SouthAlabama5er's Pre Trip & Trip Report 2/14 - 2/21

Thanks for that weather report Teamubr, I guess my hose pipe won't freeze tomorrow?

Seen some locals earlier while I was looping, seen a bunch of nice campers,


This is what I love about coming to the Fort most of all, the peace and the pretty views.


Tiggerdad, SQUIRREL!!!

My kinda campers, I want a sign like that... Roll Tide...

Took a couple of pictures while I waited on our pizza...


The line for Trails End.


Palm trees, think warm weather!

Sitting out under the awning now, I love hearing the train whistle and the horns from the boats out on Bay Lake. I would come back this time of year again. Might add a outside heater to my list...

MK tomorrow, we aim to be there for the opening show.
I love coming home from work checking on how your day went! We love camping (tent) at the Fort. We almost never vist parks - just hanging out at the Fort and loving it. We are going down there at the end of March. Keep your posts comming:)
Went for a walk this cold morning...

Anyone ever noticed the two cell towers beside the road between the campsite and the out post up front...

Gotta love the details Disney puts into everything...


Cold but nice this morning





Chiming in once again to say how much I am living vicariously through your posts! I am working two jobs right now to pay for my DD honeymoon to DL in Oct and then my own dream of taking our new Mobile Suites RV to FW next Jan! Please keep them coming!
Noticed you hammock- was looking for one to take camping, but wasn't sure about the frame. Does your frame break-down easily and if so, do you remember where you got it?

Good thing about long lines, I can post some. I bought that hammock at Sam's Club about 5 or 6 years ago. It breaks down easy 3 pieces of pipe with 2 cross pieces and the hammock iitself. We love it. I'll post you a better picture when we get back to the camper.
Good thing about long lines, I can post some. I bought that hammock at Sam's Club about 5 or 6 years ago. It breaks down easy 3 pieces of pipe with 2 cross pieces and the hammock iitself. We love it. I'll post you a better picture when we get back to the camper.
That would be great...Thanks.
Opieandy1 here is a picture of our hammock,

I haven't seen them in Sam's Club lately but may try looking on Amazon for one. It takes me about 10 minutes to put it up or take it down. I wanna say I paid around $150 for it.
Hello! I am enjoying your report and getting excited for our November trip and first time at the Fort. We sold our camper so we are staying at a cabin. Not sure DH would pull the camper the 962 miles from WV anyways. :)
Hello G719, yeah that's a long way, that around the same milage as our round trip. We've seen tags on vehicles from all over especially from up the East Coast. Hope yall are staying warm!

My next tow Rig. I bet it tows great and that you hardly know it behind you.
Nah I think someone is camping in that sleeper, and met their family here.

Also seen some DIS friends camper from way up North, CDNCruiser.

I hope I get a chance to meet them before we pull out.

Headed to the Ferry to go over to MK late this morning, it was cold and windy,


My wife said, "from extreme to another" she would rather deal with the heat than the cold.

It was a pretty day except for the wind. The shops was selling sock hats and mitts like wild fire. We rode stuff in Tomorrowland and rode the train around the park, (my favorite) We decided to come on back to the camper and hang around for dinner tonight at TE, then add some more layers of clothes and head back to MK for Magic Hours, hopefully the cold weather will make all the folks with some common sense stay home so the lines won't be long.

...Welcome Home
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Loving your report so far...never been to the Fort but your report makes me want to try it!
Loving the TR SouthAlabama5er! The weather for your trip seems to be sounding like our frosty trip a couple of weeks ago Jan 24-30. So cold! Looks like ya'll are having a great time! I was showing DS your pics of the EWP and the monorail. He's obsessed with all things boats and trains! How's the food at Trail's End? We've been wanting to try that place out. Keep us updated!
MinneF, welcome to the camping at Disney page, glad you stopped by. :wave:

Frosty is right, we are having a good time other than the cold. We are about to head to the TE for dinner, the food is some of the best in Disney. Next time you are hear yall should take the ferry over to the Fort and try it, it's worth the boat ride!
Thanks for taking time to share your TR with us. The pic of the cell phone tower was amazing. Of course we are talking about Disney property.
Great TR. I learned my lesson the hard way a year ago when I needed gloves. Cost me $15 for a plain black pair of stretchy gloves, same pair that I could have picked up at Walmart for $1. This past trip I brought 2 pairs for each and didn't need them. Go figure.

JETS70 - love your camper. Have any inside pics to share?

Thanks for taking time to share your TR with us. The pic of the cell phone tower was amazing. Of course we are talking about Disney property.
Here are some pictures from last night at MK.

Gotta love the train,

And that train too...






We stayed at MK til 2AM when it closed, there was no lines, walked on every ride with no wait, even the new Mine Train. It was cold we all had two pairs of everything thing on. Felt more like I was going hunting rather than going to the park. We made it back to the camper around 2:30 and guess what, my one propane tank had ran out. So I had to switch the valve over. We are late getting up this morning, it's still chilly but we are getting ready to head over to Downtown Disney for a little bit, come back to the camper and hang our at the Fort. Gotta pull out tomorrow and head home. We are already planning the next trip. Your time here seems to just fly by so fast...


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