The NEW WL FAQ (Part 5) Simbas and Tiggers and Humphreys OH MY! Part 2

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I remember there being another elevator by the laundry after roaring forks does that one go there?

When do they expect all these renivations to be done? Is it true CL will have nicer furniture?
Alicnwondrln said:
I knew youd find your way over
did you get my email

Yes, I sure did! :goodvibes

DH wants to know what rooms are MK view? Or are there any MK views available? :yay:
from my understand there are some but they have trees in the way
its not an unobstructed view
but you can see the monrail and top of the castle
Alicnwondrln said:
I remember there being another elevator by the laundry after roaring forks does that one go there?

When do they expect all these renivations to be done? Is it true CL will have nicer furniture?

Yes Kelly, there is an elevator that goes from the 7th floor to the laundry/Roaring Forks area. It is hard to find have to go past the suite on the 7th floor in the North Wing (not sure if that is Yosemite or Yellowstone)..and then around the corner. As the CL doesn't extend down as far as the rest of the resort when it comes to those wings..I didn't think it was there...but sure enough..just around that corner is that particular elevator. CL told me the renovations should be done by end of July and I also heard the CL will have different furniture than the rest of the rest, but I believe that is just a rumor right now.

Jeanne..I agree about the CL staff up there..they really are amazing. They seem to know and remember everything about you and mentions things during your stay. Once when I was dressed in a light jacket and walking thru the lounge, on a particularly cold December day.. I think it was Brandon who said to me " is so nice to have our Buffalo guests here walking around in light clothing, it reminds us that it really isn't that cold down here" :lmao: We were celebrating our daughter's receiving their black belts that trip..and the entire trip they made a big deal out of it whenever they saw them. So many of the "you can't put a price on it" moments..which was just people caring and knowing who you are!
those priceless moments become magical memories that last forever
shawn already calls brandon his disney pal !! Shawns had a tough year braking his leg and being in a body cast foo 10 plus weeks then PT
he really deserves a nice break and i want everything to be perfect for him
Alicnwondrln said:
those priceless moments become magical memories that last forever
shawn already calls brandon his disney pal !! Shawns had a tough year braking his leg and being in a body cast foo 10 plus weeks then PT
he really deserves a nice break and i want everything to be perfect for him

Oh boy..we have alot in DD Courtney broke her leg this year too.. in Tae Kwon Do class in February and then spent 5 days in the hospital when they thought she threw a clot to her lung from it, she couldn't put weight on that leg for 10 weeks! I think we both deserve Concierge this year! :goodvibes :woohoo: Pretty soon we can both say.. "Next month we are going to the Wilderness Lodge!" :dance3:
wow thats tough i hope shes ok now
it was hard we were at childrens hospital in boston he had the leg fixed and set in a spica cast it went all the way to his chest, with both legs in the cast
no school for 2 plus months he really had to wrok him bootie off to keep up and not stay back
he got the cast off in April and now we are moving next week to a new house and a new school for DHs job!
By the time this vacation comes I we are all gonna need it
where is everyone this evening ?
I was thinking of doing the tour there one day
do you sign up when you check in ?
dizneykid said:
OK, Lisa and Kelly,
You guys are killing me!! Reading all your posts makes me want to go back so bad, and we were just there. ;)

Oh I wouldn't be crying to hard...we'll be back in about 45 days, talked to Laura today we are hoping you won't be able to stand it and that you and Marcel will be there Saturday morning and join us for breakfast over at Spoodles @ 9:30am.
Hello everyone! I just read all the posts from the last 202 pages. At first, I was thinking I was nuts, but then realized you all are probably just as enthusiatic as I am!

We stayed at WL last Dec. It was our first trip to WDW is quite a long time. I was a CM for about 6 months back when they were building the GF. Needless to say, things are quite a bit different now.

We lucked out and got a Bear Face room without requesting it. :teeth: It was on the fourth floor, the room just to the right of the public balcony. We had a great view and were right above the live band when they played the Christmas music. It was incredible.

The only 2 things I could complain about were waiting 45 minutes for a bus to MGM and the fact that the stream running through the lobby wasn't working (I heard it had been damaged in the hurricane). The latter was no big deal really, but the former was kind of annoying trying to wrangle my DS3 for that long waiting for the bus. We had no problems at all with the boats.

The really bad news: it was so perfect we're afraid it won't live up to the expectations this year. I decided I'd try to top it this year by booking the CL for the first week of Dec. Then I was disappointed to find out that I can't get a courtyard view and a lobby room. I know a lot of people don't like the lobby because they think it's noisy, but for some reason (perhaps it being Christmas), it REALLY made us feel like we were in the middle of everything. Now I'm afraid we'll lose that.

I have a few questions...

1) I paid full price for the package (w/ dining) as there were no AAA rooms available. I'm anxiously awaiting the FL Res discounts to see if they come out with anything good. How are people still getting AAA discount rooms? Should I book now for Dec. 2007 to get a chance for a AAA discounted room?

2) I've read a few posts here mentioning specific CMs in the CL and emailing them back and forth. I thought if you sent an email to the wdw.wlodge.itinerary email address that you aren't dealing with the CMs in the lounge. How do you contact the CMs in the CL directly?

3) If I've already booked my room and made all my ADRs myself, what would the itinerary planners be able to do for me before my trip?

4) Will the CMs in the CL be able to help me select a room with a good view?

5) Has anyone bought one of the Giant Sequoia trees in the gift shop? I bought one last time we went and planted it with my DS3. I plan to get another one for my new DS this year. It will be something they will each have forever to commerate their first trips there. I sure wish they grew faster! The trees, not my DSs that is!

I love hearing about the CL. I'm REALLY hoping it's worth the extra $. I mainly got it for the purpose of hoping we'll be able to get a quick breakfast and get a quick start to the parks. I'm also going to be glad to eliminate the trips up and down "Death Valley" (the nickname that my DW who was pregnant at the time gave to the ramp by Roaring Forks) just to refill our mugs with free drinks. :)
Alicnwondrln said:
those priceless moments become magical memories that last forever
shawn already calls brandon his disney pal !! Shawns had a tough year braking his leg and being in a body cast foo 10 plus weeks then PT
he really deserves a nice break and i want everything to be perfect for him

Hey all...I am going to be booking a room at the WL for December ( :lovestruc my boyfriend and I are celebrating 4 years together :love: ) and was wondering if anybody could help me out. We are looking for a courtyard room with 1 king bed that either has a view of MK/fireworks :cheer2: (preferred) or a view of Bay Lake. A higher room number would be great too. What should I request when I make my ressie so I can have the best chance of getting these specifics? I don't know the "terminology" to use to better my chances :confused3 ! Thanks SO much in advance! :cool1:
Hello everyone,
I'm back from a 9 day stay at the MAGNIFICENT WL. I am so sad, I was SUPER sad to leave this time. We just LOVE that place, and it truly is "home". What a great trip. I will posting a trip report with pic's later that I will put a link to here on this site but wanted to post here first.
WE had a refurbished room, as I posted pics of while we were gone w/ bunk beds on the 4th floor with a MK view, OUTSTANDING room. It was funny, we walked down the first floor to get to the pool bar one day and it seemed so dark and dreary compared to our newly refurbished floor, we LOVE the brightness of them. They were working on second floor refurbishing when we left so they will have the whole resort done in no time. From outside in the pool you can tell which ones they have refurbished just based on the pool furniture.
WE walked to the pool dock this year and saw the electrical parade, kids loved it. Found the pool bar and had drinks on the beach while the kids played. Rented water mice and a surray (spelling?) bike for a half an hour, had tons of fun!!! Just really took more time to relax, swim and enjoy the resort more this time, and what a great resort it is. Took the boat a TON to MK and back and to Contemporary resort for an early MK bkfast in the park. We had a great time.
My son's quote of the trip as we were walking through the lobby to me was "mom, I just LOVE this place. . .I love the Wilderness Lodge, I just love the way they treat us here". I just said "me too Luke, me too".
WE enjoyed turn down service every night. My two year old would rush around the room eating all of the chocolates every night and our room service person changed our sheets every night too, UNBELIEVABLE!!! Great service
We'll definitely be going back next year, home sweet home!!! I can't get back fast enough. I was joking to my husband saying I wish they rented the rooms on a monthly basis at a discounted rate. :)
i cant wait to see your pics
i requested a bunk bed room for our trip in august
the boys have bunks now so i figured it would be easier
sounds like you had a blast
cant wait for those pics !!!!
how were the bunk beds rooms??
Welcome Home Lesley,

So glad you had such a great time!!! You son sounds so cute.

I know what you mean when you say you were "sad" leaving. I usually am the last one to leave the room, and I stand there and say "good-bye room" "hope to see you soon"!! Then I usually tear up :sad1: and hubby gives me a big hug :hug: and says "don't worry, we'll be back!!" :goodvibes
Alicnwondrln said:
i cant wait to see your pics
i requested a bunk bed room for our trip in august
the boys have bunks now so i figured it would be easier
sounds like you had a blast
cant wait for those pics !!!!
how were the bunk beds rooms??

I already posted the pics a few pages back while we were there. Bunk bed rooms were GREAT.
Hey folks

Just got back last week from our WDW stay - we stayed at POP, HRH, ASMO and WL......WL was simply incredible. The wonderful people at check in even upgraded us at check in to concierge! :teeth: :thumbsup2

The resort is wonderful and I'll certainly stay there again. The whole layout and feel of the resort was simply a joy to behold. Thanks to everyone on here who helped convinced me to give it a go!
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