Something About Nothing............ #14


Yep, no turkey cooking for us tomorrow, but my sister cooks a lovely turkey!

It was a wild journey up here, winds were nasty at times, but we made it. Had a lovely meal out with mum tonight, now sitting in hotel bar having a glass or two of wine……

Nice to be here……:)
Happiest of Christmas Eve to all.
As we are due several hours of rain tomorrow I set up and decorated a table and out front for any smokers.
I'll be stationed at the grill for a few hours cooking whatever everyone brings. Chocolate fondue all day of course.
Teaching nieces, nephews and godchildren some dessert baking after the carnivorous fury of dinner.
Not a mouse was stirring, but can hear DH snoring. Kids are online playing or watching. I can’t seem to find much of interest on my tube. But background noise is okay with me. All is wrapped and my kids are old enough, DH and I will be up hours before them.

Seems Santa last time I looked was getting that ever so much closer. Hope all have a good night sleep.
All thru the house. Reminds me I want to try a bottle of his wine.

Yesterday, grabbed two packages of steaks from freezer to thaw in the fridge. it normally a seven fishies meal for xmas eve. youngest DS, he of the shellfish allergy, decided to come to open his presents as he volunteered to hold the fort down @ work tomorrow for a 12 hour day (from home, at least). Volunteered to work the whole day so his team could have xmas off. I never had a boss like that lol. he’s a softie, unlike his mom.

anyway, turns out the steaks weren’t the tbones I thot, they were chuck steaks. Um no, it was almost 60 degrees, I was grilling

One pkg became makings of beef soup, the other Swiss steak. Sent the mr off to Sam’s club. Surprisingly, the pickings were good & it turns out the sirloins were delicious. Happy ending, I now have two partially cooked dinner I will finish off in the freezer :).

Cake came out nicely, I even attempted a raspberry filling, will see how that fares tomorrow when i slice it.

getting ready to close up shop & watch a Xmas movie of the mr’s choosing, all is peaceful & bright here. Nice calm before the holiday fun picks up tomorrow.

A very merry Christmas guys!

saw this and thot it sounds just a wee bit creepy. I’ve seen way too many episodes of dateline lol

and bolted the tree to the wall, as my large female dog used to like to climb into the tree. She ate glass Christmas balls too. So all glass was at the very top, and we still have more plastic balls because of her. Pets. Yep, love them.
Haha we tie our down too, force of habit from having three cats, at one point, who often would all insist on climbing into it at the same time. nothing like watching a xmas tree wildly sway.
I'll be stationed at the grill for a few hours cooking whatever everyone brings
That sounds very southern, in a very good way. Enjoy!

carole - yea! Let the merriment begin :). A drive like that cries out for something bracing afterwards
One hour left before Christmas. Well, in my time zone. Good day today. We had a candlelight communion service at church this morning followed by lunch with friends. We went home and I think everyone napped. I finally got up to make a peanut butter pie for tomorrow. I had to combine peanut butter, cream cheese and sugar, but the beaters kept popping out of my mixer. I got so frustrated and threw it in the garbage. (It’s an old mixer.) I don’t use a hand mixer very often, but will eventually need to replace it.
Tonight we went to a hibachi restaurant for dh’s birthday and ate way too much. We had a nice chat with family that was seated with us. Their 2 teenagers are currently attending B’s high school.
We ended the evening by
Oops. Accidentally hit post reply too soon.

We ended the evening by watching our DVD of the Ft. Lauderdale Christmas Pageant. It’s a combination of the 1999 and 2000 shows. Dh and I were in the show in 1999. In 2000 B made her stage debut as baby Jesus. She was 3 weeks old at the time.

Went ahead and tackled the baklava after the pies.
Looks good.

Anyway, some holiday fun picture of NYC from little one.
Thanks for posting.

Kyle is doing a 5K on Christmas morning in a town a few minutes along from the hotel, right on the waterfront, high chance of rain but he`ll still do it.
That is dedication.

Found out we can’t leave them under the tree unattended Disclaimer, not my dog but, same result lol
We can’t leave ours under the tree either. Caspian loves to play with paper.

Ah the fun on Christmas Eve. Knew better than to walk into Target.
I made the mistake of trying to find a Christmas gift bag last night. Went to 3 stores including Walmart. Never again.

Aww heard sirens in the distance, yes, 5 of our local fire company trucks came by, with all the fire trucks decorated with colored lights and Santa and Mrs. Santa were on the 3rd truck. Waved to all twice as they came up and around our cul de sac. Nice that they do that today.
How cool.

Yep, no turkey cooking for us tomorrow, but my sister cooks a lovely turkey!
Love the turkey “recipe”. Have you seen the one for fruitcake?

I should go to bed but am still too full from dinner. Thankfully I have only one thing to make tomorrow and it will be easy.
The count down for Christmas is getting closer.
You have about a half an hour before santa arrives!

Get those cookies and milk out for Santa🤗

Hope everyone gets that special something that they have wished for!

May it be the merriest morning for you when you wake up.
Even my cats get excited for Christmas as they get as many kitty treats as the want.

Yes, we do go all out for our cats for treats since the human offsprings never come at Christmas.
( too far for car travel for them with their baby that was born two days earlier)

Will see you all in the morning

Please don’t say you got coal in your stocking this year …..
the note santa sent me earlier the newborn will get a pass this year

see you all in the morning!!

may you get everything u asked santa to give you!

I won’t complain but Mr mac bought a small hen and not turkey today

Out cats only requested a lot of chicken cat food
Merry Christmas morning everyone :wave2:











Almost forgot. I got the best news today. My insurance claims person called and told me that they finished the investigation and have determined that the other driver is 100% at fault. I was so relieved to hear that even though I knew I wasn’t at fault. I have an appointment on the 28th to leave my car for repairs.
Good news that your insurance company have everything settled from your accident. I know you are relieved.

Have a lovely weekend Robbie :)
Thank you same to you and your family. Have a safe trip up to Scotland and enjoy your family time.

Since Carole has been asking - here it is.

Doing a quick pop in on my way to FL...miss this board!

Shameless pic of the kiddos...
Hello Kstar. You have a beautiful family.

As predicted we both here came down with a TSO Concert bug. Mine has decided to stick around. Dr has me doing breathing treatments at home, appears albuterol cause insomnia o_O Slap me silly and call me Sally Least not as wheezy now,will call it a win!
Hope you both feel better soon.

Speaking of tomorrow, we are going to be going to a hibachi restaurant for dh’s birthday.
Happy Birthday to your hubby.

Went ahead and tackled the baklava after the pies. Figured might as well keep going. Took out at 11am, middle bottom is still warm. They take forever to cool. Have to be frozen or they get watery

Your baklava looks yummy.

Lynne nice photos from the city.

We had our big Christmas Eve celebration here yesterday. We had lots of good food and fun. Everyone was happy with their gifts.

Sent some food home with the family.

Son and family stayed behind and helped with the clean up.

Son was so sweet and told me they would be back end of this week to help me get all the Christmas decorations down.

It is going to be a quiet Christmas here today. I will admit I’am exhausted so looking forward to a lazy day just chillin with my sweet Hubby.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone.
Good morning Robo, you do need a relaxing day today. Hope your coffee is always warm. And hope you do have a very Merry Christmas. So nice of you to host all yesterday, and nice to have family help.

Pets. Yay for Mac’s cats enjoying their treats this Christmas Day.

Grilling for the Christmas dinner sounds perfect Junkie. Hope the rain holds off during your outdoor activities.

Charade, beautiful sewing you did, glad insurance will pay for the car repair, and hope the pie comes out perfect. And a belated Happy Birthday to your DH.

Keisha, nothing like pivoting on which meat to cook. Glad you got a good steak dinner in. Hope you are feeling better today.

As predicted, DH and I are up. Kids are sound asleep. Will wait to open most of the packages when the kids are awake.

Made a pot of tea and even made hot coffee for DH. Neither of us are hungry yet, but I did see still have eggs, and oatmeal. May snack on the fruit I have left over from my tart. Hey, at least the Wawa is open, and I think that other coffee shop is too, and the Jewish deli we like to go to is also open this morning. Eh, will see what the kids are wanting. The food coma will start right after lunch. Grazing before an early dinner.

Ah a holiday Monday. Hope all will be enjoy this Christmas Day. Good morning to all.
Good morning. It’s almost 9:00 and I am the only one who is awake. I’m hungry, but don’t want to eat too much because we will be having a big lunch. Our friends always make too much food. They have asked me to bring squash casserole, so I will start making that later.

It is going to be a quiet Christmas here today. I will admit I’am exhausted so looking forward to a lazy day just chillin with my sweet Hubby.
Hope you have a nice, relaxing day today.

Hey, at least the Wawa is open, and I think that other coffee shop is too, and the Jewish deli we like to go to is also open this morning.
I think our choices are Waffle House, a Chinese buffet, and maybe Sheetz.

Aww, that cake looks festive and tasty, Keisha. Great job you did.

Enjoy your lunch, Charade. Nice to enjoy a large food spread.

We get family dinner. Will be rolling back after that full dinner we do. Glad I did take the rest of the week off.

Oooh Christmas having that be the that most Marvelous Monday. And because next year is a leap year, 2024, will have Christmas on a Wednesday. Woot! Love that mid week holiday time slot. Lucky camel next year. Hehe.
Merry Christmas to all. Hope everyone is warm and dry and got some goodies from Santa!

Rain started last night, intermittent mist to light rain.
Back porch is enclosed for the grilling. The overachiever neighbors and us left our lights on overnight. Should be visible from Mars😂
I got pajamas, shirts and some high end chocolates from my DW.
Goddaughter already roasting baby potatoes and rosemary. DW made an encore cornbread pudding.
Chocolate fondue is out with oreos, cheddar and marshmallows.
If anyone is in park today, plz post up some pics. And more Christmas dinner pix😊
Break time before putting ham in oven. Turkey breast just came out, cornbread in. I’m sitting on deck with a abominable snowman tshirt as 60 degrees, coke & kraken in hand. Life is good

Santa was generous to us. We are indeed blessed




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