~ Sew Sweet 16 ~I’m packing your angry eyes just in case~Aug 2014~ BFF' bag 8/20!!!!

Welcome home! So glad you have family visiting to take away from some of the post-Disney sadness. Enjoy them! We will all enjoy reliving the trip with you soon!
Glad you made it home safely from your trip. Sounds like you had an amazing time!!! Enjoy your time with family...those moments are precious. I can't wait to read your TR and hear all about your excitement.
So glad you made it back safe and sound! I've enjoyed so much the pics on Facebook, but can't wait to have the full narration to go with them. It looked like so much fun was had by everyone, and your outfits were all just the cutest! Enjoy your company and we'll be here when you get back. Have a great weekend!!
HI everyone!

Still trying to find my routine after Disney... Things are so crazy here right now!

I did work out yesterday - like a good girl - I felt great! Sadly - I worked out a little too hard and I am quite sore this morning. Because of that, I am taking today off and I will lift tomorrow to make up for it. It's amazing that one week off can do that to me. :crazy2:

As for eating, my body is still a little bit of a mess... My stomach is having a few issues. I am back to eating the way I should be, but it will be a few days/possibly a week or two before everything is settled down in there. :crazy2: It will be a difficult day for me at the State Fair - smelling all of that fair food... but I don't think I will have any problems avoiding it, as I cannot wait to have my digestive system back to rights.

Yesterday was such a fun and exciting day! We were all so excited to finally get to meet my nephew! And he is an absolute little doll! I admit - I had to fight back tears, I have been waiting so long for this and I felt like such an idiot - but I was just so happy to finally see him! I stood back for most of the day - letting the girls have a turn - but I couldn't resist any longer, finally I swooped in and took him in my arms... Yup - bawling again... :confused3 But it was a happy cry...

(and no... his fingers are not in his nose - it's just the angle of the camera... He is just sucking on the rest of his fingers)

It is so wonderful to see my (former) bachelor BIL being a dad - not just being a dad, but seeing how much it has changed him and brought so much joy to his life. I am so very happy for the both of them! When the girls were growing up - Brian was always there for them, he was the "fun" uncle... My girls adore him - they always have. It's just an amazing thing to see him enjoying fatherhood, he fits his new role well. :lovestruc

A few more pictures from yesterday at the zoo...

We brought Thomas a Tigger and Pooh from Disney...


Victoria is my "baby hog"... We literally have to beg for our turn, and sometimes use brute force. ::yes::


And then, walking with Thomas at one point... Soooo cute! He is just sooo tiny - it's funny to see him walking around. My girls have been the only grandchildren on both my side and Josh's side of the family for their entire lives, Thomas is their first cousin ever, and I just love this picture of them. Thomas is so lucky to have these girls in America who love him so much!


Every moment yesterday was just pure bliss... I know that Thomas will never have these memories, but we will - and I am just so thankful that B * M were able to bring him.

Last night, if you all remember, my good friend and neighbor had a baby 2 days before we left, so we were finally able to meet the little sweetie... Yup - my day yesterday was FILLED with babies - and I couldn't be happier! We sat at their house for a good 2 hours last night, taking turns holding little Evelyn (Evie)... Precious, precious baby. Sadly - she is nocturnal right now and mom and dad are having to take shifts during the night. But it's so fun to see them with a newborn... and it was so fun holding her! It's been years since I've held one, and I'd forgotten how precious they are! And no... There are NO babies in my future. :thumbsup2

Today we are all going to the MN State Fair... I am not sure how State Fairs are run nationwide, but ours is quite spectacular and a little insane! It's supposed to rain/storm all day... I have our Disney ponchos all unpacked and ready to go. ::yes:: We (Josh too) are meeting up with BMT, Myrthe's parents, Josh's Dad and Step-mom very early this morning, so we can get an early start at the fair... Trying for the "rope drop" scenerio. Wish us luck!

Anyways... I hope you all have a wonderful day today! Prayers and good thoughts to all of you! :grouphug:

Thomas is adorable! I'm so glad that you are able to spend this time with him and his parents. None of my sisters had children so I didn't have much of a chance for holding babies outside of my own children and then my grandchildren. I just love babies. :cloud9:
These are great pictures.. Say what you want that finger is up there. i'm sure he isn't doing the deed.. he's only a year and THE CUTEST 1 year old!!! I couldn't believe the pictures on facebook. Suzi and I were in MN when you got the call saying he was born!!! :hug:

i cannot believe how much BLOND he has! he is the cutest little guy. :cloud9: I am so glad your having this time with your family. It's much needed after coming home from a wonderful place makes the Disney Depression easier to deal with!

Have a great time at the Fair!
Thomas is precious and the girls sure are lovin' on that little guy.:goodvibes
I miss holding babies.

Have a great time at the fair and a great weekend (kids are coming in for weekend so I'll have little to no DIS time).
Thomas is so adorable! Your daughters look so happy holding him, and so do you! My daughter is currently out of state visiting my family and meeting her newest cousin...she couldn't wait to go spend a few days helping my sister and spending time with the baby. :-) Babies are wonderful!

Enjoy the fair today...I understand what you mean about stomach issues...I have chronic stomach issues and have to be so careful about what I eat. Disney trips always set my stomach issues off because I don't eat they way I should....*sigh*.... I hope you're feeling back to normal soon.

You are inspiring me to exercise more and get in better shape. Thank you for that!
I am so jealous of your baby filled day yesterday! I joke with DH that having nieces and/or nephews would help with my baby fever but since we are both only children we are out of luck. It makes me sad that my girls don't have aunts and uncles and cousins because I love all of mine but at least they have each other and hopefully their kids will have all of that.

Enjoy the state fair and all of your time with your family!
Welcome home! I cannot wait to read your trip report!

I've been busy these last few weeks but I have been peaking in and seeing how much fun you and the girls had - have to live vicariously through you!

By the way, what a sweet little baby boy! He's precious!

Fly by as I am supposed to be packing up my office because I'm getting new carpet next week. It's very odd to be sitting around with all my usually accessible stuff in boxes.

I second whoever said that you have the best avoid the Not-At-Disney-Dumps ever. What's better than seeing family you never get to see and meeting the newest member.
Aaaaah!!!! Welcome back! I loved all of your pics on facebook and I can't wait to see your trip report! :cool1:

Babies, babies, everywhere! they are so sweet.......not sweet enough to have another........but maybe to hold for a little while! :rotfl2:

Evie, huh......that's my baby's name....although I spelled her name with an a. I thought we would call her Eva, like in Wall-e......but Evie it is! Love it!!!!
Thomas is adorable! I'm so glad that you are able to spend this time with him and his parents. None of my sisters had children so I didn't have much of a chance for holding babies outside of my own children and then my grandchildren. I just love babies.

Me too... It's so wonderful just to be with him. He is adorable and it's so fun to watch all of these people (us included) chase after him and dote on him.

These are great pictures.. Say what you want that finger is up there. i'm sure he isn't doing the deed.. he's only a year and THE CUTEST 1 year old!!! I couldn't believe the pictures on facebook. Suzi and I were in MN when you got the call saying he was born!!!

i cannot believe how much BLOND he has! he is the cutest little guy. I am so glad your having this time with your family. It's much needed after coming home from a wonderful place makes the Disney Depression easier to deal with!

Have a great time at the Fair!

Yes - it's so awesome that you were here, and he was born on MY BIRTHDAY!!! :woohoo: I just love this little guy!

I know, he is such a little blondie - with brown eyes, no less. Yes, I have no Disney depression - yet... It will come, I am sure of it.

Thomas is precious and the girls sure are lovin' on that little guy.
I miss holding babies.

Have a great time at the fair and a great weekend (kids are coming in for weekend so I'll have little to no DIS time).

THanks Kathy... I keep waiting for the baby announcement from you... I bet there will be grandbabies in your future soon!

I hope you have a great weekend with the kids.

Thomas is so adorable! Your daughters look so happy holding him, and so do you! My daughter is currently out of state visiting my family and meeting her newest cousin...she couldn't wait to go spend a few days helping my sister and spending time with the baby. Babies are wonderful!

Enjoy the fair today...I understand what you mean about stomach issues...I have chronic stomach issues and have to be so careful about what I eat. Disney trips always set my stomach issues off because I don't eat they way I should....*sigh*.... I hope you're feeling back to normal soon.

You are inspiring me to exercise more and get in better shape. Thank you for that!

Thanks! Yah - we are all fighting over him all the time... Well, not really - but we'd really want to. LOL I hope your dd is having a great trip!

We had a great day at the fair... I didn't eat the best there either - but I didn't eat awful either. I had a few samplings of things that I shouldn' have - but my main meal there was a bacon wrapped turkey leg - which is right in line with what I normally eat... Except this one was really dry. :confused3 I think I need Josh to make me a few on the smoker. :thumbsup2

I am still really sore from working out too hard on Thurs... :rolleyes: So, I don't think I will be lifting today again either. Tomorrow though. And today will be a good eating day - we have no plans and we are home all day.

I am so jealous of your baby filled day yesterday! I joke with DH that having nieces and/or nephews would help with my baby fever but since we are both only children we are out of luck. It makes me sad that my girls don't have aunts and uncles and cousins because I love all of mine but at least they have each other and hopefully their kids will have all of that.

Enjoy the state fair and all of your time with your family!

We've waited a long time for Thomas, and we are so thrilled to finally get to meet him. It is sad, trust me - we've lived it since the girls were born, but there are also delightful things about it too.

Thanks - we are!

Welcome home! I cannot wait to read your trip report!

I've been busy these last few weeks but I have been peaking in and seeing how much fun you and the girls had - have to live vicariously through you!

By the way, what a sweet little baby boy! He's precious!


I am hoping to get started on it soon. Sadly - I don't even have a title yet... I had one the other day, but I forgot to write it down and I can't remember what it was. LOL

THanks! We love him! Thanks for checking in!

Fly by as I am supposed to be packing up my office because I'm getting new carpet next week. It's very odd to be sitting around with all my usually accessible stuff in boxes.

I second whoever said that you have the best avoid the Not-At-Disney-Dumps ever. What's better than seeing family you never get to see and meeting the newest member.

Yes, I am certainly avoiding the Disney blues... They'll come though, I am sure of it.

I hope you have a great move!

Aaaaah!!!! Welcome back! I loved all of your pics on facebook and I can't wait to see your trip report!

Babies, babies, everywhere! they are so sweet.......not sweet enough to have another........but maybe to hold for a little while!

Evie, huh......that's my baby's name....although I spelled her name with an a. I thought we would call her Eva, like in Wall-e......but Evie it is! Love it!!!!

Thanks! We had a great time!

Hehehe... Yah - I am loving all of these babies at a distance.

Yes, I love the name they chose for her - it was actually their 11 y/o dd who named her - she did a great job!


Phew... Replies done. Thanks all for bearing with me these last few days as I get my bearings back. :lovestruc

It's really hard/sad for me to think that our trip is over... I lay in bed at night and I wonder what I am to dream about? I have the girls' graduation trips - which may not be as elaborate as I would like them to be/promised them they would be... More on that to come. But they are still so far off... I hate the Disney blues.

However, we did have a great trip to the Fair yesterday! It was a lot of fun - and we truly enjoyed our time with Thomas! It was rainy all day - which, I think, worked to our advantage - it kept the crowds rather "low".

A few pictures for you all...

Part of our group... Brian, Myrthe, me, Thomas, Allison & Victoria...


Josh, Thomas and Josh's Dad... One of my favorite pictures from yesterday...


Alli, V and Jan (pronounced Yan)... Myrthe's Dad... Love Brian's in-laws - he really has a great family with him in The Netherlands!


Josh and Brian...


Josh and Thomas...



We are a big Harley family... So, we had to get a picture of Thomas with "his" sign...


Thomas playing on the Rainbow play systems...




You all may/may not recognize Thomas' outfit... It's the one we purchased for him on our 2013 trip... Remember?


And finally - the girls and I got our big "treat" for the day... I've been looking for YEARS for a sterling silver toe ring that doesn't have the split (isn't adjustable, it's sized) in the bottom - well they finally had them at the fair yesterday... So, the girls and I all now have toe rings that are fitted to our toes and don't pinch/blister. WHOOT! LOVE them!


After the fair, Jan and Machteld invited us for dinner, so we drove to their house and had dinner with their family... The girls enjoyed playing with Thomas. I thought I took pictures - but the only picture I found on my phone was of the rainbow on the way there...


We were all exhausted when we arrived home, and went straight to bed.

Today is a lazy day... We have NOTHING planned. :woohoo: I have to take Alli to town to get her nails soaked off because she goes back to work tomorrow. And I will get a few groceries while I am there... Otherwise - it's a totally lazy day at home filled with recliners, tablets, naps - and maybe a little bit of laundry. ::yes::

As soon as I remember the title for my TR - I will be closing this one and moving over to the TR section... I hope to remember it today or tomorrow... So, keep your eyes peeled. ::yes::

Hugs and prayers to all of you!! :grouphug:

I'm a little late but welcome back. Thomas is so cute. It looks like you had fun at the fair inspite of the rain. Our sate fair is too far away from here so I've never gone. I have been to the Great Geauga County Fair many times. That's what the county fair where my brother lives is called. My nieces were very active in 4H for years and showed their horses. He still judges the horse shows out there.
I'm sorry your trip is over and it'll be awhile til you go back. I can't wait to read all about it. I don't have Facebook and haven't seen your pictures.
I finally got a new car. It's a Dodge Journey and is really nice. the only bad thing is that the lift gate isn't metal and I can't put my Mickey magnet on it.
I'd like to ask for good thoughts for a friend of mine. She was supposed to leave for Disney today but had to cancel because of an infection that put her in the hospital for a week. She's home now but still can't travel.
I love all the family fun you are having! And the no plans day today also sounds great. I'm sure you could use some relaxing and unwinding time. Enjoy!

I have both of my work laptops fired up in front of me (although, I'm clearly not being productive on this one). I'm hoping to get an hour or so of work done before we head over to my parents' house for a swim and some time with my dad before he leaves on his work trip.

Have a great weekend!
Post-vacation blues are the worst! I always love to have something on the horizon, even if it's years away!

Right now I have Disney in the (hopefully) near future, Hawaii next year, and maybe a cruise after that. I'm such a planner and so is DH so his health concerns have been a real curve ball to us - it helps to stay positive and plan stuff.

Love the photos!

After coming home form a vacation is the worst. Getting back into the daily schedule is what gets me. :(

Can't wait for your TR! popcorn:: I also can't wait to see all of your fun outfits at the parks! :goodvibes


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