The DisFort's Chit Chat Cafe

Should I....

Do I get to say "Soarin' to tower...."?

Does the Soarin' music play as we lift off....?

All questions I would need answered....

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Well, you've lived (as a married couple) in FL and now CT. How would DW feel about CA?

I don't recall how old your youngest son is but it may not be long until you are empty nesters again. Can't hurt to start the process and see if the salary and pixie dust is enough to offset the state taxes and property values in Southern California.

IMO since you asked. :confused3


PS - The Cast Members at WDW have to work 10 years to get retirement benefits like access to parks, discounts on rooms, etc. Might be worth it if you wanted to work 10 years to pick up those bennies (and move back to FL when you retire).
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Well, you've lived (as a married couple) in FL and now CT. How would DW feel about CA?

I don't recall how old your youngest son is but it may not be long until you are empty nesters again. Can't hurt to start the process and see if the salary and pixie dust is enough to offset the state taxes and property values in Southern California.

IMO since you asked. :confused3


PS - The Cast Members at WDW have to work 10 years to get retirement benefits like access to parks, discounts on rooms, etc. Might be worth it if you wanted to work 10 years to pick up those bennies (and move back to FL when you retire).
Hah… I should have put a more “joking” inflection into the post…

While it would be fun, I think, to wear the company name tag as a Pilot (you may recall I spoke of my previous short period of employment as a young man at MGM Studios at various outdoor food vending locations), I couldn’t realistically do this now… my salary here is better, I have 3 1/2 more years of college (at least) and my youngest is a high school freshman.., but you never know someday (openings pop up from time to time). It is, however (from what I hear) a busy pilots life… a lot more time on the road than I currently experience, the starting pay (while good) would not be good for living in California with a family and school expenses… but still fun to imagine flying for the mouse (maybe there is a super secret pilot at the Fort discount….)
Hah… I should have put a more “joking” inflection into the post…

DW does accuse me of being "obtuse" some times.

Should have known you would have inside intel in the pilot world about other corporations.

I'll go back into my hole now .....

DW does accuse me of being "obtuse" some times.

Should have known you would have inside intel in the pilot world about other corporations.

I'll go back into my hole now .....


lol... well, like I think you have said (or something to this effect)...

"Likes" are nice, but responses are more fun :teeth:
lol... well, like I think you have said (or something to this effect)...

"Likes" are nice, but responses are more fun :teeth:

I DID say that. And in making a fool of myself, I proved it to be true.

Oh well. It's not the first time - won't be the last.

Have a great weekend, Jimmy.

@bama_ed I was pulling out one of these little dishes we have to put some peanut m&m’s in and realized I had something of interest to you….

At Cape Cod every year we get ice cream from a place that for years would serve you ice cream in those little collectible plastic baseball helmets… they had all the MLB teams for years (they have since stopped) but we collected a BUNCH of them when the boys were younger including your pal… I don’t use them a lot, and just happened to notice as I took one out tonight….

@bama_ed I was pulling out one of these little dishes we have to put some peanut m&m’s in and realized I had something of interest to you….

At Cape Cod every year we get ice cream from a place that for years would serve you ice cream in those little collectible plastic baseball helmets… they had all the MLB teams for years (they have since stopped) but we collected a BUNCH of them when the boys were younger including your pal… I don’t use them a lot, and just happened to notice as I took one out tonight….

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I will pay you ANYTHING. YOU. ASK.

Jim about to be walking away....


In other news, day 4 of working on the puzzle. Spent most of this cold blustery day (25F feels like 9F) was spent painting trimwork, and then getting started installing it. I chose to do the painting in the basement in a room I can close off without the furry things getting into it all. The garage diesel heater was employed and did a good job. It took a well cold soaked 30F garage and brought it up to 44F after 8 hours of running on level 5. The garage is far from weather tight so this is good. Usually on days this cold I turn on the propane catalyst heater too, but I just wanted it comfortable enough to use the miter saw, so why waste the fuel.

After several coats, the trim started to get installed. Once done, some painters caulk and some minor sanding will make those seams dissapear. Then some paint touch up to make it look pretty.


The border trim is done, we like how it tuirned out. And this is the per panel trim.


This will hide all the seams between the panels. We love how it turned out.

And @bama_ed since you mentioned it, here is where my desk currently sits. (Please excuse the mess on the temporary table.). As you can see my back faces the panels though it makes for a very nice camera back drop. I might spin the desk around at some point, though for now I like how I sit.


PS: Those doors cover my electrical panel and septic pump control panel (conventional septic, with a drain field pump) So I need access to them meaning my desk could never go past the window (which is why I chose this orientation)
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Jim about to be walking away....

Hah… although I think he was supposed to not tip his hat and instead say, “eh… it’s cute, I’ll give you a quarter to help empty out your cupboard a bit.” 😁
Hah… although I think he was supposed to not tip his hat and instead say, “eh… it’s cute, I’ll give you a quarter to help empty out your cupboard a bit.” 😁

You under estimate the power of frandom (and that says a lot posting on DISboards... :earsboy:)
Hah… although I think he was supposed to not tip his hat and instead say, “eh… it’s cute, I’ll give you a quarter to help empty out your cupboard a bit.” 😁

I can negotiate buying a used SUV because I don't get emotionally attached to my vehicles.

But when it comes to my childhood, I lose all objectivity (trains, anyone?). I see your point, though.


Okay here' goes: "Mr. 4077, I'll offer you a dollar for the old helmet and pay for shipping".

Thanks Spencer. after I spent the morning doing the weekly food shopping and preparing the property for the incoming snow storm. We left the lights up, yet I took down all the inflatables, and I put up my markers for my snow mower (old mower/yard tractor with a snow plow.). I got the rest of the trim cut and nailed up and cleaned up all my tools I no longer needed. I am currently making dinner and will resume working on it afterwards.

Next up is painters caulk on the trim to cover the seams and nail marks, then paint touch up. With any luck could be finished today, worse case tomorrow.
@bama_ed now you got it. Though not sure how you play that after putting your hand face up on the table. Maybe take him out for ice cream and just ask for during his sugar imduced delirium?
@bama_ed now you got it. Though not sure how you play that after putting your hand face up on the table. Maybe take him out for ice cream and just ask for during his sugar imduced delirium?

Ace card waiting up my sleeve....

Is he the only date I can take to the prom? (so to speak) :confused3

Or is there another? :rolleyes:

PS - the answer is in the google search for "michael porter economic theory". It's so easy to learn the answer that the students in Lee County, AL could figure it out (with a crayon).
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Hey @garneska I wanted to say good luck with the 10k during the Marathon Weekend coming up. Take care of that knee. I'm following the mega-thread on the DIS runDisney forum and sounds like weather should not be an issue for you on Friday and on the weekend as well.

Is Bert doing the 10k too?

And will you be staying at the Fort, a different resort, or off property?

Take care and have a great trip!

@bama_ed thanks. It is going to be cold for standing around. Since it is only the 10k for me it will be cold the entire time. That means i can wear my good cold weather stuff to run and taking throw aways for standing around. The marathon would be a different story since it will warm up. Right now for 10k it is looking like 40. I would prefer 50 but i am glad it is dry. Bert is also running the 10k. i think we are in coral D.

My right knee is holding on and as of last week have developed something going on with the left. Unfortunately i think it is degenerative meniscus stuff. I am watching it closely. I am also hyper sensitive to what goes on with my knees. The left definitely has something going on but not near the position the right is in. I am hoping to finish in 70 minutes but if either knee hurts i will back off the pace. Backing off pace tends to help the knee.

We are heading down on Thursday and leaving on Monday. It's a quick weekend and want to be able to spectate so we are staying at Boardwalk Inn. this way we can watch the marathon go by on sunday morning. i am expecting a lot of my disser friends from the running boards to hit there between 8:30 and 9:30.
@garneska have a great time!!! Wishing you and Bert a healthy run. as usual, I’ll cheer you on with my eyes closed!

Day 5 on the puzzle….yup another trip was involved. Though the trip was on Sunday when I found was out of painters caulking. Melissa got it that evening. However, due to winter weather I was occupied with my snow removal chores. This evening I got all the trim caulked, next up is touch up painting the trim and calling it done. We plan to get several good photos of the work and us to submit to Disney Files the quarterly DVC magazine….and share here of course.
Had my left knee scoped yesterday. Large medial meniscus tare and a decent size peice of floating bone fragment behind the knee. The good was I made it home ok. The bad is this time it's unbearable pain, thr swelling will not go down and I can barely move. And when I do move I have a 50/50 chance of screaming out in pain. The vicoden didn't help at all, so I added some ibuprofen to help. I have had ice on it since 1 pm yesterday untill now. Elevating it is hard as I can only move my leg half and inch, then I pull a pillow under my knee. I Haven't slept in 28 hrs. Lol. Doctors secretary said all this is normal with surgery. I said I had almost the same surgery done last year and barly used the medication. No real pain at all and I was walking crutch free on day 3. After that I got an appointment the with the doctor. So wish me luck.
@Sjm9911 oh that sounds awful and making me feel good that i did NOT do surgery on my knee. Nor will i do it on the left one that is giving me some issue as well. I will need it eventual but for the TKR. How long are you non weight bearing? Regardless it sucks. I hope in a few days it starts getting better.

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