Taking a breather....


Ft. Wilderness or bust!
Aug 24, 2006
I just realized something. Beth just walked in and said to me "Are you arguing with someone on that stupid forum, you've been in here for an hour and a half".

I need to take a breather. Not sure what happened, but this forum just isn't the same place it was a few years ago. We no longer talk about peacocks and otters and smoking in golf carts, we argue about the economy, and half the posts on the Camping Board turn into a discussion about what's wrong with the Fort and Disney and the world in general. My brother (who lurks this forum from time to time) even said to me the other day "What has happened to that forum, it's gone crazy".

It's nothing against anyone here, I just feel like I'm in the minority here, and I don't feel like spending my free time talking about what's wrong with the world. We're all entitled to our opinions, but lately it just seems like if I don't post something bad or negative, that I get jumped on. I'm sorry that I don't view the world through the same glasses, maybe this just isn't the place for me anymore.

Maybe I'll be back, I don't know. I hope that at least I was able to help some people out with getting more info on the Fort, and that I at least made one person smile...lol. Most of you have been great, and I appreciate the discussions we've had. Everything has just become so sensitive and personal around here, it's like we're turning into the Community Board :(

Who knows, maybe I'll catch one of you at Crockett's sometime ;)


P.S. Please don't come in here and flame. It's sad that I see so many posts on the camping forum now have that disclaimer on the bottom, but I honestly mean it, I just wanted to speak my peace, this is not meant as anything personal or supposed to be a flame post or anything. Like I said, most of you guys are great people, and it's been great talking with you (and who knows, maybe one day I'll put another Fort poll up...lol).
I'm sorry you feel this way Chris. I think this community board was a good idea to keep things more on topic(or off topic), but I do think it opened it up for the "world" to come in and we lost our magical fort world.:confused3 I sometimes miss the way it use to be....fort talk, kungaloosh, and crazy shenanigins. There are a lot of good people here though, and everyone has times when they need to vent it out, and who better to do it to then your friends. And that's what we are right? I sometimes get angry with things my friends do or say, but they are still my friends. I consider you a friend, and hope you don't leave forever.
Yea Nicole, I agree (and I was one of the biggest pushers for the Community Forum...lol). If it was just the Camping Community Forum, I would understand, and I could just not come here, but it happens all the time on the main Camping board as well.

I consider you and lots of people here friends, and I doubt I will leave forever, just need to let stuff cool down around here and hopefully one day it will somehow go back to the old forum ways...lol

Ugh, I just remembered it's Sunday night, need to go get some sleep :)
I understand. Hope to see you back on here in the future. Take care. :goodvibes
We'll miss you but I understand. I try to just ignore those posts and skip to the ones that are not controversial. I am not one for arguing/debating over the internet :goodvibes

Take care
Well after over 3000 post:surfweb: in two years, maybe you do need to take a break,We all do from time to time:thumbsup2 ,keep your chin up and come back when your ready.Nothing is never how it use to be .Not here or in life as you will find out raising your child.Good luck to you and your family ! See you real soon! :grouphug:
I will miss you! Always enjoyed your post. I posted you MIA on that post and know sadly enough you are! Good Luck and hope you don't stay gone forever.
I'm with you Chris. I've gone back to the DVC boards, most of the time, to "help". Enjoy that new baby and we'll hear from you again, I'm sure.
Chris i don't know you personally but I hate to see someone leave someplace they enjoy. I hope you reconsider.
Why are the regulars of this group letting Colson drop off? I always thought he was a nice guy that everyone loved having on board. The pictures of his beautiful wife and child were nice and he's cheerful attitude and knowledge of Disney made him entertaining as well.
Can anyone explain what I missed or didn't notice?

Come back Colson, we miss you!
We'll miss you but I understand. I try to just ignore those posts and skip to the ones that are not controversial. I am not one for arguing/debating over the internet :goodvibes

Take care
Ditto :) Love your family photos and polls- hopefully we'll hear from you soon.
Why are the regulars of this group letting Colson drop off? I always thought he was a nice guy that everyone loved having on board. The pictures of his beautiful wife and child were nice and he's cheerful attitude and knowledge of Disney made him entertaining as well.
Can anyone explain what I missed or didn't notice?

Come back Colson, we miss you!

You didn't miss anything. Taking a "breather" from the boards is a personal decision (happens quite often), and we understand when somebody needs to step back for awhile. Chris knows that he's always welcome back when he's ready. :goodvibes
Dude. Breath in, breath out. Happy thoughts, Happy thoughts.
Totally cool.:thumbsup2
Been outta touch for a while - Chris, at least occasionally post one of your idiotic, hhmmmmmm, I mean one of those GREAT polls! :lmao:
Maybe I'm full of crap, but isn't the whole point of the community board to discuss politics and the bad economy and the other things we couldn't talk about on the other side of the board????
OK I'll say something political - John Edwards is SCUM! So is Larry Craig just so we get both sides of the aisle. Politicians are, as a group, the lowest form of life known to man!
OK I'll say something political - John Edwards is SCUM! So is Larry Craig just so we get both sides of the aisle. Politicians are, as a group, the lowest form of life known to man!

And John Kerry is a whiney baby who cut his own finger to get a purple heart and a trip home from Vietnam. Man, this feels good!


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