Took advantage of the 60F day to wash all the salt and caked on sand from this winters road treatments. It might have also been blowing 25-35mph, just meant sometimes I mist the target. At least all the cars look their correct colors again.
Tonight gets down to 20F, then we stay in a colder pattern till end of next week. Finally, gets back to the mid 50 high mid 40 lows which is good since I dewinterize in a few weeks for the first race weekend. With any luck I wont need to run heat after that... but I can test out my new wifi thermostate I scorect directly from Coleman/Axcell for half the price of a Micro-Air
Tonight gets down to 20F, then we stay in a colder pattern till end of next week. Finally, gets back to the mid 50 high mid 40 lows which is good since I dewinterize in a few weeks for the first race weekend. With any luck I wont need to run heat after that... but I can test out my new wifi thermostate I scorect directly from Coleman/Axcell for half the price of a Micro-Air