SSRmonkey OKW Trip Report

What a great day of shenanigans. (I’m trying really hard not say what I want to say—anyone seen SuperTroopers?) While Mom and Dad were planning what we were going to do for the rest of the afternoon and evening, Koala and I decided to play hide and seek. I looked everywhere and couldn’t find him. I was about to call security, but I finally found him outside.


I thought I saw Tiger Woods playing golf, but no, it was just some guy that looked like Tiger Woods. I wondered why he looked at my funny when I asked him for his autograph. The whole time I was thinking—boy, Tiger really needs some work on his game. I was going to ask him if his Nike clothing line is so expensive because of all the alimony he owes. I guess it’s good it wasn’t him afterall.

We moved on to see some more sights.



I wanted to go for a ride, but my feet wouldn’t reach the pedals.


About 9 years ago on Mom and Dad’s first trip to Disney World together, I posed for a picture in a palm tree. This is my reenactment with Koala.


Please note this photo was taken right before Koala fell and got caught by the straps on his overalls. It’s a good thing they were there to catch him or he would have taken both of us out. Thanks Osh Kosh B'Gosh.

We’re going to grab some dinner on the Boardwalk and then head into Epcot for the evening. I will be doing live updates from my Facebook page so you can keep track of my trip around the world.
What fabulous pics of wishes you took or should i say mom or dad took. Those are some of the best pics i have ever seen. I would love to use one of them for my wallpaper on my lap top if that's ok with you. Also great pics of OKW. So how are yall enjoying it there? Is the beauty of the resort growing on you and Koala?? Can't wait to hear about your dinner and epcot tonight. i am following on FB as well.
I need a picture of the monkey with Mickey mouse.......:cool1:
Boardwalk was nice and quiet when we got there but seemed to get busy shortly after we arrived. We decided Big River Grille sounded good for dinner and opted to sit outside for a more authentic Boardwalk experience. And the truth is, it’s easier for the waitresses to clean up after me when I sit outside.

I had grilled cheese, but Dad had some pecan crusted chicken. I really like crusty things so I helped him finish it off.


We went for a quick tour of the UK to see my buddy Pooh. The line was long and Dad was wearing a blue shirt so we didn’t get our picture taken. (Note: In every picture Mom and Dad have of themselves with Pooh—with the exception of 1—Dad is wearing a blue shirt. He’s making every attempt to not have his picture taken in a blue shirt with Pooh this time around.)

We decided to check out some of the new displays for the Flower and Garden Show and checked out the new merchandise. I really like the Pooh display outside the UK and this squirrel apparently was enjoying some fish and chips. I think Rabbit probably would have chased him out of the garden.



I tried to convince Mom and Dad to bring home this really cool monkey, but they’re right, my evil cat Chloe would probably eat it. So we just hung around for a while...and then the joint pain kicked in. I don’t know how these young monkeys can hang around all day. I took some Aleve and moved on.


Being an orangutan has its ups and downs, but at least I don’t have these huge gorilla nostrils.


I always enjoy a good head scratching.


After that we headed over to see Figment. After signing Koala up for the tickle testing lab, I discovered that there’s a new thing at the end where you can build your own Figment on the computer. I don’t know why, but mine turned out like Clay Aiken.


After waiting for about an hour, we had our first Soarin experience of the trip. It was excellent as usual. Then it was over to Nemo. I think these flowers sort of look like jellyfish (without the stingers).


I chatted up some of my friends.


As you can see, Nemo was very surprised to see me (that’s the only explanation as to why his eyes are so HUGE in this picture).


Then we headed off to the World Showcase. This troll needs a shave.


I’m on a horse (thanks Old Spice guy)! Oh wait, it’s just a giraffe.


After we made it the rest of the way around the world, we decided not to stay for the fireworks. It was pretty windy and I didn’t want any secondhand smoke (even of the firework kind), so we headed out. I was hungry again, so we headed to DTD to Paradisio 37. I wasn’t hungry enough for a big meal, so we decided on a couple appetizers—chips and queso and mac and cheese bites. So good.


Then we decided we should have a little bit of ice cream.


This is when Mom discovered that the mini cones make a really great shovel for sprinkles. It probably would have been best if she discovered this after more than one of the cones was gone. My Mom LOVES sprinkles and buys them by the pound at home, so this “extra” serving of sprinkles was definitely not enough for her! She survived and was able to help us finish the cones. That fourthmeal was so much better than the one advertised at Taco Bell--added bonus: you're not in the bathroom all night after eating it!

We don’t have a plan for tomorrow, so we’ll see what happens in the morning!

Good night!
HelenK--we like the location. It seems to be pretty quiet and I like being close to the playground and pool.
I love the SSRMonkey trip reports! I need to try those mac 'n cheese bites. ::yes::
TinkSS--feel free to use my Dad's firework shots. And yes, we are starting to warm up to OKW. :)

a742246--You're telling me! I hope to see him at MK sometime in the near future. Mickey in his tux is my favorite, but he always seems to be wherever I am not.
SSRMonkey - You had a great day at Epcot. I loved seeing the topiaries from F & G. Thanks for sharing them with us. I hope you have a fun day today.
We went to Celebration this morning to look at some of the houses there. If only I had a few million dollars laying around… I picked out my favorite house and set up an appointment with a realtor tomorrow (Mom and Dad don’t know yet). If I don’t win the MegaMillions tonight I guess I’ll have to cancel. Or maybe since Johnny Depp and I are both A list celebrities, he will give me one of those treasure chests.

After leaving Celebration, we went to the Nike store across the street. I got me some pumped up kicks.


I really wanted to get the shoes that you can use that Nike + thing with so I could track my workouts on my iPod, but they just weren’t as comfortable (or as stylin) as these shoes.

On our way back in to OKW I spotted some little monkey sized speedboats. I’m going to have to investigate commandeering one of those for an adventure. Let’s just hope it doesn’t end up like Gilligan’s Island.
Well, I’m officially a pirate. Koala and I told Mom and Dad we were too tired to go play at the playground while they were swimming. As soon as they left, we snuck out and headed down to the Hospitality House. Lucky for us it was the shift change, so borrowing a boat was no problem. The great thing about boats is that they don’t have pedals so I can drive without a problem. Koala’s overalls came in handy and he was able to smuggle Dad’s phone onto the boat. I also borrowed Dad’s hat so we wouldn’t get pulled over by one of the lifeguard boats.

We headed out of OKW and thought we should check out Port Orleans. Here’s the French Quarter.


We had to pass under this bridge. Koala didn’t want to go because he was afraid the tree lady from Animal Kingdom was clinging onto the bridge.


I told him that there were probably just trolls living under there, so he was ok to keep going. He really likes trolls. Then it was on to the Riverside.


So far we had gotten passed by a lot of boats, but no one recognized us yet, so we kept going on to DTD. Good thing I brought my wet suit. It was so windy on the lake and water was splashing up all over. We came very close to a wet monkey smell episode and I bet it would have shut down DTD.

Koala wanted to see the big balloon up close.


We were thinking of reenacting Titanic with the Fulton’s boat, but Leonardo DiCaprio wasn’t available today. Koala screamed “ICEBERG” as loud as he could and then launched into a 10 minute edition of “My Heart Will Go On”. Even though he has a wonderful singing voice (not quite like Celine Dion), he was attracting the attention of the lifeguard boats, so I finally got him to stop.


I yelled at the dragon to look our way, but he just kept starting straight ahead. How rude!


We got some good pictures of SSR.


Koala forgot his hat and sunscreen and even though he has a lot of fur, he burns easily so we thought we better head back.


We took one last picture of the light house before slipping on our wetsuits and making our getaway.


We got back to the room just in time to stow our gear and download the pictures from Dad’s phone. Mom and Dad showed up about 5 minutes later—whew! That was close. I’m not sure how we will explain Koala’s sunburn…maybe we’ll have to get some Kool Aid to dye his fur later. No one will ever know!
You are making me jealous.

Have a great time!!!!!
Taking SSRMonkey and Koala on a trip looks like a lot more fun than taking some of those cranky human kids :goodvibes
We checked out Olivia’s here at OKW for dinner and then headed over to MK. As soon as I put my pass through the ticket reader, Pirates closed. I guess Johnny Depp heard I was coming for his booty—pirate’s booty that is. I tried to get in through the gift shop but they closed the back entrance too. I was really excited because I thought I hit the jackpot, but it turns out these were just plastic.


Koala and Mom found some great tips…


I’ll have to try these out the next time. To add insult to injury, they closed It’s a Small World too. Apparently they found out that I think the hula girls are hot. So, with my good looks, I asked a young cast member to give me some access to backstage areas.


We walked over to see some of the new construction. Again, no luck in climbing over the wall.


Koala wanted to sign up for some wrasslin’. Now he's on the hunt for a sumo wrestler costume--I told him it's not that kind of wrasslin', but he wouldn't listen.


We decided to check out the new Dumbo ride. It was awesome—the lights in the fountain below the ride are really cool. In the queue you can check out the Barnstormer.


I’m glad they installed the fountain below Dumbo—now they don’t have to shut down the ride for potty breaks for the elephants.


A view from Dumbo…


We decided to check out the carousel. Why did I get the only horse that talked back? He was not happy. I guess I wouldn’t be either if I had to go around and around all day and not get anywhere. Koala threw up three times in the minute and a half we were on this ride.


After a couple of castle pictures, we decided to head to DTD for some window shopping.

It’s so tall! Or maybe I'm just small.



After a bedtime snack of a pepperoni and cheese pretzel, I’m ready for some sleep. In the morning we’re heading to DHS. I better get my TSM arm stretched out!
Great updates. Can't wait to show my boys all of your new adventures when they get home from school.:goodvibes
I'm loving your tr!!!! Especially like your travel trips for the drive including the invisible wall!! We have a 14 yr old and 6 yr old and your experiences are eerily similar to theirs!!
SSR Monkey - you have the best sense of humor! You really know how to have fun at WDW! Thanks for sharing your escapades. I love your t-shirt!::yes::
Today we got up early and had a big bowl of Lucky Charms and went to rope drop at DHS. I didn’t know that there wasn’t a big production at rope drop anymore. I wasn’t disappointed; it was just different than I was used to. Crowds were pretty light and it was nice not having to fight through tons of people to get to TSM.

We weren’t planning on getting FP, but they were only up to 10:10, so we thought we would get FP and then hop into line and get two rides in today. The first round was a good warm up, but I knew I could do better.

On the way to Muppet Vision we met Herbie.


The next time I’m planning a Salute to America, I know where I can get some supplies.


If I knew this was available I could stop making Koala fix my bananas every morning. I would hate to take away his blender time though…he really likes using the Ninja!


These definitely do make a statement on my face—I’m ready to watch the show.


You should hear Koala’s Fozzie impression. He tried a British accent today, but it just didn’t sound right. He’ll have to practice.


I thought I might find some more Lucky Charms under here. All I found was some dust.


After another awesome round of TSM (I scored over 200,000!), I met up with Mickey. I asked him where I could find the Mickey dressed up in a tux, but he pretended he couldn't hear me.


This picture was taken just before I tried to take his hat—then Mr. Incredible stepped in and out I went!

We headed out to the Olive Garden to get lunch. I made a mess while eating my spaghetti.

Koala picked out a new pin today for his collection. I love it!


Now I am washing up my tshirt collection and am either going to take a nap or head to the pool. I’m not allowed to stay in the room by myself anymore after security showed up last night and told Mom and Dad what I did while they were gone yesterday. Someone ratted us out...
I needed that picture of monkey and mickey. It made my day!
Thank you.

Long live the monkey.:banana:


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