Something About Nothing............ #14

The volume of garden produce is getting difficult to keep up with. Tonight, Trying some sort of modified jambalaya with cabbage in it of all things. Have a feeling it will very...good or bad lol

you never forget how to twirl that baton
This calls for a purchase of white gogo boots!

Didn't know until a few years ago my DiL was a featured twirler, with fire. Came up when I inquired re the faint scar in her inner arm. She tossed it off with a shrug, as no big deal, said they all have them.
Made me think of nightmare fuels performers
My feet silently cried this morning when I put on socks and shoes - instead of being sockless and in little sandals or flip flops.
I feel you.

Although covid did make it acceptable to wear sox & crocs or birks year round here. I've even seen drs sporting the latter
Holy cow!!
Time has flown by so fast for me today.
It’s after 11:00 and just now feeding my cats.

Hopefully this means they will sleep in until 7 in the morning!

Have had great weather today.
Mid 80’s but it won’t last ….day after tomorrow will be hot again.

No fret, have the ac on 24/7 as it is.

When we lived in the north Mr Mac would say, maybe the temps will hit 75 by July 4…
Now we say, think it might start to cool down by Thanksgiving or late fall.
Happy Thursday. Another super slow day at work.

Yesterday I went with B to her podiatrist appointment. He recommended some foot stretches and shoe inserts to help stabilize her feet. We will see how that works for her.

Today I rescheduled a trip that dh and I have planned. We are going to Boone, NC in September to attend a football game. It’s already a tourist area (especially in the fall) and also a football weekend, so hotels are rather pricey. The hotel I originally booked at a reasonable price is about a 40 minute drive from the stadium. I found a little mom and pop motel (only 8 rooms) that is much closer and with very reasonable rates. It also has excellent reviews. I was surprised that they still had a room available.

You are getting our weather now.

Again? Are there more fires out there still?

Having grown up in the south it still baffles me that some people still don’t have central air. When we went to Alaska we had to have fans brought to one of our motel rooms because it had gotten so warm.

Glad she finally has some answers and will get the relief she needs soon.

When are you going? I haven’t been on a train since our Alaska trip.

I am not familiar with this but it sounds like a very difficult read/watch.

We had so much trouble just getting people out to give estimates on house work. We finally found a good contractor, but he doesn’t do driveways.

This is me except I have too many nightshirts.

Hello. Nice to meet you.

Glad you are feeling better. Ugh, it won’t be long before we are back to cold and flu season.

This has helped kill a little time. Now I need to go find something to do.

Hope the stretches and inserts help your daughter, dodgy feet can cause so many issues including back pain which is easily sorted with the right support for feet.

Tom was laughing as to how many pj`s I had as I wear most of these pajamas in the winter before I go to bed lounging around as I only wear shorty pajamas with no sleeves in bed as I hate feeling constricted, but who doesn`t love nice pajamas! I do like silky ones, they look much nicer, but I do have some very cosy ones too.

Hope your day went well.

Happy Thursday! I have most of my tasks done - so I have some idle time today.

Dh got all the work done at his sister's last night. After he was done - we went out for dinner again. Our eating out budget has been blown out of the water this month :scared: Oh well - we don't do it often, and his brother who is visiting never gets the chance to eat out at that is VERY limited where they live. Had a nice night visiting with them.

The sun did come out yesterday - but woke to rain today. Now it is supposed to rain the rest of the day - which is what we need. My feet silently cried this morning when I put on socks and shoes - instead of being sockless and in little sandals or flip flops.

I think tonight on the menu is taco bowls. We haven't had that for awhile. I might even try to sneak in baking some muffins or something like that since it's cooled off.

It is great you get to spend so much time with him and have a great relationship with others in your family.
If you keep doing that - he will have many fond memories of you and the time you two spent together. I still vividly remember doing things with my Aunts - they played a huge part of my childhood days.

Yum!!! My favorite meal!

That's amazing!!!! I hope they have an awesome weekend and sell out!!!! We LOVE going to events like that! You can always find the best unique gifts at those events.

YUM!!! I love to airfry it zucchini fingers with parm cheese, breadcrumbs and seasonings. It is almost sweet tasting that way.

That sounds like quite the project! And I will say - my dh would be the same way. He's already OCD about how he and the boys do any work in our home. I can't even imagine how he would be at a big project that he isn't able to help with in some capacity.

Sending you LOTS of positive and healing vibes today. I agree - the wait is worse than the procedure.
It's great you will be healed for your Sept Trip!

:sad2: Yup...Right now the famous town of Jasper ( Jasper is alot like Banff only prettier IMO ) is on fire. The famous fancy lodge - Jasper Park Lodge has been burnt and more structures has been burnt as well from what we've seen on social media. It's a tiny town. With the thunderstorms that came through there on Monday - lightning strikes started some fires in that area. The area was evacuated Monday. And there are some big fires again in British Columbia as well.

Well, I should probably find something to do.

Have a great day everyone :wave2:

It`s nice to treat yourself Pumpkin, going out for meals is always nice, especially with having visitors.

Thank you, glad this appointment is over, now just the September one to get over!

I have heard Jasper is very beautiful from someone who has skied there several years back, so many gorgeous options out there. Those fires sound dreadful.

Shumi, have you had the clotted cream ice cream at Florian Fortescue in Diagon Alley to compare it to what you get locally? I love it, when it's not ridiculous crowded or when festivals are going on.

Yes, I tried it on our first visit after they opened. Fortescue`s tastes more of key lime than anything, the lady behind the counter at the time told us as Brit`s we`d be disappointed in it, she was right, it tastes nothing like clotted cream. It`s not awful, but it`s not clotted cream flavour.

Clotted cream is very creamy and very thick, it would probably be classed as butter in the US as it has such a high fat content. But, it is gorgeous, especially on scones with an afternoon tea, or any dessert really.

The volume of garden produce is getting difficult to keep up with. Tonight, Trying some sort of modified jambalaya with cabbage in it of all things. Have a feeling it will very...good or bad lol

This calls for a purchase of white gogo boots!

Didn't know until a few years ago my DiL was a featured twirler, with fire. Came up when I inquired re the faint scar in her inner arm. She tossed it off with a shrug, as no big deal, said they all have them.
Made me think of nightmare fuels performers

I feel you.

Although covid did make it acceptable to wear sox & crocs or birks year round here. I've even seen drs sporting the latter

Curious foodie mind here is wondering how it turned out????

Oh heck, now that is impressive with your DiL!!! I can`t imagine twirling with fire, especially as I did have to "work on" my catching when it went up in the air, that wasn`t my talent for it was fun. lol....we did wear the white boots when marching, I forgot about those!

I admit to occasionally wearing socks with crocs (yes the "fancy" crocs :laughing:) in the house during the winter as I`m not supposed to walk around on bare feet, but I cannot for the life of me imagine wearing them out in public!!!

Holy cow!!
Time has flown by so fast for me today.
It’s after 11:00 and just now feeding my cats.

Hopefully this means they will sleep in until 7 in the morning!

Have had great weather today.
Mid 80’s but it won’t last ….day after tomorrow will be hot again.

No fret, have the ac on 24/7 as it is.

When we lived in the north Mr Mac would say, maybe the temps will hit 75 by July 4…
Now we say, think it might start to cool down by Thanksgiving or late fall.

Hope those kitties sleep late today!!

Huge difference in weather from where you are now to where you used to live for sure, I know you don`t miss that cold!

Well, got the old crown out yesterday, didn`t realise it was going to be the full numbing of the mouth and forceps involved getting everything out! I was shocked when the old injection appeared. Mouth was sore when it wore off, so dinner was basically ice cream last night around 8pm and pain relief. Slept right through and it`s still tender this morning. Under instruction to take it easy and rinse with salt water for next few days, so I am going to do as I`m told....for once and have a lazy day.

So, no walking this morning, soft egg for breakfast and then we`ll see for other meals.

Looks to be a lovely sunny day, maybe not sitting out weather as it`s a little breezy, but doors will be wide open and should get my book finished.

Single pot of tea for me this morning as someone is still out for the count upstairs, told him no point in getting up when we`re not doing anything in particular today.




Have a lovely Friday and weekend :sunny:
It’s Friday and back to school begins today in our area.

Saw the yellow school busses picking up the kids in our neighborhood.
Noticed back to school shoppers the last week or so.
Hopefully crowds will lighten up as we're going for a half day soon and will try to stuff as much as we can into the slow months before Halloween.
It’s Friday and back to school begins today in our area.

Saw the yellow school busses picking up the kids in our neighborhood.

Really, already???

Our mainstream schools only broke up last Friday mac for their 6 weeks vacation.....they go back beginning of September. Private schools broke up earlier as always, but wow I never realised so many went back so early.

Hope you`re staying cool with the heat ramping up again!!

It`s hotter here than they said it would be here, so I have had the bifold doors wide open, getting sunshine and a little breeze coming in and a bee at one point, but managed to get that back outside safely. I`ll never kill a bee....wasps yes but not bees.

Mouth is getting slowly better, plenty of salt water rinses today and for next two days.

Still haven`t decided what`s for dinner yet, too hot right now to think about food.

Love that Friday feeling!!!
schools in the area where I live, have full ac.

So it’s not a weather issue for a school start.

Our district has the kids back in school one day then days off until the next Monday.

Every one is bussed in at our school district and all buildings have ac.

The first day of school is basically all fluff.
It’s a partial school day.
schools in the area where I live, have full ac.

So it’s not a weather issue for a school start.

Our district has the kids back in school one day then days off until the next Monday.

Every one is bussed in at our school district and all buildings have ac.

The first day of school is basically all fluff.
It’s a partial school day.

No, I didn`t think it was a heat thing, I just never realised some places broke up so early. In saying that, my cousins who are both teachers in Long Island break up early too.

I hope the UK kids get some decent summer weather this year.

Dinner was a very slow to be eaten chicken thigh and some salad, think I might be peckish later, mouth is feeling better but still not great.

Cooling down a little now, time for a cuppa and some shortbread I baked today.
It's Friday :cheer2: It's felt like a long week.

Woke up today with a migraine. Took some meds and that seemed to take the edge off of it. Still not totally functioning on all cylinders today - but able to make it to work today. I should be working on payroll - but I'm pushing that off until Monday morning when I have full brain use.

Quiet night last night. We had our taco bowls, and just relaxed with the remote last night. I did some reading as well. It was a needed evening not to do much. I was hoping to go for a walk - but the rain didn't really stop until after I went to bed last night.

Still cool and windy here. It is supposed to be like this all weekend :rolleyes2. So no real plans of doing much. With dh's brother visiting - we will probably spend time with them. Dh and boys are going to an airshow that is here on Sunday. I have zero desire to see that. I'll take the time to just enjoy my house alone - or go out window shopping at Homesense / Winners.

Well, I gotta go get our meeting room ready for our monthly unit meeting :rolleyes2 - Meetings on Friday Afternoon!!! :crazy2: But I wanted to do a quick stop in!

Have a great day everyone
It's Friday :cheer2: It's felt like a long week.

Woke up today with a migraine. Took some meds and that seemed to take the edge off of it. Still not totally functioning on all cylinders today - but able to make it to work today. I should be working on payroll - but I'm pushing that off until Monday morning when I have full brain use.

Quiet night last night. We had our taco bowls, and just relaxed with the remote last night. I did some reading as well. It was a needed evening not to do much. I was hoping to go for a walk - but the rain didn't really stop until after I went to bed last night.

Still cool and windy here. It is supposed to be like this all weekend :rolleyes2. So no real plans of doing much. With dh's brother visiting - we will probably spend time with them. Dh and boys are going to an airshow that is here on Sunday. I have zero desire to see that. I'll take the time to just enjoy my house alone - or go out window shopping at Homesense / Winners.

Well, I gotta go get our meeting room ready for our monthly unit meeting :rolleyes2 - Meetings on Friday Afternoon!!! :crazy2: But I wanted to do a quick stop in!

Have a great day everyone
Prayers on the migraine. They give me vertigo and the meds make me muddy too. Rather break a bone and heal
It's Friday :cheer2: It's felt like a long week.

Woke up today with a migraine. Took some meds and that seemed to take the edge off of it. Still not totally functioning on all cylinders today - but able to make it to work today. I should be working on payroll - but I'm pushing that off until Monday morning when I have full brain use.

Quiet night last night. We had our taco bowls, and just relaxed with the remote last night. I did some reading as well. It was a needed evening not to do much. I was hoping to go for a walk - but the rain didn't really stop until after I went to bed last night.

Still cool and windy here. It is supposed to be like this all weekend :rolleyes2. So no real plans of doing much. With dh's brother visiting - we will probably spend time with them. Dh and boys are going to an airshow that is here on Sunday. I have zero desire to see that. I'll take the time to just enjoy my house alone - or go out window shopping at Homesense / Winners.

Well, I gotta go get our meeting room ready for our monthly unit meeting :rolleyes2 - Meetings on Friday Afternoon!!! :crazy2: But I wanted to do a quick stop in!

Have a great day everyone

Glad you have some meds for them Pumpkin, truly awful thing to go through especially trying to work when getting over one, glad it eased some. One of my brothers suffers from cluster headaches, how he deals with them I have no clue.

Not cool and windy!!!! I think maybe we sent that over to you, but hope you have a nice weekend whatever you....doing not much is always nice now and again.

Did anyone else watch the Olympic opening ceremonies? Pretty impressive.

I thought it was poor in general, weather didn`t help but Miss Celine Dion shone, the light show at the Eiffel Tower was good too. I think London 2012 is hard to beat. I`m glad the would be saboteurs weren`t succesful.

Prayers on the migraine. They give me vertigo and the meds make me muddy too. Rather break a bone and heal

Vertigo is horrible to deal with for sure.

I like the way you think.
But would not go as far as a trade off and break a bone.

maybe stub a toe and not break any bones..

Yes, I`m a big enough baby when I stub a toe lol.....

Much cooler than previous weeks heat, not going to be too bad a day, but no plans again today, just another quiet Saturday, so no reason to be rushing around today.

I need to return two items from a clothing order I got yesterday, heck one dress was just mahoosive, I think it would have held two folks, other thing I just didn`t like. So our petrol station among other places now take returns, it is so easy to return things compared to several years ago.

No bacon for me this morning, but will have poached eggs on their own, lunch will be a spicy Chinese chicken noodle salad and no idea for dinner yet.

Qualifying for one of our favourite Grand Prix`s today, Spa in Belgium. I wish we were there, we used to go to the European races a lot, mainly thanks to family connections who would get us passes, so it was just flights and hotels we had to organise and Spa was always a favourite race to visit, such a beautiful area but rained a lot!!

But means we have Kyle for the afternoon tomorrow, he`s apparently doing a long run with friends on the morning then over to us for lunch then the race. Look forward to that.

More tea coming up!!!





Have a wonderful weekend ☺️

Quick Saturday morning stop in before I start to putter around the house.

The sun is shinning again today! So that is a win in my books!!! Still cool and windy right now. We will see if it gets as warm as the forecast is calling for! My garden pots of veggies in the backyard need some sun and heat again.

Quiet night last night. Went for a quick walk - after finally deciding on pizza for dinner. Ordered from a new local place - and I think we will be ordering again from there. It was very tasty - and the place was EXTREMELY clean when I walked in to pick up our order.

watched a little in Madison Square Garden.
Have a great trip!!!!
They give me vertigo and the meds make me muddy too. Rather break a bone and heal
Dj, that is horrible. I am always grateful I don't have that side effect from mine. Vertigo and nausea will lay me out FLAT. I have a high pain tollerance - but you give me nausea or vertigo - I AM DONE!
Miss Celine Dion shone, the light show at the Eiffel Tower was good too.
She was amazing!!!! It is great to see her out performing again after her diagnosis. I hope she will continue to be able to do some performing. She is on y bucket list of people to see. Hopefully one day! I hope your happy with the outcome of the qualifying of the Grande Prix. I did see one Grande Prix when it was in Vancouver - YEARS ago! Very cool to watch.

Well, I should get going and start to putter and tidy some corners in the house.

Have a great day everyone :wave2:
Quick Saturday morning stop in before I start to putter around the house.

The sun is shinning again today! So that is a win in my books!!! Still cool and windy right now. We will see if it gets as warm as the forecast is calling for! My garden pots of veggies in the backyard need some sun and heat again.

Quiet night last night. Went for a quick walk - after finally deciding on pizza for dinner. Ordered from a new local place - and I think we will be ordering again from there. It was very tasty - and the place was EXTREMELY clean when I walked in to pick up our order.

Have a great trip!!!!

Dj, that is horrible. I am always grateful I don't have that side effect from mine. Vertigo and nausea will lay me out FLAT. I have a high pain tollerance - but you give me nausea or vertigo - I AM DONE!

She was amazing!!!! It is great to see her out performing again after her diagnosis. I hope she will continue to be able to do some performing. She is on y bucket list of people to see. Hopefully one day! I hope your happy with the outcome of the qualifying of the Grande Prix. I did see one Grande Prix when it was in Vancouver - YEARS ago! Very cool to watch.

Well, I should get going and start to putter and tidy some corners in the house.

Have a great day everyone :wave2:
Exact same. Haven't used pain meds since my 20s. Had all kinds of surgeries and injuries.
Vertigo lays me out. Same for food poisoning.
Enjoyed our long city blocks walk yesterday, and had to get some Potter in:

Back to that huge mall today. They actually have a Chicken Time like in Disney Springs.

Beautiful weekend weather, as said by our one local weather lady. Shades rocked. And feet recovered after all that walking yesterday. Going to do round 2 next month, as have a pick up there. Woot! So nice to have a short train ride between the two cities.


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