Something About Nothing............ #14

Just announced the Plane is 20 minutes out

Only flight into mco today from small
Regional Airport

How small
Is it?

This is from the furthest wall

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lol....that is a small airport! Still, who needs a lot of space, long as the plane can land and take off.....we don`t really need more!

Hope the flight was good and you`re settled in now.

We started our road trip Friday at about 2:30 PM and drove 4.5 hours to Cedar Rapids IA. We were going to spend some time in Hannibal MO today and stay there, but didn't know there was a festival going on. Rooms were obscenely priced and you couldn't get from point A to point B in town. We ended up continuing down the road and ended up in suburbia north of St. Louis, where we will spend tonight. I like flexible plans.

Yep, going with the flow is always the best way to be on a trip.

How was the homecoming event this evening?

I bet you had a great time all day long!

Yes, hope Charade had a lovely time yesterday.

Slept like a rock last night again. Didn`t hear a thing till around 6am which was a very good sleep. Kept the windows open again as it is quite mild, but never heard any foxes having a row with each other.

Today, I think my last day of staying in apart from a short walk. So, plan to get the place ready for the decorators tomorrow, not that I have much to prepare.

Doing a slow roast chicken in the Aga today for dinner, we have a load of veg so will roast them off too. Otherwise, clean a couple of bathrooms and iron a little but mainly watching movies again today, it`s been a week of movie marathons that we haven`t done for a long time.

Croissants with bacon this morning again for breakfast, much later though, it`s a little early for us right now.

Looking forward to seeing Kyle later, he`s doing another half marathon with some friends from his running club. It`s quite a drive for them to go up there, so they were leaving around 6am for that. Can`t wait to hear how he does, and the girls too of course, he was picking them up early doors too. They all love running, just hope the weather keeps as good at it looks to be.

Good Sunday morning Sans family.

It is only 15 days till Halloween

Robbie.....glad your back is improving......yes, enjoy that walk with some seating along the way.......I haven`t moved in a week really, need to get moving soon.
Thank you Carole. Hope you are feeling better everyday.

It's good to hear you are on the mend. I hope your Dr is happy with your progress.
Thank you Pumpkin. Have a test on Tuesday to make sure all is well.

Today is dh's b-day. We wanted to go out for dinner, but he is curling tonight. So I guess the birthday meal will happen another night. Not sure what his present is yet. I'm out of ideas. He wants some new thing for his truck - so I'll probably tell him to order it and that will be his present lol.
Happy belated Birthday to your hubby


Occasionally popped in to catch up on you all but so much going on that’s a tough job! So sending good wishes to those not a hundred per cent and safe travels to those lucky to be getting away.
Good to see you pop in. Glad to hear you all have been enjoying your mobile home.

Good morning everyone. I finished my classes for the first fall sub-term last night. I now have a week off of school. My plans for today are do some laundry and nap. I wish I had a week off of work too. I could really use a vacation right now. Hopefully the rest of the year will be less stressful.
Sounds like a much needed rest for the week from school work. Hope you enjoyed your nap and were able to catch up on your laundry.

Just announced the Plane is 20 minutes out

Only flight into mco today from small
Regional Airport

How small
Is it?
Happy trails to you and the family. Enjoy your time in Orlando.

Mac hope your hubby’s eyes are doing well after his procedure.

Sitting on the couch in the living room enjoying my coffee. The Ash tree has turned a beautiful reddish orange. All the trees are coming into their Fall Colors. I do like this time of year.

Woke up Thursday with terrible nausea and it continued through the day. My initial guess was the culprit was the fish we had the night before might have been bad. Hubby didn’t feel to good either.

Had my doc appointment in the afternoon. Will have CT scan Tuesday to make sure things are ok in lower back. She did give me some zofran for the nausea. I don‘t get nauseated very often, but this was bad. I came home and started running a low grade temperature and was freezing. With that made me think might not have been fish. Who knows. Still wont be able to look at salmon for awhile.

We have some of the Covid tests here so did one of those and it was negative.

The old saying when it rains it pours so to speak applies I guess. Stomach is still not right, but hopefully it will resolve soon.

Grandson was approached to play Rugby at the University he attends. He played football in High School and the University he attends does not have a football team. I know nothing about Rugby. Going to try and go watch a game when they have one close enough to travel to.

Going to try an recreate the Skull pizzas that were at HHN for one of the dishes at my Halloween Party. I ordered a skull pan. I will see how it works.

I did not eat any of the HHN food, but did see a lot of people eating the Skull pizzas. Every year I say I’am going to sample the food there and never get around to it. This year they had a lot to choose from.

We have a local bakery that has fallen on hard times since Covid and they are to the point they will possible close. Going to try and get by and order some baked goods from them for the party. I hope they survive.

Our temps are going to drop down into the 20’s at night and 50’s during the day for the next 3 days then back up into the 70’s. Kinda of like spinning the weather wheel here.

Going out to and enjoy some fresh air for a little while.

Hope everyone has nice lazy Sunday. Relax
Good Sunday morning Sans family.

It is only 15 days till Halloween

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Thank you Carole. Hope you are feeling better everyday.

Thank you Pumpkin. Have a test on Tuesday to make sure all is well.

Happy belated Birthday to your hubby

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Good to see you pop in. Glad to hear you all have been enjoying your mobile home.

Sounds like a much needed rest for the week from school work. Hope you enjoyed your nap and were able to catch up on your laundry.

Happy trails to you and the family. Enjoy your time in Orlando.

Mac hope your hubby’s eyes are doing well after his procedure.

Sitting on the couch in the living room enjoying my coffee. The Ash tree has turned a beautiful reddish orange. All the trees are coming into their Fall Colors. I do like this time of year.

Woke up Thursday with terrible nausea and it continued through the day. My initial guess was the culprit was the fish we had the night before might have been bad. Hubby didn’t feel to good either.

Had my doc appointment in the afternoon. Will have CT scan Tuesday to make sure things are ok in lower back. She did give me some zofran for the nausea. I don‘t get nauseated very often, but this was bad. I came home and started running a low grade temperature and was freezing. With that made me think might not have been fish. Who knows. Still wont be able to look at salmon for awhile.

We have some of the Covid tests here so did one of those and it was negative.

The old saying when it rains it pours so to speak applies I guess. Stomach is still not right, but hopefully it will resolve soon.

Grandson was approached to play Rugby at the University he attends. He played football in High School and the University he attends does not have a football team. I know nothing about Rugby. Going to try and go watch a game when they have one close enough to travel to.

Going to try an recreate the Skull pizzas that were at HHN for one of the dishes at my Halloween Party. I ordered a skull pan. I will see how it works.

I did not eat any of the HHN food, but did see a lot of people eating the Skull pizzas. Every year I say I’am going to sample the food there and never get around to it. This year they had a lot to choose from.

We have a local bakery that has fallen on hard times since Covid and they are to the point they will possible close. Going to try and get by and order some baked goods from them for the party. I hope they survive.

Our temps are going to drop down into the 20’s at night and 50’s during the day for the next 3 days then back up into the 70’s. Kinda of like spinning the weather wheel here.

Going out to and enjoy some fresh air for a little while.

Hope everyone has nice lazy Sunday. Relax

I love autumn too Robbie....the trees look beautiful, until they completely lose their leaves, then it just looks cold, but it is one of my favourite seasons. Thankfully we have plenty of evergreens around us too.

That does sound a little more than food poisoning.....but weird both of you got it, that would usually imply food related. But, hope you feel much better soon, being nauseated is not a nice feeling.

At least you can take plenty of rest and relax in the fresh air....joys of being a lady of leisure. Hope Tuesday goes well too for you.

Rugby is a sport I watch, but it`s very popular.

Yep, lazy Sunday here too.....enjoy!

Kyle did amazingly in his race today......he was a little whooped when he came in, but he drove and left around 5.30 this morning as it was a long drive for them. They all had a lovely day though, weather was sunny and no breeze so him and the other girls were happy with their times too. He said it one of the best races he`d run so far and he likes the medal and shirt from this one best too. They do look good.

Still being lazy......have done very little all day except serve dinner and make tea. But, ideal Sunday.

Tomorrow going carpet and flooring shopping after the decorators arrive. Hoping this is easy to choose. Then need some shopping and have to pick up a couple of pork butts we ordered from our butcher, will cook them down and portion them, plenty of pulled pork for the next couple of months.

Time for a pot of tea I think........Tom just went through so I assume he will put the kettle on.......
Bills paid, kitchen stocked, not too bad traffic or lines. Tonight trash to curb.

Nice enough Sunday.

Ack, to Robo having stomach issues. Glad you are feeling better, and hope doctor visit goes well. Sad to hear bakery closing. We have lost quite a few small businesses since the virus stoppage.

Charade, hope the homecoming was fun.
It's a soggy Sunday evening. Thankfully the rain is supposed to stop by tomorrow. Today was another mostly lazy day. I did run a few errands though. Back in September I had ordered some shorts from J.C. Penney. They arrived just before I went to visit my mom. The notice said that if I didn't pick them up by a certain date the order would be sent back and I would be refunded. I wasn't able to get them in time, but didn't care since I wan't going to FL. I noticed today that I still haven't received a refund. I went to the store and they still had my order. I immediately returned the shorts. Maybe I'll get the chance to go next year. My AP expires on my birthday this year. I probably won't renew. I'll just wait and purchase another if I decide to make another trip.

Kept the windows in our room open again last night, it’s warmer at night than it should be right now. Not complaining.
I would love to sleep with the windows open, but it is already too cool to do so. We actually had a freeze warning last week.
Only flight into mco today from small
Regional Airport

How small
Is it?

This is from the furthest wall
Looks like the airport in my small city.

We were going to spend some time in Hannibal MO today and stay there, but didn't know there was a festival going on.
That happened to us the weekend of my mom's funeral. There was a blues festival that weekend. We were lucky to get some of the few hotel rooms that were available.
How was the homecoming event this evening?

I bet you had a great time all day long!

Yes, hope Charade had a lovely time yesterday.

Charade, hope the homecoming was fun.
Homecoming was fun. The parade was a little sad. It only lasted 7 minutes. The football game was more interesting than it should gave been. We managed to eek out a 1 point win.
Had my doc appointment in the afternoon. Will have CT scan Tuesday to make sure things are ok in lower back. She did give me some zofran for the nausea. I don‘t get nauseated very often, but this was bad. I came home and started running a low grade temperature and was freezing. With that made me think might not have been fish. Who knows. Still wont be able to look at salmon for awhile.
So sorry you aren't feeling well. Could it possibly be the flu? Whatever it is I hope it doesn't last long.

Dh is watching football - 2 teams I care nothing about. I'm going to find something to do for the next couple of hours.
It's a soggy Sunday evening. Thankfully the rain is supposed to stop by tomorrow. Today was another mostly lazy day. I did run a few errands though. Back in September I had ordered some shorts from J.C. Penney. They arrived just before I went to visit my mom. The notice said that if I didn't pick them up by a certain date the order would be sent back and I would be refunded. I wasn't able to get them in time, but didn't care since I wan't going to FL. I noticed today that I still haven't received a refund. I went to the store and they still had my order. I immediately returned the shorts. Maybe I'll get the chance to go next year. My AP expires on my birthday this year. I probably won't renew. I'll just wait and purchase another if I decide to make another trip.

I would love to sleep with the windows open, but it is already too cool to do so. We actually had a freeze warning last week.

Looks like the airport in my small city.

That happened to us the weekend of my mom's funeral. There was a blues festival that weekend. We were lucky to get some of the few hotel rooms that were available.

Homecoming was fun. The parade was a little sad. It only lasted 7 minutes. The football game was more interesting than it should gave been. We managed to eek out a 1 point win.

So sorry you aren't feeling well. Could it possibly be the flu? Whatever it is I hope it doesn't last long.

Dh is watching football - 2 teams I care nothing about. I'm going to find something to do for the next couple of hours.

We had rain all night too, and it’s off for the day which is nice. We’re having a very mild autumn so far, we had 62F last night which is nice!

You’ll get another trip planned I’m sure……

Decorators are here…….scaffolding is up, and they’ve had their first cuppa of the day.

Heading out soon to shop for flooring…..I have an idea of what we want so that’s something. Then shopping.

Not cold outside but damp feeling so jacket, hat and scarf on though as there is a little chill in the air.

Monday again………

Hope Janet is having an absolute blast!

Happy Monday :D
Hope Keisha is having fun today. Hope flight the other day went well. Eh, have only gone out a small airport a few times. Use the actually closest large City one the most. Looks like some nice weather there. Certainly hotter than here.

Ah, cloudy and 55 out. So not that cool feeling early morning yet. Some of that rain Charade had will arrive later this evening, and give us a rainy night. But then my commuting Tuesday will be wall to wall to wall sunshine. But jacket readying, as highs most of this week are lower than the temp this early morning. But at least the week is finishing with 60’s highs. Though today, probably what is called seasonal, in the mid 60’s.

Marvelous Monday is here. Ugh, that Monday feeling after a nice weather lazy weekend. I was up before the alarm. Tea and routine to start the week days, Hope all enjoy their Monday morning, and day.
Sorry to hear you’re not too good Robo. Here hospital appointments are generally delayed and our system not good organisationally. However, we are able to access additional care (obviously at a cost) that can sometimes help and then back into our NHS. Before retirement we had private care.
I had a great weekend with my best friend and the hotel was beautiful. They have tried to retain a lot of original features. The only place we felt they’d missed the mark was the restaurant. Too modern and bland.
We were lucky with beautiful weather - yet over the hills at home Saturday had heavy rain.
Kev is finishing off fitting of the utility room this week. It’s a fairly small room but having lived with a concrete floor and no storage for so long it will be another task happily ticked off the list towards finishing renovations.


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Good morning homies!

Bit late, but good morning right back at ya.......

Gorgeous day here, very breezy but warm, didn`t need a hat or scarf today, didn`t even really need a jacket. Sun has been shining all day.

Went to carpet and flooring place, they had new owners and being honest we didn`t like them and left, so one of our decorators recommended someone close by that we didn`t know of, they close on Monday`s, we`ll go tomorrow. I have a hair appointment mid morning so we`ll pop in after that and get our flooring sorted.

What`s been painted so far looks fabulous.....I`m thrilled with it, so I know when it`s finished we`ll love it. Been keeping them going with tea, coffee and goodies all day, they always appreciate that.

Chicken in a mushroom madeira sauce tonight, Tom wanted mashed potatoes with it, so mashed potatoes it is. I had planned to make a potato galette, but mash is quicker for sure.

This day has flown past......
Kyle did amazingly in his race today......
Yea Kyle!
Robo having stomach issues
Robbie sorry to hear
My AP expires on my birthday this year. I probably won't renew. I'll just wait and purchase another if I decide to make another trip.
I’d venture u need some R&R!
Looks like the airport in my small city.
We r central between PIT & that one. Only one airline but free parking is awfully nice

HHN was a breeze yesterday. Great time, got 4 houses done before 7 pm, then all the rest before 10 pm. Was shocked. Kiddo like better than last year so I’m happy

Dinner at Lombards. The lobster looks better than it was lol so watery

Yea Kyle!

Robbie sorry to hear

I’d venture u need some R&R!

We r central between PIT & that one. Only one airline but free parking is awfully nice

HHN was a breeze yesterday. Great time, got 4 houses done before 7 pm, then all the rest before 10 pm. Was shocked. Kiddo like better than last year so I’m happy

Dinner at Lombards. The lobster looks better than it was lol so watery

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Glad to hear your boy enjoyed it as much!! Good to hear.......and nice win on getting through the houses......

Lombards looks good......yes, their lobster is a hit or a huge miss......I can guess who got the chicken caesar salad.....your I right, do I win a prize????? :jumping3:

How was the steak from there???
We were just rocking and rolling for shout 15 minutes. Blob of yellow on weather radar just went by. Quiet now, like nothing happened.

National Pasta Day. Little one made pasta for lunch. So not sure dinner. Burger and fries? Easy meal. Need to fire up that air fryer.

Yeah, we have had some meals at Lombards. Yep, hot it miss. Though our lunch there in September was very good. Though hard to mess up a chicken with bacon sandwich, hamburger and both of us had fries.
can guess who got the chicken caesar salad.....your I right, do I win a prize?????
As if I’d ‘waste’ a dinner out on a salad lol. He had shrimp cocktail too, can’t pass it up if he’s spies it on the menu. It was a filet that was rather chewy looking to me. Was always great in the past. Will prob skip Lombards next go-round TBH

Did toothsome, know my son wanted to try it despite our aversion to it. Seriously, awful. 11:15 am res, took food 75 min to arrive & nothing to write home about, presentation was lacking. Cute, brief interaction with the characters and a very apologetic server despite us not uttering a complaint. Explained only one kitchen was open at the time and first floor was packed. To his credit, he insisted on discounting the check above our normal AP one

Moved to BLT at WDW. Arrived late, Thot we’d again get a dog of a room as we did at portofino. Think I’ll keep it…


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As if I’d ‘waste’ a dinner out on a salad lol. He had shrimp cocktail too, can’t pass it up if he’s spies it on the menu. It was a filet that was rather chewy looking to me. Was always great in the past. Will prob skip Lombards next go-round TBH

Did toothsome, know my son wanted to try it despite our aversion to it. Seriously, awful. 11:15 am res, took food 75 min to arrive & nothing to write home about, presentation was lacking. Cute, brief interaction with the characters and a very apologetic server despite us not uttering a complaint. Explained only one kitchen was open at the time and first floor was packed. To his credit, he insisted on discounting the check above our normal AP one

Moved to BLT at WDW. Arrived late, Thot we’d again get a dog of a room as we did at portofino. Think I’ll keep it…

I do like their shrimp cocktail! I`m glad to know the filet wasn`t the best, I think if we do go in May Kyle would order that, maybe not now....we had one good meal in Lombards this trip and one other vist....I say visit as we didn`t eat the second time.....story to

I don`t get Toothsome at all.....most of it doesn`t appeal to us at all, you can get a burger anywhere. Not somewhere we`ll ever go back to. That`s a shame it wasn`t up to scratch, but glad you had an understanding waiter.

Nice view too from BLT Janet.......

(always think of a sandwich reading BLT)

Fell asleep on the sofa last night, missed the finale of The Blacklist, will rerun it today. Then slept like a top, cough is not keeping me awake I`m happy to say.

Then yesterday I moved our bedroom furniture around.....I forgot I had moved the two comfy chairs......kicked my foot straight into the base of it this morning in the dark! Ouch. Screamed like a don`t think I have any broken toes, but my toes are very bruised. Next time I`ll put on a lamp, but in the dark we all know our way around our bedrooms......usually!

Hair appointment this morning, just getting a between highlights cut and blow dry, so will only be in around an hour or so, then go look at this new carpet place and hopefully get our flooring ordered from him.

Chicken in pepper sauce tonight. Last time I made the sauce I added too many peppercorns, even for us, but it`ll be better this time. I use the roux method, no cream in this one but everyone loves it.

Beautiful day here again, I wonder how long we`ll keep this mild weather for, it`s bound to change.

Almost time to leave for salon time.......but have a HAPPY TUESDAY 😊

Two not such good meals, Keisha. Ack, though nice Toothsome water. Great view from mouse room.

View from my window:

Yep, before the sunrise arrival. Commuting day. And after a few hours, sunrise. Very dark when I arrive.

And so, while pasta eating was yesterday’s day. Yeah, carbs certainly needed on a Monday. Today, that every Tuesday, it’s a taco eating day.

Hopefully Mac and Mr. Mac are doing well. And a Taco Bell visit can be today.

Thus, hope Schumi’s toe not hurting after that stubbed toe happening earlier this morning.

Finally, hope all have a most terrific Taco 🌮 Tuesday.

Ooh and that most perfect number of days until a Monday Halloween: 13 days. 🎃 ( hehe little boo, is that you?)
see u there

Nah, enjoy that beef you cooked, I’ll bet it‘s much better than anything TB can create! I hate tacos or anything like that though so I’m biased…….

Back from the salon and got a very good cut, it’s not short, but shorter than usual. Got a lovely conditioning treatment while I was in……30 minutes of treatment which includes an Indian head massage…….so relaxing!

Made grilled sandwiches for lunch, Tom had baked ham and sharp cheddar with sandwich pickle, I had Turkey, brie and cranberry sauce, lush!

Trying to decide if we want to go out and pick up a new little side table for one of the sitting rooms or, stay in and not do much at all…….will make the decorators another cuppa first then decide.
Good Tuesday morning everyone

13 days until Halloween

I love autumn too Robbie....the trees look beautiful, until they completely lose their leaves, then it just looks cold, but it is one of my favourite seasons. Thankfully we have plenty of evergreens around us too.
All the trees around here are changing. It is beautiful. We are having a cold snap for a couple of days and I believe that will probably help the trees shed their leaves pretty quick.

That does sound a little more than food poisoning.....but weird both of you got it, that would usually imply food related. But, hope you feel much better soon, being nauseated is not a nice feeling.
At a lose as to what it was. I have my appetite back so feeling much better.

Rugby is a sport I watch, but it`s very popular.
I don‘t understand the sport, but I’am not to happy about the fact there is no head and face protection worn.

Kyle did amazingly in his race today......he was a little whooped when he came in, but he drove and left around 5.30 this morning as it was a long drive for them. They all had a lovely day though, weather was sunny and no breeze so him and the other girls were happy with their times too. He said it one of the best races he`d run so far and he likes the medal and shirt from this one best too. They do look good.
Congratulations to Kyle on his race.

Sad to hear bakery closing. We have lost quite a few small businesses since the virus stoppage.
I went by to try and give them some business, but they had changed their hours. They are closed now on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Since Halloween is on Monday any baked goods I would purchase from them for the Halloween party would be 3 days old. That won’t work. So will try them again sometime.

It is sad to see some of these nice businesses close.

So sorry you aren't feeling well. Could it possibly be the flu? Whatever it is I hope it doesn't last long.
Thank you Charade. I hope you are doing ok. You remain in my prayers.

I had a great weekend with my best friend and the hotel was beautiful. They have tried to retain a lot of original features. The on
Hotel looks pretty. Looks like you are enjoying a cocktail. So nice to hear you had a nice visit with your friend.

HHN was a breeze yesterday. Great time, got 4 houses done before 7 pm, then all the rest before 10 pm. Was shocked. Kiddo like better than last year so I’m happy
Sounds like you all had a amazing evening getting through the houses.

Did toothsome, know my son wanted to try it despite our aversion to it. Seriously, awful. 11:15 am res, took food 75 min to arrive & nothing to write home about, presentation was lacking. Cute, brief interaction with the characters and a very apologetic server despite us not uttering a complaint. Explained only one kitchen was open at the time and first floor was packed. To his credit, he insisted on discounting the check above our normal AP one
So sad that Toothsome has gone down hill so bad. My sister and I were talking about it while we we were there. We went the first time after they had just opened the food and cocktails were very good. Then it just progressively went south.

My last visit was a couple years ago. Grandson and I went and it took for ever to get our food and it was cold and inedible by the time we received it.

Like you, our waitress was awesome, but the issues with the kitchen are ruining this place. I’am surprised someone does not step in and trip and fix the situation.

Back from the salon and got a very good cut, it’s not short, but shorter than usual. Got a lovely conditioning treatment while I was in……30 minutes of treatment which includes an Indian head massage…….so relaxing!
A trip to the salon for a refresh is always so nice. Glad to hear you had a relaxing visit.

Having my coffee in my HHN mug and enjoying looking out the livingroom window.

Went in for my CT scan this morning already. Was a pretty quick in and out thankfully.

Son, daughter in law and grandson came over yesterday evening.

Grandson went to the market with me and I let him pick what he wanted for dinner. We have a nice Fresh Market close by and they have butchers there. So he chose new york strips for dinner. They also have a bakery and he picked coconut cake for dessert.

Daughter in law helped pull dinner together and we had a nice meal and visit.

My daughter in law asked me what was on the menu for Halloween and I told her all the favorites plus I told her about the skull pizzas and she said she had heard of those. I received my pan yesterday from Amazon. I wanted a nice good sturdy pan with scary skull heads and it looks good.

It is usually just the family for the Halloween party and I have been doing it for years. There is typically just about 20 of us and everyone has a good time.

I will be taking all help offered by the family this year in pulling the party together.

The kiddos Trick or Treat in my neighborhood and they like to answer the door at my house and give out the candy bars to the trick or treaters.

Looking forward to seeing everyone. I have pulled some nice little things together for the girls from Bath and Body that I bought a few weeks ago.


Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday doing what ever it is that makes you happy.


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