Spinoff: Horrible Halloween Candy

Okay yeah you win the circus peanuts are vile.

Or how about getting toothbrushes? Growing up a house in my neighborhood gave out toothbrushes and their house always got egged on mischief night.
Even with my husband being a dentist and we can buy them so cheap, I still would not give out toothbrushes. I got some Halloween pokemon card packs to give out to the kids I found at costco in addition to the candy this year.
I ate all the junk when I was a kid, now I'd only eat chocolate something. Yes those foam peanut things were awful, and I wasn't crazy about the orange slices either (a jellied candy in the shape of an orange segment with sugar on top.)
Candy corn
Mary Janes
Weird flavors of DumDum lollipops
Jujyfruit and Jujubes (Jujyfruit not terrible but stuck to teeth; Jujubes taste like soap to me.)

I love black licorice and loved Good ‘n Plenty.
There is only licorice. And it is usually dark brown or black. Licorice is a flavor, not a color. There is no such thing as red licorice etc.

- Fighting the fight to keep licorice (ie 'red licorice') from being appropriated by the mobs.
Ha! Yes you're technically correct but definitely fighting an uphill battle. 😁
Side note: my hubby showed me a video on some social media site where someone was wrapping raw brussel sprouts in Ferrero Rocher chocolate wrappers. I said don't you dare! That would be THE fastest way to get your house egged or worse!


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