The Day the Mickey Died II - Saving Mr. Panic Attack *update 10/2*

I believe it was Ralph Waldo Emerson that said “We find delight in the beauty and happiness of children that makes the heart too big for the body”……..or am I thinking of Where’s Waldo, that skinny, little bean-pole in the red stripped shirt that I find so annoyingly illusive. I always get those two mixed up.
Perfectly understandable.

It’s not fair really. But then again, “life isn’t fair” as my 7th grade Social Studies teacher used to tell us……in his daily effort to stamp out our youthful exuberance and zest for life……which can be a terrible thing if allowed to flourish in a young mind. If I remember correctly, by the end of each day, we all exited his classroom like the slump-shouldered villagers in “Fiddler on the Roof” when they were forced to leave their beloved Anatevka……..pushing rickety, wooden carts over-loaded with all our worldly possessions down a muddy road……and communally singing a dirge with heavy-hearts.
Life is a musical. While some live their lives like Les Miserables, others like Annie, and still others like Cats.

Because, don’t forget, this was back in the late 70’s when:
3) Communal singing by students was an everyday occurrence. If you don’t believe me, I suggest you go out and rent the movie “Grease”…….and later you can come back and apologize to me for your skepticism.
No argument here. (See previous comment.)

DS is a college student now. He still lives at home, so we really haven’t too noticed much of a difference…….except that he has taken to wearing bell-bottoms jeans and flowered ponchos.
College does that to a person. It's our job as parents to undo all of that.

I can’t go back to jail.
I don't know the backstory, but I can only guess that it has something to do with the emotional trauma left from eating oatmeal made with water.

Woob is the real writer in the family and I can’t understand why she isn’t being brow-beaten into writing a trip report like yours truly.
Two in one family? Is she as -- uh -- bright as you?

Some of you might remember a time when the parks where packed with Pal Mickeys. Every time you turned around, somebody’s Pal Mickey was buzzing or singing or simply letting loose with one of his trade-mark Mickey laughs because he asked you a quiz question and you squeezed the wrong palm.
Don't remind me! It's too soon!

Sadly, it seems that people have moved on.......and now Pal Mickeys have all been replaced with smartphones and tablets.
Ah, but you can't hug and kiss and sleep with a phone. Without drawing unwanted attention, that is.

Well, thankfully, I don’t understand technology…..and it frightens me. That’s why Pal Mickey and our family are in it for the long haul. Actually, Pal Mickey was the star of my first trip report…….and I don’t remember reading any trip reports starring a cell phone.
Princess V had a TR about cell phone apps.

Next Up: Hey, here's and idea, how bout we talk about Disney World?
It’s kind of funny really. Because, it’s not like we don’t go to other places besides WDW. I think it’s basically a marketing problem. We just need to get the word out. That’s why we send out our annual Christmas cards showcasing some of our other non-Disney destinations……..hoping it will placate our friends and families’ growing concerns about whether or not we are fostering an out-of-control Disney obsession.
I haven't even taken my 7yo yet and people think I'm obsessed.

For example, Mount Rushmore

That is a really lovely picture.

And let’s not forget the Grand Canyon

I love a family who isn't ashamed to show the world their jorts, fanny packs, plaid pants, and Christmas sweaters.

The problem is that we can’t resist the temptation to send out Disney Christmas cards as well…….and then all of our momentum is lost………..and once again we find ourselves scrambling out the bathroom window while our relatives are all lined up on the couch…….looking teary-eyed and holding handwritten letters.
I hope you don't live in a high-rise! That could get messy.

For some reason, the threatened collapse of all banking institutions along with unprecedented downturns in the financial market puts a damper on my enthusiasm for vacations.

I don’t mind going during Pop Warner week………but if it turns into a zombie Pop Warner week…….well, I’d still probably go because that sounds pretty cool.
You and me both.

Next Up: I've got.....a......plan. Yikes!
A Tommy Boy quote? I think I love you.
“Hey, you’re not talking about that Michigan deposit bottle scam again are you?”

“No, no…..I’m off that. I couldn’t crunch the numbers. It drove me crazy.”
A Seinfeld quote. Bonus.

So, I should say that Tinkershell and I love planning. Honestly, it’s one of our favorite parts of the whole trip.
[Raises hand weakly]
Another obsessed planner over here. I freaking LOVE planning, and my husband knows that I enjoy it almost as much as the trip itself.

There’s nothing quite like the thrill of sitting down and mapping out the optimum days to visit each park. We look at historical data. We look at forecasted data. We look at qualitative and quantitative data. All of this data is then processed and analyzed for the express purpose of creating the perfect plan. We have a name for this state of scheduling nirvana……..we call it Tinkershell’s non-negotiable itinerary…….and once it’s created there's no going back......not ever.
Yep. You just don't mess with the overly orchestrated Itinerary.

I don’t mind going to an upscale restaurant every once in awhile........because it’s one of the few places where I’m called “sir” without it being followed up by “you’re making a scene.”
Actually, that's probably the place where it's MOST likely to happen.

All of this dining information must then be fed to the itinerary…….which is now beginning to pulse and glow.
I blame your Extra Terrestrial neighbor.

But, over the years, we’ve refined the process and now we can produce a shirt that incorporates the fun but leaves out the humiliation and social stigma.
You do that just fine all on your own. Without the shirts.

So, for the most part, Tinkershell and I do the chicken dance alone.
I'm sorry, but that is really abnormal.

However, it was during our planning sessions that I first started to suspect Pal Mickey might be up to something. If you’ve read my previous trip report, you know that we had an unfortunate incident with Pal Mickey on a previous vacation.
Yes, I remember your most unforgivable act very well.

"It’s called revenge……and it’s best served cold"

"But it can easily be reheated……in the microwave of evil"

"Well……I think your warranty is about to expire"

"Maybe I got an extended warranty"

"Warranties are invalid…….if used beyond their intended purpose"

"Girls, girls, you're both pretty......can I go home now?"
A Megamind quote? I KNOW I love you.
  1. Printed out the boarding passes – check
  2. Cancelled the newspaper – check
  3. Dressed up a mannequin in clothes and a wig and set it on an old-fashioned record player so it would spin in front of the window like a party guest……..and added a life size cut-out of Michael Jordan riding on a model train track that will loop back and forth behind the mannequin creating shadows on the drapes to add depth to our deception……..and set up a series of horrific concealed traps in case someone is waiting for us to leave on vacation with the intention of taking all of our stuff…….so that instead of finding an empty house with no stuff when we return home, all we find is a battered, smoking, nail-gun riddled body – check and double-check
Wow, I can't believe you still get the newspaper.

Ok, I know what a lot of you are thinking right now……..”I can’t believe he still gets the newspaper. “
What are you, some crazy mind-reader from outer space? I'll bet YOU are the weird neighbor you were talking about. Which would explain the lack of fashion sense.

Most of the time, it’s just little things like soaking my toothbrush in lemon juice…….or pointing at an imaginary stain on my shirt and then bopping my nose with his finger when I look down.

But as the trip approached, it seemed to me that he was ramping things up a bit. First, he filled the shower head with green food coloring……..and then followed me around singing “you’re a mean one Mister Grinch” at the top of his lungs every time I went out in public. Next, he bet me five bucks that I couldn’t balance two cups of grape juice on the back of my hands……….and then left me, palms down on Tinkershell’s best tablecloth, while he went to the movies. By the time he got back, I was so mad I could have strangled him…….except I had the world’s worst case of “dead arms” so I couldn’t get a grip.
My Pal Mickey never did these things. Are you sure you didn't get the Chucky version?
Me: “You know…….a family ……”

Family (interrupting): “Is like an enormous clock”

Me: “Is like an enormous cl…..yes, precisely! It only works if all the little cogs mesh together. A clock must be clean, well lubricated and wound tight.”
The Incredibles. I'm on to you.

That’s usually the part when they all stop listening……get up……and leave the room.
That's because you never have an original thought.

If I had my way, our home would be furnished with an individual fireman’s pole for each member of our family. On our travel day……as soon as all 17 perfectly synchronized alarm clocks went off in unison……each family member would clamber out of bed and rush to their respective pole. On the trip down, they would automatically slide into whatever clothing they had chosen for the day and land squarely in their shoes at the bottom.
I love your plan! It's flawless!

The biggest flaw in my plan is the fact that we live in a one story rambler, so at this point, everybody would be in the basement. Not a problem. As the family is trudging up the stairs back to the main floor, I could install little mechanical arms that would come out of the walls to brush teeth and apply deodorant. Then, I simply usher everybody into the minivan and…….toot sweet…….we’re off to the airport.
Apply deodorant through their clothes? That is one seriously flawed plan.

On this trip, we had my mother ride along with us so she could drive our minivan back home. She didn't mind. She was happy to do it for a couple of reasons: first, she still carries guilt around from the whole oatmeal debacle; and second, she gets the thrill of taking our sweet minivan out for a spin.
I too own a minivan. But I NEVER loan it out to my mother. She plays with the hydraulic lifts too much.

Last spring, we went to her high school awards night……and I wanted to wear my gold sparkly top hat that says "Happy New Beer! in big letters on the front and has straws running up to two plastic cups attached to the sides.........but she insisted that I leave it in the car. I spent the whole night making needless trips back and forth to the refreshment table.......when I could have been enjoying my fruit punch in style.
I'm not sure why you let your high school-aged, Aeropostale hoodie-wearing daughter dictate your unique fashion sense.

Now, we saunter into the international terminal……..stepping around the occasional rolling tumbleweed along the way…….and hand our identification to a guy whose tipped back on the rear legs of his chair and playing a slow, bluesy tune on his harmonica.
Do you ever challenge him to a chess-piece-swapping challenge?

When the lights start flashing and the loud repetitive bass-booming music kicks in……….and they set up the velvet ropes and the bouncers start letting other people in………it can get a little depressing sitting all by myself across the aisle.
I feel like that sometimes in life. Like I'm always across the aisle from something big.
No, wait. I feel like that all the time.

But, his favorite thing to do is to climb up and push the attendant button. Then, when they come to check on me, he does his “floppy body” thing like he’s some inanimate toy. It’s so annoying. Also, when they’re doing the seatbelt check, he unbuckles mine just before they walk by. He does the same thing with my tray table when it’s supposed to be in the upright and locked position. The attendant will just be swinging their head in my direction when I'll hear it drop with a bang.
I think he may need to be reprogrammed. Less Chucky, more Mickey.

I finally had to cram him back in the carry-on………because the attendant was talking to the air marshal and pointing in my direction.
That had nothing to do with Pal Mickey, my friend.
My first goal had been to land in Orlando without being tasered during the flight as a result of Pal Mickey’s antics.

Well, you can't win them all........but, on the brighter side, my ears had stopped ringing, my vision had cleared, and I was beginning to remember my name again.
I know you're not blaming those symptoms on the taser.

When we had first used the Disney Magical Express on our maiden voyage to WDW many moons ago, we had absolutely no idea what we were doing. Our flight landed…….they herded us onto some type of a glass transport......and we were expelled out into the main terminal......where we emerged rubbing our eyes and turning slowly in circles as we realized we had absolutely no idea where we were going.
This will be us in 10 days, standing in a circle and rubbing our --wait, what?

Finally, Tinkershell walked over to a gift shop to ask directions to DME. Obviously, I couldn't ask directions.....because that would have violated the sacred vow that all males take when they reach the age of majority. However, I was allowed to linger behind her and eavesdrop without risking the dispossession of my man card.
Yeah, right. Like you still have your man card.

Anyway, thanks to proper planning, we were all safely on the DME bus. Next stop…..(drumroll)......POFQ.

What’s that? Oh, right…….next stop…..Saratoga Springs……and then.....(drumroll)......POFQ

Ok fine, next stop Saratoga Springs……then Old Key West……..and then......(drumroll).....POFQ
That's where we're heading...Saratoga, then OKW, then POFQ.

Our kids need to work on their photography skills. Tinkershell looks good though.....and that guy in the background
Not sure what the issue is? Tinkershell and that guy back there look great!

Well, this time I was poised and ready. There was no distraction on heaven or on earth that was going to keep me from getting that picture. I was in the zone.......totally focused.......right up until the moment I decided to snap a picture of Donald Duck on the little television above my seat.
Ah, the old Donald Distraction Ploy. Works every time.

Sadly, it takes a moment for my camera to be ready to take the next picture. The newer cameras might be better. I still use the kind that looks like a wooden box on stilts.......and you have to duck under a curtain while holding up a tray of flash powder.
You did say you were no friend to modern technologies. Except for mechanical arms which apply deodorant to clothed pits.
I've got this funny it a hunch.......that hucifer has found my TR.

BTW, my trip is August 18-30. So I haven't left yet!
I hope you’re not expecting me to finish my TR by the 18th, cuz……..yeah, that’s just not gonna happen.
I'm happy to see you have a TOC now. Yay.
Well, it's been so long since my last TR it took awhile to figure out how it worked again. I'm thinking that I might need a second TOC for your comments.
I'm assuming there's a hidden fanny pack in there somewhere. I'm trying very hard not to judge you people.
You people! As a society, I can’t believe we're still judging people by their fanny packs. You're probably right though. I'm sure it's just flipped around the back. Quite often, the photopass people make that suggestion for some reason.
It was conformity that got you into those jorts and fanny packs.
Conformity…….plus a clever eye for fashion.
Life is a musical. While some live their lives like Les Miserables, others like Annie, and still others like Cats.
Speaking of musicals, we just went to Wicked last week. I bet you’re jelly.

I hope Woobie doesn’t read this……because she’s forbidden me from using the word “jelly” anymore. Personally, I think it’s fly when a Dad tries to use their kid's jargon……but that’s just my bro-pinion.
I don't know the backstory, but I can only guess that it has something to do with the emotional trauma left from eating oatmeal made with water.
Watery oatmeal leads to social deprivation.......and social deprivation leads to crime. It’s a fact…….I read it on the internet.
Two in one family? Is she as -- uh -- bright as you?
Brighter than me? That’s unpossible.

Princess V had a TR about cell phone apps.
Why do you have to correct me in public?
I'm sorry, but that is really abnormal.
You find doing the chicken dance in the kitchen night after night abnormal? It's a little late for this kind of feedback. I'm just about to release a dvd.
Yes, I remember your most unforgivable act very well.
Well, there’s five years of therapy down the drain. Can I get some fries with that judgement?
Wow, I can't believe you still get the newspaper.
What are you, some crazy mind-reader from outer space? I'll bet YOU are the weird neighbor you were talking about. Which would explain the lack of fashion sense.
See, we even think alike……..typically not a good thing by the way.
My Pal Mickey never did these things. Are you sure you didn't get the Chucky version?
Pal Mickeys are simply products of their environment.
That's because you never have an original thought.
Not true……..I’m 98.5% random movie quotes. Mathematically, that makes me 1.5% original thoughts.
Apply deodorant through their clothes? That is one seriously flawed plan.
Um, hello………they’re little mechanic arms that apply deodorant. I’m pretty sure they can handle lifting a shirt first.
Do you ever challenge him to a chess-piece-swapping challenge?
I’m not familiar with this “chess-piece-swapping challenge” that you speak of......please expound.
Yeah, right. Like you still have your man card.
That shows what you know……’s only been suspended.
That's where we're heading...Saratoga, then OKW, then POFQ.
I thought you were camping?
You did say you were no friend to modern technologies. Except for mechanical arms which apply deodorant to clothed pits.
I’m only uncomfortable with complex technologies like digital cameras………not mundane ones like simple mechanical arms that lift you shirt and apply deodorant.
Next up: Fireworks and a parade......this time for certain

Thankfully, we were able to get Tinkershell out of Casey’s Corner without further incident. I’m not sure what it is. But, it seems like anytime you get two women together, the estrogen starts flowing and they want to fight. I won’t even walk into a Hobby Lobby anymore…’s like a war zone in there. I’m afraid I’m gonna get caught between two women “throwin down” with a couple of those heavy, leather-bound scrapbook albums……..and my doctor has warned me repeatedly that I can’t afford another blow to the head.

If only all people could settle their differences in a peaceful, civilized manner……like men.

Anyway, we stepped back out onto Main Street USA and headed straight for the castle. For those of you who have been to WDW during the Christmas season, you know that they string so many lights on Cinderella’s Castle for the holidays that……..if you’re looking directly at it when they flip the switch during the evening lighting ceremony……’ll burn the eyes right out of your head. Since “welder’s goggles” isn’t one of the 8,614 things included on our WDW packing list, we usually punch a hole in a piece of cardboard and then watch the shadow of the castle on the street. It’s certainly one of the most extravagantly decorated things that I’ve ever seen…….second only to the small tool shed in our backyard where I keep my lawnmower……which Tinkershell started decorating a few Christmases ago.

Ok, I think that might have come off a little confusing. What I meant to say was that Tinkershell decorates the tool shed, not the mower. She doesn’t actually decorate the lawn mower. Ok, she might wind a little tinsel around the handle but that’s about it……….although on occasion, she has been known to hang a couple of ornaments from the pull cord……...just small ones though………nothing weird.

I didn’t have a picture of the castle……so I’m posting one of our tool shed instead. If you squint a little, it looks just like the castle

Once we reached the hub, we had a decision to make. We had left Tinkershell’s non-negotiable itinerary back in the hotel room so, at this point, we were just flying by the seat of our pants. Turning to Pal Mickey, I ask him which way he wanted to go…….and he suggested Tomorrowland…….because he likes the way the neon reflects off his shiny black nose at night. I try to warn him that he’s going to end up cross-eyed…….but he’s getting to that age where he thinks he knows everything.

To be honest, I probably shouldn’t have given him his way, seeing as he’d been bugging me all night. At dinner when I was trying to tell a joke, every time I said “knock, knock”………he said “come in.” I find it extremely frustrating to try to entertain under those types of conditions……and he knows it. In Pal Mickey’s defense, I think he was just a little grumpy because he’d been clipped to DS’s belt all night…… know, because of what happened last time. Well, it was either that or stick him on the end of one of those child leashes……..and then we spend the whole time explaining to people that he’s not a service mouse……..and yes, that does sound like a great idea but we have no idea if you can actually get a service mouse..........and since he's not a service mouse, we really can't tell you what would happen if someone else decided to bring a service cat into the parks.

As you can see, it’s just easier to clip him to our belt.

As expected, it was a bustling Saturday night at MK with both a Wishes and MSEP scheduled. Seeing as our options were limited, we decided to take a spin on the TTA Peoplemover…..or the attraction formerly known as the Tomorrowland Transit Authority…..which, of course, was the attraction formerly known as the WEDWay Peoplemover. Whatever you want to call it, I’m still bitter that they changed the Tom Morrow line. Granted, it may not be the most exciting attraction in the park. But, you do get a lovely view of the park at night………..and if the urge strikes you, you can always throw your hands up in the air and scream when you go round a corner……….but I can tell you from experience, you’re going to get some looks.

Anyway, just as we were about to climb aboard the escalator that takes you up to TTA, the CM looked down at DS Ally’s feet and told him his shoe was untied. Now, as everyone knows, the proper response to that particular joke is “well, unfortunately, I have never able to learn to tie a shoe……and thank you so much for bringing up such a painful subject. While you're at it, why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it.”

Instead, DS went with a simple “Oh, is it really?” On the surface, that doesn’t sound too bad. But, Ally has always had kind of an “old soul.” Because of that, when he said “oh, is it really”, it came out with kind of an Errol Flynn 1940’s Hollywood vibe to it…….as if he had one hand in the hip pocket of his smoking jacket and the other supporting a pipe stuck in the corner of his mouth.…….and you expected the next thing out of his mouth to be “do you know, I believe you’re right. That’s a fine fellow. I’d venture to say that you’ve saved me from a serious spill just there.”

It was all very dignified. That is, until a different CM at the top of the escalator gave him rabbit ears while we were videotaping him boarding the car. In case you’re wondering, we always videotape DS getting in the car at TTA. That’s because, when he was little, he panicked half way through the process……froze….. and got stuck in the door when it automatically slid shut. With the type of money people are making off Youtube videos these days, I still can’t believe we didn't capture that footage.

After TTA, we headed back toward the park entrance to claim our spot for MSEP. For evening parades at MK, we like to grab a spot in the flagpole area…….on the TTS side…….where the rope stretches across a little side street in front of the Chapeau shop. I’m sorry I can’t be more specific……but there is a little shiny rock in the asphalt that I look for……..and then I take four paces along the rope towards Mainstreet……..a half a pace back towards TTS……turn in a circle twice…..and then sit down.

We were about 45 minutes early, so we had the area basically to ourselves. Around that time, a woman came up and sat down next to us…….even though there was quite a bit of open space to either side. It turns out she was one of those “chatty” types. The interesting thing about this particular woman was……..although she introduced herself as being from Houston…….she talked exactly like Natasha of “Boris and Natasha” from the old Rocky and Bullwinkle show. You know……she had that heavy Russian accent like all the female spies in the old James Bond movies. Now, I haven’t spent a ton of time in Texas but……….but I thought they said “pardner”, not “comrade.”

Anyway, she sat down and started explaining how the rest of her family was off riding some attraction with a fast pass so she had volunteered to go find them a spot for the parade. Apparently, she'd never liked scary rides.....not even as a small girl growing up in Moscow……..I mean Houston. Funny thing is, she didn’t call it a fast pass……..she called it a “fast ticket”………repeatedly………even though she claimed she had been to WDW many times. Not only that, but I kept catching her trying to making eye contact with Pal Mickey. Now, that in itself is not unusual......because Pal Mickey cleans up pretty good.......and has always had a way with the ladies. But, for some reason on this night, it all started to strike me as a little suspicious.

The Russian Spy from Houston was nice enough to take our picture.

In fact, I was just about to ask Pal Mickey about her when the parade began. I’ve got to be honest here. I prefer Spectromagic over MSEP. Tinkershell will not be happy to hear me say this. That's because MSEP was one of the many magical experiences that she cherishes from her childhood trip to DL. Anyone who knows Tinkershell will tell you that here childhood memories are dear to her. In fact, she is trying to recreate her entire childhood one piece at a time via Ebay. To be honest, I didn’t even know that Ebay had a customer of the month……..but Tinkershell has taken home that award for the last eleven months in a row. So, if you ever find yourself at Ebay’s corporate headquarters, make sure you check out her plaque in the hallway.

I, on the other hand, was never blessed with a childhood trip to DL…….so I am able evaluate MSEP on its merits alone…..unencumbered by sentimental bias. Don’t get me wrong. I like techno pop synthesizer music as well as the next guy. It’s just that……when I was talking to the next guy…… turns out that we both hate it with a passion. Ok, that may be a little harsh. In moderation, it's not too bad........but if you play it continuously, you've actually violated the Geneva Convention and are technically guilty of a war crime.

Coincidentally, that's also the reason why MK had to set a maximum number of times that you're allowed to ride IASW in a single day. They were concerned about a NATO investigation and the possibility of resulting sanctions.

Besides the music, you’ve got to admit that some of those MSEP floats are a little freaky. It wouldn't surprise me if the ideas for some of those floats came out of the back of an old VW hippie bus………with a big peace sign on the front and a bunch of flowers painted on the side…….that belched out a strange cloud of smoke anytime the doors were opened.

If it pleases the court……..exhibit A

Next up: The end of day one.
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!! :yay:

I got into your previous Pal Mickey trip report right as you were wrapping it up and, I know for a fact you were publicly "encouraged" to write another by me and others here are the boards. My hat is off to Mrs. Tinkershell for finally beating you into submission!!!:woohoo:

I'm catching up now and already anticipating the next installment. popcorn::

So glad to have you back, sir!:thumbsup2
I am with Tinkershell when it comes to love for MSEP. And for the same reason. I have vivid memories, as a five-year-old, watching the parade. I was so thrilled several years ago when they brought it back and I could show my daughter.
Looks like it was a great trip!

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Hey megf06, I almost missed you there. They're all great trips at WDW. That's what keeps us coming back. Thanks for posting.

Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!! :yay:

I got into your previous Pal Mickey trip report right as you were wrapping it up and, I know for a fact you were publicly "encouraged" to write another by me and others here are the boards. My hat is off to Mrs. Tinkershell for finally beating you into submission!!!:woohoo:

I'm catching up now and already anticipating the next installment. popcorn::

So glad to have you back, sir!:thumbsup2

Welcome back Connie96. This is starting to feel like a reunion.......except I don't need to suck in my stomach and lie about my job.

I am with Tinkershell when it comes to love for MSEP. And for the same reason. I have vivid memories, as a five-year-old, watching the parade. I was so thrilled several years ago when they brought it back and I could show my daughter.

I know, it's actually pretty good. I just had to badmouth it to see if I could get a rise out of Tinkershell.
I'm starting the think that maybe Pal Mickey and the Russian Texan were in cahoots. And yeah that float is pretty creepy looking.
Spectro forever!!!! Except, you know, not because apparently they've already taken apart the floats :sad:

When I took Joe for the first time in December, the music started for MSEP and he says "well this isn't so bad, though I hope it changes soon"

Poor sucker :rotfl:

He didn't like the bee float, he said that one was creepy.
I'm starting the think that maybe Pal Mickey and the Russian Texan were in cahoots. And yeah that float is pretty creepy looking.

Pal Mickey was acting strange.......but that's not totally unusual.

Spectro forever!!!! Except, you know, not because apparently they've already taken apart the floats :sad:

When I took Joe for the first time in December, the music started for MSEP and he says "well this isn't so bad, though I hope it changes soon"

Poor sucker :rotfl:

He didn't like the bee float, he said that one was creepy.

Yup, rumor has it the Spectro floats are it's just spilt milk now.
The End of Day One

Benjamin Franklin is historically given credit for the old saying that nothing is certain in life except death and taxes. In reality, the idea first appeared in a book written in 1726 by a man named Daniel Defoe………or am I thinking of Daniel Day-Lewis, the only leading man in the history of film making who has ever won 3 Academy awards for Best Actor……….and the poor bugger who was once stalked mercilessly by my DW Tinkershell during an appearance at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City………until she saw her chance to rush up to him on a quiet sidewalk and asked him the question which has now become famous in our household: “Daniel Day…….may I shake your hand?”

Why she dropped the “Lewis” part of his name, we may never know. I think she was a little muddled. But, she did get to shake his hand……..just before she was tackled by security. Although this historic event happened back in 2007, I’ve never personally witnessed her washing that hand since. In fact, if it looks like it might rain, she slips a bread bag over it and snaps a rubber band around her wrist.

This photo was actually the wallpaper on a Daniel Day-Lewis website for awhile. I added the red circle to highlight the dangerous stalker

Anyway, I think they could add an additional item to the list. Besides death and taxes, a person can be pretty certain that Tinkershell is going to cry during Wishes. It started during our first experience with the nighttime spectacular back in 2005 and it continues to this day. Although, the first time she cried I’m sure it was because of emotion. Nowadays, she’s probably crying out of frustration. That’s because Pal Mickey and I are standing next to her squabbling the whole time. He’s complaining because he can’t see and I’m mad because he’s pushing my hat over my eyes and he's got his foot in my ear.

Before we headed for the castle to stake our spot for this trip’s installment of Wishes, we had a little emergency shopping we needed to do. At some point during MSEP, we had started to detect a noticeable chill in the air. Now, this wasn’t our first rodeo……..or trip to Orlando during early December either. But, it was starting to get colder than usual.

Under normal conditions, DD Woobie and Tinkershell both have a comfortable temperature zone of anywhere between 71 and 73 degrees. Anything outside of that range is either “freezing” or “roasting”…….and apparently intolerable. If I were to ever find myself on the top of a mountain sitting in a cave with a white bearded old man in a toga, the question I would most like to ask would be why my wife sets the furnace at 80 when it’s cold outside but needs the central air at 65 when it’s hot. Isn’t temperature a constant, wise old dude? Why is 80 degrees comfortable in one season…..but not in another?

It is my personal belief......that somewhere in that answer......I would find the meaning of life.

Even though it was cold, Tinkershell wasn’t the problem. Over the years, she’s adapted to her condition by always wearing multiple layers of clothing to everything. When we eat at a restaurant, Tinkershell performs her version of the “dance of the seven veils” in rhythm with the number of times they’ve cycled the air conditioner.

Wooben, on the other hand, was only wearing a light hoodie. Plus, she couldn’t even put the hood up to warm her little ears…….because she had cried into the hood while watching “Life of Pi” in the movie theater and gotten mascara on the outside. I tried to explain to her that she didn’t know anybody at MK so she didn’t need to worry about people judging her by the condition of her hood……..and I tried to explain to her that she didn’t need be sad about the tiger leaving Pi at the end of the movie because it had only been a manifestation of the basic animal instinct inside of Pi that he had been forced to call upon to survive the tragic ordeal and, later, to cope with the memory of the horrific things that he had experienced.

Neither of these insightful nuggets did any good. We were going to have to buy her a hat. Funny thing is…….we had just bought her a nifty Kermit hat before we left for the trip. It was just the type of thing she needed…….and it was safe and secure back in the hotel room. Why do things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?

Here’s the hat we left in the hotel room......and Wooben having a premonition that we're going to leave it behind.

Thankfully, we were in WDW where you can buy anything you need…….just as long as you are willing to pay 400% of normal retail value. Plus at that very moment, we were standing just outside the shop called “The Chapeau”……which if I’m not mistaken, is French for “overpriced hat”. Actually, it wasn’t too bad…….after you financed it over 60 months. Plus, it’s always fun to shop for hats.

Keep looking…….I’m pretty sure that’s for babies.

Frightening………but you don’t get a hat

Ah what the heck........the acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree

With what became known as the “great hat crisis” behind us, we started to head for the castle to find a spot to watch Wishes. Along the way, we stopped in Main Street Cinema. It has a special place in our heart because that is where we bought Pal Mickey many moons ago. Nowadays, it’s basically just an art gallery……..and no longer deals in the trafficking of plush interactives.

During the Christmas holidays at MK, they string garland and wreaths between the buildings on either side of the street. Although the effect is beautiful……and it kind of makes you feel like George Bailey in Bedford Falls…….and it’s very hard not to dash down the middle of the street calling “Merry Christmas movie house……Merry Christmas emporium……Merry Christmas you wonderful old building and loan!”, it does create a bit of a visual impairment when viewing the fireworks.

See, here's those nasty little view-blockers. Next time, we’ll move up closer

As the last beautiful strains of Wishes faded away, we took a brief moment just to soak it all in..........and then we turned and sprinted for the exits with the rest of the scratching, pulling, eye-gouging mob of people we had just been sharing this wonderful experience with.

Next Up: Day 2 - Magic Kingdom
My god, you're hilarious. I'm officially subscribed to this thread now, though anyone who knows me can tell you that in no way implies that I will actually keep up with your Trip Report. In fact, I've read about two paragraphs of it so far.

But hey, baby steps, right?
My god, you're hilarious. I'm officially subscribed to this thread now, though anyone who knows me can tell you that in no way implies that I will actually keep up with your Trip Report. In fact, I've read about two paragraphs of it so far.

But hey, baby steps, right?

Welcome aboard nilla. Just remember, regardless of whether you finish or not.......all subscriptions are non-refundable.
Another hilarious update, you crack me up.

The clothing issue must run in the family. Despite all my planning and my park bag full of miscellaneous stuff I still have a couple pair of $12 Mickey socks, a pair of Disney gloves, and a couple overpriced Disney hats.

I'm starting to regret not planning a trip to WDW this year, I'm having withdrawals and have found myself spending more time on the DIS lately. I'm going to DL again next week but I miss POFQ, the buses, and the complete isolation from the real world.
Another hilarious update, you crack me up.

The clothing issue must run in the family. Despite all my planning and my park bag full of miscellaneous stuff I still have a couple pair of $12 Mickey socks, a pair of Disney gloves, and a couple overpriced Disney hats.

I'm starting to regret not planning a trip to WDW this year, I'm having withdrawals and have found myself spending more time on the DIS lately. I'm going to DL again next week but I miss POFQ, the buses, and the complete isolation from the real world.

DL is great. But, WDW takes it to another level. You better go next year.

I'm freaking out a little bit that we're not staying at POFQ on our upcoming trip though.


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