Something About Nothing............ #14

Carole, so sorry to hear you may not make it in September...maybe we can get together in May. I need an excuse to plan another trip :hug:

Yes, it’s been obvious for a while it’s not going to happen……but surely May will??? If not we’ll fly to Barbados for 2 weeks before hand, then fly into America……that’s allowed, we’ll be totally bored the whole time……beach vacations are NOT our thing…….but needs must ::yes::

Good thing is I get back up to Scotland and see one of my Goddaughters married……..always a silver lining……

But, yes, you need to plan a May trip……..:hug:

Watching a Mission Impossible movie now…….not a Tom Cruise fan, but do enjoy some of his movies…….

Then bedtime as it’s almost midnight here……..


Yep, hope everyone has a lovely day today, some lovely get togethers planned......and of course hope you all have some beautiful weather......

Steaks on the grill for us today, if the lightning stays away of course. Very humid this morning again and expecting a downpour at some point. Quite nice right now though, wandered down to see the pears are already starting to grow well. Should be a good year for them, apples are slow and plums look to be another excellent yield.

Lunch is light today, maybe some spicy chicken skewers with salad, then maybe watch the Grand Prix this afternoon, depending on what happens.

Can`t believe we`re already into July!

Have a wonderful day :flower3:
Had a miserable sleep
Fireworks started July 2 in my neighborhood
I’m sure there will be repeats of firework displays again tonight

one night is enough for me

will do a grocery run today after church

have not a clue what to shop for besides meat
Had a miserable sleep
Fireworks started July 2 in my neighborhood
I’m sure there will be repeats of firework displays again tonight

one night is enough for me

will do a grocery run today after church

have not a clue what to shop for besides meat

A nice pie for dessert would be my option ::yes::

Yep, I detest fireworks and inconsiderate folks who set them off too.

Rain hasn`t transpired so far, it`s a beautiful day albeit still a little humid. I`m sure at some point it`ll arrive. But, for now I have managed to get 2 loads of laundry out and it`s dry, didn`t expect that.

Enjoyed spicy chicken skewers off the grill for lunch and made up a few salads including a celery, nut and sultana one which is available in grocery stores, but, I much prefer my own. Made enough for lunch and dinner along with some other sides.

Yes, hope everyone gets some lovely weather to sit outside while it`s so lovely and hot.......:sunny:
Good Sunday morning Sans family :wave:


Happy 4th of July everyone.






Beautiful day here! Looking forward to welcoming Kyle home this weekend!! He finishes up his second rotation in Lebanon, PA this week and will stop home here in Lockport before he heads back to Florida for July! Then we head to Florida next week to celebrate his birthday on 7/3.

Good to see you posting Patty. Happy birthday to your son Kyle.


Yes....I’m talking hours and not minutes
Will be able to start the dental work in July
Getting fake teeth

Mac hope all the dental work goes ok. Glad to hear you have your wheels back. I hope you are healing and feeling better dear lady.

Yup....working customer service/retail/ and the general public is EXHAUSTING!!!!! I have been saying for years, everyone should have to work retail/customer service for at least 1 month every five years! And it doesn't matter if you are the highest paid person in the world...everyone needs to remember to be kind to those working those essential jobs.

Amen to that.

And now the reason I am happy that I woke up early. When I booked my room at SF the only thing available other than suites was pool view. I have been checking daily and today there were lagoon view and standard rooms available. I thought about going standard and saving some money, but lagoon view wasn’t that much more, so I have now switched to a lagoon view room.

The Lagoon view rooms are beautiful. You will like the view.

Mom’s appointment went well yesterday. The oncologist said that her scans and blood work show absolutely no signs of cancer. The bad news is Mom in anemic. She is scheduled for a couple of IV iron treatments next month.

Great news that the doc was able to get all the cancer out.

DH surprised DD by bringing her new vehicle home last night! A 2021 Ford Bronco Sport!

Beautiful vehicle and I bet she was over the moon with her new gift.

Well, on Thursday night it was arranged for us all that were out for dinner (kids and dogs too) to go for a long walk this morning.......I thought it might not happen.....but we all met early this morning and walked over 10 miles along the beach/prom area of our coastline.

Wow...that’s a nice long walk.

Earned my prosecco tonight..........🥂

For sure you did.

Can`t forget to wish Robbie and her family a wonderful wedding day for her Granddaughter and her new husband.......what they have planned for the whole day sounds so beautiful.......💞

Cheers 🥂

Thank you Carole.

This is Happy Day for Robbie
Her granddaughters wedding

Wishing the happy couple years of happiness as they start their life together today

It was a beautiful wedding and thank you for the lovely wishes for granddaughter and her new hubby. They were beaming all day.

Robbie - hoping the big day went as planned & that you’ll have some pics to share of the blushing bride :)

Thank you Keisha. Pics will be coming soon. I took quite a few. I tried to stay out of the way of the photographer.

They did smile when they saw the chocolate on their pillows when we showed them to the room they`re in......I did fill their room with lots of little goodies, well it`s been a while since we had guests at all.

What a wonderful hostess you are Carole. I bet they felt like they were being welcomed to a five star hotel.

Just for giggles checked specifically the DS area hotels, slim pickings there and a good $100 more a night than expected. Then searched for 4 star properties in general, very slim pickings. Looks like summer travel has definitely exploded in Orland

Orlando has exploded with travelers this summer and it seems this coming Fall too. I have never seen the premier Resorts at Universal sold out so soon. I fear those that were holding out for better prices like years before might be out of luck this year.

Yes, we love the breakfast for dinner! And same, rarely do a large breakfast on weekdays...

We like to have a nice cheese, meat and veggie omelette every once and a while for dinner. It’s nice to mix things up.

Best summer meals are done on the grill!

Yep, your are right. Just something about grilled meats and veggies tastes better.

Hope everyone is doing fine on this taco Tuesday.

Tink great to see you posting. All is well in my neck of the woods. Hope all is well with you and your family.

I tried a new coffee flavor this morning, Bailey's Chocolate Cherry it was delicious...think I'll go get another cup.

Sounds yummy.

My mom is back in the hospital again. My sister texted and said she had some fluid in a lung and also around the heart. That’s all my aunt has told us so far.

Charade I hope your mom gets to feeling better soon.

oh yeahhhhh, will be in Orlando :banana::jumping1:pixiedust: I”m not too excited :)

Enjoy your trip to Orlando.


I need to make a packing list for the weekend. We are bringing so much food and beverages, fixings for s'mores and some games. Don't want to forget anything!

Sounds like a wonderful weekend planned at your lake house.

turns out tropical storm Elsa is brewing down by St Lucia. my mind automatically associating that name with Disney’s frozen, hoping it doesn’t turn out in ironic fashion. seems as tho it would be rather early in the season for any sort of major event. Famous last words:bitelip::rotfl:

Looked yesterday and Hurricane Elsa had been down graded to Tropical storm, but those storms can wreak havoc dropping lots of rain and wind too. Hope it peters out and moves back out to the ocean. We have some honeymooners in Orlando area and son is in Florida and heading to Key West in a few days.

Back home after a wonderful visit back home.

Great to hear you had a wonderful trip to see your mum and family.

longer than it should have....roadworks, downpours and truck drivers who like to block dual carriageways for sun by overtaking one another and neither can pass each other.......idiots. I think today was like a free for all for idiot drivers all lane discipline and complete disregard for others.

Sounds like driving on I 75 in Atlanta.

This is the south so fireworks already started last night and the night prior

more will be done tonight and the city building will have a large display on the 4th

we enjoy it as never saw it celebrated like this in the north

Yep, the south does the 4th of July nicely with lots of fireworks and barbecuing.

QUOTE="Lynne G, post: 63142977, member: 233554"]
Well eggs done, meatballs done, vegetables tray, pickles and olives and hot peppers tray, four kinds of cheese and three kinds of crackers tray done, iced tea in huge jug done, potato salad done, pasta salad done, and calico beans done. Burgers made and ready. Taking a break, as ah food for the masses tomorrow. And older brother called, eta in less than an hour. Will be nice to see, as have not seen him and wife since mom’s funeral, and have not seen my niece in years.
Just wait to they see all the food. Wow!

Sounds like you have made a feast Lynne. Enjoy visiting with your family.

July 4th steaks for us tomorrow, filet for 3 of us and Tom has a T Bone along with some langoustines and scallops to be flash grilled for all of us……there will be potato chips too at some point, always good to nibble the day away ………always celebrate along with friends from afar on the 4th. You don’t have to be “close” to be friends……..:rolleyes1

Sounds as always you have a delicious meal planned for the day. You and Tom are a honorary American’s. So nice to hear you all celebrate along with us.

As our September trip is more than likely not happening, we tonight, booked our May flights for next year…….always good to have something to look forward to…..and I’m ever positive For next year…….who cares what it cost, let’s just get booked……::yes::

There is still about 2 months to hold out for. I hope you can make the September trip work if things change. Glad to hear you have your May flight planned.

Celebrating the 4th one day early since Trey has to work on Monday. Grilling burgers, jalapeno cheddar smoked sausages and chicken while enjoying the watermelon margaritas Danielle whipped up...yum.

Food sounds yummy and the drink looks very good.

Had a miserable sleep
Fireworks started July 2 in my neighborhood
I’m sure there will be repeats of firework displays again tonight

We have been pounded the past few evenings and nights by loud fireworks. Usually it starts a week before the 4th with the major pounding on the 4th then continues for a few days after. Folks are in the mood to celebrate I guess.

I did go back and read through what everyone was up to. Looks like everyone is busy.

The wedding was beautiful. It was a pretty hot day out about 90 with a nice wind. The wedding was outdoors and the reception was in ballroom. Our granddaughter and her new hubby were just so happy on their special day. I will have to say this was one of the most joyous weddings I have ever been involved with. Everyone had the best time.

The food was delicious and the dance floor was packed and spilling over with the joyful bride and groom leading the pack. I will have to say you can usually never get me on the dance floor, but I will admit this Old granny did a little rug cutting.....LOL.

The grooms mom works in IT and she had a photo station set up where you could down load photos from your phone to a printer and print the photos and hang them on the the special photo stands his grandpa made. It was a hit. All the photos will be given to the granddaughter and hubby. They are going to have a lot of photos including the ones the photographer took. They also had a videographer.

I delivered the happy couple to the airport for their honeymoon on Thursday morning. They had a little delay do to a thunderstorm that was
moving through, but finally took off and landed, picked up their rental car and arrived at their destination to start their honeymoon.

The last of the out of town guests left Wednesday. So I have been trying to play catch up with things for past few days.

Macy’s had a great sale going on and I did a little retail therapy the other day.

The storm that came through Thursday brought some cooler temps and it has been beautiful here the past few days. Low’s at night in the mid 60’s and highs in the upper 70’s to low 80’s. We are supposed to be back up to 90 today.

They going to have the big Fireworks show here and in the neighboring town this evening. They always put on a great show. Not sure if I will go or not. I bet it will be packed with people.

I will check with granddaughter before I post pics of wedding.

I had a surprise yesterday when I took down a hanging plant to water it and found a nest of Cardinal eggs with a little one waiting to be fed. Needless to say no water and I hung it back up so mommy could fly back in and watch over her babies. The pics are on my phone and I will add them from my phone.
Happy 4th of July to you all. Hope everyone has a good day even those not gathering for a celebration.

Well we had a hell of a week with the court hearing. How can it have taken almost five days. Good news was we are allowed to buy the house - bad news too but then nobody comes out of such a situation as a “winner”. Further bad news he argued over wording in the court order but the judge corroborated that it had been set out correctly. He now has three weeks to appeal and so we are again in limbo waiting. Hopefully then we can move forward.

Hope everyone is well I’m afraid I’m not able to catch up on all your news but will begin to now.

Only four weeks until we get our break on the coast so we are all looking forward to that. The lodge we are in is front row to the dunes so ideal for Louie and the grandchildren. We’ve bought a beach trolley so we can load everything on if needed.

Also through a friend found an apartment in Devon for September for just us and Louie. Just a long weekend but if it’s suitable will re book for another time. In one of our favourite locations a little place called Budleigh Salterton. Lots of walking and beautiful scenery.

I think the stress has affected me physically with inflammation etc so I’ve just started back on my Keto way of eating. Only a few days in but beginning to feel improved already.

A weekend of sport in our house with Em and Kev enjoying the football - go Italy and England! - and the F1. Nice weather all week but torrential rain overnight and this morning so stopping in today with a nice roast dinner later.

Apologies I’m not up to date but sending positive thoughts and hugs to you all. Hoping everyone is keeping well.
Yay, a Robo and a Julie posting.

Robo, glad the happy newlyweds had a wonderful wedding, and hope they have fun on their honeymoon. Sweet, the bid eggs pictures. Yeah, I would not disturb them either. Hope to see ya in the Fall.

Julie, nice to hear updates, and hope all goes well for Em. He needs to focus only on the well being of the kids. But glad to hear about the house, and Fall time get away. Hope some zoo time with the grandkids will be had this Summer. Some of the zoo shows are from the Chester Zoo. So neat to see video of that zoo. For whatever reason, only local new coverage of our big zoo. Little zoo rarely even makes the local zoo, though made the news when flooding destroyed parts of the zoo.

And so, an enjoyable 4th so far. Snacking at home, as food coma will be from the afternoon fare.

Sunny Sunday, I’ll take it. Does feel warmer, and have my dark blue with white stars t-shirt on. Yay, it’s also July.
Yeah, we had fireworks from neighbors last night too Mac. But I can sleep through them. Hope you get a nap in today. Stinks they don’t stop by 10 or 11pm. Not nice to keep people up.

Have to giggle on what you said lynne

it’s the south and most test their fireworks starting in July 1 each year
Each night up to the 4th, peeps practice their fireworks
Last night it went on to after midnight
The Big Bang will go a long time tonight but in last years it is all over by 2 am

It’s a holiday in the South and all celebrate it

have not had a daytime nap in years
(Unless I am recovering from a surgery

would never be able to sleep at night if I did a few winks during the daytime

Hope all the homies have a great 4th of July!


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