Isn't Joss still in college? Won't someone notice that she is no longer in class? Port Charles residents must stop making decisions for other people. Brook Lynn is a hippocryte and now Lois, grandma, Martin, Chase, Lulu, Kristina (did I miss anyone? ) are keeping the secret from Dante. He and Gio deserve to know. Willow should lose her children and I'm beginning to think the same of Carly. All they do is put them in rotten situations. Trina's mother cant tell her husband she is being blackmailed. It's the same bad behavior over and over. Doesn't matter what they do with the Drew character, I can't watch him. I love Tracy but I see no merit in the crypt plot. Sadly, Monica seems to have stopped making demands from the bedroom. Kristina needs a doctor. She knows the fall was her fault. Sonny, could have recovered already rather than delaying surgery.