Stacie's Journey for Weight Loss and the 1/2 Marathon Jan 09!

Hi Stacie!!!

Wow...I'm so proud of you and your running program. Sounds like you are really putting the time and effort in to research the best way for you to reach your goals! I will second what Scott said....John Bingham is the best for beginner running/walking programs. His advice is really good and maps out an excellent plan for new runners.

Regardless, having a "plan" whether it is Couch to 5K or Bingham or Galloway....just having the plan in place is the best start to a successful journey.

You are doing such a wonderful job...and I can't wait to hear about your success at WDW this year!!!! :hug:

I'd also like to say THANK YOU so much for all the support you've given me on my journal. It means a lot to me that you guys stop by and offer encouragement...and of course laugh at my misadventures. I seem to have a lot of those :laughing: .

I hope you're having a fantastic weekend! :sunny:
Hi Stacie,

Your comment about being able to support others really hit home with me. I think alot of women have no difficulty with supporting and helping others. When it comes to believing in themselves, and putting their own needs first occasionally, is where they have difficulty. I have been struggling with this for a while now.

Keep up the great work and have a great weekend.
Hi Stacie,

Is today the day you start Couch to 5K? I've heard a lot about that program and know that many have had success with it. You'll do great!:cheer2:

Hope you have a great Monday!:goodvibes
HI guys!!!! Today is the big day!!! I start the Couch to 5K tonight! First, update for the weekend:

Who reads Nicholas Sparks??? I LOVE his books! I've read them all, but I don't own any of them... Well...DH had invited me on a date for Friday night. To my suprise... Nichols Sparks was in Cary doing a book signing as a promotional tour for his new book "The Choice." DH bought ALL of his books, we waited our turn and he signed them all for me!!! HOW COOL!!! This was a complete suprise! After, we went to dinner and then to top things off, we went to FLEET FEET and I got new runnings shoes, socks and a much more supportive sports bra! I was so excited! Those shoes cost me an arm and TWO legs! But, I think they will be worth it! Luckily, it was their anniversary and everything was 20% off!!! After Fleet Feet, we went to Target and found some cute workout Skorts on clearance! All in all a great night!!! We had a wedding Saturday and a lazy Sunday... Hope everyone else had a great weekend!

So...I've got new gear and I'm ready to start my program! I did look for the Marathoning for Mortals while we were in Barnes and Noble in Cary and they didn't have it. Darn! I really wanted to get started on that... I think I will run out at lunch to see if maybe Wal-Mart has it, but I have my doubts! I come! :)

Yesterday was tough for me. I felt so emotionally drained. I feel like I need to go to rehab and I don't even drink! lol :lmao: I just feel completely worn down. I've had a lot mentally going on... Losing weight, running (or trying...) finances, new furniture for upstairs and it seems like a million other things. I would LOVE to get to the point of running for fun, for me, to zone out and be in my own little world. I really hope to be come addicted!

Food consumption was ok this weekend. If I keep steady, for my BL weigh-in tomorrow, I think I'll be down about 2lbs. Hopefully! I had cereal this morning and I think I'll do Subway for lunch!

It weird...I have a hard time focusing on exercise AND eating right. Yes, they should go hand it hand, but I can't seem to multi-task when it comes to that! I guess one thing at a time. Right now I am more focused on the exercise and training for the 5K. I'm not eating horrible and I'm still pretty much a steady 1lb per week so I'll take it!

Ok--I'll stop for now! Seems like I could just keep on rambling today! :rotfl:

Thanks everyone for checking in! I really appreciate your support and comments! They really help to keep me going! Love you all!!! :hug:
Your Friday sounds like the perfect date! Way to go DH!!!!

Now you'll look awesome for your new training routine.:cool2: :woohoo:

Don't worry too much about being on track with both eating and exercise. I struggle with this too. You have made a ton of changes in a very short period of time. It is ok that some things take a bit longer.

Listen to your body. I hope you feel better as the day goes on.

We'll be :cheer2: .
Hello Stacie :)

New running gear!! Congrats on finding some bargains on the clothing...and try not to fret over the price of shoes, they are the most important item of apparel to a have to get what works for you there.

GOOD LUCK tonight with the start of your program!! I know you'll do just fine. I think you are on the right track with the eating/exercising thing too...cause once you start running a bunch, you will automatically want better food (and more of it!). If you do everything at once, it might become overwhelming and setting yourself up for failure IMO.

So....good job with everything and good luck tonight! Can't wait to hear how Day 1 goes :goodvibes:
Hello to my posters/journaling buddies...

Just wondering if any of you guys/gals are going Marathon Weekend and if you plan to go to any of the WISH events??? I'd love to try to meet some of you!

Here is a link to another thread(just in case you haven't seen it)--Chimera is putting a list together of the events, and who will be there. I'm ovbiously doing the 5K and DH and I will try to be at the 4:30 WISH meet at POP on Friday.

Best to all!
hey stacie,

I've just read all 4 pages of your thread and have to say how amazing it is to see that you have so much support. It sounds like your mentally up for this challenge and i think that's one of the most important steps towards your 5k!

I also have PCOS and struggle to keep my weight down at around 10stone- i think my body wants to be 11+, well i keep telling it that it's just tough! Hope your couch to 5k plan goes brilliantly, i'm just starting a similar thing by bupa so currently doing 3min run 2 walk- if i can do it then you def can! Believe in yourself and if your lacking motivation pop back over here and we'll give you a giant kick out the door and on your way!

Good luck :flower3:
Hey Stacie! You're really doing a GREAT job in your quest to be healthier. :thumbsup2 I'm a big supporter of the c25k program. It's gotten me going more than once, and it's a great plan. I agree that you certainly don't want to dwell on what's ahead with that plan. Take it one day at a time. And sometimes one minute or one second at a time. :goodvibes It's hard, I won't lie....but it gets easier, and before you know it, you're running MORE than what's asked of you. :eek: But one step at a time. And don't forget.....whether you're running 30 seconds at a time, or 30're a runner! And no one can take that away from you. :yay:

Keep up the great work, girl!

And thanks SO much for the continued support on my journal. I really really appreciate it. :hug:
Hi, i just read all 4 pages of your journal, and i am definately inspired by you! :) I am just starting out in this task myself, and debating on how cool it would be to complete a 5k in WDW.. However, i don't know if financially i can make it work this May.. but who knows.

Anyway, i wanted to tell you to keep up the great work, and let us know how it's going on the c25k plan! :)
Caitsmama and Smileyk8--Welcome!!! So glad you "popped" in! :)

Kim--thanks for that! I'm sure as I get into the c25k those seconds will count!!! I certainly don't feel like a runner yet...The funny thing is, I've NEVER wanted to be, but all of a sudden, I find myself really wanting to get out there and run--to kick it like you and Scott and Amy ;)

MIdancemom, tracey, amy, toystory, scott--a continued thanks for posting in my jounal! I look forward everyday to see who has posted!!! It really does keep me going! :hug:

Tink of winter--Great! Hopfully I'll see you there!

Ok, so...who is ready for my Day1 c25k update???? :goodvibes

I am pleased to report w/ stiff legs today that it was suprisingly successful!!! :woohoo: At times my jog seemed so slow I barely felt I was moving, but DH and I went out, did the warm up, the 20 minutes of alternating the required timing of walking w/ the running and the cool down. Thank goodness for him! He was my timer... I think I would have gotten confused trying to walk/run/time... All I had to focus on was getting it done. We did it! I am so happy!!!!! I really had doubts about week 1. I didn't think I was ready to run that much, but I DID IT!!! YIPPEEEEE! :banana: You guys just don't know how happy, relieved even ,that I did it. Now I feel more hopeful of really getting this done and reaching my 5K goal for WDW in January!

Today is weigh-in day for BL. I'm down about 2lbs... Since I've started my weight loss focus, not BL, I'm down a total of 8lbs. I can't feel it or see it yet, but I am anxiously awaiting the day I can!!!

So...Here's my plan for the week:

Monday: Start Couch to 5K Week 1 (Completed day 1--yippee!!!)
Tuesday: Aquacise (this will be a nice break today from pounding the pavement!)
Wednesday: Couch to 5K Week 1/Day 2
Thurday: REST!!!
Friday: Couch to 5K Week 1 / Day 3
Saturday: Maybe just leisurely walk 3 miles...not sure yet
Sunday: Walk 1/2 hr

Thanks to everyone for your encouragement!!! Catismama--I've definately never seen myself as inspiration, but thank you for that! You will find many inspiring folks on these boards. I draw my strenght from many of them!

Hope everyone has a great day!!! Love you all! :grouphug:
Hi Stacie
:cool1: :yay: congrats on another loss - i'm sure you will be feeling it soon :goodvibes
Well done for doing your run!! I can remember how great i felt when i jogged on the TM for 20 min without stopping (not managed to do any longer yet!)
Keep up the amazing work/training & thankyou for inspiring me to try & keep up with you ;)
Hi there runner Stacie,

Great job on the run yesterday. Congratulation on the loss. Are you watching BL as well as being in the challenge?

You are an inspiration, woman. You have set a gaol for yourself, and you are putting your all into reaching that goal. You are also seeing results of all that hard work in weight loss. You also give a tremendous amount of support here. Give it time, and you will believe it too.

Take care,
Congratulations on your run yesterday and on your weight loss! You are doing a great job, Stacie! Keep up the good work!:cheer2:
Good Morning guys and gals!!!

Thanks Beth! I needed that!!! :) Thanks toystory for cheering for me!

So, today is C25K Week 1/Day2. DH and I decided to do it this morning instead of tonight--we both need to work a little later tonight. Overall, it went welll. I must's weird--During some of my jogging burst, I do well, feel good, others, I can barely make that 60 secs. I just don't understand that. Oh, well, I guess it is what it is... I did complete it so I'll consider that a success! It was a bit foggy and misty this morning, which I acually enjoyed!

Last night I aquacised. That went well! Stretching in the water is soooo nice! After, I decided to sit in the sauna for a few minutes. Initially it wasn't bad, but then more and more steam was added! I felt like a steamed crab! :rotfl2:

I stopped by chick-fil-a on the way home and ordered GRILLED chicken strips. The order was to go... Down the road, when I opened them--FRIED chicken strips! ugh! I really was trying to be good! Oh, well. I ate 3 instead of all 4 though!

So, I guess that's about it for now... Oh, I did start reading Marathoning for Mortals today! Thanks everyone for checking in!


PS. I have some VERY exciting news, but I'll let Susan (larry's girl) post it in her journal! I think most of you read both. It's more pertaining to her than me... Keep a watch out! ;)
I am SO PROUD of you - SOOOOO proud of you, I can't stand it! You are the WOMAN!!!

Keep going - I'm going to be right behind you (well, actually, probably really, really far behind you), but you get the idea!:thumbsup2
Keep it up Stacie! You have inspired me - today i did my first c25k workout!! So, i guess i will be starting my own journal tonight!
Keep up the great work!
Stacie, congrats on the two pounds, you are really making progress, good for you! I hate it when I try to be good, order something healthy only to arrive home and find they messed up my order! In the grand scheme of life, its not a big deal, those three fried strips won't set you back!

You are totally motivating me, so go right ahead and think of yourself that way, you've earned the right!
:cool1: STACIE!!!!! Super SUPER job getting that running program started. I'm so incredibly impressed with your drive and determination! I think the main thing is to have a "plan" to keep yourself progressing and it sure sounds like you've got a good one going! I'm also glad you are reading Bingham's book because a lot of what he has to say makes total sense and really helps you to realize that it is totally doable!!!!

Congrats on the weight loss too :hug: . You deserve to see results from all that hard work, not to mention the healthy food choices you've been making. I'm really proud of you!!! Keep up the good work :).


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