teeny, tiny, little FEAR OF FLYING!

I went through a phase when I was really afraid of flying - started when my first daughter was born. She was a preemie, so I think that los of control coupled with the new responsibilities really had something to do with it.

I used to feel better on the window, but now, I've come to like the aisle. I used to get a crick in my nek staring out the window, but I find if I sit on the aisle, even during turbulence, I can just look out and loose the sense I'm in a plane - that I'm just in a big room that might bounce a little.

It's incredibly more safe to be in a plane. I've driven by many car crashes. Some of them pretty bad (comes from almost 20 years of driving highways to and from work). I've yet to drive by a plane crash (although I drive near one of the world's busiest airports - used to pass it almost every day).

Look, horrible things can happen at any time to almost anyone. You can't live your life afraid of that. I'm flying more now than I ever have before, and actually most of my flights have been very pleasant. The worst of them wasn't even that bad (5 minutes of bad turbulence flying through a thunderstorm over the Rockies). Star Tours was much bouncier.

I think the fear of flying isn't really about flying per se, but about things in your life (at least it was that way for me). Can I guarantee your safety? No. But I can't guarantee something might not kill you right in your home either!

Look, everything has a risk, but flying just is not that great of one, so it shouldn't scare you any more than getting into a car or stepping into a shower.

For me, getting at why I felt afraid was the heart of it.
Thank you all for the great words of help and assurance. Im down to the wire now...bags are packed, school days have been planned off, work days are now vacation days, and the neighbors are going to feed the cats and dogs. Off we go! I want to be able to take my kids to places that we couldnt otherwise get to, so I know this first short trip is a "primer", and for my kids sake I can do just about anything. This is not going to be any different. A cold diet pepsi, a spoon (or three!) of benadryl and a book will help me to de-focus... I hope. I will be sure to post a "flight report" to this thread in a week! :wave:
I read on the Shoes post that you leave in 1 day - LUCKY YOU!!! I'll be eager to read your trip report. Have a fabulous time! :sunny:
You'll do just fine, just want for the ding (Say Anything reference) Have fun!
OK, another " I am not a big flyer and scared out of my mind". I won a tri to Australia, 21 1/2 hrs, 14 1/2 straight through .....but I wasnt afraid, I think the thrill of oging to Australia mad ethe fear go away. Then after 9-11, a year later I am petrified but I also know that if I wanna go somewhere I either do it or drive for days and I hate road trips. I am going on a puddle jumper from LAX to Las Vegas and you can bet you bippie that I am going to take a valium for that ride, 35 seats for 1 hr and 7 minutes...Oh Maroon!!!!!! : :bitelip: :scared: :eek:


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