The Last 5th Birthday Trip Report (June 5-19, 2022) - Completed 7/7/22

That's a long straight drive. We did the full Anaheim to Dallas drive in 2019 and it nearly did me in. With 7 of us, flying is expensive but so is getting a rental anywhere too so it just hasn't made sense. I like how you embed your Disney vacation in a longer vacation - it probably makes it more relaxing and gives you a chance to catch your breath before coming home!

That's exactly why we do it. Besides, by leaving some of the stuff in Scottsdale, and only taking the bare necessities to CA, we can condense both suitcases worth of stuff into one, and if we decide, we can leave again at midnite to go to CA, and drive straight to DL parking garage and into the parks, before we even check in to our hotel in CA. We just leave it in the back of the car. And, it leaves more room for more I did go overboard this last trip. So much so, that we have to go to Cabela's to buy a cargo container for the top of the car (SUV). But it was good, we had been wanting one for a while anyway, so this gave us a valid reason to take the plunge.

We love shopping in old downtown Scottsdale, and relaxing at the pool....also, this last trip, we went to the theater to see Dr. Strange 2 on opening day. It was soooo relaxing to not be rushed.
Edited Day 4 part 3 to add a couple pictures of merch we got - our balloon and the Elliott popcorn holder DH got.
So funny you both( FeistyDisneyMom and deejdigsdis) have lived in Spokane, I've lived here all my life! Love your trip report, you're so organized! So many great pictures, looks like a great time! That house you stayed in looks great, love the theming in the bedrooms. I'm glad everything worked out with your kids getting stuck on Splash Mountain, how scary for them and you and your DH! Looking forward to more of you report.
Welcome to the trip report, and what a small world! I was born and raised in Spokane, moved away for a few years, moved back for over 10 years, and only recently left again. We really did have quite a great time that first day - the magic and wonder in not only DD5's face but also everyone else really made me feel like my planning had paid off. The house was pretty awesome - it would have felt a bit crowded if my friend's family had been able to join us, and it was a little bit dated, but we would happily use that company again for future trips.

I'll get to work on the next couple days!

Itinerary: Day 4 - DISNEYLAND FINALLY! (and maybe DCA?) - Part 3​

We devoured some popcorn, much to the chagrin of my DD15 who has braces and is forbidden to have popcorn. DH took her to get her own special treat. He also came back with an Elliott popcorn holder - I hadn’t realized that merch would appeal to him so much, but he loved it and took great delight in showing me how it would light up, and where the popcorn box would go, but he wouldn’t allow actual popcorn anywhere near it.

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SCORE on the popcorn bucket. And I have to admit, popcorn doesn't get anywhere near my popcorn buckets. We tried to get that bucket when we were there last month, but it was sold out. Yesterday, our local friend, messaged me to tell me she got me a bucket AND the sipper too!! I've started a collection of Mickey popcorn buckets of him in his various Halloween outfits. But I had to have the MSEP one.

I have to be honest, I was worried when I read about the backpack. So glad it worked out well. I did the same thing with my phone (twice)....once in NOS, and the 2nd time at the Animation Academy in DCA. Recovered both times, but boy was I stressed. Why did I lose mine in NOS? Because the hubs took a business call, and we had to sit. So, while sitting, I took the time to condense purchases, etc, and so I set my phone down. The worst part is that I carry my license and CCs in it.

Anyway, loved the report. The photos made it more like being there!!

Itinerary: Day 5 - A ‘Rest’ Day (Rental house fun)​

Day 5: Thursday Jun 9, 2022

  • We will enjoy a full day of being lazy at the rental house. There will probably be a lot of swimming and snacking happening, with a movie thrown in there as well. I’ll also be doing some laundry.
Why would we do a rest day after only 1 day in the parks? Two reasons: first up, the family we were originally traveling with had a Sofi stadium tour planned for Thursday. Second, we figured with the rough back to back night drives and a full day in the park, we all might need the extra rest early on. I’d probably do DL and DCA starts before a break in the future, but it worked out ok for us this trip.

DH took advantage of a non-park morning to get some work done. The rest of us slept in until mid-morning, and I got some snuggles in during our lazy morning!

Another cute touch at the house - themed coffee mugs! Especially fitting given our focus on Alice this trip:

DD5 still crashed on the couch at 10am!

Snuggles with DD8 while I had my coffee in bed.

  • We may also hit DTD some of the day. Who knows! If anyone has suggestions, feel free to share ‘em!
We didn’t take the family to DTD at all. Instead we did a late breakfast as everyone finally rolled out of bed around 10:30, and then DH and I went to Target to pick up a few things for dinner plus a couple things we’d forgotten the day we arrived. When we got back, I started a load of laundry and got the kids ready for the pool!

This time I DID get in the pool so I have no pictures. It was a lot of fun, and DC12 and DS10 both enjoyed the water slide. DD5 and DD8 avoided it as neither can truly swim, and it was 8 feet deep. I did NOT want to have to do any water rescues while on vacation! We spent a few hours swimming - I especially liked floating on a large ring while the kids chased me around. DD15 and DC12 went inside to change and play on their phones, and DH joined us later after a work call. (You might notice DH worked quite a bit this trip - he had taken on a new role just a few weeks before, and needed to be present and taking care of things despite our vacation; he made sure I was comfortable with his level of work involvement and I appreciated his dedication and diligence in being present for us but keeping up his commitments in his new role.)

DD8 eventually got over her fear of the slide, and attempted it a couple times while DH was also in the pool. She did fine, but it definitely made me nervous and I was glad when she was done, but I was so proud of her for attempting it in the first place. DD5 spent the most time in the water, and still managed to get very tan.

  • For dinner, we’ll be setting the kids up with something at the house (likely pizza or mac & cheese), while the adults date to DTD. The plan is to walk up for UVA or Catal. My DD15 should be able to babysit all the kids, especially if we get a movie going for them.
We ordered pizza for the kids and I got ready for date night and caught up on journaling.

Date night had a bumpy start: we decided to take an Uber to save our feet, but when DH decided he did want the full Trader Sam’s experience instead of the Catal dinner I’d expected, the check-in CM noted that we would both need our IDs. I had left my wallet at home thinking I wouldn’t need it. So we decided to do a round trip Uber BACK to the house, grab the ID and go from there.

Finally back at Trader Sam’s to checkin:

Trader Sam’s was cute and well themed at the bar. We ended up getting 3 souvenir mugs, but I didn’t care for any of the drinks at all. They were WAY too strong for me. DH sipped his 2 drinks, but didn’t really enjoy them - he was after the souvenirs (once again surprising me). We ordered food as well - a PuPu Platter and a Hawaiian Platter.

Drink menu:

Our first two drinks: on the left, DH’s Shipwreck on the Rocks (Maker's Mark Bourbon with Agave Nectar and freshly Muddled Lemon and Mint - $39) and on the right my HippopotoMAI-TAI (Coruba Dark Rum, Bacardi Superior Rum, Orange Curaçao, Orgeat (Almond) Syrup, Agave Nectar and fresh Lime Juice - $36). Mine was all booze, no tropical mai-tai flavor - basically straight rum. I think I actually prefered DH’s Shipwreck even though I generally prefer rum to bourbon.

Hawaiian Platter (Marinated Short Rib served with Jasmine Rice, Macaroni Salad and Tangy Slaw - $17), partially devoured. It was delicious - the sauce on the ribs was so flavorful! The rice was excellent - perfectly cooked and seasoned. The macaroni salad was creamy and on its own would have been bland, but worked well paired with the short ribs. The tangy slaw wasn’t particularly tangy, and not memorable.

PuPu Platter (Pork Gyoza, Panko-crusted Long Beans, Macaroni Salad, and Sweet-and-Spicy Chicken Wings served with Togarashi Aïoli - $22), minus the long beans which initially came out room temperature and weren’t pleasant. Our bartender quickly had them replaced, but I have to say I was not impressed with them, even hot. They weren’t bad, just not great either. The gyoza was fantastic, the chicken wings likewise excellent and so flavorful it was good to have the macaroni salad to go with them.

DH added a Zombie (Appleton Estate Reserve Rum, Bacardi Reserva Ocho Rum, Hamilton 151 Rum, Tropical Juices, Falernum, and Cinnamon - $46), but only took a few sips. He doesn’t really like rum at all, and only got it because he loved the mug. Once again his desire for merch was a surprise to me, even after all these years (18 yrs of marriage)! No picture of the Zombie the night of, but here is the mug at home:

After an entertaining but mildly disappointing stay at Trader Sam’s, we weren’t ready for our night to be over. I was a bit chilly, and I joked we needed to buy me a sweatshirt, since I had bought a sweatshirt every other trip, and that I had to check out the dress shop, because last trip I had seen something I liked but talked myself out of it and always regretted it a bit. We did lots of window shopping, and explored the dress shop but didn’t find anything I loved. DH was amused and slightly shocked at the Coach brand merch available and boggled at the $250 ears. We moved on and I caught the smells of Catal - something garlic was in the air! We decided we’d do appetizers and desserts there, and put our name in the walk up list. We did a run through WoD again, this time allowing me to linger more on items and not have to be paying attention to 5 kids going in different directions. I really liked a set of black sweats, tops and bottoms, with gold Disneyland logos, but it didn’t have the year, and I liked to have one with the year. None of the 2022 ones really stood out, so we left without buying anything. At this point, our Catal table was ready and we headed off for round two!

We were seated against the rail and enjoyed the sunset views of DTD. DH loves people watching so it was perfect for him!

I didn’t grab the prices, but we ordered drinks and appetizers right away.

Pan con Tomate (Grilled Rustic Bread, Vine-ripe Tomato Purée, Sweet Garlic, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Sea Salt)

Cheese Plate (3 types of cheese I forget, plus quince, apple butter, and pickled raisins)

The sweet garlic was just what I needed as a snack, and the cheese was delicious. The quince paste was divine paired with the cheeses and the crispy cracker they served with it. DH talked me into trying a different drink - this time white sangria, since I’d only ever had red sangria before. It was more drinkable than the earlier stuff I’d tried, but I didn’t love it. He got something with whiskey that he enjoyed so much more than his Trader Sam’s drinks that he got 3 of them. Once we were done with the appetizers, we went with creme brulee and the cornbread madeleines.

The creme brulee was fine - good warm crust and cold creamy underneath

The madeleines stole the show! Warm, sweet, with a unique texture - I was in love! Unfortunately, I was so full I couldn’t quite finish them, so we took a few home for the kids to split.

We did one last round of wandering DTD aimlessly, and called for an Uber home.

  • We’ll end the night watching fireworks from the house/yard (in theory there is a view available).
The kids were WIDE awake when we got home. I don’t think there were fireworks that night, as I don’t remember hearing them and didn’t journal anything about it. I did note that the kids were riled up when we got home and took so long to get them calmed and tucked in that DH fell asleep!

The next day we’d be back in the parks, and I was a bit worried morning would be a struggle. Let’s find out if my fears were realized!

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SCORE on the popcorn bucket. And I have to admit, popcorn doesn't get anywhere near my popcorn buckets. We tried to get that bucket when we were there last month, but it was sold out. Yesterday, our local friend, messaged me to tell me she got me a bucket AND the sipper too!! I've started a collection of Mickey popcorn buckets of him in his various Halloween outfits. But I had to have the MSEP one.
We've only been once at Halloween time, but we grabbed the vampire Mickey popcorn bucket that trip and I'd love to collect more. We also got a neat poisoned apple drink holder! They had good availability for the Elliott bucket during our trip - they must have gotten a nice big shipment after you were there. So glad you had a friend able to get you the bucket! In hindsight I'm a little surprised DH didn't get the sipper too, but he might have just missed that it was there.

I have to be honest, I was worried when I read about the backpack. So glad it worked out well. I did the same thing with my phone (twice)....once in NOS, and the 2nd time at the Animation Academy in DCA. Recovered both times, but boy was I stressed. Why did I lose mine in NOS? Because the hubs took a business call, and we had to sit. So, while sitting, I took the time to condense purchases, etc, and so I set my phone down. The worst part is that I carry my license and CCs in it.
During our last trip, DD15 (then 12), left her brand new phone on IC. She didn't realize it while we walked all the way from Pixar Pier through Paradise Gardens to the spot near WCT, and she was so upset when she realized. DH went back with her, and the phone was right there! It was a bit of pixie dust I am sure. DS has left his hat/ears/sunglasses on rides so many times during the 2019 ride that this trip every time we got off a ride we'd directly ask him if he had everything. It became a fun family joke. I have had a history of leaving my wallet/purse various places, so it is simple a miracle that I haven't lost anything significant at DLR yet. Last trip I did leave my phone in the stroller during a bathroom break, and some mischievous teen took a bunch of selfies before returning it. I was rather amused and slightly unsettled when images of a total stranger popped up as I went through my pictures! Very glad that your incidents have also resolved with happy endings :). May we always be so lucky!
Awesome you had a date night, how fun! Nice to have a rest/pool day also, I hope everybody was ready to go back to the parks the next day. Speaking of losing things on rides, my phone wallet fell out of my pocket on the Matterhorn the trip before our last trip, Yikes! We went back right away and the CM's told us to go back to the exit and let them know. Right as I was telling them I had lost my phone on the ride a lady held up my phone when the ride came back! Whew, I was so relieved and thanked her!
Oh gosh, I love that you and hubby did a date night during your trip. Enjoying your notes and pics.
I highly recommend date nights if possible - they really add to the feeling of the vacation, and give you time to connect versus wrangling children. Thanks for joining along for the ride :)

Awesome you had a date night, how fun! Nice to have a rest/pool day also, I hope everybody was ready to go back to the parks the next day. Speaking of losing things on rides, my phone wallet fell out of my pocket on the Matterhorn the trip before our last trip, Yikes! We went back right away and the CM's told us to go back to the exit and let them know. Right as I was telling them I had lost my phone on the ride a lady held up my phone when the ride came back! Whew, I was so relieved and thanked her!
Such a relief when things turn out that way!

Itinerary: Day 5 - A ‘Rest’ Day (Rental house fun)​


The mugs look fun....and I agree....rum before bourbon.

Looks good, but awfully heavy on the rice.

I'm glad you liked the wings. I want to try those next time.

YAY for souvenir mugs. I'd have purchased it too, just for the mug. The Sea Monster's Embrace mug/cup/bowl intrigues me. It that supposed to be a Kraken on it? If so, I'm in!!

Great spot!!

The madeleines stole the show! Warm, sweet, with a unique texture - I was in love! Unfortunately, I was so full I couldn’t quite finish them, so we took a few home for the kids to split.
Those look tasty!!

Can't wait to read the rest of the trip report!! :) Keep it coming!! I'm taking notes on drinks/food.

Itinerary: Day 6 - DCA & World of Color - Part 1a​

Day 6: Friday June 10
Park Hours: DL: 8am-midnight; DCA: 8am-9pm


  • Breakfast at house, and then a leisurely walk to DTD for (more) coffee. Would like to be in the DTD area before 8, but not counting on RD.
We slept a bit later Friday morning than we had Wednesday morning, but were able to reheat some cold coffee while the kids got ready. This morning it was DS10’s turn to be out of sorts. He continued to be upset for about 45 minutes from the house all the way to the parks, complaining, crying, refusing to move on occasion. I waved the rest of the family on ahead and walked with him while using my very best patience (I am not typically a patient person). Somehow, even with all that drama going on, we scanned into DCA by 8:05am!
  • Explore DCA and hit up all the rides we can, grabbing LL as we go.
    • If we didn’t get to do Pixar Pier before, that will be our first stop. Otherwise, we will head to Cars Land.
    • ***Update: looks like RSR will sadly be down for our trip. Will likely do Pixar Pier & Paradise Gardens and then head to Avengers Campus or Cars Land to just catch the theming and the 2 smaller rides.
Happily RSR was back from its Memorial Day issue, but DD5 was setting the priority for our first start in DCA, and she really wanted the Fun Wheel and Jellyfish. So the plan was a clockwise trek starting at Pixar Pier and ending up at Mermaid. We stopped at the PP opportunity by the waterfall with no wait:

As we loaded back up, DD8 was anticipating her first ride on Incredicoaster (she was too short in 2019), and it was DS10’s favorite ride last trip, so we were heading there when I checked the app and realized - it was down. So I said no problem, we’ll go with plan B: Toy Story Midway Mania! But it was down too! But no problem, it was time for plan C: counter-clockwise! We started at Mermaid and made our way around to Pixar Pier. I didn’t take many pictures during this time, as I was keeping an eye on IC to see if it would come back up but also keeping an eye on DS to make sure he really was ok. DH did grab several though!

Mermaid: DH and DD8 getting some quality time! It was a walk on of course, at 8:15am.

Then we did Zephyr - the first time it was actually running for us! It was walk on as well about 8:25.

Next was Jellyfish, also walk on. DD5 and I sat next to each other facing the water, but the water levels were low while they did something with the WoC equipment. She loved the ride, and despite my dislike of drops I found it mild enough to enjoy too.

Goofy’s Flight School was next, nearly a walk-on. Poor DH does NOT really fit as his legs are too long for the ride. He had to kind of wedge himself in. The kids wanted to ride again, so I went with DC12, DS10, DD8 and DD5 while DD15 and DH waited for us. DH attempted to locate coffee but discovered Paradise Pier stuff didn’t open until 10! I noted this to my family chat, and my sister told me about the stand at the entrance to Pixar Pier. I happily discovered they took mobile order, and put one in for pick up in 45 minutes, guessing that was how long it would take us to circle around.

A second ride on GFS was more than enough for me, but DS10 wanted a third ride. We let him go on alone, with DH and DD15 waiting for him, while I took DD5, DD8 and DC12 to Silly Symphony Swings. It was also a walk on, about 9am at this point. We all loved it!

After swings, we met up with the others and did Emotional Whirlwind. Cute theming, but a bit of a lackluster ride. Wish they had reused the old ladybug ride from Bug’s Land instead!

Next it was finally time for DD5 to get to do her priority, the Fun Wheel at 9:30am. It wasn’t quite a walk-on, but the line for swinging and non-swinging were both roughly 5 minutes, definitely not more than 10. DD15, DC12 and DD8 did the swinging cars, while DH, DS, DD5 and I did the non-swinging. We’d tried swinging once in 2016 and it was a great big nope for us! A rush of people joined the swinging line right after the kids, and the wait jumped to 20 minutes, so we had good timing!

DH surveying his kingdom:

DD5, me, and DS10 happy to not be swinging:

After Fun Wheel, we had a LL for TSMM, which had come back up again. I had grabbed it earlier when it was still down, hoping it would be up but also happy if it turned into a MEP. As usual, everyone enjoyed TSMM - although I had forgotten to review the tip sheets I’d included in the journals! The wait was about 5 minutes using the LL, and looked to be 30-45 minutes standby.

DD5 and I sporting the stylish glasses:

Our scores - I beat the 5 yr old, but DD15 was the high scorer, getting over 200k according to the others. They didn’t take a picture like I did, so I’m more skeptical ;)

Next, I picked up mobile order coffee while DH got churros from the stand near TSMM. He got regular ones for all of us, plus a couple extra ‘spicy’ ones, that weren’t spicy and not quite as good as the regular.

We munched on the churros and applied sunblock before doing the carousel. Great Toy Story theming, but I preferred King Triton’s theme. Wish they could have relocated it somehow!

DD8 found a hidden Mickey on her ride!

DS10 was in a good mood on his snake:

DH’s turtle was flanked by DD5’s raccoon and DC12’s snake:


Not pictured: me on a skunk with tails up to DD5’s raccoon!

At this point, IC was STILL down. I grabbed a LL for Guardians of the Galaxy for 11 something, but it still meant we had an hour to kill. I checked Web Slingers, but the times weren’t quite right. As we started to head off, we noticed Elasti-Girl was signing autographs! We jumped in her line and were the next family up.

DS10 and DD8 were first in line:

DD5 wasn’t far behind:

DD15 sipped my iced coffee and realized she doesn’t care for black coffee, even iced!

The whole family enjoyed meeting Mrs. Incredible:

We wandered towards Avengers Campus even though our GotG LL was an hour away. On our way, we just had to stop for a photo op!

Closer up:

More to come in part 1b (picture limit).

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Itinerary: Day 6 - DCA & World of Color - Part 1b​

Morning continued!
  • Avengers Campus: Not sure how into it DD5 will be, but my older kids are into Marvel stuff. DH is interested in trying the drinks at Pym’s but we will have to skip snacks there to avoid ruining our appetites.
There was a long line at the PP at the entrance. I initially wanted to do it anyway, since we had the time, but DS10 melted down and we were all getting hot so I changed my mind. We saw the Ancient Sanctum area and took some pictures.

Neat artifact, and surprisingly happy faces considering the grumbling just moments before at the PP line:

A fellow guest made this photo possible of the entire family starting to fall into the hole!

The sun was bright, but I wasn’t going to be deterred from my ancient sanctum doors selfie - thank goodness for my hat!

Nor would I give up an opportunity for this shot (I got him mid-swallow of water)!

As we rested in that shade, DH went to explore a little and I struck up a conversation with another guest. She was an annual pass holder and former CM, and gave us some tips on watching the upcoming Black Widow/Black Panther show. We got a good spot a few moments before it started, and DH managed to join us from the opposite direction. I didn’t take any pictures, but DD8 enjoyed it the most - Black Panther is her favorite Marvel hero!

It was still hot and we were too early for our GotG LL. We found some shade across from the LL entrance, and DH went off to wander some more.
DD5 resting in her sister’s ears:

Proof DC12 was still with us:

Likewise DD15:

At this point DH returned with surprise merch! I seriously couldn’t let him wander without being surprised when he came back. He saw these at Pym’s and just had to have them.

Infinity Gauntlet ($22.79) modeled by several children; first DS10 pretending to punch DD8 (I wasn’t amused):

Next DD8’s turn, after a stern warning from me to NOT play-act a fist fight:

Last but not least, DD5 had to get into the act:

I got to model the Eye of Agamotto ($24.79):

DH quite pleased with his purchases, and the children entertained enough while waiting:

Finally it was time for GotG, and we headed to scan in at the LL. DD15 wasn’t feeling great, and decided to sit it out (there went my SECOND concept for a Christmas card picture…) The line was long even for LL, but moved steadily and we waited about 5 minutes. I was getting slightly nervous about our lunch reservation at noon, but everything is so close together at DCA and I knew I could do online check in while still on the way so I tried not to stress too much. DD5 got nervous in the queue and pre-show, but wanted to ride. I was terrified - the previous trip I had gone with DD8 (then 5 yrs old) on her first time, and thought I could handle it better; I’d never enjoyed ToT and only ridden it once. But as soon as the ride started, I grabbed her arm so hard it left marks! She tells the story to anyone who will listen and thinks it is hilarious. So this time around I ended up in the same position - sitting next to the 5 yr old. I promised myself I would NOT grab her, but I gripped the handles as hard as you could imagine. After the first upward rush and drop, my eyes involuntarily cried, but I was wearing shades so you can’t tell. It got better for me after that! I actually enjoyed it a little and would do it again. DD5 loved it.

As soon as we were off the ride, we grabbed a pic of the ride photo and hoofed it back to Pixar Pier for brunch at Lamplighter.

Would we make it in time? Would we enjoy it? We hadn’t been to that location since it was Ariel’s Grotto! After a jam-packed morning that saw us do 16 different things before lunch, 11 of them rides, would the afternoon measure up? Would we continue our pace or slow down in the heat? Do we take another break? Read on to find out!

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Looks good, but awfully heavy on the rice.
To be fair to the dish, I had eaten about half of the ribs before I thought to take a picture.

YAY for souvenir mugs. I'd have purchased it too, just for the mug. The Sea Monster's Embrace mug/cup/bowl intrigues me. It that supposed to be a Kraken on it? If so, I'm in!!
We almost got the bowl drinks too - they are significantly more spendy (over $60 each), but look so cool! Both Sea Monster and Oh-Oa looked great. We also were eyeballing the piranha, but sadly it was out of stock. That would have been my second 'drink' aka mug purchase and dumped beverage.
I highly recommend date nights if possible - they really add to the feeling of the vacation, and give you time to connect versus wrangling children. Thanks for joining along for the ride :)
Oh, I get plenty of date nights with the hubby at DLR. We're empty nest locals. My 4 lil wranglers are now adults out saving the world. :P
Just caught up with the last update. I love that y'all stop and take pics at many of the photo ops. You're soooo going to treasure those in the future. So smart!

Itinerary: Day 6 - DCA & World of Color - Part 2a​


  • Brunch at LL @ noon
I did mobile check in and added 1 to our original reservation for 6, so we had a minimal wait - less than 10 minutes. We sat right by the water, mainly in the shade. The food and drinks were great!

View from our table:

DD5 & DD8 doing some serious coloring:

DH with a Scotch Mist (Black & White Scotch poured over crushed ice with a lemon peel twist - unsure price, as it wasn’t on the menu but I ordered it for my Scotch-loving husband)

DD8 & DS10 got the Infinity Fizz (POWERADE® Mountain Berry Blast, Apple Juice and Cherry Pearls - $7.50). It was a HUGE hit!

They also got the cute Pixar straws, but I forget how much they were; $7 I think. Shown here along with DD5’s apple juice:

I started with the mimosa flight (seasonal selection, I believe I had grapefruit, pineapple, watermelon, and citrus from left to right - $26)

DC12 had Falling with Style (Minute Maid® Lemonade with Mango Purée - $7.00) and loved it. Pictured behind my mimosa flight.

DD15 also had planned on Falling with Style but changed her order to avoid being the same as DC12. Silly kiddo. I believe she got the Gooball Island (Simply Fruit Punch®, Minute Maid® Lemonade and Raspberry Purée - $7.00) and drank all of it, but I know she loves mango and would have preferred the other. It is pictured in the far distant left behind my mimosas and DD8’s Infinity Fizz.

Next up, the food! I had the Lamplight Chilaquiles (House-made Tortilla Chips tossed in a 3-Chile Red Sauce, Cheddar-Jack, Two Eggs-up, Queso Fresco, Red Onions, Cilantro-Serrano Sour Cream and Sliced Avocado, topped with Pepitas - $10). I loved them so much! Very filling, and just the right amount of spice for me.

DC12 and DH got Brunch Burger (Grilled Custom Burger Blend with American Cheese, One Egg-up, Hash Brown Patty, Roasted Green Chile, Lettuce, Caramelized Onions and Paprika Aïoli on a toasted Amish Bun with Fresh Fruit - $22)

DD5 and DD8 got the kids’ Indulgent French Toast (Cinnamon-Brown Sugar Challah Bread, Whipped Cream, Syrup and fresh Fruit - $9). This was one of the few kid sized meals that satisfied DD8. DD5 didn’t quite finish hers.

DS10 got the kids’ Omelet (Egg Whites and Cheddar Jack, served with "fish" Crackers and fresh Fruit. Meets Disney Nutrition Guidelines for Complete Meals without substitutions - $8). He enjoyed it, and it was a great amount for him. He is typically a lighter eater than his younger sister.

Partway through the meal, I decided to go ahead and order the Morning Glory (Tito's Handmade Vodka with Spicy Bloody Mary Mix, Dill Pickle Brine and a dash of Celery Bitters - $16). I had agonized over mimosa flight or morning glory, and realized - I’m at Disneyland. I should get both. It was quite tasty, although I love dill pickle so much I could have done with quite a bit more brine for a greater impact. I finished all of the morning glory, but left some of the grapefruit and pineapple mimosas. I got no grapefruit flavor in that one, and very little pineapple in the other. I’m a very light drinker, so just these two drinks were enough to make me feel slightly tipsy, and neither was anywhere near as strong as those Trader Sam’s drinks. I think if you like heavier drinks, Trader Sam’s might have a greater appeal and you may be disappointed with how light the Lamplighter drinks are, but for me they were perfect! Plus it looked great!

Everyone loved the food and experience so much, they asked why we’d never been there before and if we could go again! Lamplighter is now on my must-do list, and we’d all love to try their regular menu some time too!

I took so many picks of Lamplighter, I need to break this up into two parts again!

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Itinerary: Day 6 - DCA & World of Color - Part 2b​

Afternoon continued:​

  • Redwood Creek Challenge Trail & Grizzly River Run. Depending on how wet we get, we might want to change afterwards; not sure if I will bring clothes with us or plan on heading back to the house.
During brunch, I kept checking IC but it was still down so I grabbed a LL for GRR. I knew we were all a bit hot and ready for something to cool us down. We also had our eye on some yummy sounding treats at Adorable Snowman, but everyone was too full to eat them immediately after brunch. I promised the kids we would come back after Grizzly.

On our way, we ran into Nick Wilde! It was slightly bittersweet for me - my friend’s 6 yr old loves Judy Hopps and Zootopia, and I wished she was there with us. Nick was charming as expected, although he did not do autographs.

No PP, so DH took the group pic:

We kept on towards GRR, and we changed footgear for the ride - swapping out our tennis shoes for flip-flops was one of many tips I learned on the DIS boards! DD5 and I also wore ponchos (purchased in bulk from Amazon ahead of the trip). DH decided to sit this one out and made his way to some good viewing vantage points. We got in the LL and had a decent wait - about 15 minutes total, so nothing bad at all.

In the queue:

On the ride:

We barely got wet! DD15 got the most of it and was kind of wishing she’d worn a poncho, meanwhile I was wishing I hadn’t! It was hot under that thin plastic and I was happy to get it off asap.

I made everyone change back into their shoes, and we headed back to Pixar Pier. Why you ask? To go get those treats from Adorable Snowman of course! Of course it is one of the few places that does NOT do mobile order, and of course it also had a line, and of course the line was in the sun. I waited in line while DH took some combination of kids to the bathroom. We waited about 20 minutes - the line seemed to inch along. We had some nice views though!


Finally it was our turn to order! The menu looked great:

Everyone got soft serve. DD15, DD8, DD5 and I got mango while DH, DC12 and DS got lemon. We headed to Hollywood Blvd to find some shade and finishing eating these frozen treats. They definitely hit the spot and I highly recommend either flavor! Just be advised there is a LOT of yellow coloring, and it will discolor your mouth for a while. Lemon seemed to be more aggressive than mango in that regard.

  • Animation Academy and meeting Anna & Elsa if they are doing meet & greets again
Anna was out doing meet & greet, but her line was closed, and DD5 really wanted Elsa the most. We had 3 more days available, so we skipped her. Instead we applied more sunblock and went to Animation Academy to see Turtle Talk with Crush. There were more people in there than I have ever seen! There was a line for the academy itself, and nearly every sittable area was taken. We went into the Turtle Talk waiting area, and had about a 15 minute wait for the next show. DS started losing it again, possibly too much sugar in the soft serve or it was just a bad day, but it took another round of super-human patience for me to ride it out with him and help him calm down. He struggled right up until we walked into the theater. DH was very frustrated with him - I think he would have happily sold DS to the circus right then! Thankfully, just when all patience was lost, we entered the theater and the blessed cooling AC and seats soothed everyone. DD5 went to the very front with DD8, DS and DC12, while DD15 stayed in the back row with DH and I. The show was excellent as usual, even though none of the kids were chosen this time. DD8 made sure to remind everyone that last trip, she had a conversation with Crush, and we all reminisced about it. Just as we exited the theater, DH realized his phone had fallen out of his pocket! Thankfully they let him dart back inside and grab it.

  • Monsters, Inc ride might be good here.
We never did do Monsters, Inc this entire trip - it is not in a particularly convenient location given other rides we were going on, and the wait times never lined up to work with a GotG LL. It is a cute ride, but I didn’t miss it much.

We were all still in need of something relaxing, so we decided to do PhilharMagic. We’d seen the Muppet 3D show in that same theater before, but never PhilharMagic so we weren’t sure what to expect. I took DD5 on a bathroom break while DH moved the stroller and checked on next show time. As we left the bathrooms, I could see DH gesturing wildly to me across the street - the show was about to start! We rushed in and were seated in moments. Once again, the cool AC and comfort of seats soothed everyone and was just what we needed. Even in mid-afternoon and being last into the theater we had great seats - middle of the theater, middle row. DD5 sat next to me, and had excellent reactions, trying to grab things and laughing so hard.

  • Disney Jr - we might skip this and go back to Avengers Campus; there isn’t as much clamor for it as from previous trips, and the wait and show itself are kind of meh for the rest of us.
We did in fact skip Disney Jr, but we did NOT go back to Avengers Campus. WS times still weren’t really lining up, and I hadn’t quite decided to pay for ILL$, but I had booked Soarin’ after GRR, so we headed that way.

We were too early for our LL when we got there, and once again I was cutting it a little bit close for our reservations. While we were waiting for our time to scan in, several more people joined the queue. We finally tapped in, but the line was at a standstill. Standby was up to 120 minutes, so I assumed they were down to one theater. We waited in the LL about 20 minutes and the ride was good. Third row on the right kind of sucks for visuals - you really have to be in the middle for them to work right, but the smells are worth it. DD5 once again had great reactions and loved every moment.

We (I mean I…) were a little stressed about our reservation at this point, so we quickly grabbed the stroller and rushed to WCT. Would my luck at timing finally run out? How is WCT these days? What did everyone think of World of Color? Stay tuned for answers!

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Itinerary: Day 6 - DCA & World of Color - Part 1b​

WOW, sounds like a very productive morning. I'm soooo not a morning person, but if I have to ride first thing in the morning it will always be coasters. So I ride on an empty stomach....LOL....

I got to model the Eye of Agamotto ($24.79):

Ok, now I'm majorly jealous. They didn't have these when we were there. I'm a HUUUUUGE fan of Dr. Strange, comics and all. This would be like the holy grail for hubby did good.

I promised myself I would NOT grab her, but I gripped the handles as hard as you could imagine. After the first upward rush and drop, my eyes involuntarily cried, but I was wearing shades so you can’t tell. It got better for me after that! I actually enjoyed it a little and would do it again. DD5 loved it.

Hahaha....I'm usually holding bags of purchases, so no hands available to grab the handles. Glad you made it through and enjoyed it a bit.

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Enjoying the trip report. Keep it coming!!

Itinerary: Day 6 - DCA & World of Color - Part 2a​



We really enjoy LL. We always sit indoors, since technically, I'm allergic to the sun. It's why I have to take prescribed Vitamin D. I'm a child of the

All that food looked so good. Now I'm hungry as I sit here at my desk, wishing I was at Pym's getting an Eye of Agamotto.

You should, with the size of your party, see if you can get into that special room downstairs. It is usually reserved for parties of 8 or so....

The times we've been there, the water feature was empty, so not much of a view anyway.
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