Sunny Halloween at Cheyenne Day 3

Ms Poppins

I'm sure I'm very affected by all this Disney talk
Mar 14, 2009
Day 1
Day 2

The Cast:

Me – Julie 43
DH – John 47
DS1 – Mark 24
DS1 GF – Macie 21
DS2 – Lewis 14

Day 3

Wednesday 17 October, last day :sad1:

I slept much better, possibly due to the extra pillows, but I think I’d just been absolutely exhausted.

I knocked the door for Mark around 8am and we popped outside planning to pick up a Starbucks. The queue was almost out the door so we didn’t bother. DH was having a long lie and the rest of us sat outside for a bit whilst Macie got organised.

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It was a bit cooler today and I was glad I’d picked up my fleece for our stroll to the park.

We got into the Studios around 8:45 and the queue for Crush was already way back to the Partners Statue. We joined anyway as this was the reason for doing EMH today. By the time we got into the actual queue area, it was a 50 minute wait but it went quite quickly.
The ride was fantastic – what a way to wake yourself up in the morning :scared1:

Mark and Macie went off to do Aerosmith and Lewis and I hopped on the Flying Carpets. It was just 10am now and the park was filling up. We enjoyed our flight but the ride is definitely in need of a lick of paint. Our carpet was really badly scraped and looked a bit tatty.

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After this we strolled about, got some sweets from a cart for Lewis’ friend and headed into the shop/art area inside Art of Animation. I always like the shop in here, there was a lovely Minnie tray that I thought I might buy at some point but left it for now.

Once inside the Art of Animation area we could see 'Minnie Parisienne’ meeting. There were only about 2 people in the queue so we thought we may as well join to say hello. At the queue entrance the CM explained about the Lineberty App and that we’d need to book a ticket. I’d forgotten that I’d already downloaded this so we followed the process and the APP sent us a message to say we’d be given a time slot in the next 4 hours…..I thanked the CM for helping and said it was ok, we’d just noticed the small queue and we probably wouldn’t be around later. He was very nice, looked at the queue and said it was quiet, so he took the ticket number and said it was fine to join. It was so nice of him.

Just as it was our turn, Minnie put her lovely coat on and went off for a well earned rest.

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She was back in a few minutes and we got a lovely photo with her :cloud9:

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**I’m not sure how I feel about Lineberty. On one hand I think it’s a great idea to book a time and come back without having to wait for hours to see a character. On the other hand, it kind of takes away the spontanaity of meets and I do think that if my mum for example had been there that she just wouldn’t have been prepared to download an app and figure everything out. I know we’re in a completely tech world these days but not everyone carries a mobile device around with them, especially if they’re on holiday, so it would be nice if there was still an option to queue if you didn't or couldn't download the app**

Just as we finished Mark and Macie text to say they were grabbing a bite to eat inside Studio 1 so we met up and then made our way back to the hotel to check out.
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DH was up and the room packed when we returned. Just some Mickey hands to add to the case:

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We checked out and all agreed we'd really enjoyed our stay at the Cheyenne

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We left our bags at the left luggage area and were soon on our way back to the park.

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Another stop outside the Hotel New York. Can't wait to see what the Marvel re-furb brings

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All a bit hungry we made it to Salon Mickey at around 11:45 and enjoyed our pastries and drinks. I made reservations again for the buffet at our hotel for 6pm and this time we’d definitely make it as we needed to be picked up at the hotel at 7:30pm for our flight home.

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Full with our food and drinks we waved farewell to Salon Mickey and headed to the Studios for the kids to try for RC Racer. I love that the parks are so close together and we can park hop easily. Macie mentioned that was something she loved about it too compared to WDW.

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Time for some traditional photos with the Partners statue

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Everything in the Studios was busy. I’ve said before, but I really think that the Studios is much more crowded when there aren’t any shows on anymore. Even more so now that both theatres are closed. I’ve read the Cinemagique is coming back and that makes me so very happy :yay:

The kids grabbed some fast passes for Tower of Terror, but after picking them up realised that it was for much later in the day and we’d probably be at the other park by then.

RC was showing 40 minutes so the kids joined the queue and DH and I spent some time in La Place de Remy.

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We joined single rider line for Ratatoullie and ended up in the same rat again. We shared the rat with a family on their first ride and it was lovely to hear their comments and see their reactions.

There wasn’t anything else we really wanted to do so we found a seat at the bistro tables and sat in the sun, enjoying a drink outside Bistro Chez Remy. A band appeared after a few minutes and we had a good 20 minutes sitting here relaxing taking in the atmosphere – magic.

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The kids were soon off RC and found us. It had been Lewis’ first go on RC and he absolutely loved it. Whilst we finished our drinks they popped into Ratatoullie using single rider line again ‘all the single riders’….and somehow they all ended up in the same rat.

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Then we spent some time the shop, Chez Marianne. We wanted some things in here so I asked the CM if we could get them to be delivered back to the hotel. He said that it would be after 8pm for the Cheyenne which was too late for us, so he suggested getting them delivered to the Disney Store in the Village beside Annette’s instead and it would be available to collect from 6pm which was ideal. Such a great service and saved us carting a load of stuff around with us. We bought some lovely glasses, mugs and I picked up the Minnie tray I’d seen earlier along with another Ratatoullie one.

Off now over to Aerosmith but when we got there it was closed…

The stunt show wasn’t for a while and there wasn’t anything else anyone wanted to do so we said goodbye to the Studios for this trip and headed back to Disneyland Park.

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Mark's new hat from Chez Marianne

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I still enjoy the beauty of the park entrance complete with dancing fountains and wonderful music :goodvibes

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We enjoyed some time in Town Square

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DH, Lewis and I went to pick up fast passes for BTM for later. Mark and Macie went up through Main St to grab us a spot for the Villans Show that was due to start soon.

We spotted the band playing outside Hakuna Matata as we made our way back for the show.

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Baloo and King Louie stopped for a boogie as they passed

We had some time for some more photos with the Castle.....

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Mark and Macie had got a spot on the viewing platform, but I think in such good weather you’d be fine on the main area in front of the stage as almost everyone was sitting down.

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The show was fun, love that they make use of the water fountains behind the stage too for this show.

Lewis had been debating doing Space Mountain the whole trip. After the success of RC he decided to go for it. He and Mark are massive Star Wars fans so if there was ever a good time to try it, this was it. They joined the 15 minute queue and DH and I took their bags and stuff.

It was easier to put Macie’s ears on than carry them

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We strolled round the back of Space Mountain and came across Mickey’s Philharmagic in the Discoveryland Theatre. I’d read about this and had hoped to fit it in, so we took a chance and wandered inside. The show was starting in 1 minute so we couldn’t have timed it better. I hadn’t been in here since the Honey I shrunk the Audience days. I’m not sure if this is well advertised or if it’s just the spot it’s in, but the theatre wasn’t even a quarter filled. I really enjoyed the show, reminded me a wee bit of Animagique with some of the same songs.

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We left here and sat in the sun for a bit

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Then text the kids and met them as they’d also managed to do Star Tours and were happy they’d seen a different version.

We all wanted to do Pirates again, so took the scenic route through Fantasyland

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Small World was looking lovely in the sun

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Pirates was showing a 30 minute wait and the queue was outside. We went in anyway as that's what we all wanted to do again. It wasn't as long as 30 minutes.

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The kids had front row seats this time

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Fab again pirate:

A stroll through Adventureland and another visit to the Coca Cola can.

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It was nearly time for our fast pass time for Big Thunder Mountain. We had 15 minutes to kill and as we approached we could hear the band playing that we'd seen yesterday marching past the ride. They were playing just inside Fuente del Oro Restaurante. They were fabulous and everyone around was dancing and clapping along. Such a lovely atmosphere.

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It was now time for our BTM fast passes. In true tradition, the ride was down with technical problems. We could see 3 or 4 tech guys on the track so hung around for a few minutes. The CM told us we could come back and use the fast passes at any time but it was around 5pm by now so we knew we wouldn’t have time.

I spotted a lady and her wee girl waiting at the entrance for it to re-open and approached her and gave her the fast passes. Turns out she was Scottish, so no translation problems, lol. She seemed delighted when I said that she’d be able to use them at any time this evening. Love being able to give someone a wee bit of pixie dust pixiedust:

We decided it was time to head off now, feeling tired and made our way down Main St.

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We hadn't paid a visit to the Disneyland Hotel yet, so we said farewell to the park and headed over to have a bit of a mooch around.

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We spent some time in the lobby and then upstairs to the shop, before flopping down outside the restaurants.

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Cute picture in the downstairs lobby

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Bye bye beautiful Disneyland :cloud9:

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Soon it was time to head back to the Cheyenne for our dinner.

On our way we popped into the Disney Store in the Village to see if our shopping from earlier was there. We were a bit early but the CM was lovely and said it had arrived. She took great care with the bag and unwrapped all the contents to make sure there were no breakages. Absolutely love that this service is available :thumbsup2

We were back to the Cheyenne and headed to the Chuckowagon restaurant for 6pm. There was already a queue to get in as the doors hadn’t yet opened.

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Once inside I paid at the entrance, 30.99E each, minus our shareholder discount. The price includes 1 soft drink. I was impressed with the range of food on offer and thought it was just as good, if not better than the food we’ve had at the Hotel New York Buffet and Inventions. We felt the same last year at the Plaza Gardens too. I didn't take any photos of the food, we were all exhausted by this point and happy to have a seat and enjoy what we had. I'll put a restaurant review on soon.

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Full up we eventually dragged ourselves away and went to collect our luggage. The driver from Ezyshuttle was already waiting on us but he was about 15 minutes early and I had to re-jig a few things in our cases, so I asked him to wait 5 minutes whilst we changed shoes, got jackets ready and moved some new purchases into the cases.

Bye bye Cheyenne, maybe see you next time :wave:

Our drive to the airport was quick and we were through security quickly.

***A wee warning about Easyjet – or maybe it wasn’t them, maybe the airport….***

We were sitting at our gate, waiting for boarding to call and were quite early. Macie looked up and seen a line moving and asked if that was our flight. I said it was unlikely as it was too early (Easyjet usually board with seconds to spare….) but I went off to look anyway. Well, it turned out it was, but from a different gate! I quickly rounded everyone up and we joined the queue. There hadn’t been any announcements and I heard a few people comment that they hadn’t been aware of this either. I’m really quite disciplined about listening and watching what’s going on in airports. Anyway the ground staff made us check in 3 of our soft bodied hand luggage which was annoying. I had a mug for Abbey that I couldn’t fit into anything else. Totally aware this can happen with hand luggage however what did annoy me was that when we got on the flight there were at least 10 empty overhead lockers. Once we were seated more and more passengers got on the flight with hard bodied hand luggage cases. I still cannot figure out for the life of me why they chose our 3 cases when there were so many people still ready to board. There was room for everyone who boarded after us, must have been at least 30 passengers. When I told DD about this when we got home, she said the same had happened to her a few weeks ago at CDG and that another passenger was furious with the staff that the gate had been changed without announcement. Keep your eyes open folks! *****
Anyway, flight was uneventful and we landed around 10:15pm in Liverpool. Then we had the lovely 4 hour drive home:drive: Finally plonked into bed around 2am our time, 3am Disney time :faint:
Final thoughts

This was a hastily put together trip and one that turned out just as lovely as all the others. I really liked the Cheyenne and would stay there again. Really loved the Toy Story Theme and so happy that it’s quick to walk to the park from the location of our block/room. We had been much further round the first time we stayed here 20 years ago and it really did add to the walk. The shuttle busses are an absolute deal breaker for me – they take me out of that Disney Bubble that I adore :cloud9: If staying in high summer for a longer break then I’d miss having a pool and we missed tiny things like glasses/ice bucket in the room and having more space. If we’d been there as a family of 5 in the same room, with young kids, then it would have been too cramped. I do think that now my family has grown up we’d fit in anywhere and will definitely return to the Hotel New York when the Marvel refurb is complete. Meantime, the Cheyenne is just fine for what we need.

The parks looked beautiful and when the sun is shining it just adds to it. I adore Main St, the ghosts and all the Halloween decorations. The Coco theming in Frontierland is spectacular. The stages are a bit more strategically placed in the hub than that horrible big thing they had several years ago. I didn’t really notice them to be honest and they don’t distract your eye from the castle which is good.

The rides were all fantastic, BTM & Pirates still look wonderful after their refurbs and the Phantom Manor area looks fantastic. Great to see that work is starting on the back area of Frontierland, I think for the Lion King Show next year. Already excited thinking about that :cheer2:

There were lots of arranged meet and greets around the park which I know is what lots of people want. It’s good to see this and that it’s now organised instead of a free for all.

I really enjoyed Mickey’s Philharmagic – they need to advertise this more. I think it’s location is always going to be difficult to get people to – both Star Tours and Space Mountain could be considered for older kids so I think this spot is easily missed.

Missed the old EMH to be honest. One of it’s perks was the almost empty Main St photos and numerous times on rides. But, it’s still worth doing and great that characters are around and the Princess Pavilion is open at that time too.

The only thing lacking at the moment is the continuation of shows in the Studios. The crowd levels really soar when these two theatres are out of use. I’ve heard Cinemagique is making a welcome return soon so hopefully that will help. Would also like to see something else on the stage in Videopolis. Maybe they’ll bring back the Mulan show in time for the live action version being released?

Love, love, loved the Ratatoullie area and having somewhere to grab a drink outside and enjoy the atmosphere :love:

Fantastic to see live music around too. I know there had been a band in the bandstand because I saw the drums, but we missed the actual performance. So happy these amazing musicians are around for us more and more :rockband:

Honestly, I could go on and on. After 20 years and countless visits, Disneyland Paris does not get old for me. It’s so familiar now, we can just turn up and wander to whatever we fancy. I find it a relaxing, tiring holiday if that doesn’t sound too much like a contradiction :laughing: and enjoy every single minute of it. Yes there is always a lick of paint needed here and there (I noticed it on the flying carpets but it didn’t de-tract at all the level of enjoyment of the ride) but there is always some kind of maintenance going on which is really nice to see. I would never let something like this ‘spoil’ my time at Disneyland Paris. I’ll keep my rose tinted glasses on and choose to enjoy myself ;)
The Swag:

Small tray from the shop at Ratatoullie - I think around 5.99

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And the Minnie one, from the same shop but also seen this in Art of Animation, 5.99

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Tea light holder, think we got this in the Disneyland Hotel, 10.99

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My Cheshire Cat bowl - we got Ratatoullie the last time and I could not resist this - sorry can't remember how much, maybe 12.99 from World of Disney

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Marvel Mug - sorry no idea who's.....Lewis wanted this, 19.99 from World of Disney

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Ratatoullie glasses. We got 4 of these from the Ratatoullie shop, not expensive I think around 5.99 each. They have a good weight to them, really nice to hold.

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DH's favourite mug. We have loads of these already but unfortunately the print fades in the dishwasher. No, I won't wash by hand, I'll just go back to Disney each time we need a new one :laughing:. Got in World of Disney but can't recall the price, I'm guessing around 7.99

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Coco t-shirt. Got this in the clothes shop in the Village but also seen in Flora's in Main St and Frontierland. Cost around 25.99 I think.

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My most favourite strawberry fudge and a chocolate one DH picked. So delicious...... From the sweet shop on Main St.

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Starbucks Park Mug - 19.99 from Starbucks at the Cheyenne

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We'll pick up the Studios one next time :thumbsup2

That's it :wave2:
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Great report!
Wonderful pix
Beautiful Family
So lovely that you were able to spread some Pixie Dust.. and I agree, it’s a great feeling

Thanks for sharing!
Great report!
Wonderful pix
Beautiful Family
So lovely that you were able to spread some Pixie Dust.. and I agree, it’s a great feeling

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for reading along :goodvibes
Amazing report that has helped me get excited for our trip - leaving on Saturday! I don't think we'll get the same incredible weather but it is Christmas season after all :santa: weather forecast looks about the same as Glasgow!
It's strange seeing your family so grown up - I remember years ago when Lewis was tiny!! But then, I was a student at 20 when I joined these boards and now I'm 30 and married.... :rolleyes1 Glad you guys are still enjoying the parks so much together, just like me and my mum and sister do, and that you've added Macie to the gang.
Amazing report that has helped me get excited for our trip - leaving on Saturday! I don't think we'll get the same incredible weather but it is Christmas season after all :santa: weather forecast looks about the same as Glasgow!
It's strange seeing your family so grown up - I remember years ago when Lewis was tiny!! But then, I was a student at 20 when I joined these boards and now I'm 30 and married.... :rolleyes1 Glad you guys are still enjoying the parks so much together, just like me and my mum and sister do, and that you've added Macie to the gang.

So sorry, don't know how I missed this!
Thanks for reading along - hope your trip at Christmas was a good one :thumbsup2 I'm actually so grateful for these boards and the trip reports, they bring back some lovely memories for me and I love watching my kids grow up through them :love: We'll continue to enjoy Disney and I'm sure you and your family will too :goodvibes

PS....we've just booked for DH and I for the end of February to celebrate our silver excited :cheer2:
Great report! I’m tentatively planning my first visit for May, so I’ll be reading lots of TRs!
Great report! I’m tentatively planning my first visit for May, so I’ll be reading lots of TRs!
Thanks. Trip reports is where I learned everything years ago and still do as things change so quickly. Have a great trip :goodvibes

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