TEAM MICKEY--Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge!

What are your plans for the weekend? and what changes or plans are you making to be sure you stay on plan?

Paint Paint, and walk the dog. Play with the family, visit on Cape Cod. PT exercises. Biggest change to stay on my plan is to drink more water than alcohol. I find that is when I gain the pounds back that I lost during the week is in alcohol. It isn't that I drink a lot, those calories just ADD up! Only one glass of red wine tomorrow.

I know, right? I am sitting here drinking my 120 calorie cup of coffee.:faint:
Give up smoking? No problem. Give up coffee? Big problem. I like to drink 3 cups of it in the morning. That is 360 calories in coffee.:sad:
Hey everyone. Sorry, but I'm not much in a mood for replies today. SO proud of all of you, though.

We're in need of some serious PPD (prayers and pixie dust). As some of you know, DH's boss is....less than easy to get along with. After a rough week, he put DH on a nearly impossible "plan of improvement" last night with a huge list of tasks/accomplishments/guidlines to be met every hour, many of which depend on people other than him to do their job better. 2 misses within 90 days and he will be fired. Which means that he could lose his job Monday. This comes as a shock, with no previous disciplinary "write ups", etc, basically, the boss is out for him. I am terrified beyond words, shaking as I type. Jobs are VERY scearce here, and being terminated would make him ineligible for unemployment.

If I'm not around much, forgive me.
If you were told you only had 1 week left to live (and you werent sickly) how would you spend your time?

I would take my immediate family or whoever wanted to go to Japan or some other exotic location and squeeze as much joy as I could out of it.

Or here is a a RV and a driver and go see stuff and visit people.

Oh yea, I forgot, I am hopping the first plane to Vegas.
Prayers for your family, Taryn!!!!!

Still waiting on 29 weigh ins for TEAM Mickey. Only 2 gains and 2 sames. Biggest loss is 10 pounds!

Just put breakfast for the family in the oven. DD1 loves cinnamon rolls on days when she has a game! I'll probably make a Greek yogurt smoothie with strawberries.

Did my EASA2 workout from yesterday. I need to do another to reach my goal for time and calories. I actually had to skip one exercise that wasn't recognizing my movements and I couldn't handle any more mountain climbers! This was a tough workout. I've made up a workout on there that I will do later. DD1s basketball game is at 12:30. DH wants to play Epic Mickey today and we want to play some other games too.

My muscles are sore but I'm feeling pretty good. I feel lousy when I don't workout.

Have a great Saturday. I'll try and pop on again later!

TTFN :tigger:
Hey team Mickey! I am glad to see all this progress for everyone! The first steps are always the hardest. :thumbsup2

I'm starting to feel better myself, though it's a process as well. I hate being sick. I always end up feeling sick for weeks afterwords! And then it doesn't help that my husband and I tend to pass it back and forth to each other. :headache:

I'm down 5 pounds myself this week, and I'm hoping for another good week like that! I start classes again for the first time in 2 years on Monday so I'm hoping the stress doesn't kill me instead!!

1-8-11 Saturday QOTD

If you were told you only had 1 week left to live (and you werent sickly) how would you spend your time?

I would spend time with my family, my mom for a few days but my husband specifically. We'd grieve together, then make the absolute most out of my last week. I don't know if we'd even sleep!
I had a one pound gain this week. It's just a really, really tough week. My husband had a big speaking engagement out of town this week. We're both college professors and classes started just as he left so I've been covering both his classes as well as my own as well as getting my daughter through her first week of her second semester. It's been nuts and I just can't seem to get motivated right now to do much of anything other than survive. We have my sister and her two preschoolers in town as well (a good thing in many ways).

Plans for the weekend: Head to the college to cover some orientation sessions for him while my sister picks him up at the airport. Then my sister and the kids will leave and we'll watch the Saints against the Seahawks and try to get ready for another week. We have a big meeting concerning our daughter this week as well and a lot of catching up to do with him being gone.

I also need to decide if I want to continue on my own or switch over to the new WW plan. I have WW Online but haven't tracked since August (and was doing pretty well until recently). Tracking is just one more thing on my long list of "to-dos" every day and because I'm type A, I can't just do it halfway. It ends up stressing me out and I'm not sure I want to put myself or my family through that again. OTOH, I know it works and would probably be good for me ...

So that's me. Still here - but just barely.

Don't throw the towel in after only a 1 pound weight gain, or any gain. Everyday is a new day, every day has the potential for you to succeed. So many times life gets in the way, it happens to everyone. Our bodies respond in ways that aren't helpful sometimes...a weight gain. It has happened to me so many times over I can't even count how many. It is how we deal with those "bumps in the road" that get us though, and not find failure. Everyday we get to make choices. Sometimes they are good, sometimes not so good. It happens, as long as we recognize that maybe we didn't make such a good one, and the next time we are faced with a choice to icecream or cookies, skip a work out maybe we make the better choice, and prove to ourselves that HEY I AM STRONGER THAN I KNOW OR THINK I AM! Like Piglet...

Anyway, I used WW for many years myself. I learned what the point values for all kinds of foods. I did however get tired of all that point counting and tracking. I just said to myself I am going to eat a reasonable amount, till my hunger is away, and not stuff myself. It is remarkable how little food it takes for that to happen. I was shocked, and am still shocked how little it takes for me to fuel myself properly when I see so many people pile SO much food on their plates that it could feed 5 of me.

Take a step back from all this stuff that is going on. Yes, it is stressful right now, right now it seems like the whole world...but it will be in the past next week, and you will be OK. Don't give up.
Redwalker :)
1-8-11 Saturday QOTD

If you were told you only had 1 week left to live (and you werent sickly) how would you spend your time?

I would be with my family, tell them how I love them so much. Travel to Italy with them, I have always wanted to do that. I would dance as much as I could and wear all my fanciest dresses.
We did not get MRI results today. The nurse called at 4 to tell us that it hadn't been read. We're taking that as a good sign.

usually no news is good news. I am still saying a prayer for him. Have a great weekend.

I too am down 3.2 lbs this week which puts me at my lowest weight in 6 years WOOT WOOT!!! Now to lose about 5-6 more before Disney....which is about 18 days away I think LOL

Great job jen. how exciting. I bet you can hit that goal before disney. Keep working hard.:thumbsup2

Biggest change to stay on my plan is to drink more water than alcohol.

boy you and tracey sound like its always a good party in your neighborhood.:lmao: I think that is a good goal to have. I think I remember tracey had a goal awhile back that she would only have a drink on a weekend. That sounds like a good plan!

It's just a really, really tough week.

yes you did have a stressful and busy week. I too am type A and if I am going to do it Its not going to be half as***. Sometimes that does mean not doing it at all which I dont know if that is any better either but hey its who we are right. Hang in there. I hope things slow down for you soon.

We're in need of some serious PPD (prayers and pixie dust).

Taryn, I am so sorry you are brad are going through this. We were there a month a two ago too with dh's job. People are just ridiculous and have no heart. Im sure brad is working his butt off and doing his best. In the end thats all he can do. I will say some prayers that you get through this and his boss backs off of him.:wizard:

I'm down 5 pounds myself this week, and I'm hoping for another good week like that!

wow great job. good luck on the new classess. It will be stressful but you will adjust. Enjoy your weekend.

Don't throw the towel in after only a 1 pound weight gain, or any gain. Everyday is a new day, every day has the potential for you to succeed.

Great Advice for all of us Redwalker! Thanks so much for sharing.

Ok team. I am off for my 7 mile run. I only ever did 7 once before so I am a little anxious about it, plus there is snow on the ground too which just adds to the elements. I hope you all have a great saturday. "Remember nothing tastes as good as thin feels."
Princess Vija,
Happy to hear all went well with your procedure, can't believe you are having issues with insurance, I hope everything works out in your favor regarding that.
Sorry to hear all of this, his boss sounds like a real meanie. I am thinking of you guys.
usually no news is good news. I am still saying a prayer for him. Have a great weekend.

Great job jen. how exciting. I bet you can hit that goal before disney. Keep working hard.:thumbsup2

boy you and tracey sound like its always a good party in your neighborhood.:lmao: I think that is a good goal to have. I think I remember tracey had a goal awhile back that she would only have a drink on a weekend. That sounds like a good plan!

yes you did have a stressful and busy week. I too am type A and if I am going to do it Its not going to be half as***. Sometimes that does mean not doing it at all which I dont know if that is any better either but hey its who we are right. Hang in there. I hope things slow down for you soon.

Taryn, I am so sorry you are brad are going through this. We were there a month a two ago too with dh's job. People are just ridiculous and have no heart. Im sure brad is working his butt off and doing his best. In the end thats all he can do. I will say some prayers that you get through this and his boss backs off of him.:wizard:

wow great job. good luck on the new classess. It will be stressful but you will adjust. Enjoy your weekend.

Great Advice for all of us Redwalker! Thanks so much for sharing.

Ok team. I am off for my 7 mile run. I only ever did 7 once before so I am a little anxious about it, plus there is snow on the ground too which just adds to the elements. I hope you all have a great saturday. "Remember nothing tastes as good as thin feels."

Yes, Tracey and I do have a good time together! Luckily we do more walking together than drinking :) It is fun to have someone who has the same goals and knows when enough is enough. So important to have that kind of support!
Yes, Tracey and I do have a good time together! Luckily we do more walking together than drinking :) It is fun to have someone who has the same goals and knows when enough is enough. So important to have that kind of support!

Well, at the parties we do more drinking than walking!!!!! Hoping the weather doesn't interfere with walking on Wednesday! We may get a big storm! Glad that's my day off so I don't have to worry about driving anywhere though that was the day I planned on getting my oil changed!!!!

And yes, I do only drink on weekends unless it was the holidays and I had one most nights. Thus my weight gain over the holidays! But I'm on a roll to get rid of that holiday weight. I only had one drink last night. I worked out this morning and will work out again this afternoon. We will probably have lunch at McD's after the basketball game today. I know their menu really well so I will be ok. Going to have a turkey loaf with gravy, stuffing and carrots and potatoes for supper tonight. I had an eggbeater omelet with a little bit of bacon and onions for breakfast. Not bad.

Watching CSI:NY from last night. Girls need to finish cleaning their rooms. I still need to shower!

Have a great day!!!!

TTFN :tigger:
THANK YOU EVERYONE for all of your good wishes, prayers and happy thoughts. I feel better today now that I have slept off the anesthesia. It will be interesting what happens with insurance now.

On a side note, they made a comment yesterday that mentioned another marker on my blood for clotting disorders. I might actually have 2 different clotting disorders in my blood instead of just one!!!:scared1: I looked it up online yesterday and it did scare me that I might have that as well. so I really hope I can get this procedure approved. I may still have to be on coumadin for ever, but I want that hole closed so it doesn't travel to brain, heart, organs, etc.

It involves clean eating. No sugar, no white flour, no processed food. It stresses portion control and proper protien to grain to vegitable ratios for each meal.

I know, it sounds lile no fun, but my DW and I are amazed at how good we feel this week. After 2 days of no sugar I had an apple and it was the sweetest apple I had ever tasted. After 3 days of no sugar I had a Diet Coke. It tasted so weird. I used to drink Diet Coke like it was water, but I have not had one since.
that is interesting. I know I eat way too much processed sugar. I will probably have to decrease it as I go in this journey. But it is nice and helpfull to hear how it makes you feel so much better.

Hey everyone. Sorry, but I'm not much in a mood for replies today. SO proud of all of you, though.

We're in need of some serious PPD (prayers and pixie dust). As some of you know, DH's boss is....less than easy to get along with. After a rough week, he put DH on a nearly impossible "plan of improvement" last night with a huge list of tasks/accomplishments/guidlines to be met every hour, many of which depend on people other than him to do their job better. 2 misses within 90 days and he will be fired. Which means that he could lose his job Monday. This comes as a shock, with no previous disciplinary "write ups", etc, basically, the boss is out for him. I am terrified beyond words, shaking as I type. Jobs are VERY scearce here, and being terminated would make him ineligible for unemployment.

If I'm not around much, forgive me.

Prayers and pixie dust coming your way!:hug:
I am happy to report a 1.4 pound loss. That is good for me as I am not yet going "full guns". I have a weigh in this Tuesday for my DH's work biggest loser. Spouses can be in it too, so I am excited to do this again. I won the competiton 2 years ago, but sadly gained it all back and more. I plan on winning again this time, AND I know I want to keep going as we are going out west this year and alot of the things I want to do have weight limitations, and I really want to do those, so I am going to make it work and happen!

1-8-11 Saturday QOTD

If you were told you only had 1 week left to live (and you werent sickly) how would you spend your time?

Hmmm, I would spend the time with my family. Ask the kids what they want to do and do that to make the last week most memorable for them. I would also spend the time when they are sleeping writing letters to them so they could have them at various points in their life. I would also be "cuddling" with DH ALOT!;)
Hi Everyone! :wave2:

My name is Paula and I am 33 years old. I've battled with my weight my entire life. It probably didn't help working at McDonald's for 7.5 years starting at the age of 16. When I started their I was already a size 14 and when I finally quit I was a size 20-22. I joined weight watchers about this time and dropped to about 185lbs (foggy memory, can't remember exactly the weight). I was still about a size 18 at this weight.

The year before I got married my now hubby and I joined the gym and I was down to about 185 for my wedding in May 2004. Since then I pretty much only went up. In 2005 I returned to school to get another Bachelor's degree. This time in nursing. You would have thought that taking nutrition classes and such I would lose weight but instead I gained. By the time I finished school I was probably 225-230lbs (never got on the scale).

In 2009 I had a Dr's appt and weighed in at 237 pounds. As far as I know that was my highest weight ever. That did not start me to losing weight though. In the summer of 2009 I decided that I had to stop spending so much money eating out and lost almost 25lbs since then.

I'm currently about 213lbs and am hoping to lose at least 1lb a week. I don't remember a time when I was below 185 in the last 15 years so my first goal is to get below 185.

I am now an RN and I work night shift which really plays havoc with an exercise routine. It is also hard for me to eat healthy with this schedule but I am going to try my best.

For Christmas I received the Wii Fit Plus and Biggest Loser Challenge Game so I am using those to get my exercise!

Now back to page 4 to read about everyone else!
Welcome Paula! You can do it. One step at a time, one meal at a time!:goodvibes

It involves clean eating. No sugar, no white flour, no processed food. It stresses portion control and proper protien to grain to vegitable ratios for each meal.

I know, it sounds lile no fun, but my DW and I are amazed at how good we feel this week. After 2 days of no sugar I had an apple and it was the sweetest apple I had ever tasted. After 3 days of no sugar I had a Diet Coke. It tasted so weird. I used to drink Diet Coke like it was water, but I have not had one since.

I lost a lot of weight this week just sticking to this diet. That just goes to show how bad I was eating before.
It is amazing what tastes sweet when you don't consume large amounts of sugar. Have you had any luck with adding in veggies?

Lindsay--I'm glad the heat got turned back on! Have a great run today!:goodvibes

QOTD--if money were no option, I would take Mike and Tom and all my sisters and their families on a week long cruise to nowhere where there was lots of sun. And I would just enjoy being.:goodvibes

I have to say I just got a "Smart Heart for Walking" heart rate monitor, watch and step counter. I love the check your pulse feature. I am trying to monitor my heart rate when I exercise.

Now I have to read the rest of the mumbo jumbo to get the pedometer working.
I wear a pedometer--it's through Virgin Healthmiles. We get prizes through Mike's work for steps taken, anyhow, it's kind of like a game to see how many steps I can get in in any given day.

That sounds interesting. I will have to check it out.

Good news is that I have only had 1 soda today. Tommorrow I am modifying my coffee drinking to be bearable.

I can't drink 1000 calories a day in coffee and soda and expect to lose weight.;)

I've talked about this a bunch in the past, but for all you new folks, I really think one of the keys to my success has been giving up artificial sweeteners. I used to live on diet soda. My neck was so swollen I got checked for thyroid problems everytime I saw a new doctor. Anyhow, I know there are lots of arguments that artificial sweeteners are safe, but there are lots of arguments that they aren't. I have not had a true fullout binge since I've been off the diet soda. I feel so much healthier.

I am 99percent off caffeine as well, but that's more from having some heart issues than anything. I do still have hot tea on occasion--but I don't sweeten it. Mike even gave up caffeine when I had to, and he was known as a major coffee drinker at work. I would say it takes a good 60+ days to get it all out of your system, but I am telling you I feel better. And now if I need a little boost, a couple of sips of regular soda will do the trick. Anyhow, just something to think about. It is definitely a process, and not something I would necessarily do cold turkey--though I did give up diet soda cold turkey--just before New Year's last year.

Remember that you have until Monday night at 7:30 to submit your weigh ins! NO EXCEPTIONS! Wow, I feel like I'm back teaching again and telling the 5th graders that everything was due on a certain date, NO EXCEPTIONS!

Have a great night and I hope to give a more thorough update tomorrow after I get some sleep!

TTFN :tigger:
Tracey--with as many participants as we have, I think it is completely reasonable to have a cutoff time.:goodvibes

My weekend plans are pretty non specific. The boys have bowling in the morning then I'll try to get Nick in to see his pediatrician for a sinus infection. Sunday Nick wants to go snowboarding so well probably take all the boys.

We did not get MRI results today. The nurse called at 4 to tell us that it hadn't been read. We're taking that as a good sign. If the technicians had seen anything alarming the would have flagged it for a quicker read. We should hear for sure on Monday.
Deb--:goodvibes sending good thoughts your way this weekend.
I think meal planning is so important. When you know what you are going to do for meals, and have time to think about it. There is less of a change to just grab junk! My resolution for this year was to make something new of my Many Many cookbooks and have the kids help. I think getting them involved with that is part of their own road to understanding how to be healthy.
I agree--I have my best weeks when I plan my meals! And how fun to involve the kids!

I had a one pound gain this week. It's just a really, really tough week. My husband had a big speaking engagement out of town this week. We're both college professors and classes started just as he left so I've been covering both his classes as well as my own as well as getting my daughter through her first week of her second semester. It's been nuts and I just can't seem to get motivated right now to do much of anything other than survive. We have my sister and her two preschoolers in town as well (a good thing in many ways).

Plans for the weekend: Head to the college to cover some orientation sessions for him while my sister picks him up at the airport. Then my sister and the kids will leave and we'll watch the Saints against the Seahawks and try to get ready for another week. We have a big meeting concerning our daughter this week as well and a lot of catching up to do with him being gone.

I also need to decide if I want to continue on my own or switch over to the new WW plan. I have WW Online but haven't tracked since August (and was doing pretty well until recently). Tracking is just one more thing on my long list of "to-dos" every day and because I'm type A, I can't just do it halfway. It ends up stressing me out and I'm not sure I want to put myself or my family through that again. OTOH, I know it works and would probably be good for me ...

So that's me. Still here - but just barely.
MB--You've had a very busy week. One pound is nothing.:goodvibes Hang in there and keep drinking your water! Here's hoping things settle down quickly and you get back on a schedule that works for you.:hug:

I know, right? I am sitting here drinking my 120 calorie cup of coffee.:faint:
Give up smoking? No problem. Give up coffee? Big problem. I like to drink 3 cups of it in the morning. That is 360 calories in coffee.:sad:
What are you putting in it? Can you cut the stuff you add to it by even a half or a quarter and slowly ween yourself off the sweeteners or creamer? What about substituting tea for one of the cups? There are some amazing teas that are good even without added sweetener?

Hey everyone. Sorry, but I'm not much in a mood for replies today. SO proud of all of you, though.

We're in need of some serious PPD (prayers and pixie dust). As some of you know, DH's boss is....less than easy to get along with. After a rough week, he put DH on a nearly impossible "plan of improvement" last night with a huge list of tasks/accomplishments/guidlines to be met every hour, many of which depend on people other than him to do their job better. 2 misses within 90 days and he will be fired. Which means that he could lose his job Monday. This comes as a shock, with no previous disciplinary "write ups", etc, basically, the boss is out for him. I am terrified beyond words, shaking as I type. Jobs are VERY scearce here, and being terminated would make him ineligible for unemployment.

If I'm not around much, forgive me.
Oh Taryn. I am so sorry. What a crappy way to start the new year. Sending you a big old hug.:hug: Thanks for letting us know what is going on. I will still worry about you, but at least I know everyone is safe.:hug::hug:

Well, at the parties we do more drinking than walking!!!!! Hoping the weather doesn't interfere with walking on Wednesday! We may get a big storm! Glad that's my day off so I don't have to worry about driving anywhere though that was the day I planned on getting my oil changed!!!!

And yes, I do only drink on weekends unless it was the holidays and I had one most nights. Thus my weight gain over the holidays! But I'm on a roll to get rid of that holiday weight. I only had one drink last night. I worked out this morning and will work out again this afternoon. We will probably have lunch at McD's after the basketball game today. I know their menu really well so I will be ok. Going to have a turkey loaf with gravy, stuffing and carrots and potatoes for supper tonight. I had an eggbeater omelet with a little bit of bacon and onions for breakfast. Not bad.

Watching CSI:NY from last night. Girls need to finish cleaning their rooms. I still need to shower!

Have a great day!!!!

TTFN :tigger:
I still have to pm you Tracey! I promise to include my team name.;) I had two beers last night, and honestly after the week we had, I was pretty happy that I only had two! Thanks for being the weightkeeper! It's a huge job! And those parties sound like lots of fun! You do your walking during the week so that you can enjoy your parties on the weekend!:goodvibes

I am running sometime today--thought I'm getting off to a very lazy start. It snowed here and it's freezing, so we'll go to the Y at some point today. Aiming for 6 miles.

Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
Hello all

I don't post very often but I do try to read and keep up with everyone. For those who need thoughts/ prayers I am thinking about you and your families.

Things are going well so far no major cravings and not eating out is no doubt helping me weightloss wise!

This week I"m going to work on cutting out my beloved diet pepsi - sigh.

Quick question - we're going to be out of town (trip to Disney!) in early February. I know there's a 3 week grace period in terms of weighing in but is there anyway for someone (tigger? rose?) to make a note of the weigh in I'll miss so nobody thinks I"m AWOL?

Not sure I want to weigh in post - Disney but I will!!

Being on a team with a firm weigh in has helped me so much. I fell off the weightloss wagon awhile back and while I've tried periodically to 'get going' again - I've never gotten very far on my own. I'm very pleased with my weight loss this week and I have you all to thank for it - so THANK YOU!!
Hello all

I don't post very often but I do try to read and keep up with everyone. For those who need thoughts/ prayers I am thinking about you and your families.

Things are going well so far no major cravings and not eating out is no doubt helping me weightloss wise!

This week I"m going to work on cutting out my beloved diet pepsi - sigh.

Quick question - we're going to be out of town (trip to Disney!) in early February. I know there's a 3 week grace period in terms of weighing in but is there anyway for someone (tigger? rose?) to make a note of the weigh in I'll miss so nobody thinks I"m AWOL?

Not sure I want to weigh in post - Disney but I will!!

Being on a team with a firm weigh in has helped me so much. I fell off the weightloss wagon awhile back and while I've tried periodically to 'get going' again - I've never gotten very far on my own. I'm very pleased with my weight loss this week and I have you all to thank for it - so THANK YOU!!

We don't get too stressed when people miss a couple of weigh-ins. We don't even take your name off the main list, Tracey will just stop calculating your percentages if you miss three weeks in a row, BUT you can rejoin at any time.:goodvibes

I would say if you need the accountablility, just post before you leave--that way everyone can tell you to have a fabulous trip! And then post right when you get back, so that we can encourage you to get back on the wagon!:goodvibes I am always up when I get back from a vacation--especially if I fly, but I have found if I jump right back in that those vacation pounds go away quickly!

I am really glad that you have found the challenge is working for you.:goodvibes
Here's hoping it goes away with no problems. I have had a few rupture and it is really painful.:hug:

I had one that was missed on exams got missed and grew very large. I had it removed last August, they removed 2.5 gallons of fluid from it plus the ovary and tube. They are watching it like a hawk due to my previous history.

I am down .2 pounds. I will take any loss I can get it is better then nothing. If you stayed the same or gained don't worry about it today is a new day. Make healthy choices and keep moving forward to a happier healthier you.

I was supposed to go to one of our camps today for work as my volunteers are having a retreat there. It was snowing like crazy when I was supposed to go and I couldn't get out of the drive way which is very steep without shoveling or cinders and the road hadn't been touched yet. I decided to stay home, it had stopped for a bit and I was thinking I should have went but now it is snowing again. I decided driving 2 hours to and another 2 hours home in unknown weather conditions wasn't something I wanted to deal with today. I would rather be safe then sorry.

So I think I am gonna do some cleaning or organizing.
If you were told you only had 1 week left to live (and you werent sickly) how would you spend your time?

I would spend that time with my family. It doesn't matter where we are, just as long as we are all together. And the diet would be out the window. The food would be fantastic!


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