Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Reaction and Discussion *CONTAINS SPOILERS*

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I don't think so either. Hopefully this is revisited in Episode 9 about her parents.

I guess the question is do they really need or want to? Yes, it would be nice to have a solid and definitive answer, but I don't believe that anyone is going to be satisfied with the answer given. We know she isn't Han and Leia's, she probably isn't Luke's, the Obi-Wan theory never materialized. Are there any other powerful Jedi/Sith (Snoke?) that we would be satisfied with as being her parents?

And the bigger question - would finding out do anything to make Rey feel less like a Mary Sue?
So, since we are criticizing a lot of the movie on here (specifically the comedy), I would like to ask what everyone thought was the funniest moment of The Last Jedi?

Mine was...When the two porgs were around Luke's lightsaber and one started to jump on it while the lightsaber was facing the other porg. I found myself loving the porgs, but this was probably the one time where I really laughed.
Also enjoyed the porgs in the Falcon's cockpit with Chewie (it appeared the one on top of the console had some sort of visor on).

I suppose my favorite humorous moment was at the beginning where BB-8 was trying to get Poe's targeting system back online. A day in the life of an astromech...
I guess the question is do they really need or want to? Yes, it would be nice to have a solid and definitive answer, but I don't believe that anyone is going to be satisfied with the answer given. We know she isn't Han and Leia's, she probably isn't Luke's, the Obi-Wan theory never materialized. Are there any other powerful Jedi/Sith (Snoke?) that we would be satisfied with as being her parents?

And the bigger question - would finding out do anything to make Rey feel less like a Mary Sue?
Another thing about this to is maybe she really is a nobody? Disney might be going a different way. Yes, the first 6 movies basically followed a "Skywalker." However, Anakin was basically a nobody as well. So, maybe Rey is just another start of a family line that we don't know much about.
Another thing about this to is maybe she really is a nobody? Disney might be going a different way. Yes, the first 6 movies basically followed a "Skywalker." However, Anakin was basically a nobody as well. So, maybe Rey is just another start of a family line that we don't know much about.

Most likely what's going to happen, but that has to be written well for it to work. And I strongly question their ability to do so.
I know it’s hard to compare but when Episode 5 came out were reactions mixed like this as well? I’m sure after 4 people had certain expectations obviously not like today but you always expect a sequel to go one way or another.
The way I remember it reaction to empire was just oh crap what just happened but it was all positive. But people didn’t sit around theorizing constantly like they do today you didn’t have the expectations like people do today you were just going to a movie looking to enjoy the ride. Also I was like 12 so memories are a little fuzzy but it was such a different time nobody was breaking down trailers back then.
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The way I remember it reaction to empire was just oh crap what just happened but it was all positive. But people didn’t sit around theorizing constantly like they do today you didn’t have the expectations like people do today you were just going to a movie looking to enjoy the ride. Also I was like 12 so memories are a little fuzzy but it was such a different time nobody was breaking down trailers back then.
I feel like people were just going to the theaters asking “why the hell is there robot camels in Antarctica?” Someone mentioned it further back in the thread but I never realized as a millennial how out of right field empire really is in the context of the original movie
I feel like people were just going to the theaters asking “why the hell is there robot camels in Antarctica?” Someone mentioned it further back in the thread but I never realized as a millennial how out of right field empire really is in the context of the original movie

They weren't really - The Empire was always seen as technologically advanced so the concept of them having armor wasn't that radical. Geeks always discussed the minutae of plots but back then it was more books than movies or TV as content came out at a snails pace compared to what we get today. I hung around guys that would discuss deep intricacies of the Lord of the Rings books and learned how to write and speak elvish, etc; There also wasn't much of a "media frenzy" either because block buster movies and summer movies were a very unique phenomenon. Star Wars (and more to the point Lucas and Spielberg) were a big part of creating this part of the industry. Just look at the original Star Wars trailers or even Star Trek the Motion Picture ones compared to the Wrath of Khan or later Star Wars trailers. Then it was just a matter of managing the hype.
I feel like people were just going to the theaters asking “why the hell is there robot camels in Antarctica?” Someone mentioned it further back in the thread but I never realized as a millennial how out of right field empire really is in the context of the original movie
Do realize how out left field episode 1 was there had never been anything like that before. Just the cantina scene was in itself like nothing ever scene before so when empire came out there was not much about robot camels it was just holy crap Darth Vader is Luke’s father.
Do realize how out left field episode 1 was there had never been anything like that before. Just the cantina scene was in itself like nothing ever scene before so when empire came out there was not much about robot camels it was just holy crap Darth Vader is Luke’s father.
Oh yeah - that Cantina scene...

Up until that point my experience with SciFi was 2001, Star Trek (TV series - no movie yet), Logan's Run (which I hadn't even seen yet because I was too young! :P ) and some children's movies. Slow moving stuff. Phasers fired slowly, one alien at a time - Blaster fire like bullets?! Laser swords?! dozens of Aliens doing NON alien things like drinking in bars?!

Being in the theater the first few times I saw it and EVERYBODY cheered when the deathstar blew up. It was an entirely shared and unique experience.
I really liked it. I need to see it again but I really enjoyed it. This review from Film Critic Hulk sums up how I feel about it after one showing but he says it better then I ever could. I am going to see it again in 3D tomorrow night.
I’m conflicted. A day later and I still can’t say if I love it or loathe it. Which means it was a good movie.

There were moments I would do different (Leia Poppins would’ve been more in tune if it was used as the moment to bring Luke back to the force and he “saved” her).

Funny yes. Comedy no. So check - good Star Wars.

Full of plot holes? Yes. So good Star Wars.

Some odd things that needed to not be there? Yes - Maz for one.

They shed the past. Some I liked. Some I didn’t. Star Wars is full of transient villains who don’t make it (Grievous, Count Dooku, Maul, Tarkin). So Snoke being a throw away I am ok with.

I believe fully Luke will be in 9. Skywalker saga continues with Kylo. Is Rey someone or no one? Still open. Where are the Knights? Who will be the apprentice? What is Poe and Rey’s relationship? Lots of questions.

Personally I think a lot of what is happening with this movie is too much analysis. It was 2.5 hrs and I was exhausted, confused, broken, and not wanting it to end.

I think for 9 we jump ahead 10 years. Luke’s Force ghost has guided Rey and she is stronger. The resistance has begun to build in the outer realm but their leader has just died. The First Order controls the galaxy and Kylo is searching for Rey with the help of the Knights.

So 8-9 out of 10. In terms of taking it where I wanted it to go? 1-2. I’m not happy... but in retrospect that’s ok.
ok, just back from seeing the movie - I will go back and read the entire thread but thought I would share my initial reaction/thoughts:

First, for my kids, my 8 year old daughter very much enjoyed it but it was too much/too intense for my 6 year old - I thought they would both be ok as they both loved The Force Awakens but just too much for my son .... obviously every kid is different but just one data point for other parents

Second, it is awesome to see a Star Wars movie in the theater opening weekend. Theater was packed, people cheers for the title and at other various points, etc. - the reason why one goes to see movies in the theater

Thirdly, I may have teared up during the credits with the "In loving memory of our Princess Carrie Fisher"

As for my take on it- overall I liked it but it took a bit for me to get into it. The beginning was a bit disjointed and at points the humor wasn't striking the right tone, and also just felt like they were making things up about the force (part of me was like "That's not how the force works!"). ..... BUT then the last half or so, basically from when Rey gets to Snoke's throne room until the end, might be my favorite hour+ of any Star Wars movie - plus it clarified / made sense of something that were "off" to me from the first part - so I think it will take at least one more viewing to really rate it

But I like a lot of the twists they did and, for the most part, the direction they are going in - I think it sets up for a potentially really interesting Episode IX.

So, wasn't perfect, but really enjoyed it - definitely better than The Force Awakens, but probably doesn't topple Empire or Rogue One for me
ok, just back from seeing the movie - I will go back and read the entire thread but thought I would share my initial reaction/thoughts:

First, for my kids, my 8 year old daughter very much enjoyed it but it was too much/too intense for my 6 year old - I thought they would both be ok as they both loved The Force Awakens but just too much for my son .... obviously every kid is different but just one data point for other parents

Second, it is awesome to see a Star Wars movie in the theater opening weekend. Theater was packed, people cheers for the title and at other various points, etc. - the reason why one goes to see movies in the theater

Thirdly, I may have teared up during the credits with the "In loving memory of our Princess Carrie Fisher"

As for my take on it- overall I liked it but it took a bit for me to get into it. The beginning was a bit disjointed and at points the humor wasn't striking the right tone, and also just felt like they were making things up about the force (part of me was like "That's not how the force works!"). ..... BUT then the last half or so, basically from when Rey gets to Snoke's throne room until the end, might be my favorite hour+ of any Star Wars movie - plus it clarified / made sense of something that were "off" to me from the first part - so I think it will take at least one more viewing to really rate it

But I like a lot of the twists they did and, for the most part, the direction they are going in - I think it sets up for a potentially really interesting Episode IX.

So, wasn't perfect, but really enjoyed it - definitely better than The Force Awakens, but probably doesn't topple Empire or Rogue One for me
Your take is spot on to how I felt
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