SmallWorld - New build is online!

4. When is the official SmallWorlds launch date?

At this stage we are planning to officially launch of SmallWorlds in June 2008.

I think that was an old doc you pulled that from, we were hearing August ever since we started

ETA: oh and I wrote it wasnt possible, let me change that to HIGHLY unlikely LOL

In the unlikely event had and was spreading a virus, it would infect millions in no time at all because of the populartity of the site. That would be on the news, so I say it didnt happen, but saying its not possible is a stretch :)
Interesting that the virus discussion is here. I recently had something happen to my machine that made everything lock. I restarted my machine and Windows could not load on start up. It happened while on SmallWords one day. (I also had other software running so cannot say for certain that SmallWorlds was the culprit.)

I ran every recovery process possible - no luck. In the end, I had to buy an external hard drive, back up my entire system, reformat my hard drive, reload (and find!) ALL my software and re-transfer all my files. Phew!

I have also increased my virus software. I have not been on SW's since my system is back up and running. (Not intentionally, just have not had time.) I do wonder if something from SW's was the cause, though.
u know its interesting that SW may be the cause of my virus too. Ever since i joined it i have this backround show up that says something like Warning spyware has been detected or something like that. I cant get it to go back to my normal backround so i have just left it. idk if its a virus but i am sorta convinced it is and that is COULD be SW...
me either, I have had no problems with any of that. Some of you seem to be playing other games also, which I also think is an unlikely cause, but wonder why that isn't something you would be worried about.

First update your antivirus software often, then you would get a pop up if it was happening, you shouldnt just get infected unless its a day 0 virus or your not protecting your computer adequately.

Why dont you write to smallworlds and provide the information to them. Let them check it out for you.
u know its interesting that SW may be the cause of my virus too. Ever since i joined it i have this backround show up that says something like Warning spyware has been detected or something like that. I cant get it to go back to my normal backround so i have just left it. idk if its a virus but i am sorta convinced it is and that is COULD be SW...

Would this by a Blue Background with "Warning" sign/box in the middle that is yellow and blue? If so....well, that's exactly what she said hers was!
me either, I have had no problems with any of that. Some of you seem to be playing other games also, which I also think is an unlikely cause, but wonder why that isn't something you would be worried about.

First update your antivirus software often, then you would get a pop up if it was happening, you shouldnt just get infected unless its a day 0 virus or your not protecting your computer adequately.

Why dont you write to smallworlds and provide the information to them. Let them check it out for you.

I've suggested she let Smallworlds know, others that have had problem(s) might want to also (especially Gsterg, since it sounds like the same she had.)

Thanks everyone for the info, I am passing it on to my friend
me either, I have had no problems with any of that. Some of you seem to be playing other games also, which I also think is an unlikely cause, but wonder why that isn't something you would be worried about.

First update your antivirus software often, then you would get a pop up if it was happening, you shouldnt just get infected unless its a day 0 virus or your not protecting your computer adequately.

Why dont you write to smallworlds and provide the information to them. Let them check it out for you.

I have been introducing sites that I frequent 1 by 1 since I re-built my system. So far, no troubles. Not a fool-proof method, but somewhat scientific in approach anyway.

As for anti-virus, thought we were protected, not sure what happened, and never did find a virus. However, every "fix" for a failed system did not work so most I have consulted with think I got hit by something. sigh Luckily, I don't seem to have lots anything except a lot of time and a few bucks on equipment needed to back up and re-install everything.

I just thought it was very interesting to read a similar issue since I know SW was one of the programs open when everything locked. Not saying it's the cause, just a common element.

As most of us know, there's not always a clear cut culprit when a system takes a nose-dive.

Would this by a Blue Background with "Warning" sign/box in the middle that is yellow and blue?
That is not what I experienced. My entire system locked and upon restart, Windows would not start... ever.
the blue background box is a very popular malware thing. google this everyone there are fixes "blue background warning box"

you'll see many complaints and none of them were on smallworld at the time it happened.
u know its interesting that SW may be the cause of my virus too. Ever since i joined it i have this background show up that says something like Warning spy-ware has been detected or something like that. I cant get it to go back to my normal background so i have just left it. idk if its a virus but i am sorta convinced it is and that is COULD be SW...

Hi, If its a blue background and when you go into Display the tabs for Screen Saver and Desktop are gone, it's the virus called Joke-Bluescreen.c It puts three different files on your computer, .exe .scr and .jpg or something like jpg.

To remove it:
if possible, write down what your virus checker is saying
its name/location is. Example; I have McAfee and the window popped-up saying something like Virus Detected "Name: Joke-Bluescreen.c , Location: C:\WINDOWS\System32\blphc5hpj0e39n.scr " the underlined part is the virus, the name tends to vary between infected computers, but it usually looks something like that. Give or take the numbers.

Now if you don't have a virus checker ( I recommend getting one now!) or your virus checker isn't popping up you can try to restart your computer to get it to pop up, or just follow my instructions deleting anything that looks similar to the virus name I put down (the virus name is usually all letters with one or two numbers, and ends in .exe .scr and .jpg or something like it)

Okay, well if your virus checker popped up the name/location great! Write it down, and if it didnt go on guessing from here on out and doing what I say.

1. Open Task Manager and go to the Processes tab scroll through the names and look for one that is a long line of jumbled number,letters, letters/numbers, or anything that resembles the name Joke-Bluescreen.c (And if your not sure if what you're deleting is a program, go to and search 'what is' then the name of the program).

2. go here and download the script showalldisplaytabs-xp.vbs
to get your Display tabs back. The download sould be right under the word Attachments. It's safe, no virus.

3. Now go into the recently restored Desktop tab, and again look through the names for one thats all numbers, letters, letters/numbers, that says joke-bluescreen or something like it, Or the image previews for the blue screen image.

4. Now once you've found it write it down and go to Start, Search , All Files and Folders, type in the name you got from Display in "All Or Part Of The File Name" then search it, once it finds it hit delete.

5. If the virus checker gave you the name of the virus search that out too, deleting anything it brings up with that name. Do four searches with the virus name ending in exe, jpeg or jpg, and scr If it finds anything with the name, delete it.

Now go back into Display, and Desktop tab and check to see if the virus image/name is gone, if its not or only the image in the middle of the blue screen is gone, change your background to something else, save, exit display, wait 2 minutes and go back in. It sould be gone! hope that works any questions messege me

Also delete antivirus 2008 if you see it, it is also installed with Joke-Bluescreen.c sometimes.
do you know how to fix this aengus? bc i know you are like the COMPUTER expert! lol

I know how to avoid getting it in the first place :thumbsup2

If anyone does need more assistance they can ask for help in the gaming CB, this really is not a smallworld problem. Misparkle has some good information there, but if you have questions or whatever lets move it to its own subject.
I did a search this morning on SW because I need to speak to staff. Did anyone notice most have not been on in over 3 weeks or a month? I need to bring something to their attention on the SW forum. You cant report a thread there, unreal.

Check out a suggestion on the last page under feature suggestions: New clothing suggestions. Ppl are pushing it on there.

:mad: Rob :mad:
I did a search this morning on SW because I need to speak to staff. Did anyone notice most have not been on in over 3 weeks or a month? I need to bring something to their attention on the SW forum. You cant report a thread there, unreal.

Check out a suggestion on the last page under feature suggestions: New clothing suggestions. Ppl are pushing it on there.

:mad: Rob :mad:

He plays WOW.. I don't get why WOW people are always against runescape.. they might as well play it since it doesn't make them anymore superior. Why would someone want that stuff, he's such a fake.. trying to be cool?
He plays WOW.. I don't get why WOW people are always against runescape.. they might as well play it since it doesn't make them anymore superior. Why would someone want that stuff, he's such a fake.. trying to be cool?

I had to sign out of there. Im not good at holding my temper so I left. But I was helping ppl in some dance missions and he came in. Yea guess he thinks postin that makes him all big, well thats not a big ppl issue, trust me. Id see a way to report posts tho thats what makes me HOT :mad: :mad:
Hmm time to go for a jog lol
I had to report a thread one time, I used contact us. They responded quickly. I would try that.

Edit: I just sent a message, see how long it takes for the issue to be cleaned up.
I posted a little something for that kid, and I reported the comment through contact us. I am hoping that gets resolved sooner than later.


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