~The Daily Grind~ 8/28/09


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.”
"You Can Do Anything for 15 Minutes!" ~ FlyLady

This month's Habit is: One load of laundry each day :laundy:


~The Daily Grind~ 8/28/09

It's FRIDAY!!! :dance3:

But I have to work, and work all weekend too...sigh...

My List for Today:

This repeats every day!!

Work till 3p

? OK, it's a maybe on this one...

365 pic


Dinner... Left overs?

Have a Great Day everyone!!! :teeth:

Got a mile long list of required chores.... what's new w/ that!

MUST get done:
cut 3 more paper piecing for Suzanne
cut titles for pages to complete tonight
kit pages for tonight
make sure ribs are cooked for Saturday
make meal for Friday nite for kids and DH as the are gonna watch a movie and enjoy the evening while Mommy takes a night out to scrap w/ a friend
gossip w/ friend about things and scrap.
Debbie- I hope you have a good weekend even working.

get up early
pack car (it was raining so hard at night I didn't want to do it then)
leave for SDV
scrap (my goal is 100 pages for the weekend)

is it friday already???
shucks. that means my vacation is almost over.

deb-have a nice weekend. i love that workout smilie!

nan-enjoy your night off with your friend. and what kind of paper piecings are you making? i've seen it on your list for a couple of days. and are your making them for NEE? just nosey!:goodvibes

Rebecca- have a great time. tell everyone Hi from me. 100 pages?? really? holy cow! good for you!

well my list is kinda short for today....

up, dressed, breakfast
niece's dh is dropping off her 3 kids so she can work
entertain 4 under the age of 7
call on dh's truck part.
balance checkbook
dep $ into c.u.
drop off reorder form for checks
print bubba's registration for brickmaster club meeting.

ok that will get me rollin'! have a great friday everyone.
My to do list today:

Go to SDV!!
Attend photography class
scrap some more
scrap even more
watch 11:59 shuttle launch

wish you were all here :goodvibes
Good morning, everyone!!!!!! It's FRIDAY! I'm so glad to see it!! :banana: I feel TONS better today, and my positive attitude is finally back (bet DH'll be glad of that!!)

Deb--hope the weekend's good, even with work!
Nan--enjoy tonight!!
Rebecca--enjoy SDV and tell everyone hello!! Good luck on the 100 pages!
Holly--make the last day of your vacation AWESOME!!!
Lisa--have fun, fun, FUN!!!! We wish we were there, too!! ;)

Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. Caffeinate
3. Cards for work ready

4. Get outfit for DS
5. Start trying on some vacation clothes (it's quiet because I'm the only one up, so I won't bother anyone!! ;))
6. DS up
7. DS to Mom's
8. Coupon & stuff to Mom's
9. Get my lunch from her--potato soup, YUMMY!!!

10. Work--I AM going to get through my list today (fingers crossed)!!
11. Remind DH to go get my brother & SIL & take them to the airport
12. Pick up DS

13. Get nail polish from mom
14. Fold laundry
15. Wash 3 loads
16. Do a few things on weekend to-do list
17. Walk with DH & DS
18. Leftovers for dinner
19. Work on packing list
20. Week of P365 journaling at work (hoping to be caught up by Labor Day)
21. P365 pic

22. Go to sleep sort of early!!

Everyone have a FABULOUS Friday!!!
Rebecca- have a great time. tell everyone Hi from me. 100 pages?? really? holy cow! good for you!

Last year I did 125 in the weekend and had a class then too- but this year I am going with a lower number since I am leading some make and takes.

Rebecca and Lisa, have an awesome time! I sure wish I was there too!!!

Holly, good luck with a house full of kids!!!!

Nancy, have fun scrapping with your friend tonight.

It's raining again and will be all day. And, it's Friday. So, I've decided that today will be a "play" day and I'm going to hole up in my scrap room and play with my scrapping stuff! DH is always telling me that I've reverted back to kindergarten because I like to play with scissors, glue, and paper!:rotfl2:

Have a great day everyone!
Mornin'...been up since 5:20am... change in the noise level in the house awake me... good thing...reason being our power was out... no one seems to know why... so I turned the tv on and laid on the couch til time to get kids rattled... I'm definitely taking a nap this morning..

Holls, not NEE.. Suzanne posted on the scrapping board about her son receiving a Make-A-Wish trip. So, I offered to make her some paper piecings to add to her scrapbook from their trip.

I would like to see some rain.. but our dome seems to be over our county again.. Literally, the storms come and than part and miss our county...
Let's lee
drop off syrup
dog food
pick up computer

at home
set up computer
drag garbage out of office
clean camper (down to 1 week)
clean kitchen and living room AGAIN

DIT hole up for me too I'm hoping for a rainy day this weekend
Rebecca good gosh that's a lot of pages. I need a weekend like that
Brooke glad your feeling better
Lisa rub it in! hope all of you are having fun
Holly good luck with all of those kids, that's a tough age.
Nancy enjoy the night off you deserve it.
Deb as bad as it seems to have to work weekends be glad you have a job, I'm getting no where fast. Although there are days I love being home.
Have a great friday everyone.
Oh, I could cry...We have a water leak in the bathroom going down into our kitchen. Good gravy, what is *this* going to cost us. One of PrincessM's friend's dads is a plumber and he's coming over around 9:00 this morning to look at it (and hopefully fix it, we've had to turn the water off). :sad1: I could cry or throw up.

I have to work today, especially since I know this is going to cost a small fortune. Stupid stuff!
oh thanks Nan. i sent her a pm. i was not sure what to offer. maybe i can do some of those for her. shoot me a pm (when you get a minute!) on which ones you have done and maybe i can make some too!

Jennifer-that's awful. what's up with that?

thanks everyone. i need all the help i can get with all those kids!
:hug: I think I would do both.

I hope it is an easy fix and it doesn't take long to repair the damage done.
DH noticed a "slight" discoloration on the ceiling in the kitchen late last week, but to be honest, it didn't really register with me. Who knows how long it's been there? PrincessM got up first this morning and yelled upstairs that Daddy had to come down! I knew it was a big deal because of her tone of voice, but thought it was a cat (Alley's nearly 12). It's not gushing, but it's dripping from the bathroom into the kitchen. It's got to be a pipe. Who knows what he'll have to rip out to get to it? Urgh, I'm tired (haven't slept well all week), I can't shower, I need a drink and it's only 8:00 am. AND, I have to spend the whole day at work! Why couldn't I have been born rich instead of beautiful?! Or, why did I marry for love instead of money?! Gotta laugh or I'll cry...
DH noticed a "slight" discoloration on the ceiling in the kitchen late last week, but to be honest, it didn't really register with me. Who knows how long it's been there? PrincessM got up first this morning and yelled upstairs that Daddy had to come down! I knew it was a big deal because of her tone of voice, but thought it was a cat (Alley's nearly 12). It's not gushing, but it's dripping from the bathroom into the kitchen. It's got to be a pipe. Who knows what he'll have to rip out to get to it? Urgh, I'm tired (haven't slept well all week), I can't shower, I need a drink and it's only 8:00 am. AND, I have to spend the whole day at work! Why couldn't I have been born rich instead of beautiful?! Or, why did I marry for love instead of money?! Gotta laugh or I'll cry...

I ask myself this question everyday!!!:rolleyes1

:flower3::hug: I'm so sorry.. hopefully it won't be as bad as you think!

Morgansmom- that's awful! I'm so sorry!
Lisa- y'all have fun!
Holly- Enjoy your last vacation day with Bubba!

DD's hair
DD's lunch
DS dressed
DD to school

make bed
make DS's bed
have DS pick up his room

swish and swipe
shine the sink
change address on drivers license
take give aways to the garage
decide if keeping soap dispensers
2 loads of laundry
clean out purse
attempt to straighten bedroom
twiddle thumbs
mom's for dinner
i say that exact statement to my bff at least once a week!:rotfl:

AWM-nice to see you. how's things in your world?
Getting ready for the first day of school and all the soccer practices have made things quite busy. Thanks for asking. I finally got a chance to shop for Little Bit's birthday gifts. Have to wrap them before he comes home.

Just want you to know, a day hasn't gone by that I don't think about you and hope you are doing as well as you can. :hug:
thank you. i appreciate all of your thoughts.

glad to hear that things are good. is today his *real* birthday? and what's he 2nd grade this year?
It's the bathroom sink. We're going to have to replace the vanity, sink, and probably floor in the bathroom, as well as parts of the kitchen and laundry room sink :( The plumber is fixing the pipe issues, but we'll have to call someone else to do the construction work (my BIL has his own company, but I don't expect *much* of a discount). :sad1:


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