Soak Up Summer Savings email questions...

Little E

DIS Veteran
Apr 3, 2016
Hi Disfriends!

DH and I are direct owners at GF and we would like to purchase BC at some point. I was watching the resale market for a while back in the spring, and then life happened with some unexpected big expenses, so we decided to put our BC purchase on hold for a bit. Two days ago, I got an email from DVC that references $5300 in savings to add on points. I'm confused about the "savings", and I'm wondering if other DVC folks might have more info? Here are my questions:

1. There is a $2550 "summer offer" and a $2750 "welcome home" offer. What do these mean/how are they different? And, how can you qualify for both?
2. Does this "add on" offer count if you already own direct at one resort but want to purchase a different resort?
3. How long is this offer good for?
4. Did all DVC folks get this email?

I have contacted our DVC guide, and I got an "out of office until July 1" message. I'm just curious enough I thought I'd toss this out to more knowledgeable DVC folks here. I figure this "savings" has lots of strings attached, so I wanted to figure out what those strings were. I'm sure this deals can't beat what I've been looking at through resale, but I have to admit that buying direct with our GF points was easy peasy and we got our points to use right away. I thought I would at least run this by my DVC Disfriends.

Thanks so much for any info!
The "welcome home" portion was confusing to me at first too. The welcome home is in addition to the other discount, you qualify for it by having a trip already booked in the future or possibly just returned home from a trip. The welcome home does not apply if you buy SSR, BLT or AKV. It only applies to RIV, CFW, VDH and AUL. None of the incentives are for BC
@veginaz Thank you! This is actually what I wanted to know; this is really helpful. I just wanted to make sense of the email. Bummer that the incentives don't apply to BC, but I can't say I'm surprised.
@veginaz Thank you! This is actually what I wanted to know; this is really helpful. I just wanted to make sense of the email. Bummer that the incentives don't apply to BC, but I can't say I'm surprised.
If they had added the welcome home to SSR or made the discount higher I woulda bought it, but the current incentive doesn't make sense over resale

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