Terry's Marathon training thread (Comments welcome)

Hi Terry,

Glad to hear your having a great OP day! You'll have to join us on the WW Weekly WI thread. We're a lively group!

Thanks for the invite, Sunny! I haven't ever checked out that thread. I will see you there. :)

Now here's a question for everyone.... I was watching some morning tv and one of the talk shows had the doctor who does Real Age. (www.realage.com) Has anyone heard of this before? His theory is that there is a chronological age and a 'real age' based on life factors. I agree with this theory - that stress can remove years from your life, that exercise can add years, etc. ANYWAY, the doctor made 15 recommendations for everyone.
One was drink a glass of wine a day. I understand there are findings that say red wine helps reduce heart attacks, but he didn't specific red wine. I had also heard, if you aren't currently drinking, certainly do not start.
Second was to drink as much caffeinated coffee as you can (without suffering any problems such as heart palpitations). AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. Now I am not a coffee drinker, but I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts as to what the health benefits of coffee would be?!?! I have never heard of such a thing.

Today started with a killer headache - joy - and then the snow started. The advil has kicked in and I feel fine now. I have the entire day's food plotted out. DS and I will be going to the grocery store while DD is at tutoring so I am going to pick up some of those safe snacking suggestions - just in case. Today is much better with the munchies, so I am not sure what was going on yesterday.

Happy Wednesday!!!
Well, beiing the coffee drinker that I am, I feel confident answering your question from thge diet front. Plain and simple, supposedly the caffeine speeds up your metabolism. It was a big ingredient in the now banned ephedra diet pills. However, Since I have been a big coffee drinker my whole life, it no longer seems to have any effect on me. I drink probably 64 oz of coffee a day :bitelip: . I drink it black, mostly with caffeine, but sometimes decaf. I can assure you, my metabolism does NOT speed up!!! :confused3 Here's a link to other benefits of caffeine.


I don't feel so bad that I drink a lot of coffee because I always say it is my one vice. I don't smoke and rarely have alcohol. But maybe I should try a glass of wine per day! :rolleyes1

Hope that headache beats a real quick path to the door!

Have a great Wednesday!

TTFN- Sharon :sunny:
Hi terry,

On the flip side of coffee, it does stimulate the whole insulin thing that low carbers try to avoid. I say this as a coffee drinker who would rather slow down her weight loss with a cup or two a day than give up my coffee.

I did the Tae Bo DVD today. There is a ton of choreography, and he does go into "double time". I was focused on form, not speed. I could totally see where a newbie who was trying to keep up could injure themselves. It was a great ab workout, and got my heart rate up despite not going at speed. I'll probably keep doing it on the days I don't want to go to the Y, but it wouldn't be my main focus. That is my .02 on Tae Bo. Hope it helps.

Have a good day,
Thanks for the scoop on coffee. Does that mean I should start drinking soda with caffeine? I chose to eliminate it from my way of eating, so all of the soda we bring into the house is caffeine-free, including the Dt. Coke. Maybe I should go back to the 'hard' stuff. ;) I have to drink my water (3 - 24 oz bottles) before I can have a soda, because I LOVE my Dt. Coke and Dt. Dr. Pepper!

Thanks for the review, Beth. If the choreography is too difficult, I should probably wait until I am a lot more stable on my feet. I struggle with standing on one foot for any period of time. Just haven't gotten that part back yet. :rolleyes:

Sheesh - after reading that article, maybe I should take up the java habit! Too bad I can't get past the taste. :crazy2:
I always have 1 cup of coffee per day (Well they are my Disney blend mugs so I suppose it is more like 2!) I need that coffee!!!! :cool1:
I don't drink coffee either, and I gave up drinking as much tea. I usually only have unsweetend tea when I go out to dinner and I have started drinking water out more often.
I did Tae-Bo once ith my sister - she asked me never to do so again - she was worried that lives might be lost. I don't know what she is talking about - I only actally kicked her once. Plus I fell down. Twice.
Hi Terry,

I hope you had a great day.

Take care,
Hi Terry!

I have added Tae Bo into my workouts as well. I really like it! Of course, I am doing the Instructional and Basic videos, but it's a great change of pace from FIRMing. :cool1:

Have a great evening! :flower:
I did Tae-Bo several years ago and liked it once I got used to it but I agree that it can be very difficult to get all the steps down especially at that speed! It's a great workout though. Hope you found some great WW friendly munchies - And don't forget to get the Kashi Granola Bars!! :teeth:
Oh my stomach. My poor stomach. I am not sure what's wrong but I guess I am getting sick? Since yesterday around 5 pm, my stomach has been KILLING me. Terrible aches and cramps. Eating or drinking anything just makes it worse. I managed to get down about 5 crackers last night for dinner. We had plans for tacos last night, but I told the kids after basketball practice, it was a leftovers night. No way was I going to put anything like tacos in my body! :eek:

I am laying low today. I am way behind on my water but too much starts the aches again. We have a very busy weekend planned so I hope this goes away soon! If this continues very long, it is going to put me behind on the Exercise challenge. :(
Terry - I'm sorry your not feeling well. Did you eat something that might have been bad?? Hope it's not the flu. Try and keep fluids in you when you can.

Hope you feel better soon.
Terry- Sending Pixie Dust :wizard: for a speedy recovery. I hope you get better soon.
Terry--I hope you are feeling better. Try to eat some bland food and drink something. It does sound like food poisoning or the flu. I caught a bad cold and am behind on the exercise challenge as well.

Take care!
Oh gosh, I hope it isn't the flu! I don't have time for that! :rotfl: (Who does??) Lunch was at home - fresh from the deli turkey with a couple of pickle slices on a slice of wheat bread with some carrots and pretzels. I don't see anything that could be 'bad' in there. The turkey was just purchased so I know it's okay. It feels like I was punched in my lower stomach. :crazy2: Could too much fiber do this? I have been eating some Kashi crunch, as well as some soy crisps. Maybe it is too much fiber, too quickly. :confused3
Still feeling yucky. Bleck. But I have pictures of the puppy so I decided to post them now. :)

Here is Jake, holding Bo...

And this is Bo with Scamp, my Westie...

Tomorrow is going to be a crazy day, but I need to check out Dotti' website to see if she has point values for Mimi's Cafe as it appears to be the place we are going to be meeting friends for dinner. That place is YUMMY but oh, so tempting! Of course, if my stomach is still in a funk, I will be fine, because I won't be hungry. :crazy2:


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