SHIP OF FOOLS SISTERHOOD - Strong & Healthy in 2005!!!

Getting to Know You , Getting to Know All About You.

Thanks for settin me straight BMW. Now I know that Sandra is the better half.

And yes, I do plan on taking the whole family to the Allentown dismeet. I wonder if I'll be able to purchase some starter sets of pins/lanyards. That would be a great gift idea for my 3 girls.

Well, ladies , I've joined in on the diet thing. this is a big first for me. I've never dieted before. I haven't really needed to til now. Turning 40 soon with about 20 lbs too many. Ya know it's time to do something when you develop the dreaded BACK FAT! EEKS! Plus I don't want to chuck my whole wardrobe. Soooooo....... I caved in to the new commercials for Nutrisystem. The meals get delivered to your home. This is sacriligious for a self described foodie. How good could these meals be? They need no refrigeration or freezing!!!! I've really sunk far down! Maybe a good wine can offset my sacrifice?

Hey Tracy, have a recommended vintage that pairs well with Nutrisystem Beef Stew?
How do you like your eliptical? I'm thinking about buying one. Do you have any suggestions or pointers in what to look for? DH seems to think we need the very expensive Consumer Reports recommendation so not to be unsatisfied in the long run. I don't . (We hardly ever see Eye to eye on these things.) What do you have?
YrMajesty3 said:
Hey Tracy, have a recommended vintage that pairs well with Nutrisystem Beef Stew?

Hummmm.... How about a nice little Pinot Noir? Or you can't go wrong with a Beaujolais. :D
Today's tempations:
Mark, you do realize that we will all be much stronger and healthier in August and you will be stuck in the middle of the ocean for 14 days! Did they ever find that woman who fell off the Carnival cruise? Would be a shame for Sandy to lose you that way! :earboy2:
Man, I really have been lax in reading and posting. I just found this thread.

DH and I just started WW this week. We will be lean and mean come August!

I have 30 pounds to lose.

Mark: You are being mean!
Denine said:
Mark: You are being mean!
I like to think of it as confrontationally inspirational. When you decide to prove you can do it and then flaunt it on our cruise next year, I along with your better halves, YES 'BETTER HALVES', will be more than happy for you all!!...Mark
Ok, not too bad day for me...

I stayed away from sweets today , drank water. My dh and I went to Olive Garden for dinner tonight and i filled up on salad and had only one roll. ( i ususally have 3 or 4) :earseek: Also, had water for drink, instead of my favorite drink...Coke!

I shall prevail!! and i will!!

Mark, you are going to be one sorry man!!! You just wait!!
I was good all day, but had a snack at Disney on Ice. I had cotton candy. The nice thing about that is that a whole bag of cotton candy is only about 1-2 teaspoons of sugar. You get a lot for a little points! That's now my treat of choice for ballgames, rodeos, arenas, etc.! This weekend will be hard for me, but hopefully I will keep thinking of all of you and stick with water. It's so easy when I'm at home to grab a soda but I will drink one glass of water for every soda I have. Then I'll still have my one in the morning and before bed too to balance it out. Have a great day tomorrow!
I have used both the very expensesive ones (the local community college has a killer fitness center that is free for anyone taking classes) and my home model. Yes the really expensive one is much smoother. Having said that, I still get up to target heart rate with my $300 model and get a good workout. I did spring for a model that has a heart monitor and timer since I tend to overestimate how long I've been working out. One point to look for in any model, is the heart monitor run on batteries and if so what do you have to do to change them. I overlooked this and it is a major pain to change the batteries.

Wish me luck this week. Come friday we start the drive to WDW to drop off oldest DD at the college program. The siren call of fast food will be strong.
The tip about the battery is very helpful. Now I have to decide if to buy now and do it cheaply or to wait and save for something better. In the meantime, My gourmet Nutrisystem meals have not arrived yet. Why doesn't that bother me?

I feel for all you gals out there who suffer with sweet cravings. Mark must be particularly annoying for you.(Just speakin the truth here Mark).
I crave the salt. Nirvana is a bowl of olives,some cheese and soprasetta with a nice glass of shiraz! MMMMM . Just think of all that fluid retention!
Sometimes what I need to do the right thing is a "visual". Well, my Evian bottle has 4 serviings of 8oz each, so I need to drink 1 1/2 per day to meet this goal. That's my visual. I need to buy 11 bottles of Evian a week. I usually only buy 4, so I've definitely been short on this. Now that I know, I'll try to ramp it up.

Thank you to everyone for sharing your health journeys last week! CONGRATS on your accomplishments, and kudos for perseverance even when things were not perfect. (Things will never be perfect! ;) )

Tracy, thank you for sharing your WW meeting tips, that was great information for all of us. Really appreciate your mentoring!


For those of you already “moving” with some sort of exercise, good for you! For the rest of us, however, I make the following suggestions for this week:

Veggy & Fruit Intake!

Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. I personally try for:

1. one fruit at breakfast
2. one fruit, one vegetable at lunch
3. one fruit, one to two veggies at dinner.

It’s hardest for me to eat winter fruit. I much prefer summer fruit and veggies.

Tracy, would you mind sharing what the portion sizes per serving are for fruit and veggies? I believe that fruit is ½ cup for most, with ½ banana being one serving? What about veggies? ½ cup or one cup? Thanks!

Protein Intake

Also, make sure to eat lean protein each day, it will keep you feeling more full. The palm of your hand is considered one serving of meat. As you know, fish and chicken are the leanest. WW has some good snack bars that are high in protein. Some Slim Fast bars are also high in protein. Look at the back to make certain, as some are low in protein. I eat just one half of my Slim Fast bar for an afternoon snack, and it’s still filling with half the calories.

TIP OF THE DAY: When you have a balanced diet your blood sugar levels are more stable, thus you have less of those dreaded food cravings.

Also, keep drinking your water!!! Remember, it takes 21 days to make it a habit (Thanks Tracy for that tidbit!)


(Next week, we start “moving” more!!!)

Barbara :)
Barbara, you are correct. A banana is two servings of fruit. 1/2 cup of fruit is one serving. A small fruit (apple, pear, orange, etc.) is one, large fruit is two. Canned fruit is ok, but just make sure it is the Lite kind or packed in fruit juice. Stay away from those packed in syrup, even the light syrup, it's just added sugar. Also don't count fruit juices.

Veggies are the same. 1/2 cup is one serving. Keep in mind that veggies have very few calories and a lot of fiber, so eating veggies is nearly negligible as far as calories and fat go and they fill you up and help to burn more calories while you're chewing them and digesting them.

Suggestions for getting more fruits and veggies: I take 2 clementine oranges to work each day - easy to peel, no seeds, not much mess. I also take a baggie of veggies (carrots, sugar snap peas, red pepper strips) which is about 2-3 servings and have that before I eat my lunch. Have a glass of tomato juice 1/2 hour before a meal. 4 oz is one serving. Take some time after you shop to prepare your veggies. I prepare our baggies for work all at once; cut up cucumbers, sun-dried tomatoes, red peppers, green peppers, onions, sugar snap peas, celery, etc.; and buy prepackaged lettuce. This makes having a salad before or with dinner very easy. I also divide up my dinner plate in quarters. 1/4 is protein, 1/4 is starch or veggies, and the other 1/2 is veggies. You get filled up without having too many calories or fat.

I'm looking forward to seeing less of all of you in August :teeth:!

Awesome information Tracy!!! I'm going to copy and save this and begin your strategies right away. Thanks so much! (PS Loved your closing statement!)
I was so proud of myself. I ate all 5 servings of fruit/veggies by noon. I am doing my best to drink water, and I am staying within my daily point allotment. Trying not to use my weekly flex points, although, I did use some Saturday night.

I need to do my treadmill today. Shoveled snow and ice instead, yesterday.

My first weigh-in is Wednesday.
Way to go Denine :cheer2: !!

I ate all of my veggies by noon too. Only missed one day of exercise last week. Missed today but that's because I got up to 25 minutes on the gazelle yesterday and was a little sore this morning. It's amazing how much an injury knocks you back :guilty: Tomorrow morning I will get back to it (can't tonight, I'm babysitting :love: ).

Some people can't live without the extra flex points. I avoid them. Then if something comes up, I've got 'em. I'm doing the core plan and I have 2 points daily (gotta have an ice cream bar or popsicle at night!), but that's basically it. I save the rest for wine :blush:

Good luck at weigh in!
I was very bad last week. My father's GF had a brain tumor so I went to Little Rock to be there for my dad. We actually had a great time...GF was in surgery 12 hours on Wed, they sent her to her hotel on Saturday. She is doing so well !!! Anyway, dad and I ate eggs scrambled with bacon and covered with cheese plus biscuits and gravy every morning, plus full lunches and dinners. I didn't exercise much either except for a 2-3 times daily 2 block walk to the hospital from the was up a steep hill though. I got home late Friday and then had company for dinner Saturday...have been pigging out on the leftovers. I sense that I am getting back to normal though...will weigh on Thursday, hopefully no long term damage.
Tracy, that's OK. I actually saved some of my daily points for 2 glasses of wine last night.

Wideawake: You will get back on track this week. Glad to hear your dad's GF is doing so well.

I have been drinking water all day. When do I stop peeing????? I did 30 minutes on the treadmill today.
I've been drinking so much water, I even have to get up in the middle of the night to go!LOL

When is it better to excersice ~ morning or evening?

Help! I'm Drowning!LOL



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