Stroller revolt!

Lisa - are these prices posted somewhere? I am so disappointed as well but glad you gave me the heads-up before I went down there this May without one.


I'm just so irritated at the increase in stroller prices! We planned to rent a double stroller for our 4 and 7 year old, and now that would cost $162 for our 6 day trip! I thought about buying a double jogging stroller (there is one online for $150 that holds 2 kids at 75 lbs each), having it shipped to the resort and then either selling it or passing it along. It would cost about the same, but at least I wouldn't be giving the money to Disney! Should I bother, or just pay what Disney is asking? Also, do you think two kids the ages of mine could actually fit in a double jogger? It says 75 lbs each, but I'm not familiar with jogging strollers and I'm a little skeptical.


19 days til trip!
I am furious!!!! I think that they should be ashamed of themselves! It is cheaper for me to rent a car for goodness sakes. I just got done emailing Disney's guest services, don't know if they care, the price increase obviously shows they don't? But I did let them know how I feel. This is INSANE! If enough people let them know, someone is bound to listen.....hey maybe the local or national news shows? Hmmmmmmmm
I'm thinking that with the new prices, stroller theft will be more prevalent. We are planning to rent with ABBF but.....I'm a little nervous as to what their policy is in case the stroller "disappears". If they offer insurance at a reasonable rate, I guess it would be worth it. I have e-mailed them but haven't heard back yet. Does anybody know? Thanks!
Oh, I see. They won't limit the number of strollers. They'll just tell you that your infant who can't sit up must be in a cheap umbrella stroller
But why does an infant who can't sit up need a double stroller?

I am furious!!!! I think that they should be ashamed of themselves! It is cheaper for me to rent a car for goodness sakes.
Sure it is - but since cars aren't allowed inside the parks, that's not actually a valid comparison.
Double the price to $31 per day for double stroller.

If only 1/2 the number of people decide to rent the double stroller, then they have made the same amount of money.

Makes sense from a business perspective.

And 1/2 the families will still come up with the $31, so they are not out any money. And families will still come to disney, and they know that.
The “Disney raised prices to limit strollers in the parks” argument does not make sense. One, stroller rentals are a money maker. Each rental at this point in time is pure profit. Why would Disney want to make less money? Two, it’s not like you have to rent from Disney to have a stroller in the park—you’re still allowed to bring your own. Honestly, I think the rentals will go more to the older child only—the people who don’t have strollers at home, aren’t likely to buy one to hall around on the “for when and if it’s needed” and would only want it in the park.

If people do complain to corporate and the rentals do, in fact, go down where there is a lower profit (they now can rent half to still make the same amount of money), there is a huge chance the prices will go down. You (general you) have to explain to Disney that you don’t like it and then put your money where your mouth is. And others must follow suit.

As far as the “whining” goes, suck it up. People have the right to complain. People are still complaining on numerous threads about the dining plan changes. I think more people are trying to figure out what the motivation is, and what the best choice would be—not what are the choices. Although some might be trying to figure out if there is something they haven’t thought of. Not everyone has been on here for years (or had kids to care) to know about ABBF. Not everyone knows every type of stroller out there that might meet their needs.

Do you really think stroller rental plays an significant part in disneys profits and they probably won't lose the profit because they will start selling the strollers. Best of both worlds, they get the profits without the complaints or problems.
Also remember any complaining on these boards is also a very small percentage of people. Do you think we even make up 1% of Disneyworlds annual visitors? I think in 2 years Disney will get rid of the double strollers and maybe the single ones.
Ummmm Hello that is my point, a car is a perfect example of how ridiculous the rental price is???????? it is an excellent comparison. pirate:

But why does an infant who can't sit up need a double stroller?

Sure it is - but since cars aren't allowed inside the parks, that's not actually a valid comparison.
Ouch, those prices will kill us. I guess we are going to have to tell the oldest that she is too old to be in a stroller and will have to walk this next trip. What do ya'll think the cut off age for the strollers should be?
I say, if the 5-7 yo's get tired of walking, head back to the resort for mid-day for a relaxing nap/rest time. They won't have to walk, and everyone will feel better & refreshed for later. Besides, you'll be missing the hottest, busiest part of the day in the parks.

Should they not want to nap/rest, then they're really not that tired, and they can just go ahead and keep walking - no stroller. There's nothing wrong with occassionally stopping to sit with a free ice water for a few minutes instead of constantly walking. Everyone - even Mom & Dad - will feel better with an occassional sit down.
Oh P L E A S E dont ask that! :rotfl:

15 I say 15:lmao:

No really It's what YOUR child can handle, your the parent so its entirely up to you. No matter what anyone says you need to judge that, you and only you.:grouphug:
But why does an infant who can't sit up need a double stroller?

"Double" wasn't mentioned. Collapsible, umbrella was. And, Twins (and triplets and quads) aren't born sitting up. Is the rule now going to be you can only bring one child if you have multiples?

Do you really think stroller rental plays an significant part in Disney’s profits and they probably won't lose the profit because they will start selling the strollers. Best of both worlds, they get the profits without the complaints or problems.
Also remember any complaining on these boards is also a very small percentage of people. Do you think we even make up 1% of Disney Worlds annual visitors? I think in 2 years Disney will get rid of the double strollers and maybe the single ones.

Significant? Probably not. A role? Yes. I guarantee you that the strollers are--have been--paid for. Any rentals they have from that point on are pure profit. I have stated many times that they can rent half the strollers and still come out equal. The problem for Disney will come up if they loose 70-90% of their rentals. I know Disney does not want to give up money. It's a corporation with a CEO, a board of directors and thousands of stockholders.

I know Disney sells the same cheap, $10 umbrella stroller you can get at Wal-Mart for $40, but I don't think they'd do a booming business with them. Is that the stroller you're talking about them selling?

No. I defiantly do not think that Disboard posters make up even a slight percentage of their annual visitors. But posters to any Disney message board are much more likely to be vocal about their opinions. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. But like I also have already said, it will take complaints AND people (lots of them) putting their money where their mouth is.

I say, if the 5-7 yo's get tired of walking, head back to the resort for mid-day for a relaxing nap/rest time. They won't have to walk, and everyone will feel better & refreshed for later. Besides, you'll be missing the hottest, busiest part of the day in the parks.

Should they not want to nap/rest, then they're really not that tired, and they can just go ahead and keep walking - no stroller. There's nothing wrong with occassionally stopping to sit with a free ice water for a few minutes instead of constantly walking. Everyone - even Mom & Dad - will feel better with an occassional sit down.

You’re making a few assumptions.

Not everyone is a resort guest. Lots of people stay off site or are day guests. Doesn't quite lend itself to leaving the park. And, I, for one, do not let one child dictate the entire vacation of everyone anymore than I'd allow one child to ruin the vacation for everyone. Not every family has one child. That older stroller child could be the oldest or the youngest or anywhere in between. We're all that age once.

Each break is not in the middle of the day for kids. What if a child wants to sleep, but everyone else wants to see the fireworks and/or parade? What are you going to say, "Yes, I know there are 7 of us, but the youngest has complete control. Time to go." ? If a child needs a break for a couple of hours, why not let them have the rest to keep them happy while making everyone else happy? You know, make it win-win.

Also, who said it's hot? Disney is open every day, not just June, July and August. And people who travel in the cooler months to avoid that insane heat, also deal with shorter days. Not everyone is there at park opening that a break would make sense at noon or one. If the park closes at 6, why would you take a break at 3? And the only time my kids have had melt downs is when we did try to do that one-size-fits-all advice of taking a break. That doesn't work for everyone. And on the tips board, you'll find a lot of people on the worst advice threads who talk about what a problem and waste that was.

Needing to get off your feet is not the same thing as needing to leave. And sometimes, it's more than a few minutes. Again, are you going to allow one person--a child--to dictate an entire vacation or are you going to make sure everyone has their needs met? Of course, I wasn't the one who limited my older child's activities because a younger child needed to nap at that time. My younger child could nap in the stroller.

Oh well. My point wasn’t to say 7 yo need to have a stroller. My point is for some people it works better. For those who don’t do it, that’s fine too. I hope your kid isn’t one of the ones that I frequently see with pained looks on their face, but even if they are, none of my business. I’m sure you are doing what you feel is right for your family, the same as those who choose to use the stroller. Everyone has different reasons. My other point is that Disney doing this to limit the number of strollers in the parks is just faulty; it doesn’t make sense. I think it’s nuts to have that large of a price increase, but it doesn’t effect me. I bring a stroller, for my little, little ones.

I am curious though, for some, how come it’s OK for your 4yo to walk all day, every day for a week or more, but the same poor little tike just can’t go on Haunted Mansion or see It’s a Bug’s Life? :confused3 Maybe the people who do let their kids walk don’t avoid certain rides. I don’t know.
There are some very good quality infant appropriate small size collasable strollers.

And there are strollers approximatley the size of a VW Beetle.

Disney will simply start enforcing their size limits and may reduce them. They may also put limits on the type of strollers you can take on their transportation. Both these things are within their rights, and as to if they are in their business interests, I think that is plausible even if you don't. There may be many variables at play we aren't aware of, such as insurance premiums or lawsuits. Or they may simply have reached the point where they either have to reduce the capacity of the parks or limit strollers. (They ALREADY limit capacity of the parks, but human beings on two feet take less room than those on wheels) - and unlike wheelchairs and ECVs, strollers often mean you have a walking child and an empty stroller.)
I only need a single stroller, and I have to pay the price I just love their strollers. We load it up with stuff, and when my 4 year old gets tired and hot he has a place to sit for a while. I realize not all parents of 4-5 year olds use a stroller, but I like to and as long as I am paying for it then its my business and I have every right to use it. He is under the weight limit for the stroller anyway. I can see why people are so mad about the double stroller price, WOW:scared1:
Needing to get off your feet is not the same thing as needing to leave. And sometimes, it's more than a few minutes.

Why pay the price of a stroller when you can sit on a bench for a minutes then?

On the other thread I got the "you're not a parent, you don't understand" comment. So here's my response to it. I went to WDW for the first time when I was 4. I walked the entire time, and I was a tiny 4 year old. My mom didn't even think to rent a stroller. I've taken a 5 year old and she walked the whole time. Same thing with my 6 year old nephew.

If they're truly that tired from walking and they're EIGHT, you're overworking them. Its ok to take breaks to sit and cool off instead of running around trying to do everything.
I completely agree with rt2dz.

We're heading to Disney world in July and again in December. In December DD will be 5 and we're bringing her stroller both trips. She is not overweight, lazy or innactive. She might not use her stroller everyday but at least we'll have the option of using a stroller when she does get tired. DH and I will have a more relaxing vacation knowing that if she does need a break, she can sit in her stroller and we can all still enjoy the parks.

Last year, we changed her in her PJs, tucked a blanket around her and we had nice evening just walking around Epcot past her usual bedtime. She was happy sitting & and looking around. My DH and I had nice relaxing, almost romantic evening walking around the world showcase & watching the fireworks. Everybody was happy.

The sroller is also really convenient for other things. My DH was riding Space Mountain and DD wanted a snack. I sat her in her stroller, and walked all the way to adventure land so that she could try a Dole Whip. Then walked back to space mountain while she was eating her dole whip in the stroller.

Our trips are, FAMILY VACATIONS!! We try to make sure that everybody has a good time. A stroller, for us, gives us more flexibility. I don't judge or really care who does or doesn't bring a stroller but I find it rude and offensive that other people do.

Wanted to add: since we're on VACATION, we also, eat less vegetables than we do at home, eat more desserts & go to bed later.

Have a fun VACATION!!

Significant? Probably not. A role? Yes. I guarantee you that the strollers are--have been--paid for. Any rentals they have from that point on are pure profit. I have stated many times that they can rent half the strollers and still come out equal. The problem for Disney will come up if they loose 70-90% of their rentals. I know Disney does not want to give up money. It's a corporation with a CEO, a board of directors and thousands of stockholders.

I know, I'm one of them and I usually go to the annual stockholders meetings in California, believe me, it wouldn't even be a blip in the annual figures

No. I defiantly do not think that Disboard posters make up even a slight percentage of their annual visitors. But posters to any Disney message board are much more likely to be vocal about their opinions. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. But like I also have already said, it will take complaints AND people (lots of them) putting their money where their mouth is.

I totally agree, the squeaky wheel gets the grease but Once again, the people who are making the most noise are the general public visitors at the parks and most of the complaints lodge are what a nuisance the double strollers are, so you've got 50 million people in your face squawking about the strollers as oppose to us dissers, we lose.

You’re making a few assumptions..

Oh well. My point wasn’t to say 7 yo need to have a stroller. My point is for some people it works better. For those who don’t do it, that’s fine too. I hope your kid isn’t one of the ones that I frequently see with pained looks on their face, but even if they are, none of my business. I’m sure you are doing what you feel is right for your family, the same as those who choose to use the stroller. Everyone has different reasons. My other point is that Disney doing this to limit the number of strollers in the parks is just faulty; it doesn’t make sense. I think it’s nuts to have that large of a price increase, but it doesn’t effect me. I bring a stroller, for my little, little ones.


Of course the price increase doesn't make sense, quite a few of their policies are illogical (IMO :laughing: ) I'm still trying to figure out how they justify ticket increase 3X's in one year. :mad: I too would figure that if I'm still in the park I'm more apt to spend money but maybe that's the problem, we're thinking too logically.
There are some very good quality infant appropriate small size collasable strollers.

And there are strollers approximatley the size of a VW Beetle.

Disney will simply start enforcing their size limits and may reduce them. They may also put limits on the type of strollers you can take on their transportation. Both these things are within their rights, and as to if they are in their business interests, I think that is plausible even if you don't. There may be many variables at play we aren't aware of, such as insurance premiums or lawsuits. Or they may simply have reached the point where they either have to reduce the capacity of the parks or limit strollers. (They ALREADY limit capacity of the parks, but human beings on two feet take less room than those on wheels) - and unlike wheelchairs and ECVs, strollers often mean you have a walking child and an empty stroller.)

This makes no sense. If Disney wants fewer rental strollers in the park, then they'd just throw half of the rental strollers into some remote storage area.

And if they start limiting which strollers can go on the busses, then they'll probably see an increase in people renting cars and/or staying offsite (since the Disney transportation benefit diminishes with highly restrictive rules). That defeats the whole purpose of DME and everything else that Disney has done (brilliantly) lately to get people to stay on property and not leave.

I'm sure that there are people who think that these suggestions make a world of sense, but from Disney's business perspective, they just aren't logical.
Significant? Probably not. A role? Yes. I guarantee you that the strollers are--have been--paid for. Any rentals they have from that point on are pure profit. I have stated many times that they can rent half the strollers and still come out equal. The problem for Disney will come up if they loose 70-90% of their rentals. I know Disney does not want to give up money. It's a corporation with a CEO, a board of directors and thousands of stockholders.

You do have to consider that they also have to PAY PEOPLE to manage/maintain/clean the strollers....and provide them health insurance and benefits etc.
It's not just the object, it's the service.
Our kids do walk after 3.5ish. However, we don't do a week of parks everyday. To me that is just overload and too much. We usually do 3 parks on a 5 day trip. We use th othr days to explore resorts, visit DTD, swim and hang out enjoying ourselves.

I would not drag my child through the parks everyday for 5 days in a row. However, I don't think they would enjoy it whether being pushed or walking. I think they like the down time and it makes the trips much much more enjoyable for us.
quick question?
This seems to be a problem exclusively to MK. Are there strollers at the other parks? Just seems like I don't notice them as much say in Epcot.


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