Something About Nothing............ #14

But they have really good burgers
That’s good to know, thanks
Buc-ee’s is like the Walmart of gas stations, must see it to believe it.
Lol so I hear. For some reason I’m failing to wrap my head around what I’m told is the enormity of it. I’m not a huge jerky fan but, the wide varieties I see they offer is intriguing.
Nephew came for a visit for a few days. It is always so wonderful to see him. He recently got engaged. So happy he found someone. He has waited for the right one for a long time.

Made sure to send him back home with plenty of home cooked meals to warm up in the coming days.

Granddaughter is flying in tomorrow for a week. Looking forward to seeing her and enjoying some time with her.
How nice they are stopping to see you, enjoy!
have any of you ever had insomnia ?
Ugh! Too many times. Most recently on Sunday night.

DH woke me up and said alarm didn’t go off. Um, it’s 2:30 am not 4:30 am.
That would have been the start of a war at my house.

Gorgeous sunrise too.

22 days until we leave for our hot holiday
Where are you headed?

Yes, my boys all do have the family shopping gene. The Mr, not so much.
I joke that dh shops like a girl. I’m more of a get in and get out kind of person.

Buc-ee’s is like the Walmart of gas stations, must see it to believe it.
I used to think people were exaggerating and then I finally saw one for myself.

Sorry to hear about the foot blister. I was getting a blister in the same area on the ball of my right foot. I finally went and was fitted for a pair of good sport shoes. I also add some tape to protect the area. So far so good.
I’ve been fitted for good shoes. I’ll try that tape and see if it helps.

I have gotten it a few times and what has worked for me is to mix a little extra-strength Benedryl and Cortisone cream in the palm of my had and put it on my lower legs before I start the park hike. No more rash. It has worked for me.
I have some prescription cortisone and I think I have some Benedryl creme. I’ll try that next time.

Nephew came for a visit for a few days. It is always so wonderful to see him. He recently got engaged.
Congrats to him.

Lol so I hear. For some reason I’m failing to wrap my head around what I’m told is the enormity of it. I’m not a huge jerky fan but, the wide varieties I see they offer is intriguing.
It really is impressive. They are building one in VA about 2 hours from where I live. One of my friends is planning a road trip.

I called my insurance agent today and was told that the tree is a shared problem. The neighbor is solely responsible for the damaged fence since it 100% belongs to her.

We talked to the neighbor and her son this evening. He is going to take care of it later this week. We also learned that our neighbor is planning on moving in with her son and renting her house. I didn’t realize that she was living there alone. There are always various family members coming and going. I just hope we get good neighbors when she rents.
Ooh maybe saw some ghosts in that foggy morning ride I had. Almost 50 when I left. Woot! Warm first day of Spring. And, birds are chirping loudly in the bush in front of our home, so I assume nest building in earnest. Even a few peeps I heard when I opened the door. They are small finches, that come around middle of February and leave every middle of October. Trees are slowly showing buds on their branches. But all need not to get too use to this warm day. Another cold front is arriving this evening, bringing another inch of rain before it goes out to see in the wee hours of Friday. Then gusty windy Friday. Guess no need to put away those winter jackets yet. But glad no rain for our other city fun with an early train ride into it. And a new show to watch in the evening. Woot! That two day trip was booked many months ago. And now it’s this weekend.

Hope all goes well with your surgery tomorrow, Keisha. Hehe, DH has no shopping gene, but both my kids do.

Ah, so glad to enjoy that three day weekend. That no need to drive into the city ever more, is now a week closer. But as all are back, ooh that line into the place is getting that ever much longer. Tis nice to be early birds, but back out with just a long or longer line, as the first ones to leave. And enjoy the quiet mostly found in that first two or so first opening hours.

Thirsty? Yep, and a good day it is to be so. Thirsty Thursday is here, and I’m doing my part. Have an odd cough every so often, so second cup of tea half drank already. And not sure, but office feels a little too cool now. Glad I have a sweater and winter coat to put on if that cold makes me feel too cold. Hmm, I hear music. Guess someone wants to enjoy music this morning. I tend to only listen to the news as I drive along into the city. Music on the car radio after I hear the first 10 minutes of news, and usually that switch is before I even get out the exit. Sigh. Commuting into the city is not as fun anymore, after not doing it the last almost 4 years. But yay, I’m one of the two longest here, left. Means my days of commuting do have that ever coming closer expiration date.

And a hehe, my sister has had visits of wild turkeys a couple of times on this week’s early mornings. She’s not one to eat game food. So lucky turkeys just got their pictures taken instead.

Most Terrific Thirsty Thursday today. Yay the day means that week day routine ends for me, and week days end tomorrow. Woot. Week we said goodbye to winter and hello spring. Yay for the top half of the globe, starting that titling ever closer to the sun, as we get to the summer solstice the third week in June. And that ever closer fall trip that was also booked many months ago too.

Good morning. Tomorrow is Friday. :rockband:
:wave2: Quick stop in.

Busy as usual here. Weather has turned cold again, with another foot of snow dumped on us :sad:. It's the time of year where Mother Nature is peri-menopausal woman and can't make up her mind what she wants to do.

I've been taking breaks away from social media - given events happening lately. It is too frustrating right now. So if you wonder where I am - I've probably stepped away for a bit again.

22 days until we leave for our hot holiday. I am definitely needing some time in the sun where my only worry is are we going to lay by the beach or pool, what bathing suit will I wear - and my favorite - which restaurant / buffet will we belly up to eat at next.

We are heading to dd's tonight, she is making dinner for us tonight. I will enjoy any meal I don't have to make ::yes:: I did take chicken out for tonight - but that will be for tomorrow night instead.

Just thought I would pop in quickly before tackling more things on the desk.

Have a great day everyone!!!

I hear you, not for that reason but sometimes you need a break from idiots.

lol....I hear you on the weather too, we have gorgeous weather this week, not warm, but better than the bitter temps with wind we had last week!!! Yes, come on spring, we`re waiting.....

Take care and not long till your trip, sounds like you are more than ready for it :sunny:

It was sunny & hit 80 degrees today:flower1:. Made the most of it, spent the afternoon out bopping in and out of stores with my middle DS, haven’t had our schedules line up for a hot minute.

Yes, my boys all do have the family shopping gene. The Mr, not so much. He finished up his project of mulching the side yard he started earlier this week, once again wound up with poison ivy. He had forgotten to tell me he ran out of the tecmu & ivyrest stuff he uses to clean off afterwards. It’s like clockwork, every time he works in specific parts of the yard even tho we dug it out years ago. Go figure


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Spring is just around the corner:duck:

Ha, nothing worse than the never ending hallway for the far flung BWV rooms. We’ve timed it, 7 minutes at a brisk-ish pace from the elevator. You just keep turning the corner to find yet another hallway.

Every thorn has a rose, I tend to request those rooms as they are near the steps’ shortcut to parking lot & they have a view of canal & FW from Fantasmic.

That is rare, as in unicorn sort, for friends to be so thoughtful. Says a lot about your family. So glad to hear it was such a wonderful day honoring your Mom!

google 4-7-8 breathing method. So easy a caveman can do it lol. Recommended for those with breathing issues/asthma, insomnia and stress/anxiety.

best thing about those choices is you cannot go wrong - enjoy!

I had to look at that meme for longer than I should have to get it.....duh!!!! lol.....

It was wonderful, my sister has so many lovely friends too and I managed to meet some I never had before, they were just names, but lovely ladies who did an amazing job with the food and everything else on the day. Yes, wonderful day and weekend.

Good evening everyone :wave2:
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I can’t speak for everything on the menu, But they have really good burgers. I have had them almost every visit and they are good.

Great to hear you have a nice warm place to relax coming up.

Nice photo.

Buc-ee’s is like the Walmart of gas stations, must see it to believe it.

Ruth hope your weather warms up soon.

Nice Crocs Charade.

Sorry to hear about the foot blister. I was getting a blister in the same area on the ball of my right foot. I finally went and was fitted for a pair of good sport shoes. I also add some tape to protect the area. So far so good.
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I have seen folks of all ages and sizes get the rash which is exercise induced vasculitis.

I have gotten it a few times and what has worked for me is to mix a little extra-strength Benedryl and Cortisone cream in the palm of my had and put it on my lower legs before I start the park hike. No more rash. It has worked for me.

That being said you, should not use over the counter medicinal creams if there is a possibility you are allergic to them.

Compression socks help too.

Thank you for sharing your trip report. Sounds like you were busy.

Hope the neighbor helps you get the tree cleaned up on your back yard.

Pretty picture.

So good to hear your mom enjoyed her royal birthday celebration. Reaching 90 is something to celebrate for sure.

Janet sounds like a nice Irish meal you prepared for St. Patricks Day.

Sending prayers your way for a successful surgery on Friday.

Another sunny day here. I have been meaning to post for the past couple days.

Nephew came for a visit for a few days. It is always so wonderful to see him. He recently got engaged. So happy he found someone. He has waited for the right one for a long time.

Made sure to send him back home with plenty of home cooked meals to warm up in the coming days.

Granddaughter is flying in tomorrow for a week. Looking forward to seeing her and enjoying some time with her.

Not much else going on here.

Have wonderful evening everyone.

I think we`ve been unlucky with the burgers at KSC, we order one every time and each time we`ve taken them back as they were dry as they had been sitting, even their freshly cooked one wasn`t great. Ended up with pulled pork and it`s decent, but you don`t go there expecting gourmet food, glad you enjoyed them though.

Thank you, I love the view where we live and yes, reaching 90 is an incredible achievement, she is an amazing woman.

Have a lovely visit with your GD this week, spending time with family is the best!!!

Ugh! Too many times. Most recently on Sunday night.

That would have been the start of a war at my house.


Where are you headed?

I joke that dh shops like a girl. I’m more of a get in and get out kind of person.

I used to think people were exaggerating and then I finally saw one for myself.

I’ve been fitted for good shoes. I’ll try that tape and see if it helps.

I have some prescription cortisone and I think I have some Benedryl creme. I’ll try that next time.

Congrats to him.

It really is impressive. They are building one in VA about 2 hours from where I live. One of my friends is planning a road trip.

I called my insurance agent today and was told that the tree is a shared problem. The neighbor is solely responsible for the damaged fence since it 100% belongs to her.

We talked to the neighbor and her son this evening. He is going to take care of it later this week. We also learned that our neighbor is planning on moving in with her son and renting her house. I didn’t realize that she was living there alone. There are always various family members coming and going. I just hope we get good neighbors when she rents.

Thank you and yes it is a worry when you have neighbours that move, you never know who you could get, fingers crossed they`re decent.

Another insomniac. Especially if I take my meds late or eat too much rich foods.
Being awake and having the meat sweats at 4am is a pain.
Hope everyone had a great humpday!
Ex CM friends are going to soft openings for Epic with current CMs. No pix or video allowed but I'll get a hint of ride priority.

Incredibly there have been TM`s sacked for breaking that rule, unbelievable they risked their job for pictures. The TM`s I `ve been in contact with that have been have all been blown away with all they`ve seen.

I think I may avoid Mario Kart from what I`ve heard!!

Another gorgeous day here, absolutely beautiful, warm in the sunshine but chilly still in the shade, so yep, I`m staying in the sunshine as it streams in our kitchen! Most of the exterior wall has bifold doors out to the garden and the other part has a big window, annoying to clean but gives the most amazing light into this room as it is huge, but it`s never dull.

This morning we went a short walk after shopping, but had to be back for a man to come give us a quote for new garage doors....eeekk!!!!! How`d they get so expensive!!! But, we want them changed, so hopefully getting them fitted next week at the earliest.

Bacon and brie grilled sandwich for lunch, dinner will be roasted salmon, fillets are huge so I think I`ll make just veg to go with it, roasted with garlic and rosemary.

This afternoon, Tom is out volunteering, so it`s me, my book and a couple of pots of tea for a few hours. Just hung some washing out, heard a rustle in the bushes and thought of Ruth.....least we know it`s not a bear, merely a curious fox.

Hope your Thursday is a good one :-)



Quick stop in!!!!

Yesterday turned out to be a warmer than predicted, so dh and I walked to dd for dinner last night. It was nice to get out and walk, but my legs definitely felt it last night. It was a little chilly on the way home, and the parts of sidewalks that were wet on the way there, were a LITTLE slippery on the way home :eek: But we made it home in one piece. My legs feel it today :rotfl:

Looks like the weather will be the same today as yesterday. Hopefully, it is nice, bright and sunny when I'm done work. Then I can whip up dinner soaking up all the sunshine. I find that since I'm a basement dweller now, I am craving the sunlight. Hence why I am really looking forward our hot holiday.

I have chicken out to defrost for dinner tonight. Not sure what I'm going to make with it yet, but will figure it out I'm sure.

I also volunteered to bring a treat to work for our Friday Treats which I am now regretting :rolleyes1 I was all gung-ho to whip up some creampuffs, but now I am second guessing that :rolleyes2 Once I get started, it won't be so bad. It's just to get it started. I was going to start the filling last night - but after our walk, I didn't have the energy. It was almost 8:30 when we got home. I wasn't going to start cooking/baking at that time of night.

This post is going to be a trip report, so follow along if you wish.
I had to go back and read it. Great little trip report!!!!!!
Where are you headed?
Mexico - Cancun / Mayia Riveria. We are staying at an adults only resort - it seems like it is more of chill resort and not much of a party vibe.
my book and a couple of pots of tea for a few hours. Just hung some washing out, heard a rustle in the bushes and thought of Ruth.....least we know it`s not a bear, merely a curious fox.
Sounds like a perfect way to spend the day!!!!!! I will admit I would love to be doing that today. I can see myself once the new casual gal is fully trained, I might be taking some mental health days :rolleyes1 .

And yes - thank goodness it may only be a fox instead of some big brown or grizzly bear like @disneyseniors. We have bears here, but nowhere near the city. I have the odd sighting of a moose, but mostly small mule deer, rabbits and coyotes.

Spring is just around the corner:duck:
It can't come fast enough here. I'm sure we will get at least 1 -2 more dumps of snow yet - but at least the days are long again!
Granddaughter is flying in tomorrow for a week. Looking forward to seeing her and enjoying some time with her.
How fun!!!!! Enjoy your time together. Do you have anything special planned?

Well, I should get back to work now.

Have a great day everyone!!!
Spring is here! The cats are blooming again!


An oldie but, I love pugs


It really is impressive. They are building one in VA about 2 hours from where I live. One of my friends is planning a road trip.
I think closest to us drive time would be Florence, SC - 9 hours lol
They were supposed to open in Columbus, OH?
I called my insurance agent today and was told that the tree is a shared problem
Hmm is the owner going to 'share' your deductible? I'm guessing no

At least they are covering & not falling back on 'act of God' escape clause

I just hope we get good neighbors when she rents.
Yes, you never know
No pix or video allowed but I'll get a hint of ride priority.
Nice! Did u secure your tix already?

Ooh maybe saw some ghosts in that foggy morning ride I had. Almost 50 when I left. Woot! Warm f
My fertile imagination tends to agree with that
And a new show to watch in the evening.
Anything exciting?

I've been rewatching the LoTR movies last 2 werks
Hope all goes well with your surgery tomorrow, Keisha. Hehe, DH has no shopping gene, but both my kids do
lol it's nice to just get out of the house and stretch the legs for many

Thank you!

And a hehe, my sister has had visits of wild turkeys a couple of times on this week’s early mornings.
I had an uncle once, who announced he was bringing a wild turkey he picked up to family reunion

My aunts were not amused

I had to look at that meme for longer than I should have to get it.....duh!!!! lol.....
Incredibly there have been TM`s sacked for breaking that rule, unbelievable they risked their job for pictures.
Must be an ex CIA operative in charge of security lol
What have you heard?

I'll double down on that ?

Have heard the Nintendo section is solid & big hit with Mario franchise fans (us)

Would manage to trump F&F being a huge disappointment eek
What have you heard?
I wanted to ride it when we were at Universal Hollywood but the line was 2 hours long.

From the ones that have reported back there were a variety of complaints, mainly headaches from the headgear you wear to see the characters, the ride is augmented reality. Some said if you don`t wear it there`s no point in riding as it`s not the most exciting ride, it`s slow and dark.

The ones I spoke to mentioned it ranked almost bottom of what they had ridden in those days they went and the whole park is completely incredible generally.

Quick stop in!!!!

Yesterday turned out to be a warmer than predicted, so dh and I walked to dd for dinner last night. It was nice to get out and walk, but my legs definitely felt it last night. It was a little chilly on the way home, and the parts of sidewalks that were wet on the way there, were a LITTLE slippery on the way home :eek: But we made it home in one piece. My legs feel it today :rotfl:

Looks like the weather will be the same today as yesterday. Hopefully, it is nice, bright and sunny when I'm done work. Then I can whip up dinner soaking up all the sunshine. I find that since I'm a basement dweller now, I am craving the sunlight. Hence why I am really looking forward our hot holiday.

I have chicken out to defrost for dinner tonight. Not sure what I'm going to make with it yet, but will figure it out I'm sure.

I also volunteered to bring a treat to work for our Friday Treats which I am now regretting :rolleyes1 I was all gung-ho to whip up some creampuffs, but now I am second guessing that :rolleyes2 Once I get started, it won't be so bad. It's just to get it started. I was going to start the filling last night - but after our walk, I didn't have the energy. It was almost 8:30 when we got home. I wasn't going to start cooking/baking at that time of night.

I had to go back and read it. Great little trip report!!!!!!

Mexico - Cancun / Mayia Riveria. We are staying at an adults only resort - it seems like it is more of chill resort and not much of a party vibe.

Sounds like a perfect way to spend the day!!!!!! I will admit I would love to be doing that today. I can see myself once the new casual gal is fully trained, I might be taking some mental health days :rolleyes1 .

And yes - thank goodness it may only be a fox instead of some big brown or grizzly bear like @disneyseniors. We have bears here, but nowhere near the city. I have the odd sighting of a moose, but mostly small mule deer, rabbits and coyotes.

It can't come fast enough here. I'm sure we will get at least 1 -2 more dumps of snow yet - but at least the days are long again!

How fun!!!!! Enjoy your time together. Do you have anything special planned?

Well, I should get back to work now.

Have a great day everyone!!!

lol....yes, foxes, rabbits and deer are mostly what we encounter around us, nothing more dangerous is just fine and dandy for us!!!

Glad you got walking, it does make a difference to one`s mindset especially if you`re in the dark for some of the day. Weirdly our car gave us a slippy road warning this morning, not a slip in sight as the sun had been out strong all day.

Have a good one!!!

Spring is here! The cats are blooming again!

View attachment 949499

An oldie but, I love pugs

View attachment 949500

I think closest to us drive time would be Florence, SC - 9 hours lol
They were supposed to open in Columbus, OH?

Hmm is the owner going to 'share' your deductible? I'm guessing no

At least they are covering & not falling back on 'act of God' escape clause

Yes, you never know

Nice! Did u secure your tix already?

My fertile imagination tends to agree with that

Anything exciting?

I've been rewatching the LoTR movies last 2 werks

lol it's nice to just get out of the house and stretch the legs for many

Thank you!

I had an uncle once, who announced he was bringing a wild turkey he picked up to family reunion

View attachment 949510
My aunts were not amused


Must be an ex CIA operative in charge of security lol

I'll double down on that ?

Have heard the Nintendo section is solid & big hit with Mario franchise fans (us)

Would manage to trump F&F being a huge disappointment eek

Spring Rolls sounds nicer than fat belly!!!! I`ll go for that....

I think the Mario area is something special to see, for us, we don`t plan to make it a priority, but will be nice to see. Is it shameful I couldn`t name one character apart from some guy called Super Mario!!! Guilty!!

I wish every day was as nice weather wise as these last few days have been!

Hoping Sunday is nice as Kyle and friends are running a 20 mile race and it`s fairly near us so we`ll go watch the last hour if weather is decent. As long as it`s not raining we`ll be there.

The sun is getting lower now and you can feel that chill hit a little, but beautiful day.

Tonight after dinner I have some calls to make, birthday wishes to pass on and find out how my sister and family got on today scattering my brother in laws ashes as his request, it would have been his birthday too.

And our little Lindsey would have been 26 yesterday if she was still with us. She`s never far from our thoughts, but always thinking of her family.

Another cuppa I think before dinner, Tom will be another hour or so, looking forward to this fresh piece of salmon!!
Just hung some washing out, heard a rustle in the bushes and thought of Ruth.....least we know it`s not a bear, merely a curious fox.
I still am jealous of you hanging clothes out already! I look at my clothesline hoping the snow will just go away! No bears yet, but it won't be long before they show up!
I think I may avoid Mario Kart from what I`ve heard!!
Yes, I was wondering why you said that too? All that Ive heard (which is not much) is that it's a fun ride.
Looks like the weather will be the same today as yesterday. Hopefully, it is nice, bright and sunny
I hope your weather holds for you. We have the nice, bright, and sunny, but still cold in the 20 and 30's for a while. Maybe even some snow this weekend.
I have the odd sighting of a moose
It's funny that we live up here in lots of forest areas and I have only seen a moose once in our town! It was in the lake in our town, just standing there. People were stopping their cars and getting out to look. It was really neat to see. Eventually it ambled out of the lake and into the forest.

I envy Keisha for the beautiful warm weather they are having. I hope she soaks it all up while it's there.:)

I am still going through old photos to sort them out. I gave some to RAndy and some to Robin that I thought they might like. There's still way too many! I have found some treasures though.
I have a lot of the "old" Disney in the 70's. It looks so different and less crowded. Those pictures bring back a lot of memories of us with the young kids. I am going make an album of only Disney pictures through the years. Should be fun. There's just so many! I guess now everyone just leaves them on their phone or computer? I might get these done in the next 5 years or so :confused3 .

We are going to Robin's tonight for dinner and the Reveal of our newest great grand baby!!!! Can;t wait to see what it will be. Boys seem to run in our family, so keeping fingers crossed for a cute little girl:)

Have a good Thursday everyone!

I still am jealous of you hanging clothes out already! I look at my clothesline hoping the snow will just go away! No bears yet, but it won't be long before they show up!

Yes, I was wondering why you said that too? All that Ive heard (which is not much) is that it's a fun ride.

I hope your weather holds for you. We have the nice, bright, and sunny, but still cold in the 20 and 30's for a while. Maybe even some snow this weekend.

It's funny that we live up here in lots of forest areas and I have only seen a moose once in our town! It was in the lake in our town, just standing there. People were stopping their cars and getting out to look. It was really neat to see. Eventually it ambled out of the lake and into the forest.

I envy Keisha for the beautiful warm weather they are having. I hope she soaks it all up while it's there.:)

I am still going through old photos to sort them out. I gave some to RAndy and some to Robin that I thought they might like. There's still way too many! I have found some treasures though.
I have a lot of the "old" Disney in the 70's. It looks so different and less crowded. Those pictures bring back a lot of memories of us with the young kids. I am going make an album of only Disney pictures through the years. Should be fun. There's just so many! I guess now everyone just leaves them on their phone or computer? I might get these done in the next 5 years or so :confused3 .

We are going to Robin's tonight for dinner and the Reveal of our newest great grand baby!!!! Can;t wait to see what it will be. Boys seem to run in our family, so keeping fingers crossed for a cute little girl:)

Have a good Thursday everyone!


lol, I do think of you when hanging everything out, it is one of life`s true pleasures and yes I know how corny that sounds, but it`s true.

Yes, it may be a good ride, but the head thing is something I`ll avoid. One of the TM`s has the same issues as me, and he said he wouldn`t do it again as his head ached afterwards. But, I`ve only spoken to around 6 TM`s, I also haven`t researched any opinions on it, but for me I think it`ll be a no.

Oh tonight sounds lovely!!!! Hope it goes well and you get the little girl, although I know you`ll all be happy with a boy too!!

I agree, I look at Tom`s pictures when he was in Magic Kingdom in the very early 80`s, I forget whether it was 81 or 82, but there`s no one there! That sounds lovely to do though, I still have thousands of real pictures and won`t part with them. I am still trying to upload them all onto my laptops, but I think there`s just too many of them and not enough hours in the day!!

Have a lovely evening Ruth 🥰
I had to go back and read it. Great little trip report!!!!!!
Thank you!

Mexico - Cancun / Mayia Riveria. We are staying at an adults only resort - it seems like it is more of chill resort and not much of a party vibe.
I love the idea of an adults only resort. One of the things I liked about the French Quarter was there were fewer small children than at the value resorts.

Hmm is the owner going to 'share' your deductible? I'm guessing no

At least they are covering & not falling back on 'act of God' escape clause
No property damage so no deductible. The fence was damaged but it belongs to my neighbor. She is taking full responsibility. Her sons are very handy and one has volunteered to chop up the tree and dispose of it.

From the ones that have reported back there were a variety of complaints, mainly headaches from the headgear you wear to see the characters, the ride is augmented reality. Some said if you don`t wear it there`s no point in riding as it`s not the most exciting ride, it`s slow and dark.
That’s disappointing to hear. I’ll probably try it anyway as long as I don’t have to stand in line for 2 hours.

I think the Mario area is something special to see, for us, we don`t plan to make it a priority, but will be nice to see. Is it shameful I couldn`t name one character apart from some guy called Super Mario!!! Guilty!!
I was impressed with the land in Hollywood. Very bright and colorful.

It's funny that we live up here in lots of forest areas and I have only seen a moose once in our town!
I saw a mama moose with 2 babies when we visited Alaska.

I have a lot of the "old" Disney in the 70's. It looks so different and less crowded.
B was shocked when I told her that on my first WDW vacation we walked into EPCOT one morning and made a dinner reservation for that night. That was in the 80s. My next visit (1996) almost all of the rides were walk on. I miss those days.

We are going to Robin's tonight for dinner and the Reveal of our newest great grand baby!!!! Can;t wait to see what it will be. Boys seem to run in our family, so keeping fingers crossed for a cute little girl:)
Sending pink vibes.

Tonight dh and I met with a travel agent to start planning a trip for our 30th anniversary. Our 30th is actually this year, but we won’t be taking the trip until summer of 26. Our last big trip was my choice which was Alaska. This time is dh’s choice. He had 3 ideas in mind and we settled on a river cruise from Memphis to New Orleans.

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