Thank you. I did some tests. I didn't realize how fast Miracosta sells out. Although the hotel is booked solid many nights are available for VP booking.
The issue isn't if your credit card is valid. The issue is if your bank's fraud algorithm flags the transaction. An issue if you rarely use your card in Japan, or anywhere outside the US. I don't know if booking a hotel, then immediately canceling it will make it more or less likely to have issues. Be prepared with an alternate card. Be prepared to answer an email or text from your bank.
I bought prescription glasses from
Walmart, over $500. The charge was declined. Clerk said it happens a lot with Chase cards. I called. Chase wanted to make I was making the purchase.
Issues buying tickets from UK. I called just before my purchase. They can't tag an upcoming purchase as OK. She assured me my card is valid worldwide and has no foreign transaction fees. As expected charge was declined. Fixed it the next day