Something About Nothing............ #14

Happy Wednesday all!!!
Another day of rain but the last few have only been misty or infrequent downpours.
The full moon and nor'easter had a lot of flooding elsewhere in town but we've been free.

I'm so saddened by the treatment of the scareactors at UO. One of the guys who goes with us regularly was one and worked Bourne and other shows as well. I'm glad his experiences weren't like that but he hasn't worked there since before Covid.
I was " babysat " as a teen in theme parks and public pools and would never have considered treating an employee poorly. And I was a little hooligan.
We're early planning stages another weekend or 3 day trip soon. Have 3 SW/BG tickets and getting 4 more in a couple weeks. DW is still half speed with her leg but it's better so nwe'll wheel her around when she needs.
Ugh, DH’s area locked down, no visitors due to COVID breakout. His doctor called me last night to say he tested positive. I talked to him this morning, and he’s feeling okay. There are false positives, and he’s had two booster shots, so I am hoping he has no symptoms.

Unlike me, got a nasty sinus cold that I have been battling these last couple of days. Ran a fever, and achy still, with a runny nose. And have slept more than I think I have in a long time. Headaches too with that darn virus. Thankfully, neither kid caught it.

Ah, Wednesday it is.


Ah camel, bring a box of tissues, mine is almost empty. But yay, get over this hump of a day feeling, and Friday, a day away then. Thank goodness Friday is a lazy one for me. I could use a longer weekend to knock this ick out of me, and hopefully feel better this weekend.

Ooh Chinese for dinner. Egg drop soup sounds perfect, Kids said they’d pick it up. Just woke up from a late afternoon nap.
Ds's stated they liked my meatballs better and to not buy that again
I've yet to find frozen meatballs that don't have that tell-tale dense, yet soggy texture:confused3
So I got some extra steps in that way.
See, shopping is good for you lol
it would also be Disney, Universal, my hate of winter, and my love of travelling in winter to hot destinations :rotfl:
I wanna change my answer /\
was " babysat " as a teen
Same, only it was a private community pool, a 5 min bike ride from my house. Not to be all fancy smancy. If there had been a public one within distance, I'd have surely been directed there lol.

Not complaining at all, I'm a water dog at heart, thot it a grand way to spend my afternoons :banana: Still do for that matter lol
DW is still half speed with her leg but it's better so nwe'll wheel her around when she needs.
Long as she's making progress, she'll get there! Has a good nurse;) in all seriousness, direct family support can make all the difference in one's recovery process
I talked to him this morning, and he’s feeling okay
As if he needed more to deal with. Difficult but smart of them to take precautions at the hospital
Headaches too with that darn virus.
Honestly, it's that way here. Nearly everyone I know has had what they thot was initially exceptionally bad seasonal allergies. Progressively worsening to point told it's a virus. Starting to think that's a catch all/for lack of a better term sort of diagnosis
Hey all, I’m blond(er) again. Girl had to hustle, said she was so glad I showed up 15 min early. The receptionist only scheduled me for an hour vs the necessary two. She’s usually done early with my appt, a little over 1.5 hours.

I told her it was ok to just do highlights. Can’t remember last time I did that. Let’s just say the mr is liking it lol. Made next appt in under 2 months to add in the low lights and freshen it all up.

Hauling out the truck full of pop & water to DS house before GD track meet today. Will allow us to not have to be there as early on Saturday to the charity golf outing in order to ice it down, somebody else can handle it @ the clubhouse. Handing off the raffle stuff I bought too. Less stuff we have to drag out Saturday, the better! think I might still do a lottery tix bag, they seem to sell well.

Going to pop a nice beef roast in the oven before we do leave, some taters, carrots & celery; will be nice to having waiting when we get back home. On low temp that is so forgiving, no matter if we get back @ 6 or 7 pm.

Hope u have great fall weather! Have fun

While I do think they need to hold the tweens/teens responsible, I also think the ultimate onus is upon Universal to set up protective guidelines to provide a safe environment for both their workers and guests.

That’s a good start.

IMO a better one is to set and enforce stricter polices for minors during the event. The behavior you describe has been reported during regular evening park hours too, especially during the summer & the weekends.

They instituted curfews for non resort guests for minors in citiwalk.

They need to do the same for both resort & park guests.

At the very minimum for HHN, even though it means they might take a bit of a hit @ the gate profits, U needs to:

*set a strict age limit & enforce it for HHN, if only on the weekends. As in, if you can’t produce a document with your pic on it (school ID, driver’s license, etc) go home, unless…

*insist an adult be present, taking full responsibility for “underage” childrens’ behavior in the park.

*adult must operate as chaperone and, even then, only for a maximum of 3 kids.

do I see this happening? Yes, only after a guest gets hurts.

being a right to work state, FL permits employees to sign away rights to sue their employer. No idea how U falls in that camp. Could be NDAs and waivers for limited recourse if hurt in line of work depending how it’s categorized. I’d like to think not the case. The employees deserve better

Off soapbox now

Yep, all the issues could be easily dealt with if they put their minds to it. The employees do deserve better, that is a good soapbox to stand on.

We met up with our friend D the other day for coffee who had worked HHN for many, many years, him and others quit last year and won’t do it again. Simple reason for most issues are too many young folks and too busy.

Loving the sound of your weekend again…..they will love your food!!

Quick Tuesday stop in!!!!

Quiet night last night. Whipped up some dinner - breakfast for dinner and then just a quiet evening. I thought about a walk - but that's as far as it got :rolleyes1 lol

Started this post this's now 1:40 and my casual gal left early as she had a family thing come up. I worked through lunch trying to partake in a teams education session over lunch - and only got to see 1/4 of it with pts being booked all day and 2 RO's this week. Our locum RO is here this week seeing pt's and doing consults and follow-ups. So....busy, busy, busy

I am from the group of people that think that " It is ok to have adult ONLY " places - and I believe this is a place where it should be enforced. Those parents who feel entitled that their child could/should attend this type of venue need to take a backseat. Even if you feel like your child will like it - it's a no go zone. As well, as enforcing adults attend with teenegers - to be sure those teenagers act appropriately - and don't jeopardize someone safety.

And that is the sad reality. to complete some tasks from all the consults this morning :surfweb:

Have a great day everyone!!!

I think out of every comment I have heard recently, what you said is the most pertinent regarding adult only spaces. It is ok and we should be able to have adults only. But so many say oh my kids love it…..who cares!

I know adults can be jerks too, we’ve never seen that thankfully, but one of the issues that has been getting worse is the amount of young babies/toddlers at the event. Crazy. Universal need to implement all that has been said, but I doubt they will, most folks want teens to be with adults, but again, it won’t happen and that’s a shame.

I’m glad our hhn days are over, doesn’t seem like we’re missing much from what everyone is saying and that is very sad to say for those that still enjoy the event. It’s a completely different event from when we started going and not in a good way.

Ummmm…….how wonderful the staff at the hotels have been!! Yup, I could bore forever about that and how amazing the weather has been since we arrived!!

It has rained twice at night, both HHN nights but we’ve been inside, but no rain during the day at all…so, this legendary lizard is a happy one 😉

I've yet to find frozen meatballs that don't have that tell-tale dense, yet soggy texture:confused3

See, shopping is good for you lol

I wanna change my answer /\

Same, only it was a private community pool, a 5 min bike ride from my house. Not to be all fancy smancy. If there had been a public one within distance, I'd have surely been directed there lol.

Not complaining at all, I'm a water dog at heart, thot it a grand way to spend my afternoons :banana: Still do for that matter lol

Long as she's making progress, she'll get there! Has a good nurse;) in all seriousness, direct family support can make all the difference in one's recovery process

As if he needed more to deal with. Difficult but smart of them to take precautions at the hospital

Honestly, it's that way here. Nearly everyone I know has had what they thot was initially exceptionally bad seasonal allergies. Progressively worsening to point told it's a virus. Starting to think that's a catch all/for lack of a better term sort of diagnosis

Agree, home made meatballs are so easy and full of flavour and you know what the meat is! Goodness knows what they use to make some of those frozen ones.

Having the best time as always!!

Mainly catching up with friends, made some new friends in the Club Lounge with some Canadian convention people, they are fabulous and so nice! We have so enjoyed their company last few evenings in the club lounge and in Orchids bar!

Weather has been amazing! I still haven’t uttered those famous words yet that it’s too hot, nope, it is hot though, 95-98F on average which is pretty darn perfect, not great for pictures though as I always look too hot!

Parks have been a mix of empty or mobbed depending on time of day and where you are, for the most part it’s been fine although ET was a 45 minute wait if you didn’t have EP the other day.

One or two disappointments with what they’ve done in the parks, the Tribute store has been declining in hitting that impressive target for a couple of years now, this one is poor, no imagination at all, even the staff admitted it’s disappointing.

But, it’s been so much fun and we still have a few folks to meet up with in the next couple of weeks. I do wonder if we’ll manage that bar crawl we planned as the heat just might not be conducive to a bar crawl, we’ll see.

Up far too early as usual, but always keen to get the day started!
Once again I am super bored at work. Thankfully today is Thursday and I have tomorrow off. I have a bunch of errands to run though. The main one is picking up some pictures I had framed. I did a cross stitch for my vet’s office as a thank you for putting up with my cat for the past 10 years. I will give it to them next week when I take Caspian in for a nail trim. I also had dh’s high school diploma framed. He suggested it as a Christmas present. It has been in a small, cheap frame for all these years. What he doesn’t know is that I found his kindergarten diploma and had that framed too.

It saddens me to hear about the treatment of the scare actors at HHN. I never went, but I know that many of you have enjoyed it in the past.

Continued prayers and well wishes for Lynne, her husband, and DJ’s wife.

I’m off to find something to keep me busy until lunch.
Quick thirsty Thursday stop in!

Quieter night again last night. I did get a short walk in though.

I had forgotten to take some meat out of the freezer to defrost - so I put the new microwave to work and then my handy defrosting tray to work and it defrosted the chicken quite quickly. I couldn't decide what to make - so dinner was a little later. I grilled the chicken, some roasted tatters, tossed some beets into a pot and a cucumber salad.

Made a few phone calls last night - then sat with the remote control for a bit.

Woke up to a chilly morning, but it looks like it will warm up nicely today. The forecast is for a bit cooler with rain over the weekend. So I will be happy to putter around the house and maybe fit in a little baking as well.

DW is still half speed with her leg but it's better so nwe'll wheel her around when she needs.
I hope she continues to heal.

Our youngest ds has foot/ankle issues. He has flat feet which have affected his ankle bones. He has been going to an orthopedic pediatrist. He has special insoles for all his shoes - but we are hoping he will be able to handle all the park days we have planned. I also have numbers for scooter companies if the need arises. Every now and then he has a bad day at work ( he's a second year electrician) and then needs to rest his feet for a day or two. Fingers crossed all the walking and standing will be ok.
Thank goodness Friday is a lazy one for me. I could use a longer weekend to knock this ick out of me, and hopefully feel better this weekend.
Get better soon!!! It sucks that your dh's unit is closed due to covid. One unit here just came off break out lock down. This particular strain seems to be particularly nasty :sad2:
Having the best time as always!!
:banana: it's great to hear your having a great time! I have been watching wait times for the past couple of months...and you're right it's either packed or empty. Last week seemed to have low wait times - this week....they are higher than I've seen them previously. I had even commented to dh last night at dinner that wait times seem to be increasing - meaning more peeps in the parks. I'm just crossing my fingers we don't have mobs of people the days we are in the parks.

I’m off to find something to keep me busy until lunch.

I don't know which is worse - not having enough work - or too much that you don't know where to even start or prioritize. I hope you find something to do.

Well, off to tackle a few things I have put off all week that need to be done :surfweb:

Have a great day everyone :wave2:


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