The not so live version of dining w/ Disers, in Castles & on Safari! The Wrap! 2/26

Ha, ha! One of my sisters often has leftover pie for breakfast so your oatmeal raisin cookie makes perfect sense to me. ;)

I am amazed to learn that was your first Dole Whip! I'm glad it did not disappoint. Yes, they are especially good during hot weather. I'll probably have one with my lunch the last Sunday of February. That is our check in day and although we will be staying at POFQ we will have a rental car to return to the care car center by 3 pm so I'm planning on lunch at Captain Cooks at the Poly. We only need a light lunch that day but I'm saving room for a Dole Whip from the self serve machine (I hope it still is set up that way.) Dinner will be at The Flying Fish Cafe, one of our favorite WDW restaurants (except for the noise level).

Em's burger art is adorable and that sundae looks scrumptious!
I discovered the coffee float at sunshine terrace in November. It was the first time I had one and I am a big dole whip fan, but now I will need to make room for both on our next trip!
Brenda- eating an oatmeal cookie for breakfast is the same thing as eating oatmeal for breakfast in my mind:)
Hi Brenda! How did I fall so behind again? I don’t understand how people keep up with the DIS. I’m always behind!

I was interested to read what you thought about the school (skool??? I have no idea...) bread. Even before I had to give up gluten, I was never interested in this DIS fave. It just didn’t look good to me, but I don’t like custardy stuff. :laughing: I am ALWAYS going to choose a margarita over anything custard. :laughing:

As for Tony’s, how cool that Mark Anthony stopped by. I would LOVE that creme brulee - pistachio is one of my fave flavors.

I can totally get behind a cookie for breakfast! Good call!

I can’t believe you had never had a Dole Whip before! And even more amazing, neither have I!!! :scared1: :laughing: I’m glad you loved it. It’s another one that I’m kind of afraid will not live up to the DIS hype. I guess I just need to give it a try. Don’t these exist at DLR too??? We will be there again in July/August…..

B&C always seems like such a fun option. One day…..
Brenda I still can't believe that was your first dole whip :rotfl2: I looove them at DL and always get one to take in the tiki room. I am lucky the Orange Leaf yogurt shop by my house has them, so I can have a touch of Disney at home every once in awhile. I am so glad you liked it, and what I love about them are they have no fat and not a lot of sugar!!
An oatmeal cookie makes TOTAL sense in my book!! :3dglasses Too bad about Em's cinnamon roll -- those things look quite indulgent!

Dole whips are the best! Glad you enjoyed it!

We never made it to B&C during our last visit...I guess with a 2yo, having to wait wasn't too desirable. :rolleyes1 But, those burgers look amazing!
Hi Brenda,

I'm just getting caught up on trip reports after our recent trip to WDW and the huge pile of work that was waiting for me when we returned. Like you, we managed to get a few "must do's" checked off our list. We had the cheese fondue and edamame at the Territory Lounge. DH loved the fondue and I devoured the edamame. Who would have thought that soy beans could taste so good. ;)

We had lunch at Tony's on our arrival day on our recent trip, our first time eating at this restaurant. Maybe it was the fact that we had been awake since 3:15am and were starving by lunch time, but I loved the cannelloni and ate every bit off it, except for the bite DH had. The flat bread thing was totally tasteless. DH said the spaghetti okay. I would eat there again.

We found the Writer's Stop and I pointed out the carrot cake cookie to DH. He loves carrot cake, but wasn't interested in trying the cookie. I looked for a copy of your friend Dean's book, but they didn't have any on the shelves. We were there on Jan 26th, and I knew it had been released by then. There were plenty of other books about Disney related topics, but not his. :confused3
Yeah, if there's too much cinnamon, you gotta give a lot of frosting. :) If there's oatmeal, it's healthy. Bonus points if there are raisins because they are fruit! :)

I'm so glad you tried a dole whip and loved it!! They are just so good & refreshing to skip. Sitting in the shade by the Swiss family tree & eating a dole whip is perfection on a hot day.

B&C looked yummy. I'm a sucker for a good wdw hamburger. Sorry about your grilled cheese & fries. Bummer. Hopefully it was just an off day.
Can't go wrong with cookies!! I'm not a fan of Disney Cinnamon Rolls. I had one at DL that was huge but COLD! Turned me off trying another one. I like my cinnamon rolls to be nice and warm and gooey!

B&C always looks good! We've never been there though... The whole needing to cancel the day before is really going to mess with impromptu dining changes.
Cookies for breakfast is definitely fine as you're on holiday :) I think I'd have gone for the healthy chocolate version though :rotfl:

We somehow didn't get a Dole Whip (we always pronounced it doll-ay till some American friends laughed at us :rotfl2: ) last trip but it's definitely on this years snack list but the all pineapple version!

Glad you managed to enjoy your B&C meal after all!
I love Disney's oatmeal cookies! Excellent breakfast choice. ;)
Ahh, that's too bad that your Beaches and Cream meal wasn't that great! The burger does look really good, though.
Loved the chocolate mousse. LOL
Never had an avocado margarita but I might try it.
I love Tony’s. I always get the chicken parm.
That cinnamon roll is so big. I had to split it last time with Vinny’s granddaughter.
Yum! Dole Whip = deliciousness. I just found the recipe to make at home.
That grilled cheese is good, sorry you had one not so good.
The sundae looks good.
I am so enjoying reading your reviews. I can't wait to try Monsieur Paul. I had an excellent birthday dinner in it's former life and you're making me yearn for a return. How do you like the new name? In my humble opinion, monsieur is not the easiet word to say in French (you sort of have to whistle through your teeth) so I wonder if the employees laugh or cringe when they hear attempts to pronounce it.

You've done a great job with all of your "extras" and I really like the links in posts. Lately I haven't had time to linger on the boards, so your links get me right to the good stuff. I'm looking forward to reading more.

My senior son tells me Disneyland has changed a lot since we went there together. Last time I was there was 2002 when he was college hunting. (He ended up in our home state of New York.) Now he and my former Navy son live in California so Disneyland is calling.
Tea, and a DD bagel that is NOT onion with blueberry cream cheese. :rotfl2: oatmeal cookie does not count as oatmeal? Dang...that's my breakfast every single day. :lmao:

The float can be a little pineappley (it's a word...I will it to be), so I get it not being Em's thing. But they're super yummy! I like the balance of pineapple with vanilla.
Oh no, now I'm craving Beaches & Cream!! How am I going to fit 11 lunches into only 7 days?!?! :lmao:

Anyway, great B & C review...even though my favorite, the No Way Jose, did not make an appearance. ;) But wait, did you say that you don't really eat ice cream or chocolate??? :faint:
Glad you finally got to try a dole whip! I really like the pineapple/vanilla swirl but have never tried the float. It certainly looks good, even when a bit melty. ;) I think I need to add a DW float to my list of "must-trys" for next time. :thumbsup2

DH and I really enjoyed Beaches and Cream when we ate there in 2012 and I had the grilled cheese tomato bisque combo. I remember I liked the soup and really enjoyed the sandwich, but wouldn't have had the cheese been funky. I wonder what they've done to change it? :(
I agree with your choice for breakfast over Em's...that cookie sounds really good about now, and I didn't care for my treat at Gaston's etiher.

I'm with Em though on the Dole Whip...not a fan at all.

I'm sorry your grilled cheese wasn't very good this time. I loved mine in June, but think I'll switch to the cheeseburger in a few weeks when Mark and I are there with our ADR. Emily is so talented with her cheeseburger. :goodvibes
Welcome to the Dole Whip Lovers Club, Brenda! I've never tried the float with vanilla, but I love the orange.

So glad Beaches and Cream takes ADRs now. Hopefully your next meal there will be better.
Ha, ha! One of my sisters often has leftover pie for breakfast so your oatmeal raisin cookie makes perfect sense to me. ;)

I am amazed to learn that was your first Dole Whip! I'm glad it did not disappoint. Yes, they are especially good during hot weather. I'll probably have one with my lunch the last Sunday of February. That is our check in day and although we will be staying at POFQ we will have a rental car to return to the care car center by 3 pm so I'm planning on lunch at Captain Cooks at the Poly. We only need a light lunch that day but I'm saving room for a Dole Whip from the self serve machine (I hope it still is set up that way.) Dinner will be at The Flying Fish Cafe, one of our favorite WDW restaurants (except for the noise level).

Em's burger art is adorable and that sundae looks scrumptious!

Truly! I'm not a big ice-cream fan so I wasn't interested in trying it - until this trip. I love pineapple so that influenced me just as much.

I admire your dole whip advance planning - you have to leave room for the important things.

I'm going to be trying FF for the first time in May. Bummer that it is loud.

My kid doesn't need crayons, just give her some mustard and ketchup!

I discovered the coffee float at sunshine terrace in November. It was the first time I had one and I am a big dole whip fan, but now I will need to make room for both on our next trip!

I've not heard of coffee floats at MK but then again I've not stopped by Sunshine Terrace. Sounds like a great way to get caffeine and your soft serve fix at the same time! :)

Brenda- eating an oatmeal cookie for breakfast is the same thing as eating oatmeal for breakfast in my mind:)

Hardly any difference so I feel so much less guilt! ;) (Other than the fake sugar that I put in my oatmeal.)

Hi Brenda! How did I fall so behind again? I don’t understand how people keep up with the DIS. I’m always behind!

I was interested to read what you thought about the school (skool??? I have no idea...) bread. Even before I had to give up gluten, I was never interested in this DIS fave. It just didn’t look good to me, but I don’t like custardy stuff. :laughing: I am ALWAYS going to choose a margarita over anything custard. :laughing:

As for Tony’s, how cool that Mark Anthony stopped by. I would LOVE that creme brulee - pistachio is one of my fave flavors.

I can totally get behind a cookie for breakfast! Good call!

I can’t believe you had never had a Dole Whip before! And even more amazing, neither have I!!! :scared1: :laughing: I’m glad you loved it. It’s another one that I’m kind of afraid will not live up to the DIS hype. I guess I just need to give it a try. Don’t these exist at DLR too??? We will be there again in July/August…..

B&C always seems like such a fun option. One day…..

No worries Roni! I have the same problem... I can't keep up with anything now days. I'll probably be reading and commenting on completed TR/DR for some time.

I think I would have liked the school bread better if it was creamier or not so dry. Ha ha!! So an icy margarita is more your speed?? ;)

The pistachio crème brulee is really wonderful but the candied pistachios are excellent! It was very nice of Mark to take a moment to visit with us.

Oh my, no Dole Whip for you either? You have to have at least one in your life then you can decide if all the hype is worth it. :rolleyes: Yes, the
Tiki Juice Bar in Adventureland by the Tiki Room always has a loooooong line for Dole Whips and such.

How exciting that you will be back out here. We'll have to try and meet up next time. I knew you were here when we were at the resort last month but we were there for just the weekend. :)

Brenda I still can't believe that was your first dole whip :rotfl2: I looove them at DL and always get one to take in the tiki room. I am lucky the Orange Leaf yogurt shop by my house has them, so I can have a touch of Disney at home every once in awhile. I am so glad you liked it, and what I love about them are they have no fat and not a lot of sugar!!

What can I say... I'm not a big cold dessert fan but the pineapple float was good. Sounds like you can get your faux whip fix year round.

BTW, Congrats on having a boy! :goodvibes I'm sure you and your hubby are beyond excited.

An oatmeal cookie makes TOTAL sense in my book!! :3dglasses Too bad about Em's cinnamon roll -- those things look quite indulgent!

Dole whips are the best! Glad you enjoyed it!

We never made it to B&C during our last visit...I guess with a 2yo, having to wait wasn't too desirable. :rolleyes1 But, those burgers look amazing!

Hi Julie! I would say that I set a bad example for my kid by eating cookies for breakfast but look at what I fed her! :rotfl2: If nothing else those cinnamon rolls are big enough to be a satisfying meal.

The burger was good... better than the grilled cheese this time.
Hi Brenda,

I'm just getting caught up on trip reports after our recent trip to WDW and the huge pile of work that was waiting for me when we returned. Like you, we managed to get a few "must do's" checked off our list. We had the cheese fondue and edamame at the Territory Lounge. DH loved the fondue and I devoured the edamame. Who would have thought that soy beans could taste so good. ;)

We had lunch at Tony's on our arrival day on our recent trip, our first time eating at this restaurant. Maybe it was the fact that we had been awake since 3:15am and were starving by lunch time, but I loved the cannelloni and ate every bit off it, except for the bite DH had. The flat bread thing was totally tasteless. DH said the spaghetti okay. I would eat there again.

We found the Writer's Stop and I pointed out the carrot cake cookie to DH. He loves carrot cake, but wasn't interested in trying the cookie. I looked for a copy of your friend Dean's book, but they didn't have any on the shelves. We were there on Jan 26th, and I knew it had been released by then. There were plenty of other books about Disney related topics, but not his. :confused3

Welcome back! I'm glad you discovered TL! I love edamame! I don't care if it is cold or warm, I just adore those little beans. I'm going to try and get my hubby over to TL next trip.

I think the degree to which you are hungry can influence the dining experience. Ravenous can be good! The cannelloni is the one entrée that I would definitely order again. I remember the blanco flatbread being very good a few years ago. That's disappointing that the flatbread you had wasn't that great.

Now you've made me crave a carrot cake cookie.... a little something late in the evening isn't a great idea though.

I don't think Dean's book is distributed though Disney since it's not marketed by his publisher through many channels. I need to ask him why Disney doesn't carry it. :confused3

I hope you get caught up with that pile of work.

Yeah, if there's too much cinnamon, you gotta give a lot of frosting. :) If there's oatmeal, it's healthy. Bonus points if there are raisins because they are fruit! :)

I'm so glad you tried a dole whip and loved it!! They are just so good & refreshing to skip. Sitting in the shade by the Swiss family tree & eating a dole whip is perfection on a hot day.

B&C looked yummy. I'm a sucker for a good wdw hamburger. Sorry about your grilled cheese & fries. Bummer. Hopefully it was just an off day.

That's what I was thinking, my breakfast was really like indulging in health food. ;) I should have tried the cinnamon roll just for comparison purposes mind you... I know what they tasted like at DL.

I can now give my opinion if anyone asks about Dole Whips. I may not have to have one every trip but it was very good.

Not sure what happened with the grilled cheese since it was fabulous last time. Good thing Em liked it and let me have some of her burger. We'll be back and I'm sure I'll give it a try again.

Can't go wrong with cookies!! I'm not a fan of Disney Cinnamon Rolls. I had one at DL that was huge but COLD! Turned me off trying another one. I like my cinnamon rolls to be nice and warm and gooey!

B&C always looks good! We've never been there though... The whole needing to cancel the day before is really going to mess with impromptu dining changes.

Exactly! I'll probably slip in a cookie for breakfast again in the future. Bummer, the cinnamon rolls at the old Main Street Bakery were delish! You could see them cooling them off at the work station and icing them. Too bad they don't have that anymore now that they got rid of it and moved it to the Jolly Holiday bakery.

I was surprised they added B&C to the dining reservations list. We've passed on eating there a few times because of the long wait. However, if you planned it right it was the perfect walk up option.

I have a lot of dining reservations on my cc as I'm sure do you for April/May.

Cookies for breakfast is definitely fine as you're on holiday :) I think I'd have gone for the healthy chocolate version though :rotfl:

We somehow didn't get a Dole Whip (we always pronounced it doll-ay till some American friends laughed at us :rotfl2: ) last trip but it's definitely on this years snack list but the all pineapple version!

Glad you managed to enjoy your B&C meal after all!

I agree Jo! Vacation (holiday) eating is completely different! I don't think there are any rules!

I'm sure after your friends asked what you were saying they were quite impressed that you came up with such a cute way to say dole! The pineapple version rocks! :thumbsup2

I love Disney's oatmeal cookies! Excellent breakfast choice. ;)
Ahh, that's too bad that your Beaches and Cream meal wasn't that great! The burger does look really good, though.

Isn't it? I eat oatmeal for breakfast 90% of the time anyway.

It wasn't the best but we'll be back and I'll show them I'm not afraid of their mediocre grilled cheese sandwich. ;) Honestly, the burgers are great so I should go back to what they do best.

Loved the chocolate mousse. LOL
Never had an avocado margarita but I might try it.
I love Tony’s. I always get the chicken parm.
That cinnamon roll is so big. I had to split it last time with Vinny’s granddaughter.
Yum! Dole Whip = deliciousness. I just found the recipe to make at home.
That grilled cheese is good, sorry you had one not so good.
The sundae looks good.

I hear people rave about the cucumber margarita too. The avocado may not have been to my liking but that was after about 8 sips... the first 6 were good!

I've had the chicken parm at Tony's too... a long time ago for our first visit. I just remember an old dried out oregano leaf on top of my dish.

That cinnamon roll is definitely something that you should find a friend (or family member) and share it.

Really? You can make a Dole Whip at home? I'm impressed. ::yes:: Is the recipe on the Disney food blog?

With the passing of time now I just feel whiney and prissy. I'm sure the sandwich couldn't have been that bad! :rotfl: I remember a funky taste and I'm a cheese lover so maybe I just couldn't quite place the cheese so I was out of sorts.

I try to swipe as much whip cream on the sundae as I can - and the cherry if there is one. My favorite parts.

I am so enjoying reading your reviews. I can't wait to try Monsieur Paul. I had an excellent birthday dinner in it's former life and you're making me yearn for a return. How do you like the new name? In my humble opinion, monsieur is not the easiet word to say in French (you sort of have to whistle through your teeth) so I wonder if the employees laugh or cringe when they hear attempts to pronounce it.

You've done a great job with all of your "extras" and I really like the links in posts. Lately I haven't had time to linger on the boards, so your links get me right to the good stuff. I'm looking forward to reading more.

My senior son tells me Disneyland has changed a lot since we went there together. Last time I was there was 2002 when he was college hunting. (He ended up in our home state of New York.) Now he and my former Navy son live in California so Disneyland is calling.

Thank you so much aboveh2O! I'm glad that you are reading. :goodvibes

I can say Monsieur Paul better than I can spell it!! ;) Seeing as how I sometimes have a hard time understanding the French servers it just makes sense that they can laugh at me when I try to say croissant! I still have no idea what the French name of the cocktail is that I've had twice there now. Oh well, the food and the service are excellent!! Glad you have enjoyed it in the past.

I've found links helpful in others' reports so I gladly adopted early on. Glad you found it helpful.

I'd say there's been a few changes since 2002 to DL/DCA! DCA was new back then and there's been a lot of new attractions over the years. The castle hasn't grown any bigger! :lmao: With two kids in CA a trip West may be in your future. :)

Tea, and a DD bagel that is NOT onion with blueberry cream cheese. :rotfl2: oatmeal cookie does not count as oatmeal? Dang...that's my breakfast every single day. :lmao:

The float can be a little pineappley (it's a word...I will it to be), so I get it not being Em's thing. But they're super yummy! I like the balance of pineapple with vanilla.

I'm sticking with the story that the oatmeal cookie is just fine since I was on vacation. My everyday oatmeal packets are boring but after 4+ years of eating those 90% of the time I'm still good.

Vanilla and pineapple go together so well. I was completely ok with Em not liking the float since that left no competition for me.

Oh no, now I'm craving Beaches & Cream!! How am I going to fit 11 lunches into only 7 days?!?! :lmao:

Anyway, great B & C review...even though my favorite, the No Way Jose, did not make an appearance. ;) But wait, did you say that you don't really eat ice cream or chocolate??? :faint:

I know your dilemma Barb! I was able to help with at least one of those 11 lunches I believe. Now to try to squeeze in some more.

Em's not a peanut butter fan so I don't think we'll see a No Way Jose grace our table. You've heard correctly... ice-cream is just not really something I like so much... most chocolate I pass on as well. For some reason I like hot fudge - but with whip cream.


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