So, I might need to cancel my trip


DIS Veteran
May 24, 2010
So found out Friday that my dad has to have bypass surgery sometime, probably in the next week or two. Thing is, I have a mother/daughter trip planned and we leave in 9 days on May 29. We don't know when the surgery will be, they should hopefully find out on tomorrow. I feel sick to my stomach right now. I hate the waiting game, not knowing so I can plan accordingly. If they schedule while we're supposed to be on vacation, I don't know whether or not I should cancel, or go ahead and go. Canceling will be tricky, because I've rented points to stay at BWV, however, I did buy trip insurance, but I'm not 100% sure this would be something that is covered.

My sister has offered to fly up so that I can still go on my vacation, but even if she does, I'm still not sure whether or not we should go. The Dr. seems to think everything will be fine, however, with heart surgery, no one knows for sure.

I'm really hoping the surgery is scheduled for this upcoming week, or they're so backed up that it isn't scheduled until I get back.

This just adds to the stress I'm already feeling with everything else going on right now, I really need this vacation.
I don’t know if there is a right answer all I can tell you is what I would do if it were me. Yes things do happen but this surgery is fairly common and it’s obviously something that needs to be taken care of but is not an emergency in the since that they feel they have time to schedule the surgery, so the biggest thing is post operative care. I have 2 sisters. One I would totally trust to take care of that and the other I would be canceling. But assuming the responsible sister offered I would probably go.
I don’t know if there is a right answer all I can tell you is what I would do if it were me. Yes things do happen but this surgery is fairly common and it’s obviously something that needs to be taken care of but is not an emergency in the since that they feel they have time to schedule the surgery, so the biggest thing is post operative care. I have 2 sisters. One I would totally trust to take care of that and the other I would be canceling. But assuming the responsible sister offered I would probably go.

My sister has been a Registered Nurse for over 20 years, so she's much better at dealing with this kind of stuff than I am. The biggest thing is to have somebody sit with my mom for support during the surgery. My husband has even offered to go sit with her. I've told my mom we'd help out with whatever is needed afterwards.
It is a tough decision. A few years ago, my cousin and his fiancee had a trip to WDW planned, and then our Grandma passed away. While I know he was sad, and it was hard, they went on the vacation anyways. I think it was a good stress reliever for him.

Wishing your Dad well with his surgery! You will make the right decision. Have your spoken to WDW at all? A few years ago, I had to cancel my cruise due to issues with my pregnancy (and I didn't have trip insurance). WDW was great about helping me out.

Good luck!
FWIW, I’ve got Travelguard insurance and one of its cancellation reasons is a family member has a life threatening illness, which this seems to fit under. I guess you have to think about if it’s going to upset your family if you’re not there for the surgery and what you think the risk is.

Best wishes for your dad.
Everyone I've known who had bypass surgery had it almost immediately. My dad went for a stress test as part of a routine physical and he was operated on the next morning. My dad was about 72. He was out of the hospital in 3-4 days. And this was some time ago.
Wait until you find out when the surgery is scheduled for. I know when my dad had a quadruple bypass, he didn't want his kids around (Mom was there for him, of course). But, I was pretty much a wreck that day, regardless. On the good side, he recovered really quickly and nicely. Here's hoping your dad does, as well.

I must say, there's no way I could have enjoyed the vacation during the actual surgery. However, if you know he'll be out and on the way to recovery, you should be fine--you can keep in touch from the hotel, or even the parks.
Thank you everybody for your comments/advice. My dad’s bypass surgery is scheduled for June 22. I feel so relieved that it doesn’t interfere with my vacation. He was wanting it done ASAP, but the Dr. is on vacation next week and that’s the earliest they could fit him in.

Now, I can be excited for my trip, although I’m a little anxious too. It’s our first mother/daughter trip with just the 2 of us.
That's good for multiple reasons - first of all it means that he is not in such a condition that it has to be done ASAP. And you will be able to be with him which will put all of you at peace. And then you also get to go see him when back from a vacation with your child. Win, win, win.
I'm glad that worked out for you. Have a wonderful trip, and then you can come home refreshed and ready to pitch in as needed for your dad. FTR, my dad recovered quite quickly--his leg bothered him more than his chest. That's where they stole the vein that they then used to patch his heart. But, he was rarin' to go, with just some ugly scars, in no time.
It's a tough decision, but one you have to be comfortable with. Will you be relaxed if you leave? Will you return immediately if any complications? Can you postphone your trip and go when you would be more relaxed and know your father is okay? These are questions to think about and then do whatever is right for you and your family. Good luck to you and your father.
UPDATE: My dad had his surgery yesterday. Everything went well and hopefully will continue to go well as he recovers.

Somehow while the nurse was in the room before he went surgery, we got on the topic of Disney. I mentioned I'd just gotten back from Disney World a couple weeks ago. The nurse then said he's planning on taking his wife to Disney World after he retires. He had no idea about anything so I tried to tell him some of the important stuff such as making ADRs and FP+ ahead of time. I gave him a list of websites (including this one) that I use when I plan my trips. I also gave him my e-mail and told him I love planning and would be happy to answer any questions for him if I can.
UPDATE: My dad had his surgery yesterday. Everything went well and hopefully will continue to go well as he recovers.

Somehow while the nurse was in the room before he went surgery, we got on the topic of Disney. I mentioned I'd just gotten back from Disney World a couple weeks ago. The nurse then said he's planning on taking his wife to Disney World after he retires. He had no idea about anything so I tried to tell him some of the important stuff such as making ADRs and FP+ ahead of time. I gave him a list of websites (including this one) that I use when I plan my trips. I also gave him my e-mail and told him I love planning and would be happy to answer any questions for him if I can.
Glad your dad is doing ok! Glad everything worked out.


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