Star Wars Tales Of The Arcolyte

Now that was a episode! I agree with @Skywalker3 that the editing could be better. And I know its a SW show, we have to have "wipe" scene transitions, but lets tone it back a bit lol. I also would have really liked to have last weeks and this weeks airings as one episode. The acting is still a bit hit or miss with Amandla for me.

I loved that we are just straight up offing everyone. We need more of that! Yord got his neck snapped! No lightsaber, no force choke, just a old fashion neck break. Both him and Jecki really grew on me and I'm sad we don't get more of them. We also got cortosis armor! Again more of that and less of trying to rewrite the lore/characters. Qimir was just evil and it was awesome. Also is Sol just ignoring that face tattoo that Osha got while they were fighting that just so happens to look like Mae's?

This is the part that is bothering me the most ! Fell in love with Sternberg in “Everything, Everything”, and she was excellent in “The Hate U Give”.. so, is it the dialogue/script here!?
Now that was a episode! I agree with @Skywalker3 that the editing could be better. And I know its a SW show, we have to have "wipe" scene transitions, but lets tone it back a bit lol. I also would have really liked to have last weeks and this weeks airings as one episode. The acting is still a bit hit or miss with Amandla for me.

I loved that we are just straight up offing everyone. We need more of that! Yord got his neck snapped! No lightsaber, no force choke, just a old fashion neck break. Both him and Jecki really grew on me and I'm sad we don't get more of them. We also got cortosis armor! Again more of that and less of trying to rewrite the lore/characters. Qimir was just evil and it was awesome. Also is Sol just ignoring that face tattoo that Osha got while they were fighting that just so happens to look like Mae's?

I absolutely agree that the two episodes should have been one, or at least dropped on the same night.

Cortosis armor is new to me. It seems to disrupt the Khyber Crystal. Care to put your nerd cap on and explain?
This last episode was so good. Definitely the best of the season so far. I agree these should have been one episode, but even more I think this should have been a movie. My opinion may change after I see the rest of the show, but so far nothing has convinced me this needed to be an episodic story. (I feel the same way about Obi-Wan and Book of Boba Fett.)

Manny Jacinto is SO GOOD as a bad guy. I haven't seen him in anything else so I had no idea how he would fare playing a dual role, but he was incredible. I generally like Amandla Stenberg (Rue is so good!), but I feel she's lacking in this show, especially playing good and bad characters. Manny Jacinto, on the other hand, was perfection. I was so happy to see cortosis ore used in his armor! For those unaware, cortosis is from Legends and was also in Thrawn Alliances. It's a material that can short out lightsabers for a few moments but it's very soft and brittle so pure cortosis can't be used, it has to be woven into other materials, which explains why his helmet eventually broke.

I'm so sad about Yord and especially Jecki. I really thought they had plot armor, but I guess not. :(

I am interested to see if both Sol and Qimir realize they've got the wrong twin. I REALLY hope so, because Sol not recognizing his former padawan would be really disappointing.
Now that was a episode! I agree with @Skywalker3 that the editing could be better. And I know its a SW show, we have to have "wipe" scene transitions, but lets tone it back a bit lol. I also would have really liked to have last weeks and this weeks airings as one episode. The acting is still a bit hit or miss with Amandla for me.

I loved that we are just straight up offing everyone. We need more of that! Yord got his neck snapped! No lightsaber, no force choke, just a old fashion neck break. Both him and Jecki really grew on me and I'm sad we don't get more of them. We also got cortosis armor! Again more of that and less of trying to rewrite the lore/characters. Qimir was just evil and it was awesome. Also is Sol just ignoring that face tattoo that Osha got while they were fighting that just so happens to look like Mae's?
As I just said in my post, I'm holding out judgment until later episodes, but I'm gonna be really annoyed if Sol doesn't realize it's Mae. I think he might have realized it already but decided to take her back to Coruscant to keep her with the Jedi and possibly lure Qimir there. But I really have no idea what might happen next!

I do have some thoughts about the bad guy and his place in the overall saga:

Qimir said that the Jedi would call him Sith, so I'm hesitant to think that he's the master in the master/apprentice situation. I have two thoughts: that he's a lone darksider and picked up an acolyte as a way to strike at the Jedi; or that he's the apprentice, will die in this show, and his master will be revealed to be Plagueis or Plagueis' master (Tenebrous in Legends, but not necessarily in canon). As for why the Jedi don't know about the Sith before TPM, I think everyone involved will die or there will be a coverup with the Jedi middle managers (Vernestra) so the Senate doesn't get wind of it.
As I just said in my post, I'm holding out judgment until later episodes, but I'm gonna be really annoyed if Sol doesn't realize it's Mae. I think he might have realized it already but decided to take her back to Coruscant to keep her with the Jedi and possibly lure Qimir there. But I really have no idea what might happen next!

I do have some thoughts about the bad guy and his place in the overall saga:

Qimir said that the Jedi would call him Sith, so I'm hesitant to think that he's the master in the master/apprentice situation. I have two thoughts: that he's a lone darksider and picked up an acolyte as a way to strike at the Jedi; or that he's the apprentice, will die in this show, and his master will be revealed to be Plagueis or Plagueis' master (Tenebrous in Legends, but not necessarily in canon). As for why the Jedi don't know about the Sith before TPM, I think everyone involved will die or there will be a coverup with the Jedi middle managers (Vernestra) so the Senate doesn't get wind of it.

I think Sol is grieving and is maybe not attuned to Mae's Parent Trap at the moment - but Bazzle is!
Now that was a episode! I agree with @Skywalker3 that the editing could be better. And I know its a SW show, we have to have "wipe" scene transitions, but lets tone it back a bit lol. I also would have really liked to have last weeks and this weeks airings as one episode. The acting is still a bit hit or miss with Amandla for me.

I loved that we are just straight up offing everyone. We need more of that! Yord got his neck snapped! No lightsaber, no force choke, just a old fashion neck break. Both him and Jecki really grew on me and I'm sad we don't get more of them. We also got cortosis armor! Again more of that and less of trying to rewrite the lore/characters. Qimir was just evil and it was awesome. Also is Sol just ignoring that face tattoo that Osha got while they were fighting that just so happens to look like Mae's?
when he force pulled the Jedi onto the saber impaled with the other dead Jedi was serious ouch
This last episode was so good. Definitely the best of the season so far. I agree these should have been one episode, but even more I think this should have been a movie. My opinion may change after I see the rest of the show, but so far nothing has convinced me this needed to be an episodic story. (I feel the same way about Obi-Wan and Book of Boba Fett.)

Manny Jacinto is SO GOOD as a bad guy. I haven't seen him in anything else so I had no idea how he would fare playing a dual role, but he was incredible. I generally like Amandla Stenberg (Rue is so good!), but I feel she's lacking in this show, especially playing good and bad characters. Manny Jacinto, on the other hand, was perfection. I was so happy to see cortosis ore used in his armor! For those unaware, cortosis is from Legends and was also in Thrawn Alliances. It's a material that can short out lightsabers for a few moments but it's very soft and brittle so pure cortosis can't be used, it has to be woven into other materials, which explains why his helmet eventually broke.

I'm so sad about Yord and especially Jecki. I really thought they had plot armor, but I guess not. :(

I am interested to see if both Sol and Qimir realize they've got the wrong twin. I REALLY hope so, because Sol not recognizing his former padawan would be really disappointing.
Oh I think Qmir def. knows. He wanted to kill Mae. But he was all tender with Osha covering her up at the end .He is intrigued by Osha and I believe disappointed in Mae. I think Mae is a coward who cheats and runs and I totally think he was ready to be done with her and kill her so anything she knows about him was secret. He had multiple chances to kill Osha and has not yet
As I just said in my post, I'm holding out judgment until later episodes, but I'm gonna be really annoyed if Sol doesn't realize it's Mae. I think he might have realized it already but decided to take her back to Coruscant to keep her with the Jedi and possibly lure Qimir there. But I really have no idea what might happen next!

I do have some thoughts about the bad guy and his place in the overall saga:

Qimir said that the Jedi would call him Sith, so I'm hesitant to think that he's the master in the master/apprentice situation. I have two thoughts: that he's a lone darksider and picked up an acolyte as a way to strike at the Jedi; or that he's the apprentice, will die in this show, and his master will be revealed to be Plagueis or Plagueis' master (Tenebrous in Legends, but not necessarily in canon). As for why the Jedi don't know about the Sith before TPM, I think everyone involved will die or there will be a coverup with the Jedi middle managers (Vernestra) so the Senate doesn't get wind of it.
Yes I think Qmir is the apprentice to the real Master. Rule of 2 and all that ... he is power hungry and wants his own student. I dont think it was here, but if it was I apologize, but I had seen an interesting comparison that Qmir is like Dooku and Mae was like Ventress.... the secret apprentice.
I read another theory about the bad guy...

I've seen speculation that this is a Knights of Ren origin story. During the end, the music is very similar to Kylo Ren's theme. Qimir's armor and mask are very similar to what we see from the Knights of Ren in the Sequel Trilogy. And he says he has no name, but the Jedi would call him a Sith. So he could very well be the first "Ren." I wouldn't hate it! But I still want him to be a student of Plagueis just because seeing him in live action would be so cool.
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I absolutely agree that the two episodes should have been one, or at least dropped on the same night.

Cortosis armor is new to me. It seems to disrupt the Khyber Crystal. Care to put your nerd cap on and explain?
I honestly hadn't heard about it until season 1 of Mando. My buddy is way way way more educated in the legends/non screen stuff then I am. We were discussing beskar and hes like there is another metal that is similar in that it can repel lightsabers/lasers and goes on to explain that it was in legends but now is in some of the newer Disney cannon novels. He said it forces the energy back and said in some of the stories it was used to reflect blasters back at the shooters. Apparently its super rare and very difficult to work with and tends to break, which I guess is why we saw the helmet break here. It also looked like it may have broke and been repaired before. What I didn't know, and I'm trying to get up my friend with this, is that Qimir said something about it blocking Sol being able to use the force to get into his head....I didn't know that was a thing. Sounds like Magneto's helmet in that sense.
I read another theory about the bad guy...

I've seen speculation that this is a Knights of Ren origin story. During the end, the music is very similar to Kylo Ren's theme. Qimir's armor and mask are very similar to what we see from the Knights of Ren in the Sequel Trilogy. And he says he has no name, but the Jedi would call him a Sith. So he could very well be the first "Ren." I wouldn't hate it! But I still want him to be a student of Plagueis just because seeing him in live action would be so cool.

I have noticed that musical queue too - right from the opening of the very first episode.
I feel like they have done a good job of making them interesting right away, at least for Osha and Sol, who I think are the ones who matter.
For you, not for me.
I didn't feel like there was a good hook in the fir 2 episodes. The prison break was very predictable, IMO.
For you, not for me.
I didn't feel like there was a good hook in the fir 2 episodes. The prison break was very predictable, IMO.

I honestly was very interested in Osha's life as a Meknek and might have wanted to see more of that. I appreciated that part and it endeared me quickly.
I honestly was very interested in Osha's life as a Meknek and might have wanted to see more of that. I appreciated that part and it endeared me quickly.
As I said, for you, but not for me. I nearly dozed off during the first episode. Some of the other SW series on D+ have been better. This one just doesn't stack up at all to Mandalorian season 1, for example.
I really enjoyed that but there was a lot of death I didn't think we would be seeing in a Disney+ show. So it's not just Andor that will go there. The family was sadden by the two deaths that we didn't expect. Raises the stakes a bit and I don't think anyone is making it out of this show.
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Unfortunately, Star Wars series have several examples of really good actors either given poor dialogue or bad direction, or both, Or maybe they just decide to act terribly. Another example for me is Giancarlo Esposito. He was good in the Wire, and while I didn't watch Breaking bad/Better Call Saul, DH and DS say he was good in them.....but he is dreadful, just terrible, in the Mandalorian, Really, Pedro Pascal was too sometimes. Laura Dern in TLJ, and she's great in other roles. I think it's bad direction/dialogue.
I read another theory about the bad guy...

I've seen speculation that this is a Knights of Ren origin story. During the end, the music is very similar to Kylo Ren's theme. Qimir's armor and mask are very similar to what we see from the Knights of Ren in the Sequel Trilogy. And he says he has no name, but the Jedi would call him a Sith. So he could very well be the first "Ren." I wouldn't hate it! But I still want him to be a student of Plagueis just because seeing him in live action would be so cool.
to me that he identifies as a Sith points me away from him being a Ren... and that he wants a student says Sith Lord wannabe to me

I wonder if the connection is Tenebrous... the timeline fits and in addition to Plagueis, according to the ' lore' .... Tenebrous had another secret apprentice... Venamis... and Venamis also wanted to collet apprentices.

Also there is a cortosis ore connection to Tenebrous' death in the comics by Plagueis
The fact that he played such an airhead on The Good Place makes it difficult for me to take him seriously as a Sith Lord.
Just finished catching up. My first thought, boy it didn't take me long to catch up. One day watching while I worked.
Man these episodes are short. Give them a little credit for shaping any kind of story in the time so far.
episode one reminded me more of space balls with the wacky dude taking the last esacpe pod similar to the bear from the space circus doing same to poor Mel Brooks's character.
I have to say what happened at the end of episode five is really dopey with Sol's ability to read minds.
Overall not hating it but to me the sets are small for Star Wars, they should have tried to make them seem larger. And I believe they spent $250M, and I am hard pressed to figure out on what. At least so far.


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