The DisFort's Chit Chat Cafe

@bama_ed that is why I did not do 7 intervals. The PT said I could do 6 and that was it. Plus only allowed to run 3 days a week. Plan would be to run tuesday but that is injection day And that appointment is at 8am so no time to do it before and definitely not doing it after.
Hurdle number 1 done. Mom had her assessment for assisted living. She was able to work her catheter bag. She was approved. She is at the highest (read most expensive) level of care but they will take her. She is being discharged on Friday. Bed to be delivered tomorrow.

mom still had a rough day. I am hoping when she gets out of the hell hole, her mind will get better. She is lacking sleep and that is not good.

I was hoping I would feel better today once I knew she was going to AL, but I don’t. Maybe after she is moved there but ugh my stress level is kicking my butt.

on the flip side, I put a bed back in the crate for whisky. She is back to sleeping there. Unfortunately I won’t leave it there when she gets locked up for fear of her chewing.

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Just to reasure you, when my dad went to assisted living, his mind got a whole lot better. Having a scedual and people to socialize with did wonders for him. Plus they made sure he took his medications. He didnt want to go, but in the end it he enjoyed it and it made a positive inpact on his health.
I think we have all learned a valuable lesson from our friend Jim @Teamubr ..........DON'T PUT THAT BALL ON THE TEE FOR @bama_ed AGAIN!!!!

Don't count on me, Steve.

I can hit a one iron like it was eye surgery - straight and true. Other long irons are my personal sweet spot.

But tee up a ball and let me pull out a wood club and there will be NOTHING safe within 270 degrees of the tee box. For about 200 yards in each direction.

Which is why I quit playing golf about 15 years ago (other than with my dad and his brothers [my uncles]). Dad is short off the tee but straight and his brothers spray the ball off the tee. Dad will hit a fairway wood from 150yds onto a green and two putt. I hit an 8 iron, hit the green but run off the back, and chip up and two putt.

Dad picks up two strokes on that hole. Multiply that by 18 holes and you get a feel how my rounds used to go.


PS - now at Disney I will challenge anyone to a putt-putt round. I am pretty good with the flat stick.
Challange accepted! In October, untill then practice.......

I'll be ready for you, you YANKEE you!

PS - now at Disney I will challenge anyone to a putt-putt round. I am pretty good with the flat stick.
I accept that challenge at Disney also. Jordan and I had our annual "Fairways" course challenge. When he was younger, I could get in his mind so fast. As he got older, he shook off my mind games and I had to start paying up.

We may need to start a separate thread for "The DisMeet Mini Golf Challenge"

Glad you had safe travels out west. Been following your trip thread. Enjoy the rest of your time and safe travels home.
I accept that challenge at Disney also. Jordan and I had our annual "Fairways" course challenge. When he was younger, I could get in his mind so fast. As he got older, he shook off my mind games and I had to start paying up.

I much prefer the Fairways course over there by the Swolphin too, Steve. Played it only twice because when I'm with family they usually want to play the silly courses.

Since I flapped my yap, i will take responsibility for starting a Putt Putt Challenge Thread and getting it on the books. So consider it "DONE".

Good thing is, Fairways is not far from the Boardwalk Speedway gas station so the high score putt(s) (say the plural version out loud) players can buy the beer after the round. :drinking1I'm thinking of doing it on the Monday that we have the get together meal so we'll have something to talk about during the meal. Maybe hand out a trophy at the get together. Who knows?

I'll "tee" up this topic on the DISMeet thread too.

(Thats my playing nickname)

I'm of Polish extract so help me: do you pronounce that "Chee Chee"?

I am a former Senior/PGA Marshal at Birmingham golf events and saw the great Puerto Rico golfer Chi Chi Rodriguez many time on the course (a good man) but I have to say, brother, you don't look NUTHIN' like him. :sad2:
What a week. I was supposed to fly to Miami tonight and get on a ship tomorrow. That has been canceled and moved to March 27. I was very lucky with the customer service I got from celebrity so i am hoping desperately i don't have to cancel again. I am not sure i will be so fortunate.

Mom will be leaving the hell hole, oops i mean skilled nursing facility, tomorrow. That is the plan but they are so flaky i am not sure until we get her moved. The stress is super high on me. I have no confidence in the hell hole. Plus mom is not doing great. She did not feel well, and feels full. i am concerned she is starting another ulcer, but it could also be the antibiotics. Even if it is an ulcer not sure i can do anything about it. I am hoping that mom feels better once in assisted living and i am hoping my stress goes down some. I know it won't go away but I can't operate like this.

Got my final knee shot of hyrolaunic acid on tuesday. Knee feels ok. I will try my second day of running tomorrow. I do have one more painful appointment though with the knee. Right after the new cruise i will get the final two shots in my joint. One appointment but 2 shots. The dr said it would be "uncomfortable". When the dr cops to that, it means it will hurt like a mother trucker. I had the choice of tuesday before the cruise (getting on a flight on wed) or the tuesday after the cruise (flying home monday) so i chose after.
I didn't want to bring this up, especially with people loved ones not being in the best places. But, please make sure you all have accurate wills that are up to date and iron clad. The last 2 years for me has me loosing faith in humanity with people not doing the right thing. Put in the will that any one that contests it will be automatically removed, make sure it respects your last wishes and anything you want materlisticly goes to that person.

Sorry for the rant. But to be honest I rather have people rewrite their will and pay a little bit now then to have to go through what me and my family has been through in the last two years. Best part is as the first instance is still being finalized, another person passed and now we are going through the same thing again. Some people are not who you think they are and a little money can make people crazy.
@Sjm9911 i agree with you. One of the myriad of appointments and stuff we have been doing is getting our crap together (because we had nothing done) and looking at what mom has set up so that we can best take care of my brother. I wish we did this sooner so that it was not one more stressor but we are getting it done.
But yea, people suck, even family, unfortunately I never seen it coming.
My dad is 93 and still doing reletively well, but my brother and sister are already starting up. My dad has things sorted the way he wants, but I'm sure my siblings will still raise a stink.



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