Something About Nothing............ #14

Hey all!

Was supposed to pack today, not a thing tossed in the suitcases. The day flew past, two CAT scans and blood work scheduled by pulmonologist due to still lingering side effects after the one, two, three punches of covid/rsv/bronchospasms in Dec-January.

Last few days my vision got a bit blurry in right eye, thot it might be new glasses not cut properly. Nope, wound up with what I discovered is a stye inside my one eyelid. Not sure how I’ve managed to escape them in the past. Everyone I’ve mentioned it today has their own horror story lol

Popped up in less than a hour yesterday. Eye area swollen, looks like it was hit with a ball. My first one, holy heck, cannot believe how a little thing like that can cause grief.

I truly look like a slobbering troll. DH took one look at me this AM and said, please call the dr. They got me in within an hour :), prescribed antibiotic drops. At least they somewhat take sting out of it.

Now, just chillin’ waiting for hockey game then an early night. Need to get crackin on things tomorrow.

Yes, that airport is huge, mahoosive!!!
I remembered after I posted that you’ve actually been there, duh
Watched a little CFL and now the remote is mine as everyone has retired to their corners.
I “own” the remote in my BR. Otherwise, I let the mr flip to his heart’s content.
Is this a second round of GoT for you?
Yes, can’t say I’m enjoying it as much.
Not a great day today. After church went to the hospital to take a shift to be with a parishioner who is in end stages of cancer. She’s about my age. No family. Very sad.
It is indeed sad to contemplate that situation. However, rather uplifting to know that she wasn’t alone in the end.
The one thing I loved about Universal Hollywood was that the classic monsters roamed the park
Absolutely. Not sure when their permanent “haunted house” monster attraction ceased operation. Seriously, one of my favorite things there. A two story building with the best actors who stayed in character. Not of a consistent scare actor jump scare thing, more of a series of vignettes
Penguin ride opens July 7 rumored
Just missing it, darn it. Ah well, next time. Wonder if they will have any soft openings 4th of July week. Was going to do Aquatica one am that week, already have a free military SW tix for the kiddo. Might stop there instead.

I’ve been quite surprised as to how many different block out dates they’ve opened up for the military fun pass this year.
I promised her a dairy queen blizzard this week to make up for it:)
Love it. Only confection i’ll eat @ DQ. I’m smarting, most of my favorite flavors have been taken off menu hmmph. What’s Mom’s favorite?
I LOVE David Tennant. I have never seen him in Dr. Who, but saw him in a detective series, and I am blanking out on the name of it now!
Nope, he mine, all mine; hands off sista.
Yes, Broadchurch. Two seasons of it. Loved it. The subject matter was creepy, do think they handled it as tastefully as possible though. Olivia Coleman was quite good in it, as was that “Jodie” actress whose last name i forget. Meanwhile, couldn’t bear her as The Doctor. Guess that shows she’s a good actress

Game #7 tonight :cheer2: It's do or die tonight!!!! They have been on a roll and found their mojo...I have a good gut feeling about tonight. 6ish more hours until the puck drops.
Don’t think anyone would’ve predicted tonight’s game coming to fruition. Enjoy!
Using the microwave to warm up the pizza.
Only takes a minute and it’s time for dinner..
Cold, like revenge…it’s best served cold.

Actually, the first piece of leftover for me is cold, while the 2nd one crisps up nicely in the air fryer. How well, hard to tell it’s leftover
Went to surgeon this morning to have stitches out, on arm. Ugh. Says they’re not ready, another week.
Oh geez. That stinks. Conversely, do hate that feeling when they start to yank @ stitches and they don’t want to give. Not that anything ever has happened badly from that process, just don’t like that sensation.
@keishashadow oh no! I never used to get styes but a couple of years ago started to get them. First one a couple of weeks before a wedding! I finally figured out it was the mascara I was using. And not a cheap one! Switched mascara and so far all is good. Took me 2 tubes of the YSL to figure it out.
Hot compresses help. Hot water on face cloth, wring out and hold to eye.
How are the scan results? That sucks. My brother in law has lung damage from Covid.
Quick mid-day stop in!

And's Monday :surfweb: Sure could have used an extra day off. Oh well, next weekend is our holiday weekend. I also have taken Friday off - so it's a short week plus an extra long weekend to boot ;)

I have company again today - but it's my last day having her here until late July. So all the tasks will be all mine again. It looks like things have slowed down a bit - so I will take that! We are hoping that some time in the fall, she will be hired full-time as we will have a new RO starting.

Game #7 tonight :cheer2: It's do or die tonight!!!! They have been on a roll and found their mojo...I have a good gut feeling about tonight. 6ish more hours until the puck drops.

It sounds like it was an interesting weekend for you. I'm sure the lady appreciated you stopping by to visit. And yes - it is sad and not easy to visit when you know details like that.

Enjoy that heat!!!!! Your scenery is breathtaking. My feet tingled looking at that picture.

We are hoping for a win- but if they don't pull it out and win tonight - They have played an AMAZING series - and played the last 3 games like they had nothing to loose. It has been a great series - to watch!

I hope that the heavy rain stays away.

Yup....those are the same tickets I'm looking at buying. That way if we have a slower day doing other things- we can come back in the evening and ride what we would like in Islands!!! Even if it is only Velocicoaster or Jurassic River ride! WE loved doing that one at night. I want at least 2 days at the park - plus one night for HNN. So for almost the same price - we can have extra days there...I'll take that any day.

Well, I should go shuffle a few papers around.

Have a great day everyone!!!!

Did I miss when you are going to Orlando????

Thank you, yes, views are stunning here, although not so pretty on a grey winters` day, but I guess every season has it`s own charm.

When in November will you be there? We are there from the 12th-16th.

That was a difficult series to watch. I mentioned that at work once and my boss asked if it was because of the accents. (Eyeroll) No! It was because of the subject matter. She had seen the series too, so it’s not like she was unfamiliar with it.

Almost time to go home.

oops, guess she wasn`t fond of the accents then.

I do love listening to David Tennant when he goes into full Scottish brogue.....only the Scots understand him them, he`s very funny.

Left over pizza for dinner tonight.
97 outside so canceled the plans baking a real meal we had planned on.

Using the microwave to warm up the pizza.
Only takes a minute and it’s time for dinner..

That mini oven thing we bought has a pizza reheat setting on it, and I am converted, now and again to have it reheated, it does it well. That is hot indeed for you!

Thank you all for your good wishes, our friend passed quietly i n the early morning hours. She was more than ready. It’s a quite small (Anglican) church so it’s easy to organize such things. It’s nice she wasn’t alone. Tragic she had no family, never had children.

@schumigirl thats a stunning beach pic. Is Tennant back on Dr Who? I only watched the first new ep and wasn’t impressed.

@disneyseniors yum I love fried chicken! You got a great deal on tickets! We get a good deal on international 2 week ticket which my daughter gets when she comeswith me. We usually go for 2 weeks. Being on west coast it’s a long flight. I have an AP.
Glad to hear your bird feeder is down. So is mine. It’s amazing how those bears know when it’s trash day lol. Fortunately none today! We’re having road construction (new water lines) so maybe that’s keeping them away now.

@Charade67 i save the river ride for heat of the day to cool off, but bet it’s really cool to go on at night. I’ll have to try it!

@Pumpkin1172 . a lot of funny memes on FB tonight about Cana da being closed due to game!

@drenalin'junkie hope you get your day trip in! Weather changes all the time.

@Robo56 that’s a great pic from your room. I love house 3. Best views. Hope weather clears up. There’s nothing like a Florida rain storm, and lightenning! We just don’t get those here.

Yes Charade, where is Lynne? I should talk :tilt:

Went to surgeon this morning to have stitches out, on arm. Ugh. Says they’re not ready, another week.

Friday going to dinner in town and a show (Guys & Dolls) with my daughters. A birthday present from them!

Weather is starting to cool and cloud up. Good thing gardener came today! Rain mid week then will clear again.

Very sorry about the lady from church, never easy to know someone who passes.

No, DT isn`t back on Dr Who, I don`t watch it anymore, even Tom gave up on it.

Hey all!

Was supposed to pack today, not a thing tossed in the suitcases. The day flew past, two CAT scans and blood work scheduled by pulmonologist due to still lingering side effects after the one, two, three punches of covid/rsv/bronchospasms in Dec-January.

Last few days my vision got a bit blurry in right eye, thot it might be new glasses not cut properly. Nope, wound up with what I discovered is a stye inside my one eyelid. Not sure how I’ve managed to escape them in the past. Everyone I’ve mentioned it today has their own horror story lol

Popped up in less than a hour yesterday. Eye area swollen, looks like it was hit with a ball. My first one, holy heck, cannot believe how a little thing like that can cause grief.

I truly look like a slobbering troll. DH took one look at me this AM and said, please call the dr. They got me in within an hour :), prescribed antibiotic drops. At least they somewhat take sting out of it.

Now, just chillin’ waiting for hockey game then an early night. Need to get crackin on things tomorrow.

I remembered after I posted that you’ve actually been there, duh

I “own” the remote in my BR. Otherwise, I let the mr flip to his heart’s content.

Yes, can’t say I’m enjoying it as much.

It is indeed sad to contemplate that situation. However, rather uplifting to know that she wasn’t alone in the end.

Absolutely. Not sure when their permanent “haunted house” monster attraction ceased operation. Seriously, one of my favorite things there. A two story building with the best actors who stayed in character. Not of a consistent scare actor jump scare thing, more of a series of vignettes

Just missing it, darn it. Ah well, next time. Wonder if they will have any soft openings 4th of July week. Was going to do Aquatica one am that week, already have a free military SW tix for the kiddo. Might stop there instead.

I’ve been quite surprised as to how many different block out dates they’ve opened up for the military fun pass this year.

Love it. Only confection i’ll eat @ DQ. I’m smarting, most of my favorite flavors have been taken off menu hmmph. What’s Mom’s favorite?

Nope, he mine, all mine; hands off sista.
Yes, Broadchurch. Two seasons of it. Loved it. The subject matter was creepy, do think they handled it as tastefully as possible though. Olivia Coleman was quite good in it, as was that “Jodie” actress whose last name i forget. Meanwhile, couldn’t bear her as The Doctor. Guess that shows she’s a good actress

Don’t think anyone would’ve predicted tonight’s game coming to fruition. Enjoy!

Cold, like revenge…it’s best served cold.

Actually, the first piece of leftover for me is cold, while the 2nd one crisps up nicely in the air fryer. How well, hard to tell it’s leftover

Oh geez. That stinks. Conversely, do hate that feeling when they start to yank @ stitches and they don’t want to give. Not that anything ever has happened badly from that process, just don’t like that sensation.

Glad you got it looked at, could have turned very nasty left alone. Yes, they are painful but hope it clears up so you can get the make up on for your trip!!!

Yes, I always enjoy airports, but that side of the world isn`t so pleasant, beautiful airport, very impressive, but if i never see it again it`ll be too soon.

lol....I still can`t do cold pizza!!! But, reheated is alright with this oven.

Tom asked if I wanted to watch GoT on dvd again from the beginning......I truly don`t have the energy for that again!!! It was exhausting watching it and couldn`t relive the Red Wedding again!! Jodie Whittaker is not an actress I`m fond of generally, but the general consensus is she was officially the worst Dr Who ever.

Hope you get your packing sorted today and that eye heals up quickly.

I guess you lost......sorry!!!!

Well no bright sunshine this morning, it`s grey but warm, hoping it brightens up for this afternoon. I`m only in school for an hour or so, so will get some housework done before Tom gets back from his volunteering. Spicy chicken salad for lunch today.

Grilling for dinner tonight, haven`t decided what yet, but we have plenty of choice.

Slept great last night, must have been cooler, Tom said I was talking in my sleep again, couldn`t make out what it was except for something about a tv???? As he said as long as he doesn`t hear the words....who is that standing beside me again, he`s happy!!! Freaked him out big time!

Poached egg on toast coming right up, sleeping beauty got up same time as me, so, he`ll do it for me, I`ll get the tea made in the pot.

Last week in June!!!! Where have the last few months gone.




Have a lovely Tuesday :sunny:
Hey all, busy so far this am but, not with what was on the to-do list. May be doing that tossing of stuff in suitcases tonight way I’m going. Naw, not my style

Thus far, pooch bathed, his toenails cut and quick hair cut/grooming to make him acceptable enough to share the bed with DS finicky cats. May give a spray of foo-foo, jik.

On 2nd batch of chicken breasts, waiting for timer to take them out. 1st batch made some rice with them, it gets tasty cooking under the chicken on rack in insta pot. I usually get DS something “big” for his house every year as a thank you for taking the pooch. Was thinking of a recliner this year. Said no thank you, just make me food to eat while you are gone lol. Still, need to think of something to get him, will strike me sooner or later.

Charade - meant to ask you, did your DD have an issue with getting her FAFSA sent in “in time”. Realize she is under family program, would think they still have to complete it.

Friends have been talking about a delay in being able to apply, let alone learning what their kid’s financial aid packages will entail.

They don’t expect any federal grants, need scholarships etc. to speak of, however, they are hoping for some merit money from the schools that is always detailed in their yet unreceived packages. Difficult for many to make that final call on where they going to attend as not sure how long the schools will hold their acceptance slots.

Glad I’m not embroiled in that mess at this point.

don’t rub the eyes no matter how itchy it gets.
I never realized how many times a day I do touch my eyes. Feeling much better with a couple doses of the drops. Swelling and redness nowhere as pronounced. Woohoo
How are the scan results?
Good question. Tech yesterday said they are so busy now in that lab. Hospital was just a sleepy local branch of the large health practice. ER etc. but not a trauma center sort. The health system designated them to be a regional one. Now they are booking appts for people from 2-1/2 hours away from Erie area, as they are fully staffed and have most of the high resolution imaging etc. also a busy cancer center location. That is really a long way to go for medical care.

Sorry to hear for ur BiL. Pulmonologist that my family uses so busy, it took me almost four months to get in and that was via watching cancellation list online. Otherwise, it was mid august for 1st appt. Exactly what you said, so many either developed new problems or exacerbated existing ones during covid.

AJ -

No, DT isn`t back on Dr Who,
He was back on between that Jodi & the new Dr, who has grown on me a bit. Was he who generated into the new Dr in episode with Neil Patrick Harris as the toy maker, who did a good job. I keep hoping they bring back the actor who played the master in some fashion.

Sadly, not a Dalek or cyber man to be found. Come on, give us a nod here lol. Admit that PC writing that creeps in rather gratuitously at times really does get me grinding my teeth.
Hope you get your packing sorted today and that eye heals up quickly.
Thanks, cleared late am & into early afternoon. DH getting nervous he’s not seeing suitcases lol. even said he’d do a load of towels & sheets for me. Works for me as I don’t care how those are folded, gave up ironing sheets long ago.

Oldest DS will be in Edmonton for another 1-1/2 weeks. He said there have been some sofa bond fires after the games. Thot that was strictly a West Virginia celebratory gesture lol. He texted me that one of my DS told him I agreed to make a ton of chicken wings later today for them. (Starting to think they just visit me for food). Holding me to a private wing session as a welcome home…gladly.
I wish I slept last night Schumi! Ugh, I think I only managed 3-4 hrs. Hate when I wake up tired!
I can’t agree more about Jodi W being worst Dr Who. Not overly fond of new one either. I watched 1st episode and that’s as far as I got. Too bad. It used to be a good series.

No plans today except Costco this morning and going for dog walk with a friend early afternoon depending on temps. If pavements too hot will wait till after dinner.
Hey all, busy so far this am but, not with what was on the to-do list. May be doing that tossing of stuff in suitcases tonight way I’m going. Naw, not my style

Thus far, pooch bathed, his toenails cut and quick hair cut/grooming to make him acceptable enough to share the bed with DS finicky cats. May give a spray of foo-foo, jik.

On 2nd batch of chicken breasts, waiting for timer to take them out. 1st batch made some rice with them, it gets tasty cooking under the chicken on rack in insta pot. I usually get DS something “big” for his house every year as a thank you for taking the pooch. Was thinking of a recliner this year. Said no thank you, just make me food to eat while you are gone lol. Still, need to think of something to get him, will strike me sooner or later.

Charade - meant to ask you, did your DD have an issue with getting her FAFSA sent in “in time”. Realize she is under family program, would think they still have to complete it.

Friends have been talking about a delay in being able to apply, let alone learning what their kid’s financial aid packages will entail.

They don’t expect any federal grants, need scholarships etc. to speak of, however, they are hoping for some merit money from the schools that is always detailed in their yet unreceived packages. Difficult for many to make that final call on where they going to attend as not sure how long the schools will hold their acceptance slots.

Glad I’m not embroiled in that mess at this point.

I never realized how many times a day I do touch my eyes. Feeling much better with a couple doses of the drops. Swelling and redness nowhere as pronounced. Woohoo

Good question. Tech yesterday said they are so busy now in that lab. Hospital was just a sleepy local branch of the large health practice. ER etc. but not a trauma center sort. The health system designated them to be a regional one. Now they are booking appts for people from 2-1/2 hours away from Erie area, as they are fully staffed and have most of the high resolution imaging etc. also a busy cancer center location. That is really a long way to go for medical care.

Sorry to hear for ur BiL. Pulmonologist that my family uses so busy, it took me almost four months to get in and that was via watching cancellation list online. Otherwise, it was mid august for 1st appt. Exactly what you said, so many either developed new problems or exacerbated existing ones during covid.

AJ -

He was back on between that Jodi & the new Dr, who has grown on me a bit. Was he who generated into the new Dr in episode with Neil Patrick Harris as the toy maker, who did a good job. I keep hoping they bring back the actor who played the master in some fashion.

Sadly, not a Dalek or cyber man to be found. Come on, give us a nod here lol. Admit that PC writing that creeps in rather gratuitously at times really does get me grinding my teeth.

Thanks, cleared late am & into early afternoon. DH getting nervous he’s not seeing suitcases lol. even said he’d do a load of towels & sheets for me. Works for me as I don’t care how those are folded, gave up ironing sheets long ago.

Oldest DS will be in Edmonton for another 1-1/2 weeks. He said there have been some sofa bond fires after the games. Thot that was strictly a West Virginia celebratory gesture lol. He texted me that one of my DS told him I agreed to make a ton of chicken wings later today for them. (Starting to think they just visit me for food). Holding me to a private wing session as a welcome home…gladly.

Our boys do appreciate their mum`s cooking for sure, I think it`s lovely he just asked you to cook him food!!! But, yes, you`ll get him something nice. It is nice how his kitties and your puppy get along so nicely.

You`ll get that packing done in a jiffy!! Glad the eye is clearing up, you`ll get that make up on yet.

Your food is obviously something they love, I`m sure it`s not the maiin reason they visit so much though. Silly me, I thought he had been and gone to Canada, hope he enjoys the rest of his time there.

I didn`t know he had made an appearance, if Tom had kept watching he might have said, but too PC for him now, to be honest most shows made by the BBC we tend to avoid in general for that reason.

I do have fond memories of the ever favourite Daleks, Davros and to a lesser degree the Cybermen, all about the Daleks when I was a child. Tom Baker is still my childhood Dr and he`s still alive, popped up in a cafe somewhere where a fan took a pic with him, god love him he`s 90 now!

Well, someone stole our sunshine!! It is still warm, but just grey and looks like rain, but none forecast, we`re not used to humidity, but it is feeling that way.

Volunteering went well today for both of us, Tom said he would do tomorrow afternoon and that`s him for the week.....glad to hear it. I`m at the salon tomorrow afternoon for top section highlight, cut and and an Olaplex treatment not forgetting some waxing going on too!!! One stop shop!! Since I got the 6" cut off a couple of months ago, it has got so much longer, but is still so much shorter than it has been in maybe 30 years! So, will get another inch and a half off so it`s back on the shoulder, Tom loves it, so all good.

As we weren`t sitting out, we drove to a friends home for a cuppa and a good old chin wag, passed a couple of hours and put the world to rights.

Still going to cook outside tonight, I have honey balsamic chicken thighs and a couple of pork and apple sausages to do, fruity & spicy (very spicy) cous cous, my friend Sue gave me some of her Carolina Reaper!!!! Creamy coleslaw will cool it down nicely and some salad, I made a honey/balsamic/ginger dressing to go with it, hope it`s nice.

Highlight of the day, local strawberries from one of our farm stores!! Strangely they`re not local, but Scottish strawberries which are the best of course, they are very sweet and full of flavour, so that`s dessert with maybe some clotted cream ice cream, hard to beat.

Off to call the dentist.....bleurgh!!!
A quick Tuesday morning stop in :surfweb:

It seems to be an good paced day today. I'm able to pick things off my to-do list today. Maybe even get to watch a few youtube videos to make the best use of our time for our Orlando trip!

It looks like Space X will be doing a rocket launch while we are there. No tickets are on sale yet at KSC to watch the launch - but I am worried that if the launch is scrubbed - we would essentially loose our money. So I'm thinking we might be better off watching from another beach close by. And have that day be our gator / airboat tour day with maybe HHN that night. Then visit KSC on a different day when it might not be so busy and get to spend the whole day there - as there is so much to see there.

I got to go for a walk today on my morning break. It won't be a hot day - but it will be better than the rainy cold weather we can't seem to shake away. Hopefully I can get another quick walk in over my lunch break. It always feels good to get outside into the sunshine!

Yes - we lost last night :sad: But what a ride this season has been!!!! They went from being the worst team in November to playing a game 7 in the cup finals!!!!! They played hard last night - but the Panthers played just that little extra bit better. The panthers played an awesome defensive game last night - vs us having to play a more offensive game. It was a hard fought game - and it definitely wasn't handed over to the panthers. Next year!!!! That will be their year!

Left over pizza for dinner tonight.
97 outside so canceled the plans baking a real meal we had planned on.
YUM! I love left over pizza!!!

I wouldn't cook either if it was that warm - other than tossing some burgers on the grill.
Thank you all for your good wishes, our friend passed quietly i n the early morning hours. She was more than ready. It’s a quite small (Anglican) church so it’s easy to organize such things. It’s nice she wasn’t alone. Tragic she had no family, never had children.
I'm sorry to hear that. It is nice she wasn't alone. From working in homecare - it is sad to see how many people are truly alone and have no one to help them.
Was supposed to pack today, not a thing tossed in the suitcases. The day flew past, two CAT scans and blood work scheduled by pulmonologist due to still lingering side effects after the one, two, three punches of covid/rsv/bronchospasms in Dec-January.
Wow...yikes. Those who say covid/rsv are made up have never had to experience how badly it can affect the lungs. I hope you start to feel better - especially the eye! That must be so uncomfortable.

I'm sure you are an expert packer and get your things together in a matter of a couple hours. Have a great time on your next adventure!
Did I miss when you are going to Orlando????
101 days!!!! We are going Oct 4 - 13. We are bringing the boys - they are paying part of the bill :rolleyes1 But we will foot the bulk of it. They have wanted to visit since dh and I went in 2022. So Momma is planning and trying to make it the best trip and get the most of our limited time there. They have a big list of things they want to do....but what they want to do is all doable in our timeframe.

I told dh we needed an extra day or two to fit in all the things. Now they need to decide if they want to do Epcot - and ride the few new rides plus eat and drink their way around the world - or if I can plan something different for that day - maybe even a lazy day by the pool!
Oldest DS will be in Edmonton for another 1-1/2 weeks. He said there have been some sofa bond fires after the games. Thot that was strictly a West Virginia celebratory gesture lol. He texted me that one of my DS told him I agreed to make a ton of chicken wings later today for them. (Starting to think they just visit me for food). Holding me to a private wing session as a welcome home…gladly.
He's in my neck of the woods. I hope he has enjoyed Edmonton. Some parts of the city are AMAZING!!!!

And yes - boys will always love their Momma's cooking. I know mine appreciate and like most of the meals I make.
Highlight of the day, local strawberries from one of our farm stores!! Strangely they`re not local, but Scottish strawberries which are the best of course, they are very sweet and full of flavour, so that`s dessert with maybe some clotted cream ice cream, hard to beat.

Off to call the dentist.....bleurgh!!!
YUM!!!!!!!! Fresh strawberries. That dessert sounds delicious!

Well, it's almost lunch now. I've been slowly picking away at tasks. I am not sure what I am going to do to keep busy this afternoon. I'm sure I'll find something though.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!
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I hope you start to feel better - especially the eye! That must be so uncomfortable.
Better living thru chemistry, much better, thanks. Bringing multiple pairs of sunglasses tho. Dr said not ‘catchy’ but, last thing i need is being denied ship boarding due to medical
I'm sure you are an expert packer and get your things together in a matter of a couple hours. Have a great time on your next adventure!
Thanks, I’m a procrastinating packer. Want to bring the whole house with me. It’s joke I pack, then need to cull the herd, at least once.
101 days!!!! We are going Oct 4 - 13. We are bringing the boys
Great time to go! Your sons will love it. Are you planning on sneaking in HHN too? I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve done a full pull day in Orlando…the siren call of the parks just too distracting for me.

I vote for Epcot & the Guardians of the Galaxy ride! Make sure to get down the whole VQ process or buy a LL. Although, the genie plus system has changed effective mid July. New hoops to learn, oh joy :rolleyes1

I’ll be sure to bore the heck out of yinz guys with pics. Tomorrow @ Old Key West. Don’t laugh, Thursday I need to try to get into the lottery to buy Oogie Boogie halloween party tix for DL shortly before noon. It’s like the hunger games, a small/finite # of tix that sell out within hours, if you get selected to purchase & wait online for hours to do so. Has to be a better system??? Just what I want to be doing while on vacation. Thinking to rope drop or parks late with pool time for family while I’m on the phone.
@macraven no Taco Tuesday? I’m shocked!

@Pumpkin1172 well well well such a sad night for Canada. Yes, next year we’ll bring the cup home. A bit salty about Luango!
How exciting there will be a launch while you’re there. Once there was a launch during our stay. I figured the best viewing from the park would be on the bridge near the globe. Apparently about 15ish others agreed and were waiting too. But no go. We did end up seeing it really high up, just a glow in the sky on moving walkway! Sigh. I think a good spot would be on Cocoa Beach. Maybe from the pier?

@keishashadow have a great time at OKW! I’ve always wanted to try Olivia’s. But don’t go to wdw much anymore. It’s gotten too complicated. Now it looks like it’s going back to the old system of 3 FPs except not free anymore. So you pay the big bucks and only guaranteed 3 fps. IDK.
I’m a chronic overpacker! You’ll get it done!

Quiet day, just a Costco run and a dog walk! Going to sleep well tonight I hope.
Don’t know where the day went. Nothing really interesting going on this week. I can’t remember if I mentioned that B has an appointment with a podiatrist tomorrow morning and asked me to go with her. She has always had weak ankles and since she has a job where she stands for hours she has been complaining about ankle pain. She was a little reluctant to see a doctor at first, then I reminded her that we are planning a 5 hour walking tour when we go to Disney in March.

Left over pizza for dinner tonight.
97 outside so canceled the plans baking a real meal we had planned on.
I am refusing to use an oven while it is so hot.

Friday going to dinner in town and a show (Guys & Dolls) with my daughters. A birthday present from them!
I saw a college production of that a few years ago. It was so much better than the movie.

Last few days my vision got a bit blurry in right eye, thot it might be new glasses not cut properly. Nope, wound up with what I discovered is a stye inside my one eyelid. Not sure how I’ve managed to escape them in the past. Everyone I’ve mentioned it today has their own horror story lol
My sympathies. I have had a few, but not to the severity of yours. Glad it cleared up quickly.

No, DT isn`t back on Dr Who, I don`t watch it anymore, even Tom gave up on it.
I think I have given up on it as well. I haven’t been really happy with the show since Matt Smith left

Charade - meant to ask you, did your DD have an issue with getting her FAFSA sent in “in time”. Realize she is under family program, would think they still have to complete it.
She didn’t have any problems with it. I had heard that there were a lot of problems with FAFSA this year. Maybe they finally got their act together. We are now waiting for the school to post her dependent aid so she can complete registration.

101 days!!!! We are going Oct 4 - 13
Sorry I will miss you. I think I will miss seeing everyone this year.

I vote for Epcot & the Guardians of the Galaxy ride!
I am looking forward to that ride.

Has anyone here gone to Hoop De Doo at Disney? Is it worth seeing? We are thinking about doing a couple of non-park experiences. Dh has suggested that one.


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