The Case of the Sleepy Blood Disease, Very Good Very Good! Trip Video! Updated 12/18


DIS Veteran
Jul 23, 2010
The Case of the Sleepy Blood Disease, Very Good Very Good!

There's the place to be
Look around and see
Memories are forever here and now
Millions of them, too
Dancing next to you
Go as far as dreaming will allow

The pictures we make are dreams that come true
They open a window to a memory made by you
They shine like a friend and won't ever end
Open up your heart and let the memories begin!



I'm Sam! Disney lover, DCP alum, future Golden Oak resident. I am on a mission to visit every disney park in the world, but this year was dedicated to just WDW.



Erin my lovely friend who puts up with my Disney obsession by buying an AP and coming on so many trips with me! I like to say Disney created our friendship after she asked to go see the osborne lights their last year and we were basically strangers. Here's too trip number 6!



Kiss, the youngest in my disney loving family. He is slowly letting the Disney life in, as he recently started watching disney youtubers. He is also the reason we did the dining plan, and I thank him for that.

When: July 14- 21
Where: Port Orlean French Quarter
Why: Last trip with AP, Toy story land, dining plan
It's Disney Day!!!

When it came to this trip we had three main reasons
  1. Get one last trip in using our AP before it expires in August
  2. Toy story land
  3. dining plan
The day opening day for TSL was announced my friend Brittany texted me with “See ya June 30” and for a solid month I tried figuring out how to try and get there for the opening. It just didn’t work out that way and its for the better since I would not have been willing to wait 3 hours just to get into the land.
So I have two things I look into for planning trips
  1. the cheapest flights
  2. a nice CM room discount that work with the cheap flights
So with questioning Brittany (one of my best friends who moved to florida to teach) and Alish’s (my sister who works at Disney) schedule for what weeks would work for them I started doing my quick airfare search followed by checking the hub for room discounts. Since Kiss wanted to do the dining plan I knocked us down to moderate instead of deluxe. At first we almost stayed at Fort because it’s my favorite but once adding the charge of the golf cart for a week we decided to choose french quarter.
So on a spur of the moment I got the flights and room. Once I do this I go in full planning mode. And by the next day I had practically our whole day to day planned with reservations and suggestions for FP. Too Erin this was crazy since it was only a day, but to me I find the joy and could do it in my sleep.
Once 60 days hit I put all my disney faith in Erin and Kiss to get FP. I work at 6:45 and FP open at 7, so literally the night before Erin had me on FaceTime forever making sure she had which park, which day, which fp she was going for and for what times. Both of them did great with FP selections and soon it was time to go to disney!

July 14th 2018…3AM. WAKE UP IT’S DISNEY DAY!!!!

It was a very early morning, but the way I see it is more time is Disney so I can’t really complain.
Erin swung by to get us at around 3:45 and we were off to the airport. Another bonus about waking up so early is the airport is mostly dead at this time so security was a breeze. With so much free time before boarding I decided to wait in the long line found at Tim Hortons to get some breakfast.
Once boarding I normally put on the Hamilton soundtrack and sleep. However this time I started listening to the Be More Chill soundtrack, but mostly Michael in the bathroom and even before we took off Kiss was already over me singing the catchy tune.
The flight down was anything but exciting, but after 2.5 hours we were arriving to MCO.
We got to the ME only to get stuck with a mears bus with no TVs, so it was a very quiet bus ride. The plus side was that I got that magical text message saying our room was ready and at 8am I was very shocked. As we made our first stop at saratoga springs my sister asked when we landed and was surprised to learn that we were already on property.
Next stop, was our stop, hello french quarter! We headed straight to our room to relax for a hot second. First things first, the new rooms here are wonderful! I love the hard wood floors and being able to store my luggage under the beds now.


Since this trip we were on the dining plan we headed down to the quick service location to grab our mugs. We were super lucky to have our room in the building next to the main building so it became a normal midnight walk to the new freestyle coke machines.
Around 10am we were off to the kingdom, because lets be real I waste no time getting back to my favorite park. As I’m waiting for my bag to get checked the security guard asked if I had my pirate license on me. At first I was confused, and didn’t process what he asked. He asked again and I was honestly just so confused to the point where he had to point to my camera and say “you can’t bring in your canon if you don’t have it”
Once we got into Mk we had to play the waiting game for Alish and Justin (her boyfriend) who had to go through a process to get into the park. Since Alish was working tonight at MK she had to park in the CM parking, take the bus to MK, go through the tunnels and back to the front of the park to scan in as a guest so she could use Fps.
So while they did that we headed to the castle to get some photos.



Tis the season for the change over in CPs. Welcome to the world of so many earning my ears!
Alish and Justin found us and we were off to tomorowland. An incredible summer feels like a disney version of comic con with all the wanna be superheroes wondering around.
With all the incredible things happening in tomorrowland we started with…space mountain because we are basic, plus we had a fp.


Things I probably should have know but didn’t know was the new exit for space mountain. And if you are unaware, the moving walkway is closed and you know exit out the back and walk outside all the way around the building and over the train tracks.


A “classy” new walkway and a tour group, what a magical photo.
Honestly the walk is hot, long and annoying when you have to wait for the train to pass. However this whole situation made me feel like my friend Brittany who use to work at space and would have to make that trek everyday to work.
Next up people mover because it is a relaxing ride with a normally short wait. As we were heading up the walkway Justin goes “Should we do CoP next before it turns into Edna’s” BREAK MY HEART WHY DON’T YA!
After people mover we decided to stay in tomorrowland and head into the monster world. As we waited for our show I had to ask Alish if she knew Be More Chill, but more importantly Michael in the bathroom. And like the good sister I know she did and Kiss became very unimpressed with us. Don’t hate us, hate the musical station that brought us the song.
Overall this laugh floor was not very laughing and more just a bored floor. When they asked to talk to a human kid and ask what they wanted to be when they grew up, the kids response….nails. So that basically sums up the awkward show we encountered.
We still had time to kill before we had lunch reservations but we didn't have a lot of time. So we headed for Journey of the little mermaid.
Justin kept talking about a hidden mickey that can only be seen on Mickey’s actual birthday. None of us had any clue of what he was talking about but what he was saying is true. I just never heard of it.




Following Justins new love for hidden mickeys we found ourselves standing outside the exit looking for the steamboat willie rock and with the help of a lovely CM we found it.


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Great start. Would love to have an AP.
Sounds like your building was perfect.
I'm going to be very sad once my AP expires because it was such a great excuse to go on trips.

Fun start! Reading along.
Yay. Welcome!

Thanks for joining along!

YEAH!!!!! Another Sam report! Can't wait to read more!
Thanks for always following along on my adventures!
Welcome to Florida, Prepare to Melt

Once finding steamboat willie it was time to get out of the florida summer heat and relax in some good quality AC as we scarfed down some delicious food at Be our guest. We got a reservation for lunch as well as pre ordered, however Alicia and Justin was wondering if they could join us. I went up and asked if we could add a few people when checking in a it wasn’t a problem at all (this was a thing I did constantly this trip since no one ever wanted to tell me if they were joining for meals or not)
Every time I eat here I always try to eat in the west wing and every time its full. So Erin ran to get a table in the ballroom. Then we played the waiting game of what Erin calls the baby incubators to come and bring our food to us.


Erin and I went with the croque monsieur, I shared my meal with Alicia and she got the potato leek soup for me.



And kiss and justin went with the braised pork, which is always a great choice


We spent a while enjoying the food, the AC and some good quality time. Kiss was confused as too how Alish and I could say one word and we both knew what the other one was talking about. For intense we were talking about backpacks we saw in the airport that morning. Well when I said backpack she goes “like the matching clear backpacks we had, mine was light grey and hers was dark grey” We thought we were so cool with our matted clear backpacks in elementary school.
After getting over our cool lives as children, Alish brought up how I would feel about going on a disney cruise. Would I want to go?! Is that even a question?! Her friend just signed his contract to be a performer on the Magic so hopefully we will be able to make a cruise work.
As we were heading out to take on the heat we tried figuring out what we were doing before we left the park. Justin said “presidents? I heard its a quiet place” Flashbacks to when I died on my last weekend of my program with a migraine and Alish thought presidents would be a great spot for me too relax. But honestly why this story gets brought up every trip…who knows? because it was an awful day for me.
That humidity just hits you as you exit any building, we had a choice to make, walk to frontier land or take the train. The train won because although it was back tracking it was the more relaxing of the options and drops us off right where we need to be.



We had splash fp so Alish and Justin went to find something to do while they waited. I told Alish to get some churro popcorn and she thought it fresh popcorn, where does she think she is tokyo disney with all their fancy popcorns?!
Today the fp line was not very fp-y. And as we waited for our log the kid behind us was fighting with his mom, practically ready to run away because he was terrified. He clearly didn’t make it in time to get into our log and I was so bummed because if I would have known I would have jumped into there row and we could have had our rows to ourselves.
We got stopped for a while, the lights came on and we sat there just waiting to get off.


Then photo pass gave us the wrong log picture so that was a bust.
We found the two lovebirds playing checkers in the gift shop, they decided to leave the party at this time since Alish had to go to work. So as they made there way to the tunnels we headed over to the Briar Patch gift shop to waste some time before our thunder fp was good. This was suppose to be a quick stop but both Erin and Kiss picked up some merchandise. Erin got the 4 parks crewneck and Kiss got the new MK baseball shirt. And I almost picked up the best popcorn around, but put it back.


We still had 5 minutes till the 5 minute grace period was available to use for our fp, so we decided to have a very heated checkers match.


At the end we were just not getting anywhere and while I would have love to be champion I would rather be on the wildest ride in the wilderness. The FP line looked a little different today, they had us enter up the ramp but only to the what I suppose is the fire exit stairs/ CM entrance. Then once we got inside I noticed that they had a whole section blocked off and had the regular line go through the fastpass line.
“I’m going to stand up and touch those bones one day….when I’m done coming here so when I get kicked out it’s ok” -Erin
Once we got off thunder we officially completed everything we came here to do for the day. Since it was prime time for the heat we didn’t really want to walk all the way to the front so Erin suggested hopping back onto the train. And that is what we did.


We actually just missed the train and had to wait for what seemed like forever.
But heres to finding one of my new favorite nooks in frontier land


Another train came for us and off we went




Welcome to the most native parts of magic kingdom.
Over to the right you will see a small village of wetus


Then you'll pass my people who seem to always be hard at work making a living


When we made it to the storybook station we were told we would be stopping for 15 minutes or so as the train at the main street station waited for FoF to pass over the tracks. This was the longest 15 minutes ever. And this was also one of the hottest moments of this trip. So once we started moving it was like a miracle.
Heres to all those space travelers who thought Space mountain would be fun until they got stopped by the train.


We successfully made it out of MK before the parade crowds and we were off back to french quarter for a little break before we headed to my actual home for a quick visit!

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Love your trips, excited to read about your most recnt adventures ☺
A Quick Trip To Pocket Park

This trip we wanted to try different things that we wouldn’t normally go and do. So tonight we decided to see what the H2O glow party at Typhoon lagoon was all about. But before we headed to the pool party we decided to take a quick trip to Disney Springs.
Now our main reason for going to disney springs is to finally try the hanger bar. Kiss has been asking for a long time to go here, I am not all that big of an Indiana jones fan so going there was never a big need in my life. However I was always interested in the building, mainly because I watched that place get built from the ground up while I was working at DTD.
We headed off to Springs around 4:30ish this would give us enough time to hang out, find a snack, go to the hanger bar and then head over to typhoon around 6:30. When arriving we headed straight over to pocket park…this is not something you will find on the map. Its just what we called it when the little sitting area opened with construction walls all around, it was just a pocket in the construction and thats how it got its name in the guest show world.


Here at the hanger bar its open sitting and when ever it comes to that you really have to get there at the right time to get a table. All that there was were tables outside and what was the point of that? So we waited a bit before we were able to snag a table.




I decided to try the cool headed monkey



Erin also got herself her own monkey


While Kiss went with the mayors reserve


During this time I decided to do a quick google search for good snack to use with a credit. Before coming I knew I wanted to try the aristocrepes but it was on the other side in the market place and I wasn’t all to sure if it was a snack credit.
While I was randomly saying knew places to eat I brought up the poutine and Erin was about that, even though it wasn’t a snack credit. So once we finished up she was on her way to find it. She headed out before us and we finished paying our bill. Then kiss and I decided to try out Aristocrepes


I went with the nutella banana one and Kiss got the s’mores. They were bigger than I thought they would be. They were delicious but super messy! And I guess walking and eating a chocolatey crepe does not mix because by the end chocolate was all over me. casual sam things.


Erin was able to navigate her way though the springs to find the poutine window and then find us.


With snacks in everyones hands we headed to the bus stop. Next stop, across the street to typhoon lagoon!
We arrived earlier than planned and we couldn't get in until 7. But first we had to pick up our tickets. Then from there it was the waiting game.




They ended up letting us get into the park about 15 minutes early. The party doesn’t start till 8 so the park is open to all until 8. Therefore our first mission was to find some chairs to claim as our own. We headed near where they would be having the DJ and noticed a CM already starting to clear away chairs to make a dance floor area. Erin went to ask how far they were clearing to make sure we didn't pick a bench that would end up being moved. We found a great little corner to call our own and then we were off to the wave pool.


Erin’s a lifeguard, Kiss is super tall and there I was using all my energy to swim all the way out to the furthest we could go. The first couple of ways were good but soon all the treading and floating was enough for me before I was ready to hit up some slides.



Since the party wasn’t in full swing we decided to use the hour of regular park hours to get some pictures before it got dark as well as get on as many slides as we could.




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Getting Our Glow On

We still had time to kill before the clock strikes 8, so we jumped into the lazy river and rode it too the front of the park.



First rafting adventure to head was the family raft. This newer family raft is A LOT better than the old one in the back of the park. We ended up doing this twice because it was fun and not really a line.


Then we headed to crush n gusher. Erin and I rode together leaving Kiss being the single rider and then single rider line was the longest line ever. Also another plus for us was that the CM at the bottom told us that there was already a raft up on top so we didn’t have to carry one up all those flights of stairs.


Once we went shooting down the water coaster we realized we would be waiting quite a bit for Kiss. So we decided to jump into the little waiting pool that is connected. As we waited we made a new friend? We were just minding our own business and the CM lifeguarding the little pool was constantly telling guests to stop floating like they were dying but just holding their breath and to stop touching the rope that separate the pool and the slide drop off. He did if fair share of “yelling” bringing out his cone to shout in. Then the next thing I know he is looking at us and asking if he was being mean, because he normally isn’t a mean person.
Terry you were doing your job, but why do you care if I think you are mean? Then this lead to him asking me what I think the name of the rope is. Guessing games are not my personal favorite instead he could have been like “Guess what our name for the rope is?” and I would have been more interested in the conversation. Apparently the ropes name is Ronald. Who knows if he just made that up.
8pm finally arrived and I only knew this because our new friend Terry started asking everyone to see their wristbands. Then he said “If you have a wristband look behind you” And there was buzz making his way to his meet and greet spot. We took this time to run over since no one was in line or around.


When Buzz wants you to turn him into Spanish buzz and tango


(when you’re smiling for the photos but terrified that he is going to stomp on your bare feet)



We headed back to my new BFF Terry, aka still just waiting for Kiss to come down the slide. Luckily we saw him come shooting off the slide right when we got back. When I told him we just met Buzz he was unimpressed because he told me if I wanted to meet woody without him that was fine, but he wanted to meet buzz. Even though there wasn’t a line he didn’t want to meet him.
So we said goodbye to Terry, passed by Buzz and headed back to the lazy river because now at some point the fun rafts were going to be put into the water and this girl wanted a parrot. So we got in at the front and the only thing we saw was light up clear rafts. Unimpressed. We went under the waterfall, through the cave and thats when we started seeing people with all the animal rafts. We all made a mad dash to them. All I could get was a duck but at this point I wasn’t even mad.



Erin ended up snagging the funniest duck float that I could relate too



We ended up riding around the park about twice to enjoy our cool new rafts. Then we hopped out and searched for some food. But before everyone went their own way we headed back to our chairs and pulled out the glow sticks we brought. Cause how can you go to a glow party without glow sticks?


Kiss headed to one side of the park to try the special party menu, Erin headed to the other side to find some ice cream and I sat at our seat waiting for them too come back. Erin ended up calling me saying they have a drink with bursting bobas. So I grabbed her money, found Kiss and met her over at Leaning palms.
Kiss enjoyed what I think was the Pork Belly Cubano Sandwich


Erin and I got the Glow X-fusion Punch with rainbow bursting bobas. We both also asked it without the glow cube because it wasn’t worth the $3 more. It was a nice surprise when we were given the drink with the glow cube. I mean I wasn’t complaining.


After everyone got drinks and food it was back to the wave pool to end the night. We spent a good amount of time floating and waiting for the waves. And a little after 10 I was pooped and ready to call it quits. So we let the waves take us back to shore.
I wasn’t willing to spend money on a towel rental so we decided to dry off by hitting up the dance “floor”


The party goes until 11, but we decided to peace out a tad bit early because
  1. we have been up since 3am
  2. we wanted to beat the crowds to the bus
  3. we still had to take a bus to springs, then a bus to our resort
  4. we were waking up bright and early for Toy story land
Overall I'm glad we decided to try out the Glow Night, we had fun. We were able to get everything accomplished even before the party started, we made a new friend, it was a 10 out of 10 night.
We got a nice quiet bus back to springs and then we didn’t have to wait to long for a bus back to french quarter. Once we got back to the resort we took a nice stroll around the resort (because honestly a night stroll around any resort is one of my favorite things) we put our mugs to good use, got some pop and then called it a night.
Toy Story Land tomorrow!!!!!

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I'm Going to Andy's Backyard!

After being out all night partying at the H20 party it was a little rough to wake up when your alarm is going off at 5:30am. Now some of you may be saying “why 5:30?” “aren’t you suppose to relax a bit while on vacation?” All valid points. And my sleepy blood disease (more on that later) would have me sleeping all day if it was acceptable. However Toy story land was a big priority of mine and honestly I don’t know why because how different can it be from the one at Disneyland Paris?
So everyone wake up we have places to be…or sleep if you want. I can enjoy a park by myself if need be. This was not the case though this morning. We were at the bus stop at 6am and ready for the 7am rope drop. I was preparing for that toy story mania dash when FP machines were a thing but 100 times worse. Everyone loves new things in Disney so I was preparing for pandora crowds. Now why would I put myself through this? because I knew the waits would not be worth it later on in the day.
We were walking up to the gates of studios at 6:30, the scanned our magic bands for EMHs and the next thing I know is that they were already letting in guests in a half hour before the park opens.
(when the sign is too big to take a photo)


Here’s to blurring 6:30am photos




So automatically I thought we were be roped off at the end of hollywood boulevard. Disney shocked in for the fact that we weren’t herded in like cattle and we were walking into toy story land by 6:40am.



I was all over the place, a new land with so much too see, a few things to do and where do you even start?!


The details! I was overwhelmed and running around like crazy. Side note getting their before 7am leaves you with a very empty land and it was great!
Our main plan to get of saucers done first but when we saw woody and jessie with no line we jumped in line.
When you are sleep deprived but meeting one of your childhood favorites



We then headed over to saucers and was ready to be scrambled



This is your basic scrambler, ok but ehhhh. I wouldn’t wait in line for it.
It does have a good music loop though. But when the music stops while you are twisting and turning it kind of looses its fun appeal by 50% And then this happened to us the ride stopped and we were told we would get to ride again.



After aliens we headed to a dead toy story mania and check out the new queue




Who would have thought domino water fountains were things we needed in life?!


Hello new queue!





I would like to thank all those who decided to sleep so I could have an easy breezy no wait




(better luck next time Erin)


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Hi Sam. :wave: So glad I stumbled onto your trip report. I always enjoying reading about your adventures.

Score one for you on an empty Toy Store Land. It's still so new, I can't imagine why the low crowds. I guess the no sleeping in Disney memo didn't make the rounds to the others.
Hi Sam. :wave: So glad I stumbled onto your trip report. I always enjoying reading about your adventures.

Score one for you on an empty Toy Store Land. It's still so new, I can't imagine why the low crowds. I guess the no sleeping in Disney memo didn't make the rounds to the others.
It did start filling up around 7:15-7:30ish. It was just weird how they opened it so early but I wasn't complaining. Worth the no sleeping in disney!

Omg where is the gift shop that has churro popcorn? How did I not know about this?
The places I know that has it are Big Top Shop Souvenirs, the gift shop outside of splash mountain (not the one at the exit) and rafikis planet watch. It's the best!
New Obsession: Toy Story Land

The new exit of Toy Story Mania has so many details. It is also quite the path to get back to the main area but if you are a big disney wall person you will find the new popsicle wall at the ending.





Now I must be some one that is easily impressed because I found the giant straw such a cool, funny thing they added


Next thing on the agenda was too try out Woody’s lunchbox. I knew I would have to come back later to try the potato barrels. Kiss wanted to try the new tart aka disney pop tart. I honestly wasn’t planning on it but since I was already failing at using up my snack credits I decided why not.
But first let me obsess over the baby bell table. A seat made out of cheese, its like a dream come true.





Kiss and I both went with the raspberry tart and it was nothing like what I thought it was going to be. It looks like a flaky pastry but how kiss described it was more like a christmas sugar cookie. I said it reminds me of those raspberry shortbread cookies I loved when I was a child. So basically this turned out to be a winner.




By this time it was only 7:15ish and we conquered everything we needed with the park officially open only for 15 minutes. We had fps for slinky at 8:30 so we decided to walk around the backyard for a bit.






It wasn’t even 7:30 and the saucers were already broken down.





At this point the crowds were starting to pour in so before we headed out to the other side of the park we decided to check out the hot ticket item for this land….slinky dog dash.







We had about 20 minutes before the park opened up to everyone so we decided to head out of toy story land and over to sunset boulevard. As we were walking out we saw a proposal right in front of the toy story land sign and then we saw it….the bad thing about coming in summer. Hello tour groups! They were making their way into TSL and we were headed out, thats what I like to call good timing.
The great thing about new lands or rides coming to the parks is the crowds it draws away from the other parts of the parks.




Before we entered the twilight zone we first had to race off to an aerosmith concert…twice because the line was a walk on.





We could have kept it up with more rides on RnR however I needed some ToT in my life. So Erin headed off to the stores because she refuses to ride it. Me and kiss were off. Once again we were lucky enough to not have more than a five minute wait.


We made it back alive but lost Erin, casual. We ended up finding her and we were back off to TSL to see what the slinky dog dash was all about!

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Regretfully We Volunteer As Tributes

Slinky Dog Dash, I had mixed feelings about this going in. When it was first announced the details looked amazing, but thanks to budget cuts what we got was not what was planned. And in the long run all I wanted was something better than the Mine Train.




Overall slinky dog gets a solid 9 out of 10 from me, on a kid friendly ride.



TSL you gave me a great first impression and I loved my morning exploring all you have.


We had some time to kill before we could use the rest of our fps for the day. So we decided to go to Voyage of the little mermaid. When we got there we just missed the show but honestly I wont complain about sitting in the AC waiting for the next show.
Since we were the first ones in the waiting room we found a nice place against the wall were we set up camp. Right before we were about to go in my lovely sister texted me saying that she was on her way too studios.


After Voyage we decided to go to Disney junior, why? because its something we have never done. Its soon going to be gone and what else is there to do at studios?
Before we headed into get in line we found Alish and then we were the first in line. What can I say we are going to be its number one fan once the show is over.


So joke was on us because we didn't look at our FP times correctly so we lasted maybe 5 minutes of waiting before we left. Sorry disney junior RnR means more too me.


Next up was ToT but it was currently down. We didn’t want to go to far since we were hopping it would be up and running soon. So it was a perfect time to go to Starbucks.
Here’s to iced chai teas on a humid day


As we were enjoying the shade, we watched as Evie Starlight came wondering by hiding behind a newspaper. This is a normal thing to see when the citizens of hollywood are out about walking about. We watched as a husband was taking a photo of his wife. She was thinking that is was just a normal photo but little did she know she had some hollywood citizens photo bombing her then ran away before she noticed. It was honestly one of the funniest things.
It wasn’t too long before Tower was back up. We lost Erin to the star wars show and we were back to the twilight zone.
This trip to the twilight zone will be one we will always remember. Maybe not for good reasons.
We got stuck behind a tour group in line, they all split up and went to both lines so there was no escaping them. When we got up to the front we knew we would be stuck in an elevator with them. To our surprise the CM didn’t exactly tell us to go instead she look defeated while she asked for a party of 3 who wants to go on with a tour group. Of course no one was jumping at the opportunity and since it was technically our turn we volunteered as tributes and the second we buckled ourselves in I regretted the decision.


We somehow made it out alive with our hearing and we ran as far away from that tower as we could. And while we were enjoying our lives Erin was living for a mickey bar (although we were currently heading to lunch…casual)


Today was Erin’s day, AKA she chose the meal for today. And that meal was Mama Melrose.
Welcome to the deadest part of the park.


Once we arrived I had to see if we could add Alish to our reservation, which was never a problem on this trip.


We hardly waited before we were being called.
Apparently this is one of my go to restaurants here because we had a thank you card with recipes waiting for us at the table


I personally have never got anything like this before so thank you Disney for noticing me giving you all my money….took you long enough.
So the best thing about the dining plan is that they just added alcohol to it. This means you get one alcoholic beverage at every sit down meal as well (if they have sell it) quick service meal.
My favorite meal here is the chicken campanelle, it honestly my go too.


Erin went with the famous chicken parm and seemed to enjoy it.


While both kiss and Alish went with chef special of the day, which was beef short ribs.


Like any family meal, we have to get Alish caught up on all the family drama.
But the mood quickly changed when she started singing Baby shark. Working at a daycare I have become immune to this song and was excited to get away from it for a week however thanks to Alish that wouldn’t be possible. Then next thing I know she was telling me about a video she saw that reminded her of me, it was a dad asking his son why he got ice cream. The kids response “ because I didn’t bite anyone today”
Who saved room for dessert? Not me.
Thats ok though because Mama melrose does lack in the dessert (but thats just my personal opinion)
Kiss went with the Tiramisu


I went with the lemon sorbet because it was a light option


And Erin went with the classic chocolate gelato


Mama Melrose overall did not disappoint and Erin made a great choice with her first dining selection.

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