~The Daily Grind~ 9/18/09


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.”
"You Can Do Anything for 15 Minutes!" ~ FlyLady

This month's Habit is: Before Bed Routine!
Zone of the week - Zone 3 - The Main Bathroom and Your Stash and Dash Spaces

~The Daily Grind~ 9/18/09

It's Friday!! :dance3:

My day off!! I'm meeting BFF and we are going to lunch, DSW, maybe Kohl's too :teeth:

My List for Today:

This repeats every day!!

Stay on points! I've been doing really well on points...just need to get back to the gym..

365 pic

Dinner... :confused3

Have a Great Day!! :teeth
To Do:

Up early (since I'm going to bed now, this should work..)
Swap Stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More homework
More Swap stuff
repeat as necessary, with a break for lunch
Babysitting for the next doors

Deb - I need to go shopping too, but I'm going Saturday - I need nicer clothes, I realized. No more baggy tee shirts for school. And I need a new winter coat - it poured rain one day when I had it, and it never quite recovered.

finish cleaning he living room
school again - ice cream social for all the summer readers
school again - dance

I lead such an exciting life! LOL
Deb, have fun on your day off!!! I hear you about the shopping--I need to go, too. I have no pants to wear for when it gets cooler. . .that must be fixed or work would be really interesting. :rotfl2:

It's FRIDAY!!!! WOOHOO!! And just 2 weeks from today, I'll be on the road to WDW!! Look out, Mickey, here come the Stitchs!!!

Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. Caffeinate
3. Fix 2 bday cards
4. Fix bday giftie
5. Make grocery list
6. DS up
7. DS to mom's
8. Work

9. Pick up DS
10. Stamp dates on P365 cards--I'm SO CLOSE to being caught up!!
11. Dinner with ILs (belated bday dinner) at Chili's!
12. Stop at Wally for stuff for DS

13. Call ped for 15-month checkup
14. Clean my bathroom
15. Figure out what we're doing tomorrow
16. Go to sleep sort of early!!

Everyone have an AWESOME Friday!!

well it's been one h e * * of a night! bubba's been up ALL night. oh good grief. i hate this time of year.

i have no idea what the day is bringing for me so i'm making no list today.
i don't know if i'm working/staying home/......

have a great friday everyone. and a better weekend.

oh and can i share one more thing.....

Bubba was apple student of the week!!!
you collect paper apples through the week from teachers, aids, principal, staff by doing good things then at the end of the week they see who has the most and it was him!!!!!!
he had one from the principal in his pile too! i was so excited. he got a certificate and his apples!
just a proud mumma moment!
:hug: I'm sorry about Bubba Holly.

Get kiddos to school.
Throw in laundry.
Meet friend for lunch.
Search for more grocery bags while out.
Work on swaps.
Fix dinner.
Get out laundry before it smells sour.
Goof around rest of night.
Go to bed early, soccer game in the morning.
Holly, I hope Bubba is feeling better.:hug: And, a big :banana: dance for his award!!! Way to go Bubba!!!!!!!

My day:
DS up and off to school
Clean up the mess that's everywhere in this house!
Go to orientation at Michaels - I'm nervous and excited!
Go grocery shopping
Finish kitting up page 4 & 5 and 2nd tag of paper bag album (this has been on my list for 3 days - it will get done today!)
Pull fabric and thread to stitch cover design for album (this one keeps hanging on too!)
Somehow get a picture of DS and his date for the homecoming dance. It was much easier when he wasn't driving!!

Have a wonderful Friday everyone!
Go Bubba!!!

work at church prepping for dinner
fundraising dinner at church
PO for ATC swap

Am routine done
this will be breif I'll come back later for all the goings on.

Holly hugs to you and Bubba. Your one strong mamma I'd be in a puddle on the floor.

making brown pickles with a freind in the am
cleanin and laundry in the pm

husband hiking cardigan mountian with 6th and their 8th grade teen to teen buddies.
off to get cukes from garden
Mornin' everyone!
I'm feeling lots better than I was earlier in the week... Lots going on at home, we are in the big up swing of kids' sports/school events til mid October and I think I stressed myself out over it. So I'm playing catch up here.... and at home...

Have fun w/ BFF, Debbie...
Holly, sorry Bubba had a bad night but I'm sure glad to hear he was apple student of the week! Way to go Bubba!!!
AWM, I feel your pain.. PJ has to be on a bus by 6:50am tomorrow.. we have football/soccer and I have to run to PJ's meet... than run her back here for dance committee, get her ready for her dance tomorrow night.. :faint:
Buffy, LOL You have my days!
SIOH, have fun at dinner!
DIT, good luck at orientation!

Ok today... I did a lot this moring, now where to start from here forward..

older kids to make their beds
older kids on bus
get ready for day
nap (may reverse)
finish load of towels
run dishwasher
pull shopping lists (lots to do)
price fabric paint for homecoming banner PJ must do this weekend
look for tie dye shirt for PJ (her class theme is the 60s)
pick up N @ 1030
J's, M's, HL
unload van
put away everything by 1:30pm
clean out van
make sure everyone's sports uniforms are set out and ready to go
pack PJ's cooler for XC in the AM
make sure boys' water bottles are in the fridge & ready
get ready for date night w/ DH
DS8 to babysitter
PJ & DS13 give them the expectations for tonight as they are going to the HS football game
enjoy dinner out

This weekend must work on TnT swap.. got some motivation...but it'll be done mostly on Sunday!
I know there are more items but for the life of me, I can not think of them.

I hope everyone has a great day!
I need a new one too Buffy! I keep telling DH this old one is dying.
It started to make high pitched whiny noises. I want to get it replaced before it starts leaking or something.
I'm at work. Don't want to be here. I'm a bit cranky (aka peeved at my DH). At least the boss won't be in until later this morning.

Holly, so sorry Bubba is having breathing issues, I hope the new meds work. WTG on the apples! He's a great great boy.

Thinking of taking PrincessM to Mike's tomorrow for the American Girl make and take. She has dance too, and she needs new shoes. Oy, it's always something!

Hope everyone has a good day!
Mornin! Little late this morning, having computer issues. Getting ready for little man's first soccer tomorrow! Should be hilarious- complete chaos! :lmao:

Holl- so sorry Bubba's having a hard time! But way to go Bubba!!! :banana:
Nan- glad you are feeling better!
Jennifer- have fun at the American Girl store!

DD's hair and out the door
make bed

shine the sink
swish and swipe
Wii fit
DS dressed

sweep kitchen
vacuum living room
put stuff in the garage
hang pictures
figure out Snapfish pictures
pass out soccer uniforms?
DH to get DD
dinner at mom's
thanks everyone! he wanted to go to school. so off he went.
i'm at work doing a driveby post!:car:
Deb, have fun on your day off!!! I hear you about the shopping--I need to go, too. I have no pants to wear for when it gets cooler. . .that must be fixed or work would be really interesting. :rotfl2:

I hear fishnet stockings are the in thing this fashion season. ;):lmao:


well it's been one h e * * of a night! bubba's been up ALL night. oh good grief. i hate this time of year.

i have no idea what the day is bringing for me so i'm making no list today.
i don't know if i'm working/staying home/......

have a great friday everyone. and a better weekend.

oh and can i share one more thing.....

Bubba was apple student of the week!!!
you collect paper apples through the week from teachers, aids, principal, staff by doing good things then at the end of the week they see who has the most and it was him!!!!!!
he had one from the principal in his pile too! i was so excited. he got a certificate and his apples!
just a proud mumma moment!

Poor Bubba not feeling well, but hey, way to go on the apple student!!

AWM, how are the puppies doing?

My to do list today:

Get DD up and ready for bed
Write in DD's communication book
Going try to skip the caffeinate routine today :scared1: I went the longest time on the wagon until I started drinking caramel ice coffees this summer, one thing led to another. Back to drinking water.
Talk to case manager. :sad2: pirate:
Pre-register DD for her quarterly blood draw tomorrow.
Stop by pharmacy to get co pay reimbursement. I won the battle!
Pay TS consultant for my order
Catch up on whiddling away Mt. Washmore.
AWM, how are the puppies doing?

:sad: They aren't puppies anymore.

I'll have to upload some photos to show you. They are huge now. Okay, more squat and round than huge. But definitely not puppies anymore.


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