Teen related


DIS Veteran
Jun 8, 2006
So I was at a football game the other day and smelled a peculiar smelling incense flowing from the student section. I later observed teenagers passing around a little round wafers it looked white and sort of chalk/wax like commenting how bad it smelled. I know there were a bunch of parties over the weekend and then on Monday one of the kids who is likely with in this crew showed up at school suicidal and was taken off to the ER.

here's the thing I am suspicious of that little wafer like thing I saw but I have no idea what it is or if it could be anything at all . I asked my kids but they have no idea my son was in the game anyway and my daughter doesn't hang the kids who were handling this thing. Frankly I paid very little attention to it until the kid turned up a mess on Monday

I know there are a lot of teachers on here so I figured I would ask does anyone have any idea what something like this might be so I can do some more research?

it may or may not matter but we are in the north east, in a suburban part of Pa near Allentown. Gangs are starting to accumulate due to what I suspect is the perfect mix of the poor community awareness rampant in the suburbs (everybody swearing not my kid and pointing fingers at other kids) compounded by a short supply of police I know heroin is a big problem in surrounding areas. I heard the kids talking about dapps but that's supposedly not white. I don't know too much about drugs other than what I saw in passing during the 80's and I'm afraid what I saw might be either something new or something that could've been laced with something else


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