That's the Second Biggest Double Stroller I've Ever Seen- A Dec 2010 TR

Wow I can't believe that rude lady, what is wrong with people? :confused3 Hope you didn't let it bother you and you got to enjoy Wishes anyway! When I was on my Disneymoon last May, I let people get to me during Wishes and it ruined the whole experience, I should have just ignored them! :laughing:

Can't wait to see what you did next!
I truly cannot believe how rude some people can be...such a selfish society we have become.

I love the castle pictures -- they are breathtaking.
i so miss wishes and i so can relate to someone taking a spot. my son and i sat in one spot and waited 45 min for tha parade and some lady thought she would stand in front of our stroller because we were standing behind it in stead of in front of it like that was just a slow move.:confused: I WAS LIKEum there is a 1 year old in the stroller who can see thats why im behind the stroller

That's awful. I think that would have made me even madder than the lady taking my spot. I have a very low tolerance for people messing with my boys. One-year-olds like parades, too.

I was going to post that I can't believe that woman did that....but I so can....we've had it happen to us too!! When we went down in Jan/feb we were standing about four rows deep and Jasmine and I were in the last row! We hadn't staked out a spot and we just decided we would see what we could see. All of a sudden this dad with his child on his shoulders pushes his way right thru to the curb....we all stood there stunned for a good 20 seconds. .... this other family said something to him and he said he didn't understand english....unbelievable is all I said to Jasmine!

Your photos are of these years we must travel down so I can see that gorgeous castle in all it's lit up glory:cloud9:

Sure he didn't understand English. :rolleyes: That's pretty bad, too. I guess as long as his kid could see than it didn't matter how many people he blocked.

The Castle at Christmas is incomparable. It is so magnificent. I could just sit and stare at it. Which actually, I guess I did. :rotfl:

People can get really touchy about taking over what they see as an "empty spot." :confused3 I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I would've thought the fact that the rest of your family was there and your stroller would have been an indication to anyone passing by that your spot was occupied. Oh, well, what can you do?....

Can't wait to see what ride you went on!

I wouldn't have thought that anyone would really want to watch Wishes in the middle of someone else's family and stuff and even trash. :confused3 But I guess I did have a really good spot!

I think I made an excellent ride choice...

Yeah, you definitely should have left your sweet little boy crying to make that rude lady happy and keep your spot. :confused3 Sorry that happened to you guys. It's about a bazillion degrees out here today, but now I want some cocoa and cookies. :santa: Really enjoying your TR! :)

Come to think of it, I don't think that lady even noticed Landon. He usually can charm just about anyone and he loves to smile and wave at strangers. Maybe he could sense that she was hostile. :laughing:

I wouldn't mind some cocoa and cookies myself. I wouldn't mind it being a bazillion degrees either. Thanks for reading!

Sorry they gave you such a hard time about getting your wrist bands, how inconvenient. You would think a company as smart as Disney would have set up multiple distribution spots! :headache:

Good call on eating you ticket price in free cookies. I'm sure that I'd have given it a shot if I was there with you too! :) I have only been to MNSSHP, and I've definitely tried to get my money's worth in free candy!

The castle looks gorgeous, I'll have to plan a trip back for the holidays, one of these years. So glad you got a good spot to watch Wishes, even if that rude lady tried to steal it! :eek:

It had been a few years since we had gone to a Party. Next time, I'll have to make sure to get our wristbands before seven. Next time, they'll probably have distribution spots all over. :rotfl:

Ooh, there's an idea of something to try at MNSSHP! I've never been to it, but I love free candy!

The Castle was looking its very best. Christmas lights suit it, I think. I always like watching from right there in front of the Crystal Palace. There's probably better spots, but I think that one has the best view for the least amount of waiting. :thumbsup2

The castle looks amazing lit up like that. I can't wait to see it in person. I definitely wouldn't worry much about the lady trying to steal your spot. She was in the wrong... you handled it better than I probably would have. :thumbsup2

It is amazing lit up for Christmas. It's a very magical look for the Castle. I thought I was right, but I don't like arguing with people, especially over something so silly. Jeremy said I could have taken her. :rotfl:

Wow I can't believe that rude lady, what is wrong with people? :confused3 Hope you didn't let it bother you and you got to enjoy Wishes anyway! When I was on my Disneymoon last May, I let people get to me during Wishes and it ruined the whole experience, I should have just ignored them! :laughing:

Can't wait to see what you did next!

Nothing short of an injured little boy can ruin my fun at Disney. Especially once Wishes started, all was forgotten. It's such a spectacular show. :thumbsup2

I had some ideas of what to do next...

I truly cannot believe how rude some people can be...such a selfish society we have become.

I love the castle pictures -- they are breathtaking.

I think I could have understood it better, if it had been a parent, trying to force a kid to the front. Selfishness on behalf of others isn't quite as odious. :rotfl:

Thanks, we tried just about every camera setting before we found that one. I was glad to finally find one that looked right. :)

Shocking! You were smart not to let it ruin your night. Good for you!

I was certainly shocked when I saw her standing there with no intention of moving on. But not worth ruining a perfectly Disney night over. :cloud9:

Great report! It sounds like you guys had a good time and your boys are adorable. Can't wait to hear more :)

Thanks! We did have a great time and they are adorable, aren't they? Thanks for reading! :)

Dinner was pretty pleasant. Carter was too wound up to eat much, but he sat it the booth with me with only minimal wiggling.

He had probably had a lot of snacks in the car, anyway.

I was doing a yahoo image search for "Thirty-One booth" and for some reason this photo came up in the search. I thought for a second – hey that kids looks familiar so I clicked on the photo and it bought me here to your trip report – which I have been following daily - small world:)
I was doing a yahoo image search for "Thirty-One booth" and for some reason this photo came up in the search. I thought for a second – hey that kids looks familiar so I clicked on the photo and it bought me here to your trip report – which I have been following daily - small world:)

That's pretty strange. I wouldn't have guessed that anyone would find my TR through Google or Yahoo, unless they were looking for it and to have it be someone who was reading is even less likely. Maybe Yahoo is using super cookies or something...
What a fun evening! Everyone always says the parade is such a fun one!
What a great report. I just found it and now I am all caught up thanks to your chapter links. Your boys are just too cute.....almost makes me want another little one.:scared1:
I'm glad everyone enjoyed the parade! Good call on giving Carter the cookie! Little boy + cookie = silence See how quickly I'm picking up on toddler math! :laughing:

I have high hopes for catching a parade on our next trip. When we went in Oct we didn't even try because I know that Everett didn't have the attention span. This past weekend there was a local St. Patrick's Day parade and we decided to try it out and see how he did, and he was riveted! I don't think I've ever seen him stand so still! If he was that entertained by the local town marching band and cub scouts , I'm sure the Disney parades will blow his mind! :rotfl:
I really dislike rude people. :( Our first time to see Spectro at MK back in 2003, my parents and I staked out our piece of curb hours before it was set to start. We had a towel on the crub where we were sitting. So, we assumed it wouldn't be a problem for a couple of us to go for snacks for all of us while the other sat and held the spot. Well, mom was the one who sat and held the spot. And while we were gone, some lady wheeled her stroller right over our towel so she could get down to the street. Didn't even ask first. Wow, really? Then there were people who were sending their kids (as parade time got closer) to sit on the curb next to us. Come on...give me a break.

Glad you got your spot back. :)

The parade sounds so amazing! It's too bad we have to wait and go so late in December (after the parties are done for :(). Maybe in a few years we can take an earlier vacation (Nov/Dec) and do the party. :)

Hey...did you ever trade either of your Vinylmations?
You know, I don't think I've ever done BTMRR at night! It sounds like it would be more fun that way!

What a great picture with Big Al! I think it's so cute that they have the Country Bears come out before the parade!

I love that parade, it's my favorite as of now, but that might change after Halloween! :laughing:
What a fun evening! Everyone always says the parade is such a fun one!

It is a fun parade! I think the horses make all the difference. And Christmas, too. Christmas and parades just go nicely together. :goodvibes

What a great report. I just found it and now I am all caught up thanks to your chapter links. Your boys are just too cute.....almost makes me want another little one.:scared1:

Hi! Welcome! I'm glad my chapter links are getting good use. :)

Thanks! That's quite a recommendation, to almost want another little one. :rotfl: Babies are nice, aren't they?

I'm glad everyone enjoyed the parade! Good call on giving Carter the cookie! Little boy + cookie = silence See how quickly I'm picking up on toddler math! :laughing:

I have high hopes for catching a parade on our next trip. When we went in Oct we didn't even try because I know that Everett didn't have the attention span. This past weekend there was a local St. Patrick's Day parade and we decided to try it out and see how he did, and he was riveted! I don't think I've ever seen him stand so still! If he was that entertained by the local town marching band and cub scouts , I'm sure the Disney parades will blow his mind! :rotfl:

He was so happy to get his cookie. He loves these sugar cookies that they give away at our grocery store and the Party cookies looked just like those except a giant version. Very exciting for a little boy. Toddler math. :rotfl:

My boys usually enjoy a good parade. It's harder if they are unusually tired, but they like all the lights and the characters waving to them. I bet Everett will the Disney parades! So much better than local parades.

Sounds like a really fun night (LOVE POTC).

These two pictures are really adorable.

We did have a really fun night. I think we always have a lot of fun at the Christmas party. Somehow, the whole thing just feels really festive.

Thanks, I love that expression on Landon's face. And Carter looks very industrious with his blocks. :goodvibes

I really dislike rude people. :( Our first time to see Spectro at MK back in 2003, my parents and I staked out our piece of curb hours before it was set to start. We had a towel on the crub where we were sitting. So, we assumed it wouldn't be a problem for a couple of us to go for snacks for all of us while the other sat and held the spot. Well, mom was the one who sat and held the spot. And while we were gone, some lady wheeled her stroller right over our towel so she could get down to the street. Didn't even ask first. Wow, really? Then there were people who were sending their kids (as parade time got closer) to sit on the curb next to us. Come on...give me a break.

Glad you got your spot back. :)

The parade sounds so amazing! It's too bad we have to wait and go so late in December (after the parties are done for :(). Maybe in a few years we can take an earlier vacation (Nov/Dec) and do the party. :)

Hey...did you ever trade either of your Vinylmations?

I can't believe someone would roll their stroller over your towel. Maybe they just didn't see the blanket? I could almost see that happening. Sometimes it's hard to see where you're going with those big strollers. Or maybe they were just rude.

I hate it when parents think they can shove their kids up front as soon as the parade or fireworks starts. There was actually a really funny thread on here about how Disney is mostly for kids, so kids should always get the best seating for parades and shows. People had pretty strong opinions on that. :laughing:

I definitely love Party night, but I've heard that going later in December, you get to see all the same shows and parades without paying for party tickets, so maybe it evens out. I don't know about the free cookies and cocoa, though. Without those, it just wouldn't feel like a party. :rotfl:

And Vinylmations- no, I hadn't done any trades, yet. I think I was having too much fun to think of it.

You know, I don't think I've ever done BTMRR at night! It sounds like it would be more fun that way!

What a great picture with Big Al! I think it's so cute that they have the Country Bears come out before the parade!

I love that parade, it's my favorite as of now, but that might change after Halloween! :laughing:

I think it's been many years now since I've ridden BTMRR in the daylight! Not on purpose, I don't think, although the view at night is cool, but just because the line always seems shortest then.

I was so excited to see Big Al coming. And I was happy when he came right over to Landon. I like to meet characters myself, but I absolutely love it when characters interact with my boys. :love:

I'm so looking forward to the Boo to You parade. I think the only thing that could top the six tiny horses and one giant horse is a headless horseman. That's something you don't see every day.
Joining in! Better late than never! I just LOVE your writing, it makes me feel as if I'm there with you, so much detail!

We are going in December with my cousin, her hubby and her new baby, who will be 7 months at that time. I like seeing how Disney works with a baby and stroller. My son is 10, so he's WAY past stroller age, and we didn't take him until he was 7 the first time. So I'm getting an EXCELLENT picture of what we have to look forward to from you!

Can't wait for the next update.
Sounds like a great night! I love that parade too and to have hot chocolate to go with it.....:cloud9: The boys always look so happy...they are so adorable
You are right! HOrses just seem to make a parade so much MORE fun. I'm generally NOT a parade person at all, but I will stop occassionally for one if I happened to get blocked (as in EVERY time at Disney) by one. :lmao: (Sort of a running joke there) And if I do, I do love the horses!! Oh, and I"m a huge sucker for marching bands too.
Joining in! Better late than never! I just LOVE your writing, it makes me feel as if I'm there with you, so much detail!

We are going in December with my cousin, her hubby and her new baby, who will be 7 months at that time. I like seeing how Disney works with a baby and stroller. My son is 10, so he's WAY past stroller age, and we didn't take him until he was 7 the first time. So I'm getting an EXCELLENT picture of what we have to look forward to from you!

Can't wait for the next update.

Hi! Never too late to join in! Thanks, I'm having the best time writing this. Sort of like reliving the whole trip over again. :)

I hope you all get nicer weather in Dec than we did. :laughing: Disney with a baby is definitely a unique experience. I'm sure you all will have a great time. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if your son gets sick of waiting around for the baby to be ready.

Sounds like a great night! I love that parade too and to have hot chocolate to go with it.....:cloud9: The boys always look so happy...they are so adorable

It was cold enough that night that hot chocolates seemed really nice. I bet we would have even been willing to pay for them. :rotfl: We were having a really nice night.

Thanks, my boys are very happy little guys. I love to see them smiling and laughing. :goodvibes

You are right! HOrses just seem to make a parade so much MORE fun. I'm generally NOT a parade person at all, but I will stop occassionally for one if I happened to get blocked (as in EVERY time at Disney) by one. :lmao: (Sort of a running joke there) And if I do, I do love the horses!! Oh, and I"m a huge sucker for marching bands too.

Oh, I've been blocked by a parade or two a couple of times myself. It always used to happen at DHS when they had the Stars and Motor Cars parade. Now if they had all the Disney characters on horseback, that would be a good parade! Forget the Pixar Parade or the Block Party Bash, Stars on Horses would be awesome!


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