The best Random Thread in the history of Random Threads (:

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I bought really bright blue nail polish today, and as I was taking it upstairs my dad goes: I bet that's for Thursday.

And I was like 'lol How'd you guess?"

I'm going to mix it with black for Alice.
I want to paint my nails, but I bite them. I think I'll try growing them out (so I can paint them red and gold :teeth:)
Buttercup wanted to be Blossom, but Blossom wanted to be Blossom, so they fought about who should be Bubbles, and Bubbles said she'd be Bubbles, but Blossom & Buttercup said she couldn't be Bubbles, and nobody else wanted to be Bubbles... Poor Bubbles D-:
"THEY TOOK ALL MY TOILETRIES AWAY AT THE AIRPORT! I had the little baby bottles but they took them away because I didn't have a plastic bag so I was like 'can I have a plastic bag?' and they said I had to go buy one so yeah. We were in Germany. They don't mess around in Germany."
my mum just laughed when i told her the total and told me i better start saving xD
What keeps this town so peaceful? You don't know? Look behind you. Yes, it's the Townsville County Prison!
I could never drink.
What's so appealing about completely being unable to control what you do and not remember anything and be mindless about what is going on?
Oh wait...

Especially when you're a teen. There goes half of the respect I had for some people.
Sure that's being drunk, but still. Really?
marypops!, have you seen that Beatles-themed PPG episode? It's called "Meet the Beat-Alls," and has TONS of Beatles references that I never got when I was younger. I believe it's on YouTube now. :thumbsup2
marypops!, have you seen that Beatles-themed PPG episode? It's called "Meet the Beat-Alls," and has TONS of Beatles references that I never got when I was younger. I believe it's on YouTube now. :thumbsup2

WOW! im watching that.

anyway guys. im off now, so g'night!
I've seen the episode. It's pretty awesome. I think i'll go watch it again :teeth:

No emails still -_-
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