The fine line between crazy and insane....kickin' asphalt on the way to Goofy '08

Aimster :wave:

Hole E. Cow!!!! We're almost there!!

How are you holding up??

Three more days of pain free bodies and then the slow destruction of muscles, fibers, blood and bones begins :rotfl:

Hope everything is going good for you!
Aimster! :wave:

Whew...third time is hopefully a charm here...the boards seem to keep crashing every time I try to post in your journal. Got some kind of trap set up or something?

Just wanted to say....WOOOOHOOOOO!!! WDW!!!

I cannot believe it's been a year...seems pretty surreal that we will be running the races this weekend! I have to remember to bring a pen and paper...or better yet, a I can take pictures of those Sharpie signs before AK. They may have been weak humor, but I thought they were hilarious (doesn't take much! ...especially after 15 or so miles...)

How are you holding up? Hopefully everything feels good tonight and you DO have a chiro appointment tomorrow, right?? RIGHT? :) Just trying to take care of my race buddy :hug:

Hope you have a great night...I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve...and it's still early in the week!
Ok...THAT is odd...i didn't see that 9:30pm post there a minute ago..LOL guess the first post went through...sorry for the multiples!!
Amy!!! :dance3: You leave tomorrow!!! Is the anticipation about to get to you too!

Hope you've had a great week training and you are feeling good and ready to do this thing!

Can't wait to see you Friday!!! Have a safe journey down to the Happiest Place on Earth!

HI GUYS!!!! :goodvibes Sorry I've been MIA lately...just totally busy with work, kids and preparing for that little thing called GOOFY!!!! :goofy:

You guys have been amazing :). Thank you SO MUCH for your total support. You give me strength! THANK YOU!!! :grouphug:

I'm flying down to MCO tomorrow morning....I have my laptop so you'll get updates ;). I cannot wait to meet up with Stacie, Laurie, Scott et al. It's going to be a fun lunch on Friday!!! :woohoo:

Just want to say to all my friends here....I'll be thinking about you as I run the races. Tracy, Susan, Kim, Stacie, Laurie, Linda, Beth, Cam and of course my running buddy helped make this possible and I appreciate you all. Another group hug (ahhhhh) :grouphug: .

Cheers and peace. I'll be writing from Sunny Floriday tomorrow!!! :cool1:
Hey girl. Have a wonderful trip and great races! I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back (and have rested). :thumbsup2
Hi Amy,

How did the Goofy go for you? Can't wait to hear all about it!!:banana:

Hope you're resting and having a great week so far.:hug:
Hey Amy!!!

I just wanted to drop in and say that it was so nice to run with you and Scott for a bit on Sunday!!! You have no idea how much that helped me at that point in the race! When you guys came up behind me, I was so glad to see you! Even though I couldn't keep up with you guys for long, it was great to run with you for a little bit!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!

I will let you tell everyone how it went, but you guys did great!!! You should be very proud of yourself!
Hi Guys!!!

Sorry it’s taken me so long to post since the races but things have been crazy and now I’m just trying to get back to normal life again. I have to say that this year’s marathon weekend was incredible!!! The highlights included meeting up with DisBoards friends like Scott, Laurie, Stacie, and the entire WiSH racing team. I met people at the dis Pop meet, for lunch at MK and most importantly on the race course. Seeing Laurie, Kevin, Howard, Renee, Denny, Stephanie among others AND most incredibly ALL the scream team support was just a huge boost, particularly during day 2 of the Goofy Challenge. Running with Scott was once again an absolute pleasure as we really helped to pull one another through some really tough times on Sunday. Thanks buddy!!!! :hug:

My overall thoughts on the Goofy challenge:

I WOULD do it again, absolutely. I know...shocking (and I know I told Laurie I would never do it again LOL). Time heals all memory of the agony ;). I would just need to take the lessons learned from this year and apply them. I felt like I was well trained, my legs held up and I never hit a wall during the entire race. I felt particularly and surprisingly good from miles 20-26. Go figure. The first half of the marathon was tough because my legs felt more tired, naturally, but I was able to get past that once I hit AK and push onward. At that point my body just seemed to say “ok…looks like you’re going through with this….so let’s just move on”. The only issue was the fatigue from two EARLY mornings accompanied by my inability to fuel up enough on Saturday for Sunday’s long race. Scott and I both felt like we were lacking energy due to food and not so much training. The humidity also played into that, as we were sweating like crazy from mile 1 onward in both races. Even though we both took gels more frequently than we even anticipated…and ate along the course….and both carried and took water along the course….we still felt like we couldn’t get enough energy. So it wasn’t our legs or our endurance that let us down, it was our nutrition. Speaking with others who ran Goofy, several said the same thing.

As for the organization, I personally felt that Disney did a lot of things right this year and corrected issues that came up last year. Plenty of TP in the porta-potties :thumbsup2 ! PLENTY of water (thank God). And just tons of support along the GF area where it was desolate for us last year.

During the half marathon I had an absolute BLAST. We just took our time and enjoyed every last second, getting pictures, chatting up fellow runners, enjoying the sights and sounds. We finished a little faster than planned . We had decided to try to run/walk a 2:45 half but came in around 2:29. I don’t think this actually factored into day two at all. My legs felt perfect (no soreness, no tightness, no aching, no cramping) going into the marathon the next morning! I was surprised that I felt very strong, albeit sleepy. Our plan was to finish the marathon somewhere between 4:30 and 5:00 hours depending on the weather. Once we realized that the course was really too crowded starting in the corral that we did, thus we couldn’t log fast miles for the first 5 miles of the race, we gave up on 4:30 and set our sights on a solid 5 hour finish. The humidity was factoring in a bit as well so we were happy to take a 5. Unfortunately, my stomach issues reared their ugly head around miles 10 and 13 so that slowed us down a bit. I would guess that overall we lost a solid 10 to 15 minutes due to waiting on line for porta-potties and having to stop completely. After mile 13 Scott’s legs started cramping, which I feel was due to excessive sweating AND lack of food, not to mention having to stop for my stomach problems :guilty: . He was absolutely starving hungry for the entire second half of the race and that factored in largely to his bad leg cramps IMO. My legs felt strong but my stomach was just not cooperating. It made for a tough race, but things settled down and we walked a lot to ease his leg cramps. We were able to finish in 5:23 and all things considered that is nothing to be ashamed of. I PR’d by 1 hour over last year LOL! So hey…who can complain about that right?! Based on how we felt Saturday and the pace that I know we could maintain under “normal” circumstances, I think that had we just run the marathon we could have finished between 4:30 and 4:45. Someday I hope to run just a marathon so I can test this theory ;). But anything can happen on race day so who knows.

Post race I felt surprisingly good…it took a couple of hours for my feet to stop being sore and my legs to settle down. I took one aleve and we hit the parks for some rides (ended up getting STUCK on ToT!), some dinner (props to our favorite bartender David from 50’s Prime Time and favorite waiter David from Brown Derby!!!) and ultimately some partying. I danced like crazy, ended up on stage at Jelly Rolls and made some new friends with the conventioneers staying at Boardwalk. Woo-Hoo! On Monday my legs felt amazingly good….slightly tight but nothing unusual after a long run. My shoulders and upper back were sore but that dissipated quickly. I know that my training was solid and that overall I handled the weeks leading up to Goofy as best as I could. The hours of XT and Pilates that I put in really paid off IMO. The training plan that Scott developed was excellent!!!

If….BIG if….I decided to run goofy next year, the only thing I would do differently would be to eat MUCH more the week leading up to the races, then on Saturday after the Half eat LOTS of small portions constantly throughout the day. I also need to figure out how to handle my stomach condition better….I don’t want to go through another race dealing with porta-potties and losing 10-20 minutes as I’ve done the past two years.
Finally I have to say a HUGE THANK YOU to the WiSH scream teams. You guys were EVERYWHERE on the course both Saturday and Sunday. I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to see those smiling faces when I needed them most. Laurie and Kevin…it was an honor spending time with you guys on the course on Sunday. It helped me a TON! Renee…I hope you’re feeling good and that your back is better, I know we were commiserating in the AK parking lot and I was hoping to see you at the finish. You guys all totally ROCK!! And Scott….my running partner….it goes without saying but I had soooo much fun this year with you! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! :grouphug:

So what’s next??? We’re looking at a few half marathons this spring, going to choose one of them (Country Music, Kentucky Derby, Flying Pig or who knows???), after that Disneyland in August for sure (YAY!) and next January MAYBE Goofy, maybe Arizona or who knows what? But I am absolutely planning on running another marathon in a year from now! Congratulations to all the Wish 5K, Half, Full and Goofy Runners. You guys are all amazing and should be SOOO proud of your accomplishments. :yay:

And are on their way (Kim ;) ). I'll try to get some up here by tomorrow!!!
Amy -- I am so outrageously proud of you! :hug: Congratulations, sweetie! And thank you so much for introducing yourself to me at the POP meet! Your gorgeous, huge smile was everything I expected. You have been such a constant source of support and kindness this year and I am so glad that I got to give you a good luck hug. Congratulations on your AWESOME finish! I can't wait to see pix! :flower1:
Hey Amy!!!!! I love your report!!! You did so awesome this weekend, and you should be so proud of yourself!!! As I said before, I had a lot of fun running with you and Scott on Sunday, I so wish I could have kept up for longer but I just couldn't move any faster! I am glad I got to see you guys at the end...sorry I couldn't stick around to talk, but I wanted to find Gregg.

I knew you would say that you want to do it again next year!!! I am actually considering doing the Goofy as well...never thought I would hear myself saying that!!

Can't wait to see the pics!! We definetely need to meet up for a run one of these days!
Ok. I'm gonna say it. I've known it for a long time. And you gotta be feelin it.

:banana: :woohoo: :yay: :dance3: :cool1:

I'm so proud of you, girl. You trained smart and you ran a smart race. Sorry to hear of your stomach issues again. Did you have any of that during your training runs? What I mean is...maybe it's that intense Florida sun or the super-long distance? Listen to me, the professional novice, trying to figure it out. :laughing: I'm just SO glad you had a really good experience this time around!

I seriously hope you get some rest and bask in your Goofy glory! :goodvibes

Love ya, and I'll try to be patient waiting for the pictures. ;)
Big :hug: !!!!!

I am so happy to hear how well it all went! Congrats!!! I knew you guys would do awesome! Sorry about the tummy issues, but it sounds like you still had a fantastic time! Trip Reports like that can make anyone want to do it! If you decide to go Goofy next year, maybe I'll see you during the half! ;)

I'm so glad we were able to meet you guys for lunch! I feel like I "know" you much better now! :goodvibes

I can't wait to hear what's next!!! Hope see pics soon too!

Hi Amy,


You and Scott make a great team! You did a phenomenal job. I am so happy to hear that you came out of the GOOFY relatively unscathed. Your training certainly served you well.



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