Teacher Struggle - Needing Some Pixie Dust


Mar 20, 2020
Just looking for some words of comfort/encouragement/wisdom from some fellow teachers on how to get through a particularly tough year. Summer 2025 is so far away!
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Every day you have the choice to be a positive force for good, whether the challenging students are an issue that day or not, for your own mental health.

You can only do what you can do. So add some DISNEY touches to your classroom that you can look at when you need positivity. Have a trip planned so you have something to look forward to.

And talk to your admin to see what support you can get. If they don’t know there is a problem they can’t help.

Every year we say that the students are worse than the year before, and it’s true. Students are different. We can’t be the instant video changing every 20 seconds presentation that their brains are used to. We have strict curriculum to follow. We have 6 different levels of kids in each class to try to reach. Teaching is hard.

Believe in yourself and feel proud of being a teacher. Throw your own pixie dust.
I substitute taught for many years before the pandemic, and chose not to go back after our layoff ended, mostly because of behavior. --- So I definitely hear you!! I have to get offline right now, but will try to think of some general things you could try, and will post again (or feel free to PM me more details where it isn't searchable).
I am at the end of my career. I also teach HS and electives. There has only been one year where I was at my wits end and it wasn't because of the students! I booked a weekend at Disney. I told my husband I wanted him to go with me but I was going with or without him. He stayed behind, but my son (who lives in another state) met me. We didn't go into the parks. We went downtown (I still call DS downtown) and treated him to two nice dinners (one being Shula's - he loves steak.) I didn't tell anyone since it would be viewed as a vacation but it was really mental health! It worked! Treat yourself to what you can. Also, remember all the kids in your class and enjoy the kiddos that are a gem. It will be a long year for them too because of the few. Breathe. I don't know if it would work or not, but maybe 2 shorter recess (one in morning and one in afternoon) to get extra energy out. Even a quick walk around the building before the day begins can be helpful. Good luck and we all have your back. We wish we could be there to help you!
I am at the end of my career. I also teach HS and electives. There has only been one year where I was at my wits end and it wasn't because of the students! I booked a weekend at Disney. I told my husband I wanted him to go with me but I was going with or without him. He stayed behind, but my son (who lives in another state) met me. We didn't go into the parks. We went downtown (I still call DS downtown) and treated him to two nice dinners (one being Shula's - he loves steak.) I didn't tell anyone since it would be viewed as a vacation but it was really mental health! It worked! Treat yourself to what you can. Also, remember all the kids in your class and enjoy the kiddos that are a gem. It will be a long year for them too because of the few. Breathe. I don't know if it would work or not, but maybe 2 shorter recess (one in morning and one in afternoon) to get extra energy out. Even a quick walk around the building before the day begins can be helpful. Good luck and we all have your back. We wish we could be there to help you!
You are so sweet!! My cousin and I are looking to book for the end of the school year so I will have that to look forward to
I taught for 20 years, and I understand how stressful it can get. I have been out of teaching for about 9 years now.

As far as words of encouragement go, I would tell you: You are making more of a difference than you might think. Years after leaving the profession, you might get those Facebook messages/posts from former students. You will see/hear those discussions about the "good old days" and your name comes up.

My mother had a former student come to her a couple years after having her in class. The young lady told her "I just want to thank you. I secretly planned on killing myself after I got home, but our conversation that day made me change my mind". I know that that same young lady is now married, has her own children and a successful career.

I know I am probably just old and out of touch. I just believe that the "dog and pony show" du jour the administration is promoting is the least important part. Go in there, do your best, cover what curriculum you can, and remember that you are a very important part of your students' lives.
I'm a teacher's kid and grandkid. Depending on what you teach, if there's a way to include an interest of yours that seemed to help. My mom taught 3rd grade and able to teach about Alaska so she included the Iditarod races that she liked to follow. Her counterpart taught about Hawaii and Phantom of the Opera. My mom also included gems or rocks. Some of her kids went to the rock & gem shows that she would mention. My mom also had to teach gym so she taught a form of dance she did. Find ways to bring whatever is being taught to life.

I know the politics can rather kill the joy of teaching, for my mom it did, so even when she was really teaching to the standard tests she was able to find ways to expose the kids to different things.

The positive side. She's helped so many kids just being a positive force in their life even if it's just for the part of the day. She's been retired for a while now but still has kids coming up to her if they happen to be in the same location - grocery, dentist, etc. Some really enjoyed the activities she exposed them to as they wouldn't have known otherwise.
I always point out to teacher relatives having a rough year that it’s only around 180 days (the exact number varies by district around here), and then you have a chance for a positive change.

One had a tough group last year, and fortunately so far this year it is a totally different situation. And they did get some emails and visits or ran into past students during the year, and the positivity from those encounters helped them make it through too.
Not sure what grade level you teach but I'm a high school math teacher. I have gotten much better at leaving work at work. I do sometimes have to bring home papers to correct but I try to do that as little as possible. If you don't have one already, find a work bestie. They are HUGE! Unfortunately, mine have left education or moved over the past few years but they are still some great friends - both in and out of work. Self care is also important.
Just looking for some words of comfort/encouragement/wisdom from some fellow teachers on how to get through a particularly tough year. Summer 2025 is so far away!
Remember your why every day.
I became an educator to help others.
Everybody has a different why and it changes throughout your career. (Teacher to AP so far)
Focus on the kids who you can really help and try to minimize the impact of the others on the learning process. I had a couple of years in a row that were tough (large classes, not overly cooperative students, and more than usual teen drama!) but at the end of last year I received a thank you note on my desk from one student that thanked me for not giving up on them and holding them accountable! That made the whole year worth it for me in the end (even though there were times was practically pulling my hair out!) :) Just started my 23rd year!
You've gotten some great advice, and I love that you're planning a trip to look forward to!:mickeyjum (Don't forget to make yourself a fun countdown for it.)

If you can think of a few "little touches" that you'd like to do in your classroom, use those to make it a space you want to spend time in. And invent something as a transition ritual for leaving school behind at the end of the day.

As for the kids, the biggest thing is to stay curious. Try to find out more about them in the moments when you aren't battling behaviors (because then you have something to remember when you are :laughing:) and try to help them find a friend in class. - It can really make a difference.
This is coming from a guy who has no children and zero experience in the public school system. I just want all of you educators to know how much you're appreciated by so many of us out here. I could never do what you do and I can't imagine how difficult just trying to educate must be at times in this world.

Thanks for all you do and thanks for helping to teach the ones who will eventually lead this nation further. I hope you will take some pride in knowing the impact you're having on so many lives. It's hard, but I promise you're changing lives. :)
I don’t have any true advice but I understand. I just finished 34 years in education, all in junior high in the same position. I had some tough/hard years but far more good years than bad. I made a decision every morning to choose my attitude before walking out my front door. For me that helped. Did it make every day good? Nope, but at least I tried.

I retired last spring and miss some of it. I miss the interactions and connections I had with my students. My favorite part was working with my students who struggled or didn’t believe they could be successful in class. I miss watching those students realize THEY could do hard things. Those are the moments and students I remember across my career, that’s what mattered.

Hang in there, it will get easier. Every year I would forget how hard the first six weeks of school were. Getting the routines and procedures down was always harder than I remembered from the year before. You’ve got this!

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