Star Wars Tales Of The Arcolyte

I don't get it either. When I don't like a show, I stop watching. I know some fans who don't like it and that's understandable. I don't have any issue with legitimate criticism of the story, acting, choices made, and leaps of logic. My issue is hating something on sight without even bothering to give it a chance. The rage posting about it and rage bombing of reviews is hilarious to me but I guess it's easier to get angry about something online and lash out. If that's how you want to live your life, well enjoy it. There's so much content out there that I can't understand continuing to hate watch something.

You have to be joking right? Star Wars was one of the biggest IPs of all time and likely is the single most watched science fiction franchise of all time. The Skywalker saga has been debated more than likely any franchise in history, and you expect people that don’t like the new direction to just walk away from the franchise without so much as a whimper? Statements like these make me think many people don’t understand Star Wars at all, and certainly don’t understand passionate fans. You realize fan is short for fanatic right?
I don’t understand why some people spend so much time talking about other peoples opinion of a show.
Well, this episode was...

...brief. I really don't have any issues with the show other than the pacing. After last week, they really needed to move things along, which they started to, but then cut it short. This is another sympton of the "long movie" syndrome that many streaming shows suffer from.

On to the cool stuff, we get young Ki Adi Mundi and Plo Koon, plus I loved the little tracking beaver-man, guy. Nothing bad better happen to him! It's too bad we didn't get to really see Kelnacca in action, but this psuedo-Sith Lord means business! We'll see what happens.
I stand by my assertion that this would be better to binge than waiting each week for. Sol is so damn good. The epitome of what you want a Jedi Master to be.

I have to say that I think Amandla does a much better job playing Mae than she does playing Osha. Maybe it's just an easier part to play. I'm not sure I buy her quick turn but I feel there's more to it. That's the problem with this show, I think you need to let the whole thing play out and I don't feel some are capable of doing that in our immediate gratification society. I'm guilty of it too. The Rodent Of Unusual Sizes (tracker) was a tad goofy but it's Star Wars. I'm hopeful that Qimir isn't the Sith Lord because that feels too obvious. I hope it's more he's a vessel for the Sith Lord to use. They're going to need a good explanation as to how a Wookie jedi gets snuck up on and killed in his chair. I will say that teasing a wookie Jedi and then we get him just being dead in his chair is an odd choice. The villain floating down silently and just walking right up to Osha was pretty damn cool and terrifying.
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I stand by my assertion that this would be better to binge than waiting each week for. Sol is so damn good. The epitome of what you want a Jedi Master to be.

I have to say that I think Amandla does a much better job playing Mae than she does playing Osha. Maybe it's just an easier part to play. I'm not sure I buy her quick turn but I feel there's more to it. That's the problem with this show, I think you need to let the whole thing play out and I don't feel some are capable of doing that in our immediate gratification society. I'm guilty of it too. The Rodent Of Unusual Sizes (tracker) was a tad goofy but it's Star Wars. I'm hopeful that Qimir isn't the Sith Lord because that feels too obvious. I hope it's more he's a vessel for the Sith Lord to use. They're going to need a good explanation as to how a Wookie jedi gets snuck up on and killed in his chair. I will say that teasing a wookie Jedi and then we get him just being dead in his chair is an odd choice. The villain floating down silently and just walking right up to Osha was pretty damn cool and terrifying.
I think I will do a rewatch when they are all out, bummed the episodes are short, but I do love Sol, Squid Master Jedi is a fav so far.

Oh Qmir

I go back and forth with him. Last night I was convinced right up to Kelnacca's death that he was the Master. Then I did not think he had the time. Between hanging with Me and getting tied up. But there is a connection I think, he was asking way too many questions when they were walking in. I do think he has a bit of a 'thing' for Mae... romantic or more sinister I am not sure yet. I get a little bit of Grimer Wormtongue feel off him

Something happened that they are not telling us yet. Sol said as much when he said he would explain later and confront his past. He was VERY tuned into the Master. I was sad about not getting more Kelnacca, but perhaps another flashback

I did appreciate Vernestra... no we dont need to tell the high council, nope nope nope we will handle it. Getting more of the cover up vibes

4 more episodes to go, halfway point
I LOVE a good cliffhanger. For me, the episode was meh, until the last 5 minutes. I did enjoy the Jedi discussions, and Sol was very good again. He is really making this show intriguing.
I loved that Ki Adi Mundi was there. I wasn't sure at all that was him, until afterward, but it'll make his comments in TPM later a lot more interesting. I'm assuming that Plo Koon, but have read that it's not? I hope it is him. I have enjoyed Qimir since the beginning. I thought it was interesting that a 'regular person', or what I assumed as a regular person/non force user, was part of all of this plot/conversation. I totally, absolutely missed and did not pick up on the idea that he may be the master. DH said that during the episode, and I brushed it off, but now reading online that everyone is assuming it's him. That's a cool twist.
I'm debating if I would give this episode a B-, or C+, the ending really made up for a lot. I'm part of the 'who shot JR ' generation, so cliffhangers dont' bother me all that much. I will add, I didn't like the cutaway editing again. I felt some of the scenes should've been longer, before cutting away. I didn't mind that it was short,
I LOVE a good cliffhanger. For me, the episode was meh, until the last 5 minutes. I did enjoy the Jedi discussions, and Sol was very good again. He is really making this show intriguing.
I loved that Ki Adi Mundi was there. I wasn't sure at all that was him, until afterward, but it'll make his comments in TPM later a lot more interesting. I'm assuming that Plo Koon, but have read that it's not? I hope it is him. I have enjoyed Qimir since the beginning. I thought it was interesting that a 'regular person', or what I assumed as a regular person/non force user, was part of all of this plot/conversation. I totally, absolutely missed and did not pick up on the idea that he may be the master. DH said that during the episode, and I brushed it off, but now reading online that everyone is assuming it's him. That's a cool twist.
I'm debating if I would give this episode a B-, or C+, the ending really made up for a lot. I'm part of the 'who shot JR ' generation, so cliffhangers dont' bother me all that much. I will add, I didn't like the cutaway editing again. I felt some of the scenes should've been longer, before cutting away. I didn't mind that it was short,

I don't necessarily mind cliffhangers, but this was abrupt! I don't necessarily mind short episodes either - I alwasy say a story should be as long as it needs to be. In the case of this show, I do think the pacing is slightly off and they maybe need to let the scenes breathe just a little more.
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I LOVE a good cliffhanger. For me, the episode was meh, until the last 5 minutes. I did enjoy the Jedi discussions, and Sol was very good again. He is really making this show intriguing.
I loved that Ki Adi Mundi was there. I wasn't sure at all that was him, until afterward, but it'll make his comments in TPM later a lot more interesting. I'm assuming that Plo Koon, but have read that it's not? I hope it is him. I have enjoyed Qimir since the beginning. I thought it was interesting that a 'regular person', or what I assumed as a regular person/non force user, was part of all of this plot/conversation. I totally, absolutely missed and did not pick up on the idea that he may be the master. DH said that during the episode, and I brushed it off, but now reading online that everyone is assuming it's him. That's a cool twist.
I'm debating if I would give this episode a B-, or C+, the ending really made up for a lot. I'm part of the 'who shot JR ' generation, so cliffhangers dont' bother me all that much. I will add, I didn't like the cutaway editing again. I felt some of the scenes should've been longer, before cutting away. I didn't mind that it was short,
But does it make his comments in TPM more interesting or like nobody really fact checked the writing? And I know things get tweaked all the time in SW but dude isn't even supposed to be born yet.

I did overall like this episode, but agree the pacing just felt a bit off.
Well, I've given it a chance and it's the weakest of the Disney+ Star Wars for me, so far.

I could pick a part the plot, some of the acting and the fact that they just assume we are supposed to care about these characters from episode one without ever showing us why.

However, at the end of the day, it's still more Star Wars—more planets, more characters, more ships, more world building, more politics. So, in that respect, it's a win.
Well, I've given it a chance and it's the weakest of the Disney+ Star Wars for me, so far.

I could pick a part the plot, some of the acting and the fact that they just assume we are supposed to care about these characters from episode one without ever showing us why.

However, at the end of the day, it's still more Star Wars—more planets, more characters, more ships, more world building, more politics. So, in that respect, it's a win.

I'm not sure I understand the bolded part. All new movies or shows have fresh characters and it can take time to come to care about them. I feel like they have done a good job of making them interesting right away, at least for Osha and Sol, who I think are the ones who matter. Our introduction to Osha as an outboard mechanic then prison escapee was pretty compelling (actually, those have been the best scenes so far). Yord is pretty interesting in a "what's wrong with this guy?" kind of way too. 🤣

I do think the pacing is a mess though and really believe that this will watch better as a binge or maybe even should have just been a movie. They totally do straight-to-streaming movies for smaller stories and I think that would work.
Well, dang!

I feel like last week's and this week's should have been one episode. Aside from that, this was brutal! Good action, but I am pretty upset about Jecki and Yord - man! I guess it was obvious who the Sith was, but he really comes off totally different. His armor too is something special - some kind of Sith magic in there. Sol is getting Parent Trapped - but Bazzle knows!
I listen to a very good, well balanced SW podcast, Coffee with Kenobi, and every week the host will choose 1 word to describe the episode,and then give a letter grade. This week: like Brian said: Brutal.
I had to re-watch those fight scenes. those were incredible. The choreography incredible.
The physical/no saber fight between Sol and Qimir was outstanding. Qimir all the way around was great. He delivered his lines wonderfully, and had great presence. I had JUST told my son before it started how much I liked Yord. Jecki was such a great fighter too....those were both sad losses
Again, I did not like the editing. the way the screen will just cut away in the middle of a tense/fight scene, to the different group, and the episode did that a lot.
DS: said finally a good episode. He liked it a lot. DD still processing, DH hasn't watched yet. I told him not to look up anything online.
I do think to keep the Sith hidden, they all have to die, or Venestra will just choose to cover it up. I sure was hoping to find out what Sol and the others did. I guess we'll wait another week. Also, I did not like that Sol didn't recognize that that was Mae with him at the end, not Osha, seems like he would've sensed it. like he should not be so easily confused by the twin swap trope
There are two things the Jedi do that I have an issue with... and this show is amplifying them

1) as we have discussed a bit, I take issue with the Jedi taking young children away from their family forever and preaching no love and attachments

2) the use of said children (padawans) as soldiers... it was one thing when Ahsoka was a cartoon, it was easier to not view her as a child... however live action child soldier Ahsoka was troubling to me... likewise last nir=ght

When Jecki died and Sol was freaking and was like 'But but she was a child".... and Darth Qymir was like "But you brought her"

I dont understand when you have a temple full of fully trained Jedi sitting around doing whatever Jedi bureaucratic stuff... that you would bring padawan students to a deadly mission
There are two things the Jedi do that I have an issue with... and this show is amplifying them

1) as we have discussed a bit, I take issue with the Jedi taking young children away from their family forever and preaching no love and attachments

2) the use of said children (padawans) as soldiers... it was one thing when Ahsoka was a cartoon, it was easier to not view her as a child... however live action child soldier Ahsoka was troubling to me... likewise last nir=ght

When Jecki died and Sol was freaking and was like 'But but she was a child".... and Darth Qymir was like "But you brought her"

I dont understand when you have a temple full of fully trained Jedi sitting around doing whatever Jedi bureaucratic stuff... that you would bring padawan students to a deadly mission

The Jedi do not preach "no love" but they do preach "no attachment." The Jedi are "encouraged to love" - all beings all the time. It's just a different kind of love.

To the padawan questions, they are pretty capable. I mean, Jecki had Mae's number all day, but I do not think they were expecting to run into... that! A full-on Sith was not on the table. I am sure Sol is thinking, "We should've brought Master Yoda!"

Also, I was so thinking the Master couldn't be Qimir - it was too obvious. Then again, this show isn't subtle. I will say that he did a good job of playing this good-natured but weasily dude, then go into full beast-mode. I had not realized how jacked that dude is. It looked so intimidating!
Now that was a episode! I agree with @Skywalker3 that the editing could be better. And I know its a SW show, we have to have "wipe" scene transitions, but lets tone it back a bit lol. I also would have really liked to have last weeks and this weeks airings as one episode. The acting is still a bit hit or miss with Amandla for me.

I loved that we are just straight up offing everyone. We need more of that! Yord got his neck snapped! No lightsaber, no force choke, just a old fashion neck break. Both him and Jecki really grew on me and I'm sad we don't get more of them. We also got cortosis armor! Again more of that and less of trying to rewrite the lore/characters. Qimir was just evil and it was awesome. Also is Sol just ignoring that face tattoo that Osha got while they were fighting that just so happens to look like Mae's?


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