:

A little bit about your ideal match: I've never really had a type. My one 'requirement' is someone who is well educated.
I'm bad, I lurk around these boards but never post. I figured I should start somewhere...

First Name: Heather

Location: Northern VA

Age: 25

Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Boring Brown x 2

Body Type: Curvy

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Rocket Scientist

Do you have any kids: Nope

Do you have any pets: Yup, Italian Greyhound & Greyhound

Favorite activities: Running, playing music, cooking & photography

Favorite movie: Oh gosh...Disney movie-Little Mermaid. Non-Disney movie-Monty Python & the Holy Grail

Favorite color(s): GREEN! :)

Favorite Disney character(s): POOH!

A little bit about yourself: I LOVE Disney. I think that explains it. :rotfl: But, let's see...I enjoy trying new things and expanding my horizons. I LOVE to cook! :love:

A little bit about your ideal match: I've never really had a type. My one 'requirement' is someone who is well educated.

Hello and welcome to the thread
First Name: Adam

Location: San Jose, CA

Age: 31

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Brown

Body Type: A few extra pounds, but I carry my weight well (I'm 6 feet tall)

Ethnicity: Hispanic, look like I'm white.

Occupation: Data Entry (general office work)

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: No, but I want a dog.

Favorite activities: Playing MMORPG's, reading, biking, tennis and going
to Disneyland (of course).

Favorite movie: Non-Disney - Let the Right One In / Disney - Wall-E

Favorite color(s): Purple

Favorite Disney character(s): Jack Skellington

A little bit about yourself: I think I'm a pretty cool, nice guy. I'm shy at first but once you get to know me I'm very talkative.
I'm a new Disney fanatic but I'm no less passionate than someone who has been at it for a longtime.
I am a simple person that would be happy with a life of work and Disneyland theme parks/cruises/adventures.

A little bit about your ideal match: I just want to meet a a nice person who I can share my Disney experiences with (age isn't important to me).

PS: Sorry I didn't post a picture, PM/Email me and I'll send you one.
First Name: Kim

Location: Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, British West Indies

Age: 26

Sex: female

Hair/Eye Color: blonde/ hazel,blue,green

Body Type: slim, athletic

Ethnicity: white

Occupation: self-employed, web work and venture capitalism

Do you have any kids: no

Do you have any pets: no, love dogs, allergic to cats

Favorite activities: SCUBA, traveling, sailing, kitesurfing, skiing (water and snow)

Favorite movie: Non-Disney - Schindler's List / Disney - Toy Story, Sleeping Beauty

Favorite color(s): Yellow

Favorite Disney character(s): Buzz Lightyear, Maleficent

A little bit about yourself: Don't really know what to type here. I'm an adrenaline junkie who also enjoys a little bit slower pace every now and then. I date a bit, but haven't had anything too serious in the past few years. Any man who dates me has to put up with my fierce independence, and sometimes, stubborness. It can be hard to break the shell that I put up, but I'm a very genuine and caring woman.

A little bit about your ideal match: I don't know. I don't really have any set prerequisites, but having things in common is definitely a start. Someone into living their life through himself rather than vicariously through others is a big benefit.
First Name: Adam

Location: San Jose, CA



Used to live in San Jose by Sierra Vista Ct... behind Jack in the box... shoot bringing back old memories... and worked part time(summer jobs) at Fairmont hotel!!!

First Name: Kim

Location: Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, British West Indies

Anybody interested to do a "Disney Theme Exchange" ???
( Hi Moderator.. if this pan out I promise to start the thread on the Exchange board :) )

Nothing expensive... maybe a limit of $5( or more if you want to add any extra) plus shipping and handling... if you had join the exchange board you would know what I am talking about but if not...

well I guess it goes like this... we see how many are interested to join... and when we get the names "i" unless someone want to volunteer to start the exchange... will PM you on who will you be sending that $5 themed gifts...

the peeps who are interested well I guess they have to just have to answer a few key points so whoever got you will have an idea on what stuff to get or character to look for...

just for fun... again bear in mind in this game you will have to include your mailing address.. so to those who are leary well it is understandable....
Any single Disney ladies from Mississippi here?

Used to live in San Jose by Sierra Vista Ct... behind Jack in the box... shoot bringing back old memories... and worked part time(summer jobs) at Fairmont hotel!!!



Yeah, I'm not a big fan of San Jose, I want to move to the LA area to be closer to Disneyland ;-)

Anyone else on here live in the Bay Area?
my dad got my boy a little everton kit which is cute but he also has a spurs kits and a brighton kit haha poor confused child. 2 grandads and a dad forcing football on him :laughing: although he is a good little player already i have high hopes for him .. i wont be a WAG ill be a MAG (Mums and girlfriends) lol

The poor kid has a Spurs kit? Maybe if you burn it before he touches it he'll still have a chance in life :P

I always felt like I was born in the wrong country, too, just in the opposite direction. I really should have been born English.
Hello all! I just found this thread.

First Name: Angela

Location: Ypsilanti, MI

Age: 42

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Brown

Body Type: Curvalicious!

Ethnicity: African American

Occupation: Manager

Do you have any kids: Yes (ages 21 and 16)

Do you have any pets: No

Favorite activities: Traveling (especially to WDW and DLR), reading, cooking, going to movies and concerts

Favorite movie: Right now it's Toys Story 3 - great movie!!

Favorite color(s): Black and red

Favorite Disney character(s): Mickey Mouse

A little bit about yourself: I am funny and outgoing. I love to laugh and have a good time. I am currently pursuing my Master's in Hotel and Restaurant Management. I would love to move to FL and work for Disney.

A little bit about your ideal match: Looking for someone who likes to have a good time and shares my love of all things Disney!

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