Tables in Wonderland vs. dining plan


DIS Veteran
Jul 26, 2006
Does anyone know what would be a better option? We are two adults and two kids (5 and 2). We plan on only eating out.
this is just an my opinion

if you have annual passes go for the the tables in wonderland. if you like to drink with dinner or lunch it pays for itself in a meal or 2 espically with a familyof 4. We always do the Tables. Plus you get the discount for the places that are normally 2 credits for the dining plan.

Another plus I usually tip 20% with the tables its an automatic 18% so it saves me some money there as well
For the first time we got the tables in wonderland instead of the dining plan. It was only DH and myself but it was nice to be able to eat what we wanted. We were able to get an appetizer to split and not get a dessert if we were too full. My DH loves his beer and we also did do wine since we were celebrating our anniversary. We ate at atleast one table service a day, including California Grill and tip, tax and food for 8 days was $550. We are going back in a few weeks and it will be good then also. This time there will be 4 grown adults. With doing this we were able to save almost 1200 by renting points for a studio at the last minute, well 2 months, or 60 days ahead. so it paid off for us. We will be going once more, besides October, for when this will still be good so we will really benefit from it. I was sceptical at first but I know it was a good choice now. It's a tough decision but it's alot more fun to be able to eat how you want to then how you have to.
Your 2 y/o is not eligible for the DDP. They are expected to eat off your plate, and Disney Dining will not sell you DDP for anyone younger than 3 unless they've completely reversed their position very recently.

I'm not sure how (or even if) that affects your math.
I think it depends on your family's eating patterns and where you will be eating.

For us, the TIW card works best for us. We eat exclusively at TS restaurants and enjoy some wine or beer with our dinners.
I would say that it depends on what type of meals you typically eat. If you typically eat counter service meals, then Tables in Wonderland won't save you money, as it is only good at a small handful of counter service places.

However, if you eat a good number of table service meals in a trip, then Tables in Wonderland can be a great option. DH and I never do the dining plan, but we always do Tables in Wonderland, as we typically eat 2 table service meals on most days. We wind up saving MUCH more than the cost of the TiW card on just one trip per year, so any extra trips we take are just extra savings on top of that.

Also, if you enjoy alcohol or appetizers with your meals, then TiW is a great option as well. You get 10% off both of those with TiW; however, with the dining plan, you only get an entree, non-alcoholic beverage, and dessert.

I hope that helps! :)
Well, here's another opinion. We do both. The dining plan works for us, but we also use TIW for drinks and meals that we pay OOP. We like some 2 credit restaurants, so we do those and then in the "off" nights (of the dining plan) we go to places we feel are not worth 2 credits (or even 1 credit) and use TIW. And on some of our trips we just do TIW. Really it depends what kind of trip we are doing. We go about 3-4 times a year, at least a week at a time, and found that this works for us. May not work for you, but wanted to give another opinion.

Enjoy The Magic!!
if you have annual passes go for the the tables in wonderland.

Do AP holders get a discount in the TIW card? We are getting married at Disney next year and get a free AP which I plan to keep into the future...i keep meaning to try to find the answer to this but maybe someone here can help!
Do AP holders get a discount in the TIW card? We are getting married at Disney next year and get a free AP which I plan to keep into the future...i keep meaning to try to find the answer to this but maybe someone here can help!

TIW card is only available to FLorida residents and AP holders shows the Florida residents price is $100
AP price is $75
I really need to lookinto this TIW. Do we all need APs or just one person in my family? These are the TS we plan on dining at:

  • Turf Club
  • 'Ohana
  • 50's
  • Tony's
  • Beaches
  • Boma or Saana
  • Teppan Edo
And we love appetizers as much than the entree. This might be the way to go for us. :thumbsup2
I really need to lookinto this TIW. Do we all need APs or just one person in my family? These are the TS we plan on dining at:

  • Turf Club
  • 'Ohana
  • 50's
  • Tony's
  • Beaches
  • Boma or Saana
  • Teppan Edo

I don't think Teppan Edo takes the TIW card.
...Also, if you enjoy alcohol or appetizers with your meals, then TiW is a great option as well. You get 10% off both of those with TiW; however, with the dining plan, you only get an entree, non-alcoholic beverage, and dessert.

I hope that helps! :)

I think you meant 20% correct?
Your 2 y/o is not eligible for the DDP. They are expected to eat off your plate, and Disney Dining will not sell you DDP for anyone younger than 3 unless they've completely reversed their position very recently.

I'm not sure how (or even if) that affects your math.

You are right that we do not have to by the DDP for my 2 year old. However it is an option to buy it for him. Thank you, though.
I think we might do the TiW. My oldest son is autistic and the character meals are our way of seeing the characters and not the lines.
Thank you all for your responses, and so quickly at that!:goodvibes
Tricia1972 did a really great spreadsheet to compare the TIW discount with the DDP. Just enter the prices of the items that you think you might order at each restaurant. Make sure to put a "Y" in the TIW field and the spreadsheet will calculate your savings :).

It can be found here:

Ooooo, thanks for the link -- definitely will be trying this website out.

To the OP, we are planning to go for 2 weeks over Christmas, 2010 and are still debating on the TIW versus the DxDDP. The problem I see with the TIW is that there are a lot of "black-out" times and days for our trip (holidays, the CP package, and the earlier times for the dinner shows). So, we're either stuck paying full price for several meals during our trip *and* having to attend the dinner shows at the 9:00 p.m. showing (with a 6 year old in tow) *and* not being able to eat at a CS if we felt like it, or we can pay for the DxDDP and take our chances that we might not use all of our credits. Adding to the madness is that we plan on spending a few days at Universal (even though we plan on being back at Disney for dinner). At this time (although I go back and forth almost daily) I think that we're going to opt for the DxDDP simply because I know myself, and if we end up spending more for our purchases using the TIW card than we would have paid for the DxDDP, I'd be pretty mad at myself for it. I also like the convenience of the DDP (although I am a bit miffed at the snack credit changes they announced to the make-your-own treats at Goofy's Candy Co.)
The blackout dates really stink for going over Christmas/NYE. Half of all of them are during that time: [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve & New Year's Day. The New Year's Day blackout really gets me because I like to watch football at the ESPN club on New Year's Day and the card is useless :(.
The blackout dates really stink for going over Christmas/NYE. Half of all of them are during that time: [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve & New Year's Day. The New Year's Day blackout really gets me because I like to watch football at the ESPN club on New Year's Day and the card is useless :(.
True, but that's the way it always is with special deals.

Free dining is only during times when occupancy is low. Our excellent Florida Resident Seasonal Pass ($100 cheaper than the DVC-discount AP) is blacked out Christmas week, Easter week and the entire summer school vacation. DDP prices are higher during peak periods and the menues are usually downgraded.

There's no such thing as a free lunch.

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