What you are referring to is a portion of the condominium statutes, 718 Fl. Stat. §401, which covers “leasehold condominiums.” Those are condominium units built on land that is leased, which includes all the Florida DVC resorts except CCV (which was not set up under condominium law). It allows for condiminiums built on lease land to have designated terms of existence and actually have real estate deeds to provide for the transfer of such ownership interests.
Though originally it was a minimum 40-year term from time of first sale, it has been, for quite some time now, a required minimum 50-year term from time of first sale of a regular condominium unit in the original condo resort, and minimum 30-year minimum term for commercial condo-units or timeshare condo-units. If you do an addition later, and what is added are additonal buildings or units in a building that were not originally part of the condominium created, those minimums apply separately to the units added. It was the law that prohibited CCV from being added to BRV because BRV had less than thirty years left when CCV was created. Likewise, it was the law that allowed the new VGF building to be added to VGF, and Poly 2 to be added to Poly 1, because there was still more than 30-years left on the original VGF building and Poly 1.
The original AKV, which consisted of the DVC units that are in Jambo, started in 2007 and AKV expires January 31, 2057. Thus to actually add any new Jambo rooms to AKV is something that would have to be done, and the first unit sold, by no later January 2027, to meet the 30-year minimum requirement. Personal view is that DVD is not even considering doing such a thing because it likely conceives that having any new units subject to only a 30-year term, while in the past it has always been at least 40 for any new addition, is not a good thing. Moreover, there is less than 22-months to do the necessary redo of the rooms and start selling them, something that could be prevented from occurring if anything goes wrong during the redo of the rooms and before start of sales. Moreover, there is even a lot less time simply because many of those rooms are already subject to Disney hotel reservations during the next year or so.
Mentioned above is DVD could possibly do the refurbishment of the rooms in 2025-2026 as part of the 2025-26 AKV refurb. That DVC refurb applies only to Kidani and the existing DVC rooms in Jambo. The Jambo hotel side of the building, including all the Jambo hotel rooms, are not supposed to have another refurb until after the DVC refurb is done and starting in 2026 and continuing into 2027.