ShoreBoy and BoyofTomorrow's Vacation in NY


Aug 31, 2007
Hi all! WELL...A few months back, me, shore and our friend planned a trip to Saratoga Springs/Lake George, NY, and after seeing some of your avatars in real life settings, and especially Ninja, and Weirds adventures…I thought it would be fun if our avatars got to experience our vacation with us! : - ) I hope you all enjoy!! I’m having so much fun doing this. Hehe…

Boy & Shore were so amazed by how many clothes I was taking for just a 3 night 4 day trip


Time to zip up the suitcase…Shore was right on top of that…of course Boy was being lazy as usual, and decided to take a break and lay down.


Shore whipped Boy into shape, and he decided to help zip up..


Of course Boy was only looking in the mirror to make sure he looked good before we started the 2 ½ hour drive


While Boy was getting ready to drive, Shore was busy with driving directions and making sure we had our itinerary
all set and ready (you should see our itineraries for our excursions to WDW…haha)


So after about 3 hours of driving, we finally arrived at the hotel, and the boys just had to go see all the pamphlets


And were so excited to see that Santa has a workshop in NY!!!


After we checked in they were so excited to go see the room


We had to keep reminding them to keep quiet in the hallways....they just kept on using their firework magic and dancing...being so noisy..hehe


Well after what seemingly was a long day of school and driving to NY for Boy (Shore slept most of the day,
while Boy was in classes) it was time for bed for the boys….besides we were heading over to the raceway to
hit the slots, and they KNOW they’re not old enough. Hehe


Well I have lots more to come for tomorrow…I hope you all liked what we have so far, the next post will be a
little more exciting, since we will be heading into Lake George and visiting Six Flags, and seeing the endless
sea of motorcycles (since Americade is in Lake George for the week)

How fun, thanks for sharing this with us. I hope the boys got to sit on Santa's lap :goodvibes
YAY! I'm so excited to finally be able to read about someone else's adventures! Haha, I really like the narration you have. Can't wait to read more!
Great start! I definitely do like the pictures with the whole story. Keep up your adventures! I hope you have a better time at Six Flags than Ninja and Weird did today. :goodvibes
I’m glad you all like so far : - ) …but just to let everyone know I’m posting a day behind…so this post is about yesterday’s expedition….

Well it was a dreary day today…it was overcast the whole day, and wasn’t really warm at all, we all had sweaters on. Blah. There were periods of drizzle, but thankfully it wasn’t really raining ever. So we started out the day by heading over to Six Flags Great Escape…the boys couldn’t have been more excited

They wanted to get a picture with us in front of the sign…b/c it was the first time there were brought to another park (ya know other than the kingdom) hehe.


We were a little taken back after we arrived at the park and started walking through…compared to our Six Flags (Great Adventure)…this place was…well…let me put it this way…when we’re at Great Adventure…it’s just to go on a few rides and then leave, b/c it is Six Flags and it’s really nothing special EVER, but the great escape made us actually wish we were at our six flags…how sad is that?! Lol

I think most of it had to do with the fact of the bootleg castle the park had…the boys got all excited at first and thought they were actually in the Magic Kingdom…


I had to tell them to take a second look…at the peeling paint…the size…the bootleg-ness of it all.. lol.
So after our shock wore off we decided to take a ride on the Canyon Blast ride…the boys were SO excited to ride on the bootleg runaway train! See how excited they are?!?


That was until they saw this sign…they got scared when they realized their legs don’t reach the floor…I just told them to hold on tight to the handlebar


After the train ride we went on over to the swinging pirate boat thingy..the boys kept saying how it reminded them of capture the flag, and ship battle, and even of captain blackheart’s room…got me a lil upset, but they still wanted to go on the ride and have some fun


We walked around the park some more and came across the classic Comet roller coaster, the boys just needed to get their picture with it…Shore tried hogging the entire shot


But decided to let Boy in the pic..hehe


So after about 3 hours in the park we were done…finished..we went on a maybe 5 rides…the park was definitely too small for our liking…but look what the boys found in the gift shop!! Pins!! The boys wanted to do some trading so bad


I told them they’ll just have to wait for the surprise we have for them in a few days (we’re hitting up the WOD NYC to do some trading and shopping…b/c it’s been too long)
Boy came across the most exciting thing that day…the Disney merchandise section of the gift shop!!


They just NEEDED to get their pictures with Mickey and Goofy..Donald and Daisy are mixed in there too…lol


So it was FINALLY time to leave the park, and the boys just wanted to get one final picture with the roller coaster (not sure of the name..we didn’t bother going on b/c the week prior the wheel broke off…lol)


Well we were all in for a surprise after we departed for dinner in Lake George, the amount of motorcycles was INSANE! There was so much traffic…it took us forever to get around the town….the boys kept getting rambunctious and were shouting out to the bikers so we needed to put them in a time out


So finally after the GREAT debate..we all decided on a place to eat…


Boy got chicken and garlic with broccoli and Shore got general tso’s…they ate it all so fast…

The rest of the night was very eventful…the boys met some really important people along the way…and it all started at the Magic Forest


Where Boy and Shore met Uncle Sam…(you can see our friend in the background posing too…haha)



Well pooh…the boys didn’t get to sit on Santa’s lap…but they did get to stand with his 20 foot self. Lol


After the excitement died down…it was time to take the boys to a game of mini-golf…where they found some Caribbean Pirates!! ARGGG


Shore saw Humpty Dumpty and just had to sit with him…or his moss covered hand at least


And here they are posing with their golf balls…they had so much fun.. *psst* boy won ;-) he kicked butt!


It was in the gift shop where the boys got to meet Lamb Chop!!! That was a high moment for them


and THEN they came across MORE Caribbean pirates!! (in case you all haven’t realized we’re fans of the bootlegs and making fun…which was why we had great laughs in the six flags..haha)


Our last stop of the day was at A&W (we don’t have any of these around in Jersey so it was really exciting for us to get to choose from 60 flavors of soft serve ice cream) Boy got strawberry…which he devoured


and Shore got cheesecake which he thought was VERY delicious!!


Well I hope you enjoyed today’s travels…tomorrow We’ll be taking a journey on one of the steamboats
and touring the shops in lake george’s village…. : - )

This is awesome! :thumbsup2

The flats having aventures in the real world..keep them coming! It's so creative&fun to watch:)
:rotfl: ROFL this is awesome! way to go shore and boy!
We were a little taken back after we arrived at the park and started walking through…compared to our Six Flags (Great Adventure)…this place was…well…let me put it this way…when we’re at Great Adventure…it’s just to go on a few rides and then leave, b/c it is Six Flags and it’s really nothing special EVER, but the great escape made us actually wish we were at our six flags…how sad is that?! Lol

Well I hope you enjoyed today’s travels…tomorrow We’ll be taking a journey on one of the steamboats and touring the shops in lake george’s village…. : - )

Haha, wow, yesterday Weird and I kept discussing how much Six Flags Great Adventure made WDW look SO much better. I can't believe that Great Escape made you want to be at GA!

I absolutely loved all your pics! Unfortunately, Weird and I didn't get all the pics on the rides and such because Weird went on one ride and I didn't even get on any (the heat and a heart palpitation condition caused me to jump out of the line after waiting for an hour and a half). It makes me feel better that some flats out there had a crazy adventure at a Six Flags!

Woot! Can't wait for the next day of adventures :D
Cute pics!!! Can't believe they met Lambchop. Wondering if anyone here does not know who lampchop is? I bet there are a few. :rotfl:
this is the song that doesn't end. yes, it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was, but they'll continue singing it forever just because....
I'm SO SO happy you all are enjoying so far....

After a nice long sleep and showers…we headed out to Lake George again…today we went to the Lake itself to take a ride on the Minne-Ha-Ha steam boat…the boys were awfully excited to take a ride on a boat.


They both wanted their pictures with the lake and the mountains…


The weather was B-E-A-Utiful…we missed most of the heat from sleeping in so late..haha…but it was wonderful being on the lake and having such a nice breeze…the boys were LOVING the views and watching all the boats pass us by


When Boy saw the para-sailor he got all excited and couldn’t believe how much fun it looked…he really wants to try it out one day…preferably down at WDW outside the Magic Kingdom..hehe


Shore said he would NEVER let someone strap him into a parachute and drag him along by a
(I think he doesn’t like the heights…we should’ve seen it coming…seeing as how he was afraid of walking on the clouds in Fantasyland in the Sky..hehe)

After the boat ride the boys just NEEDED to get pics with the Ha-Ha (lol)



They were so excited to be on a boat like the one in the Mark Twain room…


So After the ride and dinner we went back to another mini-golf place for some more putting excitement…this time we hit up Pirate’s Cove…because the boys love their Caribbean pirates…hehe

The boys had too much fun playing around at this golf course…there were so many things for them to see and do…but they wanted to start off right and get their picture at the first hole (this place had two different courses..we played both of course..hehe) and that’s Boy’s orange golf ball…he was all set to start after he posed for the picture


On the first course we ended up in a scary cave that was overtaken by pirates…Boy and Shore were taken hostage and thrown in jail!!! Oh no!!!


A really scary pirate showed up and tried to scare the boys…but they couldn’t be frightened by a scary ‘ol pirate....


Especially Boy…he faced a fire breathing dragon for goodness sake…hehe


Along the course Shore found a sand pit…so he and Boy went to play in it while the rest of us finished up on the 8th hole


These two rounds of golf were lots of fun! Putting on a pirate ship and weaving through caves and waterfalls…and everyone ended up with at least one hole-in-one…


So ONCE again after we were done playing we stopped over at A&W once again (we just couldn’t resist the amazing ice cream)…Boy mixed strawberry and banana…


He said it was delicious…Shore got cookies-n-cream…he ate it so fast I couldn’t even snap a pic…hehe

Well I got some more to come…I would’ve posted this sooner…but I had a Math exam today that I had to crazy study for…so I’ll be posting the rest of our trip by at least this time tomorrow, including the Boys’ first trip to NYC WOD (they were so looking forward to it after all the fun stories we’ve told them about our past times shopping there) I’m glad you’re all enjoying!!:yay:

Cute pics!!! Can't believe they met Lambchop. Wondering if anyone here does not know who lampchop is? I bet there are a few. :rotfl:

Haha I used to love Lambchop. When the show ended, I switched over to lambchops. :lmao:

this is the song that doesn't end. yes, it goes on and on my friend. some people started singing it not knowing what it was, but they'll continue singing it forever just because....

... this is the song that never ends! Haha I'm itching to continue this too ...

Shore said he would NEVER let someone strap him into a parachute and drag him along by a
(I think he doesn’t like the heights…we should’ve seen it coming…seeing as how he was afraid of walking on the clouds in Fantasyland in the Sky..hehe)

Haha I'm sure Weird would say the same! That's too scary for him! It is odd though since the clouds in Fantasyland was one of his favorite rooms!

I'm really enjoying this thread! Haha, it's also nice to see that the flats can have ice cream every day! Sometimes I wished the same applied to Weird ... anyway, keep up the awesome adventures!
WOOT, more flat adventures!! :banana: I'm enjoying your photos and all the fun, totally cracks me up! And now that lampchop song will be in my head allll day!!! :laughing: Love all the pirate adventures!! :thumbsup2
Great update! I hope you did well on your math test :)

For the pics with the flats in the prison, do you just prop them up or do you use funtack or something?
Great update! I hope you did well on your math test :)

For the pics with the flats in the prison, do you just prop them up or do you use funtack or something?

no funtack...all we did was prop them was kind of tricky for the first pic tho...that was in the first cave thing and it was just open empty space behing the bars...we were so nervous they would fall in...b/c if that happened there wasn't any way of getting to them...but the second picture with the pirate was easier b/c directly behind the bars was a sheet of like plexiglass so they didn't go anywhere.... :goodvibes...and thanks for the test comment...i'm hoping i did was awfully difficult...hehe o well
Well it was the last day of our NY trip and that was sad b/c it meant going back to Jersey and back to school (as if we were gone for months..haha) the boys were upset..they wished the trip could’ve lasted longer, but I reminded them it’s only about 9 or so weeks until we go away to WDW for two weeks, and get to enjoy the pin event finally, AND be there for Boy’s (my) birthday..hehe…and Mickey’s…Halloween Party! That brought their spirits up….and just in time for check out.. one last pic of them in the room


(yea yea I know the bed is like trashed…lol too bad you all couldn’t see the rest of the

So we were then off to visit the springs of Saratoga to fill up some water bottles with their famous mineral water (before this trip I had no idea they were known for this haha) Boy and Shore filled up their bottles and quenched their thirst!


Thank heavens for that b/c it was a HOT day!

We got on 87 and started driving towards Jersey but took a lunch detour to our favorite food stop…Cracker Barrel!! The boys loved the quaint little country shop and the food was great!


After seeing the rocking chair on the menu they were begging to go back out front and sit for a while and rock the day away….


In the store Shore & Boy came across this cute little wooden house that was just big enough for them to squeeze inside of for a photo op…they LOVE all the attention


And then Boy found a great little John Deere lamp with a tractor that reminded him of the toy he had when he was little…so Boy just HAD to get on as though he was riding a real tractor…pint sized of course..hehe


it was about time for us to head back out on our way home, and the boys saw what they were craving the most….DESSERT!!!


Too bad for them we were all stuffed and couldn’t fit another bite in us after the amazing meal


After we arrived back home we got situated and needed to find a place for dinner…well we decided on a place close by…and the boys absolutely loved it

it’s a restaurant inside a real old school barn…the boys just had to carve their names into the walls (the restaurant encourages stuff like this..don’t worry)


The boys spent most of their time at the restaurant playing with their doodle mats and coloring... *Boy won every game of tic tac toe...hehe* :duck:


Well that’s all for our Lake George/Saratoga Springs trip…I’ll be posting pics from our WOD NYC visit a lil later….thanks for all your wonderful comments so far!!

I want to eat at a Cracker Barrel one of these days! I always pass by the signs when driving down to Florida. I also really liked the pic in the house and on the tractor! Just their size!

Looking forward to WOD pics! I've never been, but now I think I'm going to need to make a trip out of it!

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