Something About Nothing............ #14

Older one, on the other hand, still has not finished his college studies. Two different kids.
Nothing wrong with taking the scenic route as long as they eventually do get there

I nearly fainted when youngest decided to attend Pitt for a semester as a jr 🤬. Basically, blew a semester there. he had to scramble taking summer & winter break classes to graduate on time back at original U. I look upon that as a learning experience…for him and us lol
I found out yesterday that the instructor for my digital editing class is one of dh’s former students. I think I will keep quiet about that and hope he doesn’t remember my name.
Lol did he get a pass from ur mr?
Hopefully I don’t need orthotics yet
One nice thing re the RX ones, they have metal interior. I’m told they can last fir a decade or longer
Only interesting thing I have done today is watch our grass grow

That and updates of over seas issue
I bet yours is thick and beautiful shade of green. Ours just awakening from winter dormancy. Only cut once so far. It appears to be a large portion of mint at this point. Smells good, looks awful Idiotic neighbor planted so much of it several years ago on property line & it just took off like an invasive species
I guess I shouldn't mention being bored at work. Just before 2:00 we discovered that the ringer on our phone wasn't working. I just thought I was having a quiet day with no calls. I spent nearly an hour on the phone with our phone company troubleshooting, but finally got it working again.

That was me yesterday. Took my sweet old time with shredding. I will be shredding again later today. I also have a blue box of magazines/ordering catalogues that need to be taken to the recycle depot again.
I found some good busy work. Each claim payment we get comes with an explanation of benefits. Those are filed by date and therapist. I went through all of the EOB files for this year and made sure they were all filled correctly. I had to refile a few that were either in the wrong month folder or wrong therapist folder, but nothing too bad.

Nothing wrong with taking the scenic route as long as they eventually do get there
I'm taking the extremely long scenic route. I currently have a 4.0 form the last time I was enrolled, so the joke is that I'm gong to graduate Summa Cum Later.

Lol did he get a pass from ur mr?
He did and they have also worked together on projects as colleagues. I think I actually met him once, but wouldn't know him if I saw him today.

Dh is making spaghetti for dinner. Not my favorite meal, but at least it's one I don't have to cook.
I baked a Perdue hen last night and “ recycled it” for tonight’s dinner

Deboned the cooked hen and shredded it up to make chicken salad.
Very flavorful!

Every once in a while we do a basic dinner of recycled meats.

Mr Mac loves chicken while my favorite is red meats.
He can eat chicken 5 nights a week and still want it on day 6
Had a ‘sinking’ feeling ground. Might swallow my ankle when taking shortcut to grab the paper in driveway this am.

file it under bad grandma, may indicate the softball fields are the same. May be able to dodge getting up at 5:30 am to haul GD to a far-awayscheduled softball game tomorrow. :rolleyes1anything over a 3 hour RT drive is excessive in non varsity events except playoffs.

Just before 2:00 we discovered that the ringer on our phone wasn't working. I just thought I was having a quiet day with no calls. I spent nearly an hour on the phone with our phone company troubleshooting, but finally got it working again.
file that under it was probably nice while it lasted Hehe
Every once in a while we do a basic dinner of recycled meats
Heck, that’s often Monday, Wednesday & sometimes Friday here. do think many dishes hold up well & taste better on the 2nd day.
I do the same thing with chicken and beef, Mac. Leftover becomes something different.

Ah yes, was an odd night. Went to bed around 11:30 pm. Some stupid spam person called at 2 am. My phone charges on my side table next to my bed. I was annoyed. Then around 3:30 am, I heard little one laughing out loud. Told her, don’t mind if she wants to pull an all nighter, but she needs to be quiet or even better, get to bed. By 4:30am, I could not get back to sleep. But thankfully, little one must have decided to go to bed within that hour, as when I went down to the kitchen, it was all dark and quiet. And so, with that teapot, also turned on the oven. Sweet smell of vanilla cupcakes, just 12. Had chocolate icing, so had a warm one without icing when they were just a little warm. They are now iced and covered. 10 of them. Had to have two. Hehe.

But yeah, happy a lazy day for me. And a good thing too, as:

Yay! The end of many’s week day schedules, but the start of a holiday weekend for me. And what do I get on this lazy Friday? Rain. Yes, that cold front has arrived, and while not snow, it’s been drizzling for awhile, and weather news lady said by the time the rain ends Saturday night, we should be getting around 2 inches of rain. And yeah, you may be feeling a bit cold with that rain. Staying in the low 50’s these 3 days. But at least clearing for Mother’s Day Sunday. As drying and 51 the high was predicted. Little one said, why don’t we go to the big zoo, as they do have early entry member strolls Sunday. And so, she and I will be those early birds taking advantage of that earlier hour. I don’t think it will be crowded, given the cool temp, and early on a Sunday. No matter. We always enjoy our strolls around that zoo, even if sadly, still not to see any of the birds.

But a here he he, as my female lab loved to swim, dive into a snowbank. But if it was raining, she’d go pee on the deck. So thought this was so fitting:DFE51233-8B08-4918-9030-DFE1D7BAEE59.jpeg


But yep,
590DFDF6-EC38-4C09-8BD2-1A71A3F1C638.gif Hehe. So true, as to be warmer and mostly dry next week. That certainly will make seeing more green and bright colored flowers after a soaking rainy two days.

But not matter what, this is also true:

Thank goodness!

Fabulous feeling Friday homies! Come on, have that oh so perfect Friday happy feeling.

And I feel ya Keisha. Was that soccer mom that had to watch from the car sometimes, with the muddy, rainy, snowy games I had be at within 2 to 3 hour drives. Hehe, why my car had a huge beach towel and four bath towels, a large garbage bag, and a complete change of clothes for both kids. And wipes. Well, wipes are still in the car. I refused to allow any wet or muddy kid in the car. Or even muddy cleats or shoes. They had to change outside covered enough by the largest towel, so to be not seen undressing. There was more than one time I had a garage bag full of wet, and a few times, very muddy clothes and shoes. Hehe, one time, little one had to come with me to all her brother’s games, until only then when she had a same scheduled game. When she was a toddler, one very muddy and rainy game older one played, little one was muddy from head to toe, as she was happily sliding and playing in the muddy sides of the field. I think that was one of the worst muddy games I have ever seen. I hope they cancel your GD’s game. Not fun that long of a drive nor not very fun weather. So I hear ya on the rain too. Light rain coming in 20 minutes notice just flashed across my phone. Yeah, well with little one’s late bedtime, and the fact older one has a later, close to dinner time work start, no reason to be in that light rain coming soon enough.

Ah a quiet house, after now have 6 cupcakes left, as DH took four over to his mum’s, as he left about a half hour ago. He decided to take the day off too. Ah, tea and quiet. Perfect morning to be, even with this crappy rain.
But if it was raining, she’d go pee on the deck. So thought this was so fitting:
i couldn’t shove mine out the door this am. begs to go out in a foot of snow & romp but, if ground is even wet refuses.

he did an about face this am & rocketed under DR table where he knows I’m not about to crawl to get him.

rotten night’s sleep can throw off the whole day = more hot tea in order!

i hope to be watching youngest DS doing yard work for me on Sunday. probably going to grill out some chicken breasts. Well, if it decides to ever stop raiming.
I hope they cancel your GD’s game.
It’s the only time i miss having one of those old Skool full-size minivans. Would have my boys climb in, strip down to briefs & change while standing on a big rubber mat before they sat down. Mean mom, i smell an on-going theme.

at least i won’t have to get the uniform clean if they do play. Nice thing there re being grandparent, smile, pat them on the head & send them home with parents To handle the details.
Hehe, what we do with our dogs, Keisha. Oh she did pee on the deck, after being pushed outside and not opening the door for a full standing up dog on the other side of it, until we saw her go.
Happy Friday morning. I am having a lazy day so far. B is still asleep and dh had to leave early for the graduation ceremony. It was supposed to be tonight, but they moved it to 9:30 this morning because we are supposed to have thunderstorms tonight.

B is waiting on one last grade for a paper for her philosophy class. She Will get at least a B in the class, but this remaining grade could possibly push it up to an A.

file it under bad grandma, may indicate the softball fields are the same. May be able to dodge getting up at 5:30 am to haul GD to a far-awayscheduled softball game tomorrow. :rolleyes1anything over a 3 hour RT drive is excessive in non varsity events except playoffs.
Not a bad grandma. I wouldn't want to be out in a potential muddy situation either. Maybe they will cancel the game if the conditions are too bad.

Some stupid spam person called at 2 am.
Ugh! I hate that. My friends tell me just to turn my phone off, but I never do. I keep ot on silent, but the buzzing still wakes me.

Just heard from dh. He is on his way home and wants to go get lunch. I guess I should get up and get a shower.
TGIF stop in :cheer2:

Not much to report here. It's cool and raining. It could be worse and be cold ans snowing. It is NOT unheard of for this time of year.

Went to the gym last night, paid bills - soooooooooo exciting. :rotfl:There always seems to be some unexpected something that blows the budget lol. Last month it was tires for my car. I finally talked dh into getting winter tires for my car. If he wants me to drive it until if falls apart, then at least make it easier to drive in the winter (especially when we have snowy/icy roads for 7-8 months of the year) But we still came out a bit ahead lol.

Eagerly sitting in the virtual waiting room at ticketmaster. Garth Brooks has only ONE Canadian stop and luckily it is where the kids live. So I'm trying to snag some tickets. And of course, now more family members are reaching out and hoping I can snag some for them too. I seem to have good luck getting tickets. Sooooooooooooooooooooo hopefully in about 45 minutes I'll have tickets in-hand. I'm also trying not to open toooooooooooo many windows on my puter at work as it's been giving me tons of grief this week. I just about tossed it into the parking lot yesterday and drove over it :furious:

Ours just awakening from winter dormancy. Only cut once so far. It appears to be a large portion of mint at this point. Smells good, looks awful Idiotic neighbor planted so much of it several years ago on property line & it just took off like an invasive species
Ours is still just turning green. I see the lawns across the street are nice and green now. Our backyard is starting now...front yard always takes longer as it faces directly south. Not much sunlight for the front, but our backyard get gloriously hot! We seem to have clover invading our lawn in the back. I don't which would be worse - clover or mint? The clover does stay green much longer than the grass in the fall though.
Dh is making spaghetti for dinner. Not my favorite meal, but at least it's one I don't have to cook.
I would take that as a win too! Tonight I don't have to cook as it's fil's birthday and we are all meeting to celebrate with him. Last year we couldn't as I was just getting over covid, and dh and the boys were still required to quarantine. How far we have come in a year ;)
I baked a Perdue hen last night and “ recycled it” for tonight’s dinner
I love to do that with my chickens too!!! The family actually prefers meals with it.
Ah yes, was an odd night. Went to bed around 11:30 pm. Some stupid spam person called at 2 am. My phone charges on my side table next to my bed. I was annoyed. Then around 3:30 am, I heard little one laughing out loud. Told her, don’t mind if she wants to pull an all nighter, but she needs to be quiet or even better, get to bed. By 4:30am, I could not get back to sleep. But thankfully, little one must have decided to go to bed within that hour, as when I went down to the kitchen, it was all dark and quiet. And so, with that teapot, also turned on the oven. Sweet smell of vanilla cupcakes, just 12. Had chocolate icing, so had a warm one without icing when they were just a little warm. They are now iced and covered. 10 of them. Had to have two. Hehe.
Yikes. We don't have out phones in our rooms. Dh and I charge them on the side counter. I HATE when that happens. I already have to sleep through dh and his restlessness/insomnia, getting in and out of bed, turning the tv on etc etc etc. Dh has had service phone calls come through when we are out of town and actually have our phones in our room. The call center has been told repeatedly that HE IS NOT THE SERVICE DEPARTMENT...but they still field calls to him :sad2:
Ah a quiet house, after now have 6 cupcakes left, as DH took four over to his mum’s, as he left about a half hour ago. He decided to take the day off too. Ah, tea and quiet. Perfect morning to be, even with this crappy rain.
It is sooooooooo great that your dh is able to go to him mom's so frequently. I am sure they will enjoy the cupcakes. Now I want to whip some up :rolleyes1 :laughing:

Well, I have a few minutes to shuffle a few papers before it's go time for hopefully being successful for tickets to Garth.
Have a great day everyone!!!!
Got some tickets :jumping1: Not the best seats...but in a our CFL - Canadian football league area...not many seats will be "great". with 101,000 people in the building it's not about getting best seats. It sure would be nice though. But I'll take what we got.

We seen him 5 yrs ago and it was fantastic. It's Garth. If you love country music - then he is usually a fan favorite. For us - he is!!!! And it's even on a weekend! It will be a good weekend!
I actually put my phone in airplane mode and silent, so that I am not awakened by it. It's on the table next to the bed though. If DH is out of town, I will leave it on though. I like to keep the phone near me in case of emergency though. I know someone who lives alone. She fell in the shower and broke her femur badly. Her phone was in the kitchen, so she had to crawl and drag herself into the kitchen. The counter was high, but she couldn't stand or reach it well. She had to grab a towel and try to pull it off the counter from the floor. This whole ordeal took her hours:eek: So, I try to keep mine within reach.

@Pumpkin1172 Congrats on the tickets!

@Lynne G Mmmm, cupcakes for breakfast

@schumigirl Not hearing much. Good sign. You must be having a good time!
Yay! Pumpkin is going to a concert! Great news. So far, what’s for sale here, is not something even the kids are interested in seeing. Heck, they keep trying to discount sell baseball games’ tickets. In years past we’d jump on those, but with the crimes every day on the trains and in the city, we are not wanting to use public transportation nor drive our car into the city. I guess it may be different if there is a concert the kids really want to go to. They’ve been to quite a few over the years. Only one I went to was Taylor Swift, only because older one was not interested in watching and little one was young enough I did not want her to go alone, as none of her friends wanted to go. Got great seats though. We were 12 rows on the floor, from the stage. I was so glad to see seats there, as many times it’s just standing room only there. She was good to see live. Not a country music fan, but heard Garth does a great show, so so excited for ya Pumpkin.

Hope you had a nice lunch with DH, Charade.

With this rainy day, soup, grilled cheese and grilled chicken sandwiches it was for lunch. Older one wanted a bigger lunch, as he does not get a dinner break until later in the evening. Had a salad for little one, too. Caesar dressing she had, as she likes that more then ranch. We had a late lunch, as little one did not get moving until after 1 pm.

Otherwise, there is nothing we need, so unless little one wants to go somewhere dry, chilling on this lazy day is fine with me. Made some more tea, as full enough from a grilled sandwich that was also used to drip in the chicken and rice soup I made.

I don’t mind making soup as easy enough. Some of the grilled chicken got chopped up into the soup, with leftover white rice from Chinese last night, a bag of frozen carrot slices and a sliced up piece of celery, with two boxes of chicken broth, seasoned, and boiled away, was then ready for eating. Yum.
Only one I went to was Taylor Swift, only because older one was not interested in watching and little one was young enough I did not want her to go alone, as none of her friends wanted to go. Got great seats though. We were 12 rows on the floor, from the stage. I was so glad to see seats there, as many times it’s just standing room only there. She was good to see live
WOW...those are awesome seats! The best seats I have had were for Keith Urban. I was able to get pit tickets, and we just just off to the side, right at the front. We didn't drink or eat, for fear of losing our spot to go to the bathroom :laughing: He played right in front of us. I could reach out and touch him :lovestruc The next best was for Eric Church. We were in row 10 from the stage...the pit was just in front of us. Those were really good too! You have to love concerts to go to them. They are not for everyone. For me... I LOVE a good concert!

And now I wan t grilled cheese and cupcakes!!!

I have to stop on the way home and pick up a card and gift card for fil. Dh is too busy at work and can't slip away.
For Robo, take a bow! Happy nurses‘ day/weekend! :)

Not a bad grandma. I wouldn't want to be out in a potential muddy situation either. Maybe they will cancel the game if the conditions are too bad.
Done :). still pouring I’m also going to just cook tonight’s burgers in a cast iron skillet vs holding umbrella over grill
paid bills - soooooooooo exciting
It is, to me lol. I’ve got a growing pile on my DR table that hasn’t magically disappeared, darn it.
virtual waiting room at ticketmaster. Garth Brooks has only ONE Canadian stop and luckily it is where the kids live.
Oh, that’s stressful Stuff, glad you snagged such great seats. I’m on some sort of VR waiting list they have to possibly be picked to buy Harry Styles tix a Madison garden end of august. Not for me mind you lol, the GD is doing a girl’s BD trip with her mom then.
She fell in the shower and broke her femur badly. Her phone was in the kitchen, so she had to crawl and drag herself into the kitchen.
Ooh, a very loud boom heard around 4:50 am today. Woke all of us up. A few minutes later, heard our local fire whistle go off, as station is two blocks from us, and from little one’s windows, saw fire trucks near our home. Oddly, I thought it was in one direction, kids were more right where sound really came from. I was sort of awake anyway at that time, but that boom got me like what the heck was that. And so, what do you do? You confirm nothing to be interested in, and hearing the wind blowing the loud rain against the windows, decided to take a very long hot shower, and make tea and some chocolate chip cookies, that are now being eaten by DH and I. He decide to take some, with scrambled eggs and bacon I made, to his mum’s. Ooh just head another fire whistle, but sounded further away. Ooh that wind is still banging loud rain against the windows. Weather radar looks like some dark green blobs going over us. Eh, late night weather news said periods of heavy rain in the overnight, with gusts of 50 mph winds. Not a nice weather day will be today. Wind advisory issued. And a soaker. Already an inch and a half of rain has fallen, with another inch or so by Sunday morning. I think we may be wearing winter type clothing and our raincoats on our early morning zoo stroll Sunday morning. Saying rain not clearing until later Sunday afternoon. Sigh. But at least older one’s work is inside, and I doubt we have anything to do this weekend, other than that planned zoo visit.

So, an early bird good morning to all the homies. Super happy Saturday homies. Enjoy this weekend where we think of our moms.

And hope Schumi is enjoying some park fun and roaming to new places to see and eat at.

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