switching resorts


Wilderness Lodge Veteran
Feb 16, 2002
how hard is it to switch resorts? (getting from one to another, the time until check-in) im switching after 3 days for a little variety and i was wondering what kind of hassle this was. You people are seriously pros at this. Ive already saved over 600 bucks so far thanks to you people.
I've done it a few times, and if I had the choice, I wouldn't do it. It is a waste of time to pack everything up, deal with check out and check in, etc.

we switch alot, 4 days and 4 day is our usual, if you dont mind
packing and we dont it is a great way to see more than one
resort...now if you find one you really like you can stay there
next time

it is also good to stay at cheaper one first and deluxe last
to save money and get to stay at a deluxe

we have done this on most of our trips.
We've switched often. I thought I'd hate it, but I wouldn't have it any other way now. Even with two little kids who have needed naps, we've never had a problem. Even when switching for just one night, it was well worth it.

Sometimes we take the day off parks when we switch resorts mid-week. Then we do laundry enjoy at least one of the resort pools, if not both in one day, etc. This way packing in minimal because we wash it halfway through trip.

It's like two totally different vacations and has allowed us to try resorts we wouldn't have been able to afford for the entire week. We also love both Epcot and MK, so we get a MK resort and an Epcot resort for the best of both worlds.

Even when we don't take the day off from parks, we've barely noticed the loss in time. We check in first thing in the morning and leave our luggage at the front. When we take a break from the park our room is usually ready. Check-in, take a break and head to the next park.
We switched last trip and will switch again this year (5 nights WL, 5 YC). I love it - it gives us the chance to experience 2 resorts and to be in 2 different areas. It really is like having 2 vacations. This year we're focusing on the MK and going to Universal while at the WL and doing Epcot while we're at the Yacht club. I don't think it's difficult at all, but we're not the type to really "settle in" to a room so packing isn't hard. We also don't have any children.

Last year we brought the bags ourselves in our car, this year we will probably have them transferred so we don't have to bother.
We usually switch if staying longer than a week.
DH tends to get bored the whole time at one place.
And we do like Ityldu.....make it our non-park day to sleep in a little, swim, do laundry, etc.
We have also used this for our "beach day". We usually take a day to go to Daytona Beach. We call Bell Services and they will take care of our bags then by time we return, we just check in and our bags are there. Then is is usually a relaxing evening at the pool or head for Downtown Disney for some shopping.:D

It helps us afford to stay at a deluxe resort too. We can't see spending that much money to stay at a deluxe for the whole time but it works fine for us just for 3 or 4 nights. We stay at the moderate first, then over to a deluxe :D


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