Teens think parents are clueless!!


Meeska, mooska, Mouseketeer, Mousecartoon time now
Apr 27, 2002
On our recent trip to NYC we walked past an "establishment" called "Peep World" As I pointed to it and laughed, DS said "It's not what you think" Did he think I thought they sold marshmallow peeps??:D
They are so serious sometimes, arn't they.

I just finished playing Disney Monopoly with my DS 15 and he was so annoyed with me for singing. Everytime I would land on Mermaid, Beauty& The Beast, Cinderella etc....I couldn't help but sing a song from the movie. Yikes, you would have thought I did something wrong:rolleyes:

Got to love them though:D

You mean that's NOT what it is? Boy, am I lucky. When I worked in the city, I almost went into one of those places when I had a marshmellow peeps attack -but then I thought - It was $ .50 for one peep - I can get a whole bag for about $1.59 - so I went to The A&P instead.
LOL LI Dis!!!

Ain't it the truth, Kris! We were never teenagers, we were born this old! :p :rolleyes: ;)
As I said to my nephew one day when he was trying to pull the wool over my eyes "I've BEEN 20, you haven't been 40."
I remember when my daughter was about 13, she tried to pull a fast one on her dad and I. I told her that she would have to get up pretty early in the morning to pull the wool over our eyes. That has hard as it was for her to believe that her dad and I were her age at one time. That we didn't drop on this earth as adults.
said you guys have to listen to this song it is by a Christian Rock band

This was 7 years ago.

so she played it and her dad and I starting singing along with it. she asked how we knew it

It was Beth by the band KISS,

her dad said to her hunny the band is not Christain Rock and the song is Beth and it was written before you were even born so her dad found her the Kiss cassette and what they looked like. back then.

she said no it isnt this band is Christian rock, So her dad played her the song off that cassette. and he showed her the date.
LOL! That reminds me of the "argument" my DD and I got in when she was about 10 over whether Michael Jackson was black or white! She wouldn't believe me that he was black until we ate at the Hard Rock Cafe and just happened to sit in a booth with the album cover from his first solo album! She couldn't believe it was him! And that I actually knew what I was talking about!
Disney Debbie-

But you can hardly blame your DD for THAT mistake!:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Disney Debbie
LOL! That reminds me of the "argument" my DD and I got in when she was about 10 over whether Michael Jackson was black or white!

I'm still trying to figure that one out! LOL!;) :eek:
I work with 7th graders and I'm always saying to them "I know every trick in the book". I bust them every time they try to copy an assignment or cheat. Last week we were doing an exam and one of my students said "Can I get a drink", he was gone a very long time. I said did you run to your locker to look at your notes? He was astounded that I figured it out. Whatever, I let it slide, he still was getting a lousy grade!
LOL - I guess I really can't blame her!

Pollyanna - I think he's trying to figure it out too - that's the problem!


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