String's Atkin's Journal (Please Comment)

:love: Happy Valentine's Day! :love:

I hope your exercise this morning helps you as it did last week! I also hope Katie takes a nap this afternoon so you can get a few hours' sleep. ::yes::

Celebrate your love with Won today, even if it's just a warm hug. As tough as things get, you're both working together to do the best you can for dear Katie, and you're doing a great job! ::yes::
Well, things rarely go as planned. I did not workout this am because I just walked in the door from work. I yet again had a horrible night,and I got my workout restraining a pt. I never got a break, never ate, never got a trip to the bathroom. I am sore, and tired, and mentally drained.

Won and I talked last night. We have decided that I will not work every other Sunday. We need some time together as a family, and I need some rest occasionally. We have plenty of equity in the house for the repairs on the house. It will only increase the time to payoff the home equity line of credit (used for the repairs) by 5 months.

Updated plan for the day...AKA how to survive today.
Go shower.
Pick up Katie.

B: MS bar.
L: Salad leftover from work and cappacino.
D: Omelets and sausage.

I will try to get to journals.
Happy Valentine's day! :love:
Happy Valentine's Day, Beth! :love:

I'm sorry that the weekend was tough. I hope that today is a much better day for you! :grouphug:

Take care!
Beth -- so sorry you had a rough weekend. :grouphug: It's great that you and Won were able to make a decision that will be good for you and for your family. I am sure it is even more valuable in terms of peace of mind than it will cost, money-wise. Good luck & Happy Valentine's Day!
Sorry I've been MIA for the last week Beth. :confused3 Goodness, what a schedule you work. I am exhausted just reading about it! :faint: But I am so happy you have decided to take every other Sunday off. 1) The family time is so very important and 2) you could definitely use the break! :bounce: i hope you guys are able to work it all out!

You are SO close to Onederland Beth!!! It IS gonna happen for you! :banana: Keep hitting the Y, drinking the H2O, and it will be here before you know it!! What a party it's gonna be - I can't wait!!! :dancer:

I hope you get some relaxation in today and hit the hay early tonight! Take good care of you Beth!!! Happy Valentines Day!!!! :love:

TTFN- Sharon :sunny:
Hope you get some much deserved rest. That sounds like a great plan to take every other Sunday off. Family time is so important and the kids grow up so fast. Plus you will be able to rest like everyone night. There is nothing like sleeping at night like you are supposed to is there? Take care and Happy Valentine's Day.
I don't know how youd do it, all those long shifts and all that stressful work. The change will be soooo good for you. Protect your family time! You deserve it and need it. Congrats :)

Hi Friends,

Well, I made it to 430 yesterday, and then I called Won. "Happy Valentine's Day. You have Katie the second you walk in the door, and I'm off to bed." I let Katie watch Cinderella, and I went to bed. They had dinner at the food court. I slept until 7AM.

So onto a new day. Katie doesn't have dance class because of winter break. We are going to the Y and grocery shopping. I did pick up the house, but in the 1 hour Katie was on her own yesterday afternoon, she destroyed it again. I would have made her pick it up before bed, but I wasn't around, and could care less. It will get done today.

Meal plan...
B: Scrambled eggs and tea.
L: Salad and a ham/swiss rollup.
D: I am thinking burgers, broccoli, and salad.

Have a good one,
Beth, sounds like you got just what you needed for Valentine's Day - some much needed sleep!!

You have a great plan for today, and I'm sending a :hug: and some :sunny: to help you through it!
:badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc:

I developed computer problems yesterday. It took Won until 1AM to fix it. Thank god I have it back. I will definately do journals today.

I did make it to the Y yesterday. 2 weight circuits and 30 minutes on the glider. I completely fell apart on eating, and never made it grocery shopping.

Plan for the day...
YMCA for 60 minutes of cardio.
Grocery shopping.
Start laundry. :sad2:

Meal Plan for the day...
B: eggs and tea.
L: Salad and deviled eggs.
D: ? Won works late. I will probably take Katie out to dinner and start Spring shopping.

I'll do journals when I can, probablt tonight.

Have a good one,


I am back from the Y. I need to go pick Katie up, but needed to post. I am not sure what is wrong today. I did a half-#&$ed (Self Edited) workout. I did all 60 minutes. but could tell in my walking warmup that I just wasn't into it today. I burned 679 calories, but that is 100 calories and 1/2 mile off my usual pace. I'm not sure if I am just exhausted, have the wonter blues, or am getting sick. I will never make it to Onederland with this effort though. I need a good swift kick in the rear.



Don't beat yourself up over your workout! The important thing worked out!!! As you know, some days are better than others. Ya gotta just keep on keeping on!! Onederland will come...and you are getitng closer every day.....and every workout....good or bad!! Keep up the great work!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Yes even that kind of workout is better than no workout at all! Don't you dare beat yourself up or I'll have to come over and kick your butt!!! You don't want that do you?! :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Today will be a better day! Why you ask?! It's a new day! :sunny:
Thank you.

I could barely get out of bed this morning. I am just really tired. Katie had nightmares lastnight, and I couldn't fall back to sleep. I totally binged out on airpopped popcorn last night. DH made it, and it smelled so good. He also made WAY TOO MUCH! I haven't been tempted by popcorn in over a year. I wonder if I am sabotaging myself. Onederland is something I have work for for a long time. It is so close, and then I start falling off program and doing pitiful workouts. I don't know if I am playing mental games with myself or not.

Starting over today..
Go to the Y for weights and cardio.
Start the laundry that didn't get started yesterday.
Bed by 9PM.

Meal Plan...
B: MS Bar and tea.
L: Salad.
D: Ham and asparagus. I don't know what i was thinking having ham the evening before weighin. I will be drowning myself with water today and tonight.

Take care,
:hug: , Beth. It's OK to not always be 100%. A half-hearted workout is DEFINITELY better than no workout at all!

It sounds like today is just one of those days. Go slow and take time to smell the roses. :flower3:

Good morning, Beth!! :sunny: Keep up the great work! :cheer2: Remember that onederland is something HUGE to aspire to and look at each pound as an accomplishment. :cloud9: You have to get there and tell me all about it! :teeth:

Congratulations for having the willpower to work out at all yesterday and appreciate yourself for sticking to that commitment. :banana: As for the air-popped popcorn, food scents are real triggers for me. :sad2: I wouldn't have been able to avoid that either. Today is a new day, though.
Go to the gym and do your cardio and weights. You will feel so much better! :teeth:

Seriously, Beth, you have been such an incredible inspiration and source of support for me (and I am sure countless others) here. Be sure to come here for the :love: and :listen: to stay the course to your very very worthwhile goal. Remember, you are blazing the trail to a new and wonderful place!
So, here are some :wizard: and some :grouphug: and a :cheer2: and a little :banana: .

BTW -- I am so glad Won was able to fix your computer problems. There are so many days when I just go :confused3 but I really want to go :badpc:

Take good care of yourself!
:hug: for you dear Beth! I am sorry you are having a bad few days!!! I think winter is really getting to some of us! Hang in there Beth, Onderland WILL happen!

I hope today finds you :flower: and more positive. You can get back on track Beth! You have inspired me so many times! So refocus and invision what you hope to look like in your WDW pictures this Dec! That usually helps me get back on track! :smooth:

Have a great day today Beth! We are all here for you!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

TTFN - Sharon :sunny:
Hi Beth,

I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling youself lately. The blah, half-@#Q workouts are bound to come, but the good news is, often you'll hit a new peak if your patient through the blah period. Take heart!!!! You are doing great, even if you don't feel it right this minute. Onederland is worth the wait :goodvibes When you move in you'll stay for good ::yes::



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